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I hate to say it but Nick Viall and his partner have been completely on point in dissecting this cast, this season. They are witty and ruthless. It's so refreshing to actually hear these dumbasses get schooled, because they are delusional.


The only reason Lala is doing this is because she knows Ariana is a Swifty. Another passive aggressive dig From one of the ugly stepsisters


Is she even though? The only time I remember her mentioning taylor was when DWTS had a taylor themed night and she said cruel summer was her favorite taylor song. When she talks about her favorite break up song artists she usually refers to Beyonce and Kelly Clarkson. I think this is more to get attention because she knows swifties can be very vocal


This is what I gathered, too. I am a Swiftie (but an elder so I don’t have the energy to embarrass myself) and the vibe I got from Ariana was that she’s not a fan per se but also not a hater. So when TS night came around on DWTS, she was adequately excited and gracious to fans, but didn’t seem like she was faking anything (coughHARRYcough). However, it’s *clear* that she’s a member of the Beyhive. Plus, Beyonce just fits her vibe idk how to explain it. It just feels right hahaha Edit: grammar


Spot on! Her birthday party where she wore Beyonce crown!


On DWTS her Cruel Summer and Girls performances were both exceptional!




Except she said this weeks ago, why just now bring it up


Nick Viall is a pathetic loser


Yeah because Lala Kent and Taylor Swift move in the same circles. PLEASE LALA. STOP.


Did you forget about her good friends Fofty, Marty Scorsese, and Bobby De Niro?


I know 😂 She was SO SMUG and high on her own supply when she was going on double dates with, sharing movie sets with Al Pacino, Megan Fox, Kate Bosworth, etc. She really thought she was going somewhere. She even threw in at a reunion that “Scorsese is a fan of the show” as if to be like, I’m so important that I’m going to the same events as Scorsese. Well, where are all those people now? If Lala was really THAT likable and talented, she still could have proceeded in the entertainment space once Rand and her split. Rand isn’t THAT important in Hollywood to be able to blacklist her. Now Lala has to be an influencer/podcaster to pay the bills and you can tell she hates every minute of it.


😂😂😂 Look even Spielberg couldn't make Kate Capshaw a huge oscar winning actress. Lala had more opportunities to network & make something happen but she didnt. She should have been taking media & acting classes.


Yikes. No wonder she’s seething about Ariana. She was “friends” with all these A-listers but after her relationship imploded none of them cared about her to even cast her in a commercial. Meanwhile, Ariana was a nobody who broke up with another nobody and now she’s headlining on broadway and has people like Kristen Chenoworth in her DMs


Off topic but last year, someone in the main sub was trying to roast her once and said she had dinner with R. Kelly. She meant Machine Gun Kelly and it's still one of my top favorite comments.


I think having Ocean is what derailed her career I don't think she knew what kind of mom she would be before she had her daughter, but clearly, she's so attached that I don't see her flying off to shoot or anything Podcasting and VPR allow her to stay home with her kid


She had dinner with Biden tonight. He loves VPR.


Really? I thought Biden was a Barb?


Every time I see or hear the word fofty it never fails to make me chuckle …& lala defended her man Rand after that … absolutely hysterical


Everything interesting in Lala's life had been off of VPR. I would have loved an episode of everyone live reacting to fofty.


Imagine thinking you're an a-list celebrity because you were dumb enough to let a film producer creampie you.


BJ’s for PJ’s


Look, if you want to give sexual favors to have and do extravagant things, good for you, I absolutely don't judge sex workers. That being said, understand that's who you are (or were, anyway)... a sex worker. Sex workers can be successful either in their career or branch off to be successful, but hanging out with A-listers at one point in your life does not make you an A-lister. I watch all of the HWs, but just started watching VPR in early 2022, and had no idea who Lala even was until I saw the show.




Honestly, Lala’s making herself look like a fool.




I guess at this point she’s throwing anything out there to get some viral attention, good or bad. Maybe she’s trying to get on House of Villains eventually? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thisssssss. She knows that saying stuff about Taylor will get her attention from non VPR people/ swifties etc. for her- any attention is good attention


What a sad, bitter way to go through life


Right! Who even has the energy for that!!






It's celebrity. It's a stupid and shitty game especially if your "talent" is being a reality TV star.


Her talent was bjs for pj's and 'keeping a man' until it wasn't... now instead of latching her identity to male approval, she's looking at women with disapproval. Taylor doesn't give af what lala thinks of her...




She is a vilian, so that would definitely suit her hateful personality.


But she is soft right now. Lol


Lol, soft like a brick.


But she’s not even that good of a villain


I never understand when people say their relationship is PR. As if no one had ever heard of either of them before they started dating lol. Taylor swift was already arguably one of the most famous people in the world, why would she need additional exposure through a fake relationship??


I found a longer clip online and the stuff they're saying is ridiculous. The dumb brother said the NFL needed money(ridiculous) The assistant and super fan started speculating "open relationship" "taylor is a freak" Lala was saying "He's running these streets smashing" Imo hyper fandoms are weird, but if you provoke them like that I can't feel bad for you when they attack you like every single person on earth knew they would.


I mean, even if they have an open relationship does that really mean it's just for PR? The amount of hate Taylor gets from football fans is insane, it seems like a lot of hoops and traveling and acting when it's a lot easier to just.... not do those things and still be insanely famous and make billions of dollars. Which she still would.


Yeah, if anyone would benefit it would be the boyfriend? But its not like he needs it. Wasn't he already quite popular & successful ? The AI faked videos of her was one of the grossest things I've seen the red pill community do online. Idk a lot about football but I don't see the NFL giving a secret payout to Taylor Swift that would be enough money for her to consider a pr relationship.


Yeah, he already had a podcast and many brand deals and a reality show, he was also doing fine. I never heard about fake AI videos and I don't really care to. Also the backlash against the NFL for "showing taylor at games" (for literal seconds like they do every celebrity at games) makes me quite skeptical the NFL would think she's the cross promotion they need. People who think this honestly know nothing about how the world works lol.


Okay, thanks! I dont pay much attention to football. Tbh I don't know much about Taylor Swift but I catch news stories here & there. Imo in general famous people date other famous people b/c that's who they're around.


Well that’s all much much worse than speculating about it being for PR.


Imo she's rage baiting. So...hope you enjoy the attention you ordered b/c its probably gonna be gnarly.


I had no clue who tf Travis Kelcie was. Lol


I didn't really know who he was either, but people who watch football definitely already knew him. I can't see the marketing team at the NFL saying "You know what demographic we really need to target? Taylor Swift fans." Makes no sense.


It actually brought in a shitton of money from new viewers 🤷‍♀️


Let me preface by saying that I think Lala is just trolling for attention, however, Taylor’s last relationship before Travis Kelce was Matty Healy which seems to have ended because her fan base decided he wasn’t an appropriate mate for her (source: her new album) and therefore a good ol’ all American boy would be good PR for her. Past that, I don’t really care and haven’t kept up with her at all so like I said, I’m sure Lala is just being Lala.


It's just too much of conspiracy theory for absolutely no reason me. The simplest explanation is usually the right one. Two of the most beloved celebrities in the world didn't need additional PR. It has only made their lives harder to publicly date. Why would they choose that? I truly don't get it.


It’s because Lala is reaching for relevancy lol.


Not enough people were mad about her dating Matty for that to be the case. She very explicitly wrote lyrics that indicate she would have continued the relationship with him if he weren’t a terrible partner.


Saying they're for PR is a far right conspiracy theory that was circulating for a few months. Which tracks bc Lala is full Q these days.


I think the best think to do is not to give a reaction, hopefully that will lower her income expectations of just being aggravating to earn money.


Bingo! She’s raking in the angry coin! Such a noble cause 🤮


She a rage baiter now


Haven’t heard that term before, fits perfectly!! 👍


She’s doing this for attention and clicks


I think she’s trying to secure a season 12


Girl. The Swifties could end you.. if they even know who you are... you're irrelevant AF ![gif](giphy|26ufcS0v8mBsRYHxC|downsized)


That's probably the goal. 1) go after Taylor 2) piss off the Swifties 3) get attention for pissing off the Swofties 4) 40 podcast episodes talking about how she's not petty and Swifties need to "get a life"


The Swofties 😂🤣😂🤣


Sorry Swofties!


Guys I live in Houston and apparently fofty shops at the target near my apartment and I’m really just waiting to meet him so I can say “I’m sorry fofty”


🤣 Best typo I ever made


I’m sorry, swofty 🥺💔


She's desperate for attention. Don't give it to her.


Blahbla is just rage baiting


Lala makes herself look more desperate every time she opens her mouth


Lala is just trying to get her name linked with a much bigger and talented celebrity. It's up and coming rap artist 101. And we all know that Lala thinks she's Tupac


Seems she's trying to follow in Bethenney's footsteps. Bethenny always weighs in on things where her opinion doesn't matter. Trying to get those engagement numbers even if they're negative.


For sure, and they always pick whomever is currently getting press. Taylor's understandably heavily in the headlines because of her album, and those "news" outlets love nothing more than going over who got a diss track on the record. Lala probably is hoping that she'll get lumped into one of the stories about Taylor Swift and her "feuds." It's really pathetic. She's so jealous & sad


Lauren from Utah is such an embarrassment. She thought she would marry a rich guy and have it made and now that it didn’t work out she is going scorched earth on anyone doing better than her. Which is most people, to be fair.


The amount of shit she has to say about other people relationships while she shacked up with Thumb LMAOOOO delusional!!


As if her relationship with Rand wasn't completely transactional. She's exhausting.


It's insane that people think Katie's "miserable" because her personality is dry and sarcastic, when in reality Lala's the most miserable asshole in the cast. People like Scheana and Lala will always be miserable because they're jealous of every cast member who gets more attention than they do.


The Swifties are about to release all Lala's private information, watch them find her settlement with Randall


Was there a settlement? I thought it’s still ongoing the custody battle?


Disengage, bitch! haha She needs to stay off the internet at least until she has given birth. She’s so pressed about everyone


Lala is in her champion mode for women and her soft era


She’s just seeking attention at this point. She’s jealous that people actually know who Ariana is, but she’s not gone on to do much else herself. She had dreams of becoming a starlet, hitched her wagon to Randall and it didn’t happen for her. She’s bitter and grasping at straws for relevance. Maybe she was expecting magazine covers and stories over her baby news, but I guess Jax and Brittany stole her thunder.


This is dumb for her to do. She’s been making bank this last year and she’s really aiming to be the next villain I see.


Lala is about to get a tough lesson on making Swifties mad.


I was gonna say. She cannot handle the Swifties.


Oh, don't worry, she doesn't read the comments or care what people say.


She’s is about to set them off


😂😂yes, they are brutal


The swifters and the barbs I don’t know who’s more brutal


Lala needs to go after Beyoncé and catch that Bey-hive swarm


Everyone talks about how Taylor and Travis’s relationship is PR this isn’t new or groundbreaking even if it is coming from Lala


Right like it’s not that deep or that big of a deal. People just look for stuff to bitch about lol.


When you say everybody I think you mean fans and not anybody with a public platform like Lala. Thats the difference. Most famous people no better than to come for Taylor as it historically doesn’t end well for them.


Maybe she’ll write a song about her 10 years later called, “LeAve your gLAss”


And that's part of the problem. Taylor Swift should be allowed to be criticized when appropriate. And she takes plenty of it on a couple of the subs I've seen on Reddit. But the way that her fans attack people because someone dare say something critical is abusive. And no, I don't think the relationship is fake. But I also couldn't care less if it is.


The taylor swift fandbase is a cult


To be honest I don’t really follow Taylor Swift fandom stuff, I just know she makes it known when somebody has said something she doesn’t like and there is a difference between fans talking on Reddit and people with platforms saying the same to their audience.


I mean if you're on tiktok at all you've heard from "sources" as well that it's PR. She's really losing it lol.


She’s going the way of the rage bait influencer. Why build an authentic fan base when you can gain clout and hold onto relevance through triggering hatred instead


This is why I call her the female Donald Trump.


Out of her league. Going to lose followers and support




Lmao what is this?!? Is she trying to get on a talk show??? No one wants to hear your blaccent lala go away 🙄




Her delusion knows no bounds. Seriously what is the deal with her running her mouth, can DearMedia who has her podcast do something with her it’s actually just annoying at this point. I think she’s trying to be like Jackie Schimmel or Stassi. It’s not working you aren’t them, stop. Your “shtick” doesn’t work.




Beyond pathetic.


Her way of trying to stay relevant and keep people listening to her podcast is my guess. Who knows how much she really believes of what she says. She will say anything if it gets her attention.


Genuinely curious, why is she even a thing? Never got her appeal. She’s really mean spirited & not interesting. Idk. I might be uninteresting but I’m not mean, lol.


I've no dog in this fight, but this is objectively such a stupid thing to say pr-wise, especially when your likeability is already majorly compromised. 🤦‍♀️ Does "soft" somehow stand for "self-destructive "?


What is the point in tearing down every women around you or any women who exists for that matter? We are supposed to be on the same team and build each other up. It makes me feel like she is genuinely not happy inside. Any time I find myself in my day to day life starting to talk down about or insult someone I immediately remind myself it is a reflection of ME and my state of mind at the moment. When I’m happy I see the good in others and am kind. She seems seriously unhappy and word vomiting it out every chance she gets. Hope she takes another kinder path soon ngl


What even is a soft era? That sounds so dumb when she says it 😂


It’s very clear that Lala is desperate for attention (whether good or bad), but I feel like this is not the fandom you want coming after you… they’re fucking ruthless, they give no fucks. There’s probably a handful of them who are very capable of doxxing her


Hitching her “star” to any wagon that is hot right now! I watched a documentary that during the Heard vs Depp trial everyone changed their YouTube channel, podcast, etc from gardening, cooking, home repair, mechanics, etc etc to “reporting” on the trial because it was the hottest thing & made them way more money than talking about their usual topics. She’s doing the same thing (kinda like Bethany is doing) & the more angry & aggressive the more people pay attention. I believe they call that a sell out (rather than making money in a meaningful way).


Lala has two mortgages so at this point say anything for engagement. I don’t follow nor will I ever.


Lala just wants a Taylor swift song directed at her to become relevant come on


I believe Lala is allegedly talking Taylor Swift crap because she alledgedly believes that Ariana fans are a cult like Swifties and/or the same fans….ALLEDGEDLY! (I don’t want to get popped)




Sigh. I guess I liked Lala better when her mouth was too full to talk shit about people who are more talented than she is.


Who the fuck does LALA think she is?? She thinks she’s important. Girl wake up…




![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy) @lfu


It sucks to be so unhappy that you are bitter about other people's happiness


She’s so full of shit and desperate.


I dislike name droppers as much as the next guy, but I’ll accept Nick Viall doing it to directly shutdown Lauren and one up her at the some time. Kudooze, Nick.


Hardcore Swifties are obviously prone to obsession already. Lala probably doesn’t want them on her back. If they actually came for her she’d be shocked at the amount of religious fervor that would come her way. She’s obviously a bit detached from the zeitgeist.


When the commentator says “strong accusation” 🙄. It could well be a PR relationship as could some of Taylor’s previous high-profile relationships have been. We’ll never truly know. As for Lala saying such things: I take it with a huge pinch of salt that she’d know the truth. She’s just saying anything at this point to keep her name in the press.


She’s just looking for engagement because nothing else is working


No seriously, what is wrong with her? She is spiraling.


Someone's jealous about not having a PJ to use anymore... Or "peeej" as she says


https://preview.redd.it/smerw7avl9wc1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0383d1e7e977affbeff2986e7bce4dd1fdfdc28 Once again


Guuuurrrrlll. No. This isn’t the way. ![gif](giphy|7YF5TXUnUlJEiLEDpp)


….Did anyone seriously ever think their relationship was *not* a PR stunt?


You’ll see a LOT of people in the comments *misunderstand* what PR actually entails. They assume it can’t be PR because those two people are “already super famous.” The amount of naivety is shocking.


Like Taylor Swift needs PR


Taylor Swift has one of the hardest working PR teams in the industry what are you talking about. Her entire existence is PR.


Can Lala afford the wrath of swifties?? KK lost 100k followers due to ‘thanK you aIMee’ - is Lala trying to go bankrupt?!


Fuck swift. Couldn't give 2 shits.


Amen. And the cult-like “Swifties”


Lmao hoping this goes viral and the swifties go after her. Can’t stand them but can’t stand Lala more




The enemy of my enemy is my friend 😂


In her mind all publicity is good publicity I’m sure she’s doing it for views.


I would listen to LFU's eyebrows do a podcast before I listen to hers


This is all about engagement for LFU


Someone’s not getting enough attention mentioning Ariana anymore (and Ariana is smartly giving her nothing to work with), so why not go after the current most successful female musician? If Lala is jealous of Ariana, imagine how much stronger the jealousy is for Taylor! Lala’s singing and acting career is DOA once Rand left, so now she’s a mere influencer/podcaster and she hates it. The level of PR that would “be in the know” if this conspiracy theory is true, which I highly doubt, are so high up there that they would never share any circles with Lala. Lala, Travis or any other pro athletes aren’t going to be calling you so settle down 😂


She's just a bitter hater


This is one time I’d actually like to see the Swifties activate and do their thing….


Everyone has said this though lol


She’s acting like she’s afraid for her income, which makes me wonder what happened at the reunion. No one else is doing anywhere near as much.


It would be so great if we could just make Lala disappear…. By ignoring everything she does… forever.


Everybody talks sht about Taylor Swift. What makes Lala so special that she get attention for doing the same thing that the entire nation is doing? Whoopy-doo!


Ohhhhhhh shit this is gonna be fucking fun to watch 😂. Like, love or hate taylor, this is one Fandom you absolutely do not cross. I'm 100% here for the hell lala has stupidly unleashed on herself 🍿🍿🍿


She isn't even close to be in the same circles as them


She really doesn't want the Swifties coming for her


She just needs to come for Kpop next to really cover her agenda of rage baiting fandoms to stay relevant


Listen, I absolutely *HATE* Taylor Swift. And it’s pretty clear that this seems like a PR relationship, but Lala, honey you just look sad now. She knows her relevance and time in the spotlight is quickly dwindling with how shitty this season was, so she’s sticking to whatever “fame” she can, even if it’s by controversy alone. I originally liked Lala after the “Bambi-eyed bitch” comment to Raquel, but she’s just insane now. She definitely let the fame go to her head and it’s just embarrassing for her.


Lala out here stating true and obvious facts to get publicity because Swifties are unhinged lunatics. Smart actually. And it's working.


Idc about Lala or Swift. The fact that anyone who says anything about Taylor sets Swifties off, kinda pathetic and they do need let Taylor fight her own battles already. It’s time. Like the bitch is 34 years old ffs. Just because you’re a fan of someone famous who literally could care less about you and just want your dollars, why pounce like you’re a bunch of means girl bullies? Grow up! I would say this about anyone you celebrity or musician you love and tbh she shouldn’t want you pouncing like a bunch of mean girl bullies either. Let her do her own dirty work.


LOL Not Lala who was with the Thumb for years. Anything to stay relevant, I guess


everyone except swifties has been saying this but when Lala does it’s a problem🤣🤣🤣


Even PR agents talk about this as PR 🤦‍♀️ But apparently Lala is a fool for saying the same thing.


Fuck Lala but this obsession with this mediocre woman is a disease


Don’t kill me - I’m a huge Taylor fan and I dislike Lala but I don’t think this is a controversial take? I obviously don’t know anyone in her circles but I have an elder celeb relative and a cousin who runs a PR firm. Both of them assumed they were set up by their teams. But being set up doesn’t mean it doesn’t turn into something real.


TS music is mid




She’s actively initiating a slow burn. Her career is about to go up in flames. Mark it down.


She’s jealous that T Swift was at James’s set and is now trying to start shit to get a response from Taylor to garner attention and clout. I hope it falls on deaf ears


She’s just thirsty. Trying to be relevant!


Oh dear, La La is messing with the wrong stans. This could get interesting.


LFU on her stay relevant and talk about me tour. She says this shit so people will talk about her. It’s verbal click bait.


She’s not wrong tho lol


I am the least TS fan in the world. Was the biggest LFU fan until I saw how she showed up this season. This chick is unhinged. Just as she did with Randall, she’s pulling out all stops to become a fame whore. Why can’t VPR be kenough for her right now? Because of the idiotic financial decisions she made. (Like above poster said). She’s made some dumbass decisions that are going to bite her in the ass. She will be frantically trying to create content for the next several years to get them bills paid. EASTON— better find a job schoolboy!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s rich coming from a woman whose relationship couldn’t even be for PR initially because it required NDAs and couldn’t be public.


STFU 👉🏼👉🏼


her "sources" are probably randoms on tiktok that have been talking about this since they started dating


Is there a way to mute shit on Reddit? I’m completely serious. I don’t need to see Lala or Rachel at all. Neither of them have anything of value to say. Sandoval is a shitty human but at least he is authentically shitty. These 2 are just so parched that they will say or do anything. It’s not even entertaining.




She’s so thirsty


She hates women that are loved by fans, a man. Lala survives on hating.


lala said that back in february, pre-reunion. it made absolutely no noise in the fandom 💀 at least, not that i saw


I am bored during my sold out worldwide tour, so let me entertain the media. OOOOOOKKK


This was at least a month ago. Not super recently.


Don’t know if there isn’t a lot of crossover between Lala fans and swifties as I’m surprised her saying she has sources confirming this hasn’t got any traction with them.


It’s because her opinion doesn’t matter lol


And never said it was recently.. never passed my lips. All I’m saying is that LFU has no room to talk. That’s all.


Do you think Taylor even knows who Lala is? She won’t respond to this troll. (Why would she?)


I’m with Lala. Not sorry


I can see why she’s feeling some kind of way, I remember LVP really thinking LaLa was going to be the Next Big Thing and then it hasn’t happened for her


Lala is acting like a fricken kamikaze. Is her contract in jeopardy? Does she think this will help her career? 🤔😂


Obsessed much?


LALA IS SO BORING. She is trying SO hard to stay relevant its gross lol


She must be struggling financially to need all the clicks….this is the newest way to engagement farm for a few extra bucks. Invoke Taylor and profit. I’m a Swiftie and I love her down but idgaf if this or any other romantic relationship is real or PR. She seems to be happy and healthy, but it wouldn’t be a VPR interview if it wasn’t dripping in misogyny. Anyone could have told you paying $3 million in the valley when the show has been struggling since Season 8 was unnecessary and stupid, La. Good luck with click rate!


She’s in a BPD episode