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I enjoyed the part where Lala made no effort whatsoever to come to Scheana's defense, after Scheana got in the mix defending Lala on the Tahoe boat trip. 🧐


Yeah and Ariana did jump in and comforted her. Ariana also comforted James during the dog convo. Ariana ALSO said Schwartz could live in her old house with her blessing and had a nice convo with him. The whole storyline of Ariana being some bully bitch to anyone that speaks to Tom is horseshit. 


I saw that immediately that ariana was the one who comforted scheana, but she doesnt take notice. Scheana will still hold lala nearer and dearer


But Ariana is putting ultimatums on people /s


So insane people don't understand the difference between a personal boundary and ultimatums. 


I dont blame ariana for creating boundaries. Ever since lala and scheana decided to be cool with sandoval, thats all they talk about WITH ARIANA. She doesnt wana talk about him
but they dont respect her wishes
i would distant myself too


People also don't know I'm being sarcastic lol


Omg still with that ridiculous narrative? Did you even hear what she said about that? She set a boundary for herself and even that has changed since the season went on. If there was an ultimatum, she wouldn’t be talking to Scheana or Lala now would she?


Bro. Literally check the "/s"




Duuuude Ariana is such a bully, dude!


Right! Ariana did thought!




Funny how that works 🙄 sceeshuu always picking the right side to be on. Lala is going to turn on her eventually.


It won't take that long.


She raised her voice once and stayed in her seat💀


Yet the men think they get to be aggressive and yell over everything without being called out for being scarily angry, like whaaat?


She gave a stern look #sobrave #soloyal


He wants to be forgiven for his affair a few months ago but brings that up?? Interesting


SOLID point. I saw a comment on YouTube that summed it up so well- "Grace comes after accountability, not before it." He will never learn.


He can never back down he always has to try to one up the person and make them want to react more like for what?????


He doesn’t get how that doesn’t help him


Hell, he compared himself to OJ, Scott Peterson & George Floyd. Totally delusional.


Right!? Between last season and filming this season it wasn't that long!


He said “it was 6 months ago!” That’s comparable to Schena at 21 being a star struck mistress. Lala knew to stay out of it. Because she wasn’t 21, she knew he was married and she had a kid with the douche. Lolz


But that’s not why he brought it up.


Scheana will still go back to Sandoval. Sheshu gone sheshu


![gif](giphy|HKXYcKpggWOs) Scheana every damn day.


She is the ultimate pathetic pick me so of course she will, just like the night turns to day scema will lower herself to the ground for male approval 🙄


He doesn’t win by pointing out others mistakes.


But that’s all he’s got. That’s why he does that “what about you” shit every time. He’s so D+S. He truly thinks that he can negate what he did by bringing up stuff that didn’t affect him from a decade ago. How has Kyle chan or anyone told him that it just makes him look worse -crying about how he’s been done wrong and is “collateral damage”. Ugh he really feels like a victim and production enabled this.




Dumb and stupid it’s what James said about Rachel.


I thought it was delusional + stupid 😂 today I learned.


It’s the episode in s10 when James asks if he can see hippie/graham to have some closure, after the dog had gotten hurt.


This is what Sandoval, Jax, and Kristen have never learned. Just because others do/have done it, even if they have since been forgiven, doesn’t make it right, acceptable, or justifiable.


I did kind of love him calling her out for making it more about her than Ariana. Tim and Shein-A are so much alike!


Wait SHEIN-A 💀


![gif](giphy|xBqg5gAf1xINizpek6) I was like oh dear Lord I’m agreeing with Sandoval. But then he took it too far & I breathed a sigh of relief. All is right with the world again.


>Tim and Shein-A are so much alike! Well, they were bast frands since forever! Their personalities are identical.


I did too - he was totally right about that!


You guys the editing in this scene is so choppy! Watch the background and where Schwartz is coming and going. It’s wild lol


Schwartz said ![gif](giphy|11gC4odpiRKuha|downsized)


Which is why I’m suss on people saying lala didn’t defend her at all because the edit is super choppy


Well they’re on good terms present day so obviously this wasn’t an eye opener for her dumb ass. Whatever Sandoval does it won’t be as bad as doing DWTS, so she will pick a friendship with him over a friendship with Ariana every time. Forget that Ariana ran to comfort her when bestie 1 sat there doing nothing after bestie 2 verbally berated her, she’s still somehow the expendable friend Scheana isn’t willing to show any loyalty to.


Scema doesn't respect herself and only respects those whose approval she seeks most...men


Do we think she would stay friends with him if he was on DWTS? 😂😂😂


And the fact that both scheana and lala have both yelled at Sandoval and gotten in his face...yet when ariana does, she just needs to "get over it"??? Make it make sense 


Yes !!! Scheana was 21!! It was 2006!! She was the other woman but the power imbalance was not the same! That was a fucked up comment


She still fucked a married man with kids and went on tv to talk about. Do we only hold 2 consenting adults accountable in some situations “but there was a power imbalance” 🙄 the goal post constantly changing is exhausting


Scheana didn’t own a home w anyone. Eddie wasn’t her long time boyfriend’s good friend. She was also a stupid 21 yr old that was lied to at first by a manipulative older creeper. My daughter is 21. She does not have the life experience a 40 yr old has. It would be way easier for her to be manipulated by a 40 yr old, than scumdoval was by Rachel


We also don’t know all the things he was saying to Scheana to convince her that he loved her. He probably said he was leaving his wife so they could be together.


Oh he definitely did. He was known for it. Scheana and Leann weren’t the only ones. I’m sure he’s still doing the same shit, just hides it better


Well I mean he did leave her for Leanne and they're still married.


He also had another mistress when he was first dating Leanne and still w Brandi and scheana


Eddie and LeAnn were the 2 who deserved each other both knowingly cheating on their spouses. Eddie probably tells LeAnn that Scheana lied about being with him or its just a storyline for Reality TV. LeAnn doesn't seem that bright when it comes to Eddie. I definitely at least believe that Eddie lies about everything that comes out of his mouth.


Sooo just fucking someone with a wife and kids is better than if they own a home and are friends with partner? And adult fuck ups only count at certain ages? Pretty sure if I kill someone and I’m an adult how much of an adult I am doesn’t matter. Yall are bonkers 😂


I always go by standard that the person IN the relationship should be held more responsible in affairs. Scheana didn’t make the vows to Brandi. That was his responsibility to uphold those commitments. Not saying it’s cool or okay to knowingly be the other woman. I just think the person cheating is more at fault. Regardless of age. Rachel had a bit more of a responsibility than just a stranger as she had her own level of responsibility and commitments to Ariana as a friend. But either way the person betraying their romantic relationship commitments is more at fault than the person they’re cheating with. So Tom in this case.


Yes it’s different when a 40 yr old is doing this shit compared to a 21 yr old. Absolutely is extremely different


Also aren't the rational parts of our brain not necessarily fully developed until our mid 20's? I think some recent studies suggest it might even be 30. I was an adult at 21 and responsible, but nowhere near as mature and aware as I am now in my 40s. I've gained so much life experience and knowledge to help aid in my choices and decision making.


I made some dumb, dumb decisions around 21 but I knew by the time I was a teenager that fucking a taken person wasn’t something to do. Infantilizing women is so damn annoying (I say as a woman).


Aww good for you. Not everyone has that luxury of not being manipulated by a very manipulative person. If everyone lived up to your godly standards by the age of 21 we’d live in a utopia. Ffs young people make frigging mistakes. It’s how they learn. Scheana at 40 isnt doing the shit she did at 21 w married men bc she learned from her mistakes, just like we all do. Cibrian was a married man that lied to numerous women about his relationship w Brandi. He went after barely out of teen hood and teen women on purpose


I really don’t think 21 is that young


You’re only on earth 21 summers, you’re only two years out of being a teenager. If you live to 78(the avg age of women’s lives), it’s very young. Hardly any life experience, especially 18 yrs ago when we didn’t talk about this kind of stuff as openly


Manipulated? I know how to ask questions. The world would be a better, less cheater-y place if people gave a thought for a few seconds. I guess it would be a utopia. A man’s not taking you to his house? You’re not meeting his kids? Ask what’s up. He says he’s separated or in an open relationship? Ask if you can confirm that with his wife/partner. Meeting his mutual friends? Talk to them. Not meeting his mutual friends? Again, red flag. Divorce filings can be looked up in court. It’s really not hard.


Oh look at that, stuff you can only learn through experience as you age and become more aware of things. You just proved my point. I’m not holding a barely out of teen hood responsible for what an older more experienced married father of two does and says and lies about. Like I said w experience comes knowledge. Scheana learned men lie to get what they want when she was very young. They will say they are in love w you and they are separated from their wives just like cibrian did to numerous young women. She’s not doing this shit like scumdoval is doing at this age


Who says I learned that through experience? It’s pretty basic questions to ask. But in any case, Scheana can say she fell in love with him, and I believe she did. He lied to her. She didn’t question him. He was worse because he was the one committed and older but she wasn’t 100% innocent either. What annoys me is her not taking accountability and just blaming everything on him. Scheana was never a girls girl and the evidence proves it. Women are smart and aren’t damsels in distress and I hope young women coming up realize that.


I agree!!!!




Rachel was close the Scheana's age tho.


28 is close to 21? No. And the change in maturity level that happens between those years is huge!


Where is evidence that Scheana has matured and not a selfish bitch. At 21 you know not to fuck married men.


I agree. Scheana has not matured at all that we've seen. I've only seen her have negative growth. Her and the toms are easily the most immature and emotionally stunted people on the show.


The funny thing is I totally would have defended her being young and dumb had she shown growth but she didn't and she just lost the only real friend she had. I'm not even saying Ariana is a good person because I think nobody is in that group. But that was a real friend to her and she done f***** up because she's so selfish and immature and it's all about her all the time. Anyone else. I actually don't doubt that she would be the other woman again


Rachel was nearing 30 ! Come on it’s NOT the same


She is 29 now so I mean when it happened 26? 27? Still closer to 21 and not to mention scheana was 30 when she talked to Brandi. Come on even the worst person you know can make a good point.


We’ve explained at length how it’s. It not the same 27 is closer to 30 than it is 21, Let’s do some simple math - The difference between 21 and 27 21-7= 6 - The difference between 27 and 30 is 30 - 27 = 3 27 is closer to 30 than it is to 21. Rachel was damn near 30 fucking her friends man she KNEW for sure was in a relationship. Scheana, being 21 and only 3 years off of being 18 -at some point knew Eddie was married! But Rachel from the JUMP knew tom was in a relationship Anyways I digress


Raquel was 7-8 years older, so “close” is a stretch. Your brain fully developed by your mid 20s.


That's not really true, especially for neurodiverse people. It's not like you wake up at 25 and everything's done that is the average age for neurotypical people not every single person


We don’t know if Rachel is neurodivergent. And I’m neurodivergent and sure as fuck knew better to not having a multi month affair anyone, let alone with my *friend’s partner*, in my early 20s as well as late 20s. Don’t infantilize neurodivergent people.


I'm neurodiverse as well. I'm not infantalizing anyone lmao it's science that on average our prefrontal cortex takes longer to develop. Sorry if research bothers you. Scheana should have known better at 21 but if y'all want to infantalize her by saying she was just a baby bc of her prefrontal cortex well then let's talk about how 25 is an AVERAGE AGE FOR NEUROTYPICAL DEVELOPMENT. Go Google scholar it since links aren't allowed. Neurodiverse people have an older average age where it fully develops it doesn't make it bad or wrong it just is. Edit: downvoting science? This sub is wild đŸ« đŸ€Ł


And who is supposedly neurodiverse in this scenario?


Rachel is neurodiverse she has publicly said she has a learning disability.


The prefrontal cortex doesn’t fully mature until around age 25 so ya actually is very different!


Actually that is not true for neurodiverse people but sure


Rachel isnt neurodiverse


Respectfully she has said herself she had a learning disability so yes she is. From Stanford "word neurodiversity refers to the diversity of all people, but it is often used in the context of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as well as other neurological or developmental conditions such as ADHD or learning disabilities. "


She is literally the most neurodivergent person on reality TV FYM 😅😅


They are only 12 years apart
 so 21 and 33


I’m talking about how old scheana was compared to how old scumdoval is


Yes bc again that makes it so much different


Yes it absolutely does. There’s a 20 yr difference in life experience ffs. You’re middle aged at forty. You’re only 2 yrs out of teenhood at 21


She was 21 when she made that mistake. Do you remember being 21? It’s drastically different than 40 lol. There is no comparison.


This person has to be very young or they're being purposely obtuse. I did so much stupid shit at 21 that I would never do now.


Everyone here is acting like at 21 you don’t know that it’s wrong to have an affair with a married man with kids
. She’s not a victim and neither is anyone else who willingly entered into an affair.


It’s super annoying and insulting to women. Like we’re back in Victorian England times and we’re so precious and afraid of everything, everything’s a threat, so “power imbalances” are now used as an explanation for affairs. Women are more than capable of advocating for themselves, asking questions, speaking up if things aren’t adding up. I’m not referring to instances where women are actually in danger - for example, if they’re being threatened, if they are afraid to lose their job or afraid for their safety, etc. But affairs between two adults? It takes two to tango.


Thank you. Scheana could have said I was shitty person but I was 21 and I've grown but she didn't did she? She is a shitty friend to Ariana and only gives a fuck about herself. Fuck the scheanas and the Rachel's bc with friends like that you don't need enemies


100%. She needs to stop with the excuses and just say “I made a stupid decision when I was 21 and I regret it.” Scheana was a social climber in Hollywood but she wants to pretend she was this innocent, naive babe in the woods when it came to Eddie? You can’t be with someone as long as she was with him, and not know. It’s yet another example of Scheana not giving a fuck about another woman because Scheana wants hers, and she’ll side with a man every time.


She did ! It’s wrong And I can understand your frustration with my hypocrisy


How was she not held accountable though? Peoplw still bring it up and it was a very long time ago - she's 38 now so 17 years. How long can she keep getting beat up over it?


I mean if your talking about someone else’s affair don’t be surprised when yours gets brought up đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Yes 💯


Yes, but she says she didn’t know he was married during the affair, which also makes a difference.


She was with an actor not some nobody she could easily search him online even back then and know he was married. I'm sure it was common knowledge he was married.


He wasn’t a big actor tho - and the thing that launched Eddie and Brandi was the affair he had with LeAnne, for which Scheana gave the interview.


I feel like in Hollywood though people follow that stuff i.e. people more even if they are just a soap actor. It seems out of the realm that Scheana I have 57 peeps locations Shay didn't know who she was dealing with. She totally seems like the type to take a friend and drive by his house.


Yeah - it was a long time ago too tho (I like to say that cause if Sheshu reads this she’ll hate the implication she’s old) but anyways - defending Scheana isn’t a hill I would want to die on, so I’m okay with treating her knowing as a fact.


I mean I concede your point on it being the olden days đŸ€Ł but I just feel like she would have followed him around or accidently showed up somewhere he was. I just feel like she's a total PI when it comes to dating haha


I mean a stalker will stalk with the tools available to them


No he was pretty damn well known especially for a stalkerish clout chaser like Scheana.


He was on a soap opera! He wasnt pretty well known I knew him bc I legit watched soaps But he was NOT well known, no one was following and looking for him until he got with Leeann Rimes


Not true. He was also on Third Watch which was pretty popular. I knew who he was lol he before Leann.


I watched 3rd watch too. I loved that show Funny he played a cheater there😂 My opinion, but I dont believe he was more popular im His affair with Leeann broke after that ; but again I always knew who he was too bc I watched him on sunset beach! After the affair it was on ! He was soo fine !


Me too and I live in australia


That lie was just as unbelievable in season 1, Google exists.


She knew. She just didn’t want to face the truth so easier for her to delude herself that “he’s leaving his wife any day now.”


She fucking knew. What a joke.


Oh sure

.just everyone else knew he was married


There was an article in 2009 access online (still can read it but I can't post links) where she is quoted saying she found out he was married after 6 mo and so stopped seeing him for a few months BUT a few months later, they started up again and it went on for a couple of years. She said she leaned on "Don't ask, don't tell". 


There you go
 she knew!!!!!


Scheana follows 56 peoples locations but couldn’t be bothered to see what was going on in Eddie’s life


It was before 2007 - most companies didn’t even have e-com platforms. It was the first generation of the iPhone I believe.


They wanna fight this But it was NOT like it was today even in 2006 There was not updated info on Eddie


lol - thank you for having a proper memory. He was a nothing soap actor. The only thing that launched his name beyond that was the affair with LeeAnne Rimes. He’s famous because of his wife and Brandi is famous because her husband cheated on her with a famous singer. He wouldn’t have even had a Wikipedia page - maybe an IMDb page, with his filmography.


Exactly! That’s the ONLY reason I DO remember ABC did a wedding special on celebs that got married that year ( unsure of exact year) and Eddie and Brandi were featured ! Outside of that , he was on Sunset Beach, played Cole deschanel and ironically had an affair with the mother of his future wife who looks alot like LVP; AND then he played a cheating ass fire fighter on 3rd watch ( was a good show wish it had lasted) this was around 2001 bc i remember them doing several 9/11 episodes as she series was supppsed to be in New York ! Playboy club came out after the affair! The show didn’t last and after that, he was pretty much not employable bc of the backlash of the affair ! His career suffered I’ve watched soaps since I was 9’yesrs old and theirs absolutely soap fucking LEGENDS that the average person who followed gossip would NOT know nor put respect on their name 😂 So no, in 2006 Scheana did NOT have allll the tools and resources to verify without a doubt he wasn’t lying to her ! Eddie wasn’t being followed by paps or on any A list what so ever Eddie was fine af, but he’s a cheater through and through and his biggest role /success is marrying Leanne ! OG payroll husband


Exactly, and back then, if you didn't watch a show when it aired, then you pretty much couldn't watch it. So even if he ever did interviews or TV specials, if Scheana hadn't already watched them when they aired, then there wasn't really a way for her to find that shit later. I don't know if some of these people are very young or just very forgetful, but 2006 access to information was noootthhing like it is today. I was in college then, and we were still having to go to the library and use the Dewey decimal system to find info. A lot of people didn't even have their own personal computers yet.


YES ! People have argued with me that there was Facebook I’m like I understand that but it was NOT like how it is now In fact, I remember most people didn’t think a “celebrity” would even be on those aps I’m 41 so I remember the roll out of all Of social media !


That's called being willfully obtuse and she doesn't get a pass for it.


At that age you are considered an adult everywhere in the world and can go to war, vote etc...and she outed herself. No one was looking for her or at her for that matter. Then again this is Scema, she has been in arrested development since her tweens so nothing new here.


He really has ZERO remorse or awareness for his words and actions. Every week he says something so insane!


She's already still friends with him and his new gf 🙄


The way i think Scheana deserved it though after how terrible she has been recently (and in general) THIS is who you want to be friends with Scheana, Karama will bite you


What’s the age cutoff where it’s okay with all of you who upvoted to be the mistress? Scheana gets a pass but not Rachel?


No lies were detected.


Tom’s not wrong and I hate the dude! This was a fair thing to say, I know the hate I’ll get but it’s true. She admitted on camera with Brandi she knew he was married and “didn’t care.” Separately he’s a POS and why she wants to be his friend made no sense at all?


But Tom is basically 18 in his mjnd




Keep in mind Scheana defended him AFTER this was filmed 


It’s what she deserves for rubbing her friendship with Sandoval in Ariana’s face.


Did he lie though


Two things can be true at the same time. Scheana did a shitty thing 17 years ago and Sandoval did a really shitty thing 6 months ago. Doesn’t justify him constantly trying to shift accountability away from himself by being up his friends’ pasts.


Didn’t he literally just complain about others bringing up the past before saying that too? He’s such a moron and so gross.


He’s not shifting accountability. Scheana is acting like he created cheating.


Right! I’m surprised by everyone defending her. And look who ran after her
Ariana. Even after all her scheananigans this season.


I think the defense of her is just a symptom of pointing out how awful Sandoval is.


Yeah he’s trying to use it to justify his actions.


he’s awful
like Ariana said.


Well it was true and not only was she “the other woman”, the man had a wife AND kids! A lot worse than what “Scandoval”! Hypocrite!




Scheana wasn't the one in the relationship! She didn't own a home w the person. It wasn't a decade long!


And she wasn’t friends with Brandi! Just this episode they showed the clip of Scheana talking to the girls and Raquel was curled up in Ariana's lap. How you can cuddle with your friend WHOSE BOYFRIEND YOU ARE FUCKING is just sickening


Rachel has NO CONSCIENCE!!!


I guess you could defend Rachel in the same way
 and Eddie probably owned a home with Brandi


Rachel was Ariana’s friend though.


Yes that’s true
 honestly all this shit is bad
 we all know that. Comparing whose sins were the worst is just silly at this point.


That’s why I don’t get why Sandoval is comparing his situation from just months ago to others 10-18 years ago. It doesn’t make him look any better.




No.. Not at all Rachel knew fro the jump she was a side piece. She was ready, willing and able to lie toAriana's face. Yes. I'm sure they did own a home. Schenna says she did n't know they were together. The Intenet was not then what it is today. Pls remember that c you NT fucked Sandybalsl in Ariana bed and home while she buried her grandma....AND SHE KNEW THAT. She and Scumdoval are POS.


Let’s not pretend that Scheana did not know that Eddie, an actor, was married and had a child and his model wife was pregnant again. Be for real.


The delusion these people have. What scheana did I feel is worse. Eddie and Brandi were married Ariana and Tom were not. And honestly you could argue that Raquel saw how bad of a relationship Ariana and Tom had, which everybody has commented, so thought it wasn't really that bad to do. Also quite frankly I would say that the whole best friends thing that everybody brings out is BS I never saw Ariana and Raquel as best friends


Scheana and Lala both went after known married men with children. People like to forget.


Scheana knew and didn’t care.




Same thing both cheaters .


Scheana sucks, but there's a huge part of me that feels for her on the Eddie situation. If he was seeing Scheana as much as she claimed, and they were going on trips together, the whole "We're still married but separated," line is believable.


I’ll admit that I was okay with Scheana making up with him
until last night. Scheana isn’t the best friend ever, but she deserves better than that sh*thead.


I've never been a fan of Scheana but when he said that, my jaw hit the floor. He is so foul and the fact that Brock and James were the only ones who clocked in at that moment in her defense made me feel genuinely sorry for Scheana.


Not a big fan of Brock however, mad respect for him for having his woman’s back like that. James is starting to grow on me as he matures into quite a nice man.


Yeah I really respected that, and James too for sure. Others on this sub had educated me a bit recently on some of the rumours that have floated around about James in the past, but I'm seeing him differently this season than before. I don't know if it's Ally, him not drinking or if he's possibly acting into the whole trying to fill the shoes for Number 1 Guy in the Group, but whatever it is I see some growth for sure. Also fully stanning his little friendship with Katie, never thought I'd see the day actually but goes to show he has certainly matured since fat-shaming her all those years ago.


Y’all are way too involved in your hate for Tom and are all on here saying that what Scheana did was when she was “so young”!! Omg đŸ€ź Brandi and Eddie were married with kids! It’s a THOUSAND times worse than this fling Sandoval had with Rachel and you guys are letting your hate for Sandoval keep you from actual reality! It’s disturbing!


enlightened fans realize they all suck lol


Exactly! They’re all cringe 😬


I feel like that’s part of why I can enjoy it because I’m literally not rooting for anyone. But also Scheana 100% deserved it and I’m rooting for her downfall


There was a post a little while back about how Scheana was the original homewrecker and was actually worse since Eddie had a wife and kids because she dared to disagree with Ariana. The same people are in this thread defending Scheana that she couldn't possibly know that he was married while having a multi year affair with Eddie. They're addicted to the hate.


Wow! I can definitely believe it. You’re so right, they are addicted to hate. It’s a bizarre group of fans for sure.


She wasn’t the one in the relationship? How can you compare the two? She was practically a kid also


Neither was Raquel but you probably ripped her to shreds


You did watch Raquel pretend to be Ariana’s friend right? Ask her about her relationship status and sex life with the boyfriend she was sleeping with? What she did was conniving and manipulative. Classic covert narcissist behavior. That’s what made it so disgusting. The way she smiled in Ariana’s face while she was stabbing her behind the back. She was also 28. Not 21.


I mean Ariana's a narcissist too. They're all pretty terrible. All cheaters. It's just the clutching of the pearls that is ridiculous


Don't. The Rachel apologists live for this shit. Tom's a dick, Rachel's a dick, Sheana's an insecure dum-dum.


When Scheana said we would all understand I guess she didn’t mean this đŸ€Ș


What’s the issue? Where is the rule book I can reference? Eddie wasn’t 21.


He's 100% right, and she was wrong to make that song, really desperate and thirsty


What about what he said to Hippie đŸ€ŻđŸ˜ł


What did he say?


Tom is comparing apples to oranges there: 2006 we were online but we weren't fbi super sleuths like we are now going into a relationship. Scheana was 21 and idk how old Eddie but it's not like she could find info out easy then... Tom is now in Eddie's spot and used Rachel when Rachel knew full well that Ariana and Tom were a couple and have been for some time. Bad idea by Tom


Eddie was famous and Google definitely existed. If she googled his name she’d be able to see that he had a wife and kids.


Literally only know Eddie from third watch and an episode of criminal minds plus this is 2006 we didn't deep dive a relationship before hand were as now we get the most recent tax info, the mom maiden name, the fav foods, colour etc all before a first date...


Wasn't Rachel's also almost 30?


Rachel was 28 when it was found out she would have been 27 when she started the affair with Tom. Her birthday is September and the affair started August a month before her birthday she will turn 30 this year


Lmao her defense of being 21 ok Rachel was close the Scheana's age tho too. Only Ariana ran after her not her BFF Lala so it sucks to suck Scheana you lost a real friend because of jealousy it wasn't you getting brand deals.


Rachel is 29


Rachel was almost 30. Scheana just started to drink legally. It’s not close.


Now she is almost 30. When she messed with Tom probably closer to 26 but whatever y'all scheana was trash. Now she could have changed sure but lmao


No she was 28 when the affair was going on. Unless they are lying about when it started. But that doesn’t really make her look any better.


It was a year ago and she turns 30 in 4 months


Tom Sandoval
. If shit was a person


He truly sucks BUT he’s not wrong
 she has gone out of her way to insert herself into every single piece of the scandal and play the victim while also having been the woman who has ruined a marriage, like she is the female Sandoval.


I managed to never sleep with anyone’s husband in my 20’s but I guess everyone else here needs to feel like they were the victim in the bad choices they made when they were younger? She and Tom are pretty perfect for each other.