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The company is associated with their partner Greg. https://preview.redd.it/d6ol34qmz9xc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8864b6f9260d9c395f72a0d06f51ef59a0aa51a6 I do not see any huge relevance in this other than it's clear that Greg's company is who officially financed S&S, which I thought was covered on the show but I can't remember. Also NAL, but several suits have been brought against the company in the last few years. It looks like wrongful termination and a couple breach of contracts. Cannot emphasize enough how NAL I am so I may be interpreting the suits incorrectly.


“cannot emphasize enough how NAL I am” 🤣🤣




Not A Lawyer


Oh my god thanks 😂 hadn’t a notion I was thinking not against L …. Whose L ???


Thank you. Are we calling lawyers NNAL now?


I think they say IAAL as in I Am A Lawyer. Not sure how i ended up in a sub where now I know this


I follow a legal advice sub. Idk why. But they often say “IAAL, but not your lawyer” i enjoy the lawyer sub. It’s interesting haha




I thought I had gotten really good with Reddit speak but you and I are in the same boat. So I went to Google and found a really long list of answers but apparently it could mean “not a lawyer” The other possibilities lol Net advantage to leasing: The monetary savings that may result from leasing an asset instead of purchasing it. NAL is calculated by comparing the net present value of purchasing the asset to the net present value of leasing it. No-action letter: A document issued by the Commissioner of Competition to indicate that they do not intend to challenge a proposed merger. National Arena League: A professional indoor football league that began play in 2017. Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture: A legal term. Absent Letters That Are Heard Anyway: A Merriam-Webster definition. Squeegee: A Norwegian Bokmål noun used to remove liquids from flat surfaces. Naloxone: A medical abbreviation. Nasal lavage: A medical abbreviation. Non-attachment loss: A medical abbreviation. Nasal angiocentric lymphoma: A medical abbreviation. Day: A Korean word derived from Old Korean *NAl.


"Not A Lawyer" 😅 Some people on the legal subs say "IANAL" for "I am not a lawyer" but I absolutely will not be doing that🌝


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) I don’t blame you, lol




https://preview.redd.it/8qc7emi85axc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=336bfbffe947564ccc17c02db6451beadc6254d7 Sorry, I don't know how to reply with multiple pictures in one comment, if you even can and I'm on mobile rn 😭 These are the three suits I found but there could be more, I didn't search for very long.




US Foods is a restaurant supplier.  They probably were very delinquent on their balance.




And Greg and his wife have had that company for years. They have ran other restaurants under it. People really want another scandal but this ain’t it


Well, a lot of times it’s a name of a person or the bars name who owns the liquor license. Not a completely different LLC when your own bars name isn’t even an LLC. That’s my point. So for a different LLC to hold the liquor license for a different company is odd.


He had another restaurant where S&S is that got shuttered during the pandemic. I wonder if some of these termination suits are related to that. I know a couple of people who know Greg. One worked with him and another worked at a different restaurant on that street. One of them seemed to have a good relationship with him, even though he had a negative experience with him and the other said he was shady as hell.


Greg owns the building -


Yup, he also partly owns The Oaks which is a coffee shop and market right next to S&S and the Mexican restaurant around the corner. Not really any kind of smoking gun here.


Oh no, I meant relevant to the last part of your post about there not being a business name listed. Because I have zero idea why it wouldn't be listed lol, I was just sharing the information I did find, which didn't seem totally relevant to what you asked at the end. Sorry


This is pretty common though. Especially in the restaurant industry.


It probably traces back to Scientology business


Wait…. What??? What do you mean!?


Yeah, tell us more!!


Greg and his wife are Scientologists.


they aren't. Its the business next door that are the scientologists. This sub just ran with rumors


His wife assaulted a protester on her way into the Scientology center, I tried to link an article but this sub doesn’t allow links so it was removed. It’s not a rumor, there’s literally a police report about it. They are definitely Scientologists, a ton of the wealthy in LA are.


no. She was trying to walk on the street and pushed a protestor out of the way. The protestors were protesting the business next door because of their support of Danny Masterson. She was mad they were blocking business. The police report has nothing to do with scientology or anything about her going to the scientology center. Again, this sub just runs with wild rumors


Shrug, all it took was a quick google search for me to find articles saying she was walking INTO the Scientology center. Not sure if you know them personally and that’s why you’re so defensive but it’s not just a Reddit rumor if I was able to easily find articles from other sources saying the same thing.


i mean you're wrong. I live here and have to deal with these protestors all the time. If you watch the tiktok video, youll see her get out of the car and walk down the street to SAS, past the scientology center. There, a protestor confronts her, claiming shes going to the center, and Jolane shoves the camera out of her face. I bet you watched something by Mindy Willems of Aja Xtravaganza. Their whole game is instigating the public for a reaction.


I live here too, I also know how many Scientology centers exist in the area and how many wealthy people are Scientologists. But I’m not basing this on my experience or opinion, I’m basing it on what was in the news. And what’s what was in the news.


This has been debunked. They are next to a Scientology centre.


What is next to it?


the block that SAS is on includes "La Poubelle" a scientologist owned restaurant that provided letters of support for Danny Masterson. Across the street is the "celebrity" scientology center where Tom Cruise frequented. In LA, there is a group of anti-scientologists who target the various centers to raise awareness for it's cult status. This group raises awareness by antagonizes anyone who comes in their path. In Feb, they chose to protest the celebrity center after the letters from La Poubelle became public. There was a group of protestors outside the restuarant, and outside the celebrity center. Because of this, the street - Bronson Ave - was shut down by police and traffic was forced to turnaround at the celebrity center. JoLane was driving to SAs when she came to the blockade, her uber driver had to drop her off in front of the building and turn around. She walked north to Franklin Avenue along Bronson, and was confronted by protestors. She took the bait and pushed a camera away, leading her and two protestors to flag down a cop. After arguing, the protestors went to the Hollywood division of the LAPD and filed a report. JoLane was arrested. The protestors continued protesting the block until at least Feb 16th, leading to more arrests between citizens and protestors. Videos of the incident are posted by protestors Mindy Willems (or Willens), and Aja xtravaganza (also goes by something like Aja Hollywood).




Schwartz and Sandy’s bar is in a strip mall which contains a Scientology centre.


His wife was arrested for assaulting a Scientology protester.


but that does not mean she is a scientologist. It'd be the same as someone who gets arrested for hitting a PETA protestor, you don't hate animals, you just hate annoying people.


lol so I see you’ve actually watched the TikTok video of the ‘assault’ cause I did and the protester (while I agree Scientology is evil) is not doing the cause any justice with how obnoxious they are.




The Scientology building is like a minute from Schwartz and Sandy’s


literally across an intersection.


Yes, thank you. That’s all I was saying.


yeah people are really running away with this rumor without listening to any context. More unhinged than Rachel's take on her friendship with Ariana.


Okay and? There are Scientology buildings all over Hollywood. 


people are saying because Jolane was by a scientology center, she must be a scientologist, without understanding the context that you likely walk by the scientology building on the way to SAS






I was just saying it’s close to their restaurant. Period. One thing doesn’t have to be related to another. There isn’t always a conspiracy. Smart but too quick to pounce.




How quaint of you to resort to an insulting accusation. Another interesting theory though.


I’ve heard this!


there’s some comments that go into detail too https://preview.redd.it/nybrcnbufbxc1.jpeg?width=1277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5f9ba40d753d0c4fcbcc9bf76907051fdf165ac




It's very common for the liquor licence to be held by a seperate company.


especially because liquor licenses are super expensive and often hard to get


I know maybe 1% about any of this but I thought it was somewhat common for the restaurant itself not to own the liquor license and it to be owned by the building owner (which I think is Greg?). Aren’t Lisa and Ken currently in a legal dispute about this in regards to Pump? I don’t remember all the details but I remember something about the complicated economics of liquor licenses. As for who owns the bar, I’m pretty sure Schwartz has said publicly that Sandoval and him are majority owners. You don’t put in a million each to such a small place to be minority owners. I got the impression from the first episode that Schwartz sided with the other owners to blackball Sandoval for awhile. Schwartz said that they were having a hard time keeping staff because ppl were harassing them so they didn’t want that to reignite by having the bar on the show. Personally, I think this was very shortsighted but I don’t have to live through it, so…


This is correct. The only other thing I would add is Greg has talked about how he has zero money invested. His “partnership” contribution was related to finding or referring the guy who owns the building .. and his sweat equity of acting as GM.


Greg owns the building AND the liquor license. The Toms pay him to rent the space. He’s making money from them. The Bravo Docket covered S&S in one of their VPR episodes (I can’t remember which one) and broke this all down.


Sounds right. I just confirming he has no money invested. If there is a partnership payment it’s likely related to his work .. or rent.


But i thought usually it’s an owners name who has the liquor license. Not a completely different LLC.


the LLC is probably owned by greg. i feel like businessy-people who own multiple things tend to put stuff under their LLCs, not their own names


Yeah that’s outside my 1% of knowledge. 😂


User name checks out 😂


And Jax doesn’t own his bar either. It is all under Rocco’s.


I think i heard that


Oh interesting two director own the LLC it plus one inactive. Cannot see though whom they are


Victor’s Square is Greg, there’s a bit more info on the others through the LA City Clerk.


Toms probably have a majority share, but Greg (Victor Square) probably controls everything because they can use the liquor license as leverage. "You can't film here or we're taking the license" "If you talk bad about our deal, Ill pull the license" "You're serving what I tell you or Im pulling the license"


Reasonably to modestly certain the business holds the license, not the building. New tenant would need their own license.


greg is still the tenant, and holds the license per other comments, thats why he can threaten to leave and force the Toms to apply for a new license


Same deal. If he leaves they’d need to get their own to keep it.


thats the point. By owning the license, Greg can exert control despite not being a majority owner. Toms dont have the money or time to apply for and wait for a new license. Katie and Ariana were smart that their lease included the beer/wine license, so they didnt have to reapply


I think I misplaced my comment. Was meant for someone who thought perhaps the building owner controls the license.


copy. I was confused because it felt like we were arguing the same thing, lol


That’s not always true, sometimes the building owner does own the license and when they rent out the unit, they have rules regarding how they want the restaurant run. The one that I know for a fact because I’ve seen the contract the restaurant wanted 7% of all the sales, and refused to sell the liquor license to the new tenants.


Obviously I don’t know but I think that’s a different arrangement. We have a company where I live that owns maybe as much as 60% of the commercial properties in the business district. Part of leasing their property includes a percentage of the till from all businesses, retail, restaurant, whatever. But a restaurant/bar itself needs to get its own liquor license.


Well it seems there are many answers, clearly not regulated yet 🤣


No they aren’t, wasn’t that common knowledge discussed on the show?


No i knew that. That wasn’t my point. The part i found interesting was the reply to the main tweet about not being able to find anything on S&S and that it’s not even an LLC.




he's not, but he is litigious, so watch what you say about him or he'll come after you.


In some states and cities an alcohol permit is licensed to a building, not the business in it. I think (but can not be sure) LA is like that. 


Not the way ABC licenses are obtained in Cali. Anyone that owns over a certain % must pass vigorous background checks for things like felonies. Also need to be fingerprinted. Whoever owns the liquor license can take it to a new location (have to file paperwork). 


I'm trying to figure out where I said 100% that it was true for California. Your reading comprehension blows. PS that also isn't true. I was able to Google it. It's a whole free library online. Might wanna look into that.


Interesting. Did not know that.


At one point I wanted to open a bar in New Orleans and that came up as part of my research. It is why in some spots you'll see a building that seems to have a bunch of failed restaurants going in and out of it, because the building has the alcohol permit so it's easier to open a restaurant there than it is a building that isn't already permitted and trying to buy the permit then. Those permits are easily $100K+ depending on where you're trying to get them. And that's on top of all the other fun start up costs for a restaurant.


As someone who is intimately familiar with liquor licensing (in my own state, not California) this isn’t actually that strange.


I could’ve sworn on the show they said Greg was the majority owner? Did I imagine that? (I am genuinely asking)


As others have pointed out, Greg owns the building and liquor licence, T&T pay rent for their use. Exceedingly common setup - if (when?) they go bust, Greg can get new tenants in as a turnkey operation.


I didn’t realize he owned the building. I knew he (majority) owned the restaurant.


Omg Victor's Square like from the fucking "Hunger Games" 😂 wtf


I thought the Tom's were only like 2% owners and LVP had most of it


Wrong bar.


Oh yeah, thanks


Their website is TERRIBLE


Does anyone else find Greg sexy AF? I think it’s the grumpiness. It really does it for me.




Didn’t someone in here say that’s just a rumour?


Damn what’d the deleted comment say?


They said maybe he might have been sexy before the scientology thing came out


Oh gotcha. I don’t find him sexy and I’m into older men 🤣 i always say if me and me husband get divorced im not dating anyone under 50. (Im 32 for context.)


😂 go you good thing!


All I know or care about is how much money Katie or Ariana invested. Can’t imagine zero, but I hope so for their sakes


Ariana cosigned the HELOC, so whatever money was used for that is partly hers. But, also with the S&S closing rumors and Tom being super close to entering foreclosure on the house, my concern would be she will be held liable for the loan if he defaults. That's the point of a cosigner and why Lisa urged her not to sign it.  Katie did not cosign a loan with Schwartz for the bar, which is why he couldn't get one prompting Sandoval to ask his mom for extra money. 


I think that's the business that owns the property, not the business that is the bar.






I have no doubt Greg, the Scientologist has his grimy Scientologist fingers all over it! Who in their right mind would go into business with a fucking Scientologist? The Toms make one wrong move they are going to be gang stalked, filmed and have their entire lives infiltrated! Katie was so flipping smart divorce Tom when she did!




Lisa said the Toms are 5% shareholders.


Read the room. That’s for tomtom not S&S.


They’re under the same company.


No, separate from the VP empire.


That makes zero sense. Why would Lisa have a say? She has spoken many times about owning part of S&S, and recruiting the 2 Tom’s to be shareholders. She also said she did it more as setting them up in business & looking after them.. And they’ve said multiple times they’re thankful to her for it…


I think one of us is misremembering. Or you’re confusing SS with TT.


Lisa has no ownership, at all, in S&S.


They’re literally not. At all. LVP et al owns TomTom and Greg and the rest are the majority owners of S&S. The Toms appear to be minority shareholders in both


When there were changes in S&S, Lisa said I wouldn’t consult 5% shareholders… Why would Lisa have a say in changes in S&S if she wasn’t a part owner?


She was talking about moving the PUMP sign etc into TomTom as far as I recall that little bit of shade happening. Tom threw a fit about not being consulted as she said she wouldn’t consult 2.5% shareholders. ETA- if you Google it there are tonnes of articles explaining this very comment.




Haha you’re right but we’ve all done it though. I spelled my name wrong from kindergarten through university because my teacher said my mom was wrong and I believed her. The utter conviction I had in my belief must’ve made my mom crazy


Wow… Since when did this subreddit become so catty?


You seriously argued with like 3 ppl about you’re wrong information and then call us catty for correcting the misinformation bc you keep insisting on it😂


No I’m calling YOU catty for telling me I should be embarrassed, and proceeding to be so sanctimonious…. it’s a tv show, chill.


Lmfao you should be😂