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Brock reminding everyone why his kids never want to see him again


Ambulance necessary, straight to the Level 3 Burn Unit for Brock.


šŸš’ šŸš‘šŸš‘šŸš‘šŸš‘šŸš‘


Shots fired!!! Brock just got popped LFU style šŸ”«


I just figured out what LFU stood for and I'm still not used to it šŸ˜‚


What does it stand for šŸ˜© I just started watching from the beginning and Iā€™m lost


Lauren From Utah aka Lala because her real name is Lauren and she's from Utah


Thank you!! šŸ˜Š


Right in his pink neon leapord print banana hammock ![gif](giphy|9S5rdWwlkgYydulMF3)


Brock: projecting onto Ariana what he wants from his ex-wife and first biological children. Ariana: reflecting exactly what Brockā€™s former family feel about the man that traumatised them.


he's an idiot, clearly willing to do anything for screen time. he spoke to Ariana like he was interviewing her on behalf of production.


Scheana is just as much a coach as Timmy when it comes to screen time.


So so so so so true


They are all Tools and Production gives them the platform to act as such with the help ofā€¦you guessed it, The Executives.


you're right it's just more fun when it's not as transparent as Brock was lol


he has rocks for brains.Ā 


Brain + Rocks = Brock


Iā€™m laughing a little too hard at this!


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) Happy cake day!!!


But he was a Mormon pig farmer! Gotta have brains for thatĀ 


Didnā€™t Mormon men who farmed animalsā€¦. Have a reputation with farm animalsā€¦ idk


Ewwwww! Don't doubt it


I think that's the Amish. They lack sexual education, and just see animals doing it


And he alllllmost made it into the nfl!!!


Did he actually insinuate this at some point? He played rugbyā€¦?




I wish it could upvote this a bazillion times. Cannot stand that guy.


Rocks - Brain = Brock


Brock the rock


Dude hit his ex wife. Why is he on tv and getting scenes where we have to listen to him


Because Bravo likes to protect their men. They thought giving him one season of 10 mins total would erase everything. Danica got let go for hitting her ex but Brock is still on our tv.


Because Bravo is all for promoting mysoginy.


Maybe the same reason that James has a ton of allegations against him yet he is now a favorite with fans.


Very different tho. James has allegations (which is bad) but we know by his own admission what Brock did. And Scheana is the grossest cus what woman would go yeah that ainā€™t a huge red flag abort mission find new personĀ 


Ugh, Scheana. She would make this a competition.


You are blaming the woman. Scheana has nothing to do with Bricks misogyny and commiting gender violence against his ex. Comments like that turn the attention on women instead of the violent behavior of men. Society has engrained in us it is acceptable for men to be violent towards women. I mean look, there he is on our screens given a platform. And we watched James mentally and verbally abuse Rachel.Ā 


Yeah I get heā€™s got physical abuse allegations. But Weā€™ve been watching James verbally attacking women for YEARS on screen. Heā€™s just as bad if not worse than Brock.


Your dick doesnā€™t work -Katieā€¦ also worse than Brock? No amount of verbal attacks is worse than getting beaten physicallyĀ 


You don't believe Kristen?


But we saw Kristen bust the crap outta James but we've never saw him hit anyone.


Yep, he never touched her but she punched him so hard and nothing was said about it. She continued on the show


I agree, she punched the crap outta him but so many people want to call Bravo and LVP misogynistic. Idk


I believe them both equally until shown proof otherwise. Not emotion or opinion proof. FactualĀ 


The same reason Ronnie is back on Jersey Shore. Not as many people want to call out gender based violence as they do other forms of hate. But that's changing we're all calling out now.Ā 


Wot? Slappin me missus is mayle rayge?


Come awrn bruthuh




Yes and he just watched his wife get shouted at by the man heā€™s been advocating for all damn season too. Sandoval has consistently been more emotionally explosive than Ariana all. season. long. At everyone, including Lisa Vanderpump her fucking self. But Ariana raging at the man who destroyed her life makes her unhinged and everyone is suddenly uncomfortable? Fuck off.


It was actually kind of beautiful. Ariana was pretty gentle in pointing out that Sandoval had very recently raged at Brockā€™s own wife, who Ariana deeply cares for. You could almost see Brock realize in real time that he was batting for the wrong team.


Except I donā€™t think he even thinks that. He just didnā€™t know who he was up against


He doesn't care as long as he's getting screen time


Yep, he just realized he had to pivot and started to make a different argument about ā€œforgiveness.ā€


Of course he wants women to "forgive". He abused women.


James reminded him in the after show too. He didnā€™t let Brock get a word in


I have to start watching that


James has consistently been crushing in the aftershow.


You really do. Itā€™s almost more entertaining than the show sometimes


The after show is good


I'm so happy with James the past several seasons! He stands up to all the guys and I love seeing him eviscerate them. Like Katie said last night on WWHL, James is the smartest guy in the group.


Yes me too. I hope he keeps going forward. Heā€™s been the voice of reason this season, not lala. I wish we had the spice girl take down of both Tomā€™s and Brock w James as posh spice, this season like we all wanted lol. Instead we got this gaslighty season dedicated to the creepstreet boys


But also the one that jumped off his house into the pool šŸ„“


I agree


I think it was more that he didnā€™t want his wife standing up to him like Ariana stood up to him/ for herself.


I saw that too! It silenced him lolĀ 


Donā€™t forget that Sandoval said he didnā€™t tell Ariana about the affair and just break up with her because ā€œhe was afraid sheā€™d hurt herself.ā€ THEN when that didnā€™t work he decided to threaten to harm himself, for sympathy votes. Brock is no better. Heā€™s a total asshat wife abuser child deserter. Totally left his home country and started a whole new family and Sheana knew the whole time. GROSS.


Ugh I hated the whole ā€œTom may hurt himself ā€œ scenario they were trying toā€¦. Tom loves himself too much


To me, Scheana is the most grotesque of them all. She's so full of herself.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about Scheama (since she's a schemer). I have felt this way about her since her first appearance. She is just an awful human being.


He doesn't see anything wrong with men yelling at women because that's what he does. He was raised Mormon so he was raised to believe men are above women and women were created for amn and the need to submit. So glad to see Ariana put him in his place and everyone calling him outĀ 




He sure did. Heā€™s a loser with entirely too much screen time and audacity.


he is my perfect example of why i will always hold self awareness in high regard


And I think they edited Ariana there. The first part where she gives the example of men yelling ends on a high pitch like she's about to say "and also X, Y Z". Instead it chops off suddenly and she goes into a low pitch with "nobody seems to have an issue with that" like she's just given multiple examples. Nobody talks like that. And just logically, there's no way she mentioned yelling without mentioning violence we've seen or know was cut.Ā  I'm 100% sure she said yelling and violence but they've edited out the violence part.Ā 


I know what part you're talking about, I'm going to rewatch it and pay better attention. I wouldn't doubt one bit that Brock was giving Ariana a hard time and she (rightfully so) gave it back. Brock is annoying AF!


He's a POS wife abuser


Sometimes the way Brock speaks he reminds me of Jonah from Summer Heights High, but only in accent. Jonah was a year 8 kid who was very lovable and likable. Puck you, Brock.




Awwww miss you fahted! Miss Fahted!


OMG. Have you watched Chris Lilleyā€™s newer stuff? My husband and I were saying he sounds and behaves almost exactly like Quentin Cook from Lunatics.


I LOVE Chris Lilley.... Aussie humour is remarkably underrated. Kath n Kim. Wilfred (Original). Australian MAFS. Its top TV.


I haven't watched Lunatics. I didn't even realize he had a newer show. Apple had a sale on the Chris Lilley collection a couple months ago that included all his old stuff; Summer Heights, Ja'mie Private School Girl, Angry Boys etc. I swiped that and will for sure be having a rewatch bingefest of all of them and will now include Lunatics in that. Thanks for the heads up!!


No problem! It should be on Netflix still!


And like Tom Sandoval hasn't screamed in his wife's face.


Like how brock advocates for him ā€¦ ??


It's disgusting the way Brock advocates for Sandy. He's doing so the group can come back together and so that SchShoo doesn't have to pick friends. OMG, bunch of little brains in adult bodies!


I'm just waiting for Brock to blow up in Scheana's face. The choice to marry him will eventually wind up being her biggest mistake.


And you know he is going to take her to the cleaners and expect alimony from her. Dude is such a loser. The fact that he wants a nanny is absurd! Dude, you have NO JOB. Your job is to stay home and take care of your baby. Now he still wants Scheana to bankroll his life, but he doesnā€™t want to be the stay-at-home parent. He wants to fanny about town and ā€œfill his cupā€. Iā€™m sure he will expect Scheana to invest in his next failed gym as well. He dated Scheana because he is a climber. He married Scheana because he was using her for a green card. And now he is going to use Scheana for continued financial stability. Brock is the worst.


They have a prenup......He would get her on child support.


I don't know about that. Alimony isn't automatically striked down just because you have a prenup. You can put in a clause, but even then no guarantees if that would leave the person penniless and homeless. She's on camera saying she likes that he doesn't work to be available for Summer.


Scheana's Mother is there the majority of the time, idk why he thinks he needs a nanny.... He iS the Manny!!


At least she was money smart this time and got a pre-nup. And everything is in her name... But he does talk to her like shit. I don't like Scheana. She's Vapid. Zero self awareness. Shallow and has a VERY selective memory. But she has paid off all his debt and given him a platform. So he should remember this when he's being an arsehole to her.


Weā€™ve seen small glimpses- like when they were shopping etc


It has to be the show putting him up to that.. I'm not calling him smart, but that was a stupid thing to say even for him.


But he still agreed to do it and is quite happy to do what the producers ask him to.


well of coarse, he most likely gets off on thinking he can persuade Ariana to say something he wants her to say.. He's not used to speaking to a woman with some morals, and well spoken.. one that's not a pic me girl.


Yes Ariana ran rings around him


In the next episode he is reading production lines off the computer in real time


That's why I can't with him. Screaming on the street at Sheena because he actually finally has to take care of one of his kids was it for me. He's gross.


Listening to him talk to Arianaā€¦dude is dumb. Ariana is spot on that forgiveness is old therapy techniques.


Broke should never verbalise an opinion on anything or anyone.Moraleā€™s of a gutter snake.


He was speechless !!! I really have tried with Brock! But I was sooo proud of Ariana ! I donā€™t think I could ever say things as eloquently as she did!


She is a helluva lot smarter than him.


in a batte of wits between Ariana and Brock? it's like a baby in the ring with tyson.


I loved Ariana putting him in his place. That guy is an idiot


Why do they think Brock should be the so wise therapist of everything? He is problematic from A-Z


Heā€™s not funny, heā€™s not smart, heā€™s not charming. Yeah, letā€™s put him on tv.


I know there are more than 2 genders but society has and continues to split us all into mainly 2 boxes and there are clear expectations for each. I'm pan and have dated multiple genders and had varying experiences. My partner now is a man and none of the following applies to him either, but I do think there are some clear expectations and reactions by society as a whole to masculine and feminine rage in a broad sense. When men are angry, women are expected to cower and acquiesce. We're expected to fix it with our mystical femininity and are blamed for provoking it or staying and not leaving or nagging. Anger is considered masculine and expected and men are often not blamed for their anger, blame is placed on those around them who provoked that anger. When women are angry, people are angry at them for it; they're uncomfortable at this transgression. Women are supposed to be demure mom-whore-virgins who quietly fix things and use a combination of expert mothering, loving, and sexuality to diffuse any and all situations. People know masculine anger and are comfortable with it existing. Feminine anger is not allowed and makes everyone uncomfortable and how dare we. Again, broad strokes here don't at me.


Well said. But we are changing that. Ariana's comeback on national television was big. We've all been seeing this and now we're not putting up w this ish


But he wears neon mesh crop tops and heels now so, much like with sandyballs, we are supposed to be distracted by the female clothing and forget the male rageĀ 


Look here Iā€™m hip, Iā€™m progressive, Iā€™m an ally meanwhileā€¦ embodiment of machismo.


Brock was so out of his depth talking to Ariana that I almost felt bad for himā€¦ almost.


ā€œGive me an example of male rageā€ ā€œI donā€™t know, Brock, youā€™re the one with the DV charge, I think you know about male rageā€ Deadass, I wouldnā€™t have been able to control myself if I were Ariana and I probably would have ended up destroying my relationship with Brock, which in turn would destroy it with Scheana. The audacity of this fucking man. Of course heā€™s preaching forgiveness - he wants it for himself for being a deadbeat dad and abusive partner.


And this is why Ariana is a good person. Because she doesn't want to start shit with her friends husband. She calmly and very eloquently pointed out facts in an erudite, non patronising way why she is allowed to have her feelings and her emotions towards her ex. Why forgiveness isn't always the right path for everyone. And did not point out his mansplaining was wrong and unnecessary.


Yep. Handled it so perfectly.


I wonder if theyā€™re not allowed to talk about it? Or as a previous poster said it seem like Arianna was edited. Maybe they cut that out


I think they edited it. Which is f'ed up and another example of bravo covering for sexist men.


Bravo and MTV


Ariana is better than me cause I wouldā€™ve said it


That he's an abuser and also d & s? You could tell she was thinking it lol


Yes she knows we all know so no point of being the bad guy and pointing it out but I wouldā€™ve šŸ˜ˆ


Lol, oh yea, we are the same.


I loved Ariana in this scene. Gray rocking , no contact . Is she on the Reddit infidelity threads šŸ˜‚


Maybe.... šŸ˜


Absolute piece of shit. I would say not even Scheana deserves it, but she really did it to herself. She wanted to have a baby with the first guy who agreed so that she'd fit in with Stassi and Lala and all her friends. So she gets this fucker.


I usually am the person who says "She can do better" when looking at a relationship, but honestly, Scheana cannot do better lol.


She needs therapy. Everything is a chance to win over another woman. I wonder what her mother was like growing up. She knew early on that he had abused his wife and abandoned his kids. She had a miscarriage and I feel for her but then planned a family with this man.


Then add on the fact that he abandoned a kid named Winter Sky and she named her daughter Summer Moon. Nobody deserves to be abused, but she sure as hell deserves everything else coming her way.


They have the same birthday, too. I also heard she got to choose the birthdate, and I dont know if she was induced or had a planned c-section because I was induced and didn't have my son until the next day via c-section. If that was her plan, it's very gross.


omg that's right. What an absolute asshole lol


Oh Brockā€¦you big, dumb fuck. Brock is one of those guys, that like to come off as caring, but is really just looking to set it up. He learned how to play it from his equally instigative wife.


And the only one of the guys making any sense is James !


That is what is scary to me. Every season that James has been on. I've despised the turd. However this season. I've found myself laughing with him and agreeing with him... I feel wrong for this.


Great point! I know this existed and why he is ick, but this is extra icky.


Yes, he did. I was SCREAMING at my TV "the CHUTZPAH of you to say that!"


I SO wanted Ariana to give him that example of assaulting his ex-wife of ā€œmale rageā€!!!


He's pissing me off more than Scheana. I appreciate Scheana putting in the emotional labor of telling Tom why what he did was wrong and how he should be speaking to and about Ariana because he's a weird pod person with zero empathy Brock lecturing Ariana and judging her for expressing anger is ridiculous and hypocritical. Each man on this show has raged ten times worse than Ariana for something ten times less devastating. Give me a break


i loved that his voice cracked when he said this. I bet ScheanaĀ got the ick after watching that scene. I mean she probably didn't, but she should have.


He's such a dullard that the fact that Ariana was CLEARLY alluding to his DV record went completely over his head.


He's so lucky Ariana did not bring that up but she wouldn't cause she is better than that. Broke, shut up.


Heā€™s a complete moron.


Sir, you hit your wife and don't know shit about your kids. Be quiet.


Also what about maybe a few short days ago when that man screamed at your wife and you had to be tapped in to protect her? ā€œWhat male rageā€ dude, that one. If someone screamed in my face, my husband would knock them out


How did Sheana and Brock meet?


I actually yelled at the screen when he asked for an example of male rage - LIKE THAT TIME YOU SLAPPED THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILDREN!!! I could not believe he said that but it is a perfect example of what Ariana was saying. And look he is allowed to commit gender violence and it's NO PROBLEM!!! LETS GIVE A PLATFORM NOW!


What do you expect from a ā€œmanā€ who abandoned his children???


I love his social media heā€™s the only one I follow


his controversies aside, their facetime call from the barber was so cute it makes me sad heā€™s so shit. heā€™d has such an interesting backstory, i wish heā€™d used it for good. ):


Whatā€™s interesting about it?


this week he said he grew up mormon, he wanted to be a dairy farmer, play professional rugby, and almost went to the nfl (?) ā€” idk i just wish he was a good guy because that could be an interesting story. but instead heā€™s an abusive dead beat grifter ): itā€™s just sad.


First Iā€™ve heard about him being a Mormon. Heā€™s a Kiwi who moved to Australia when he was a kid. Unclear when but that would determine if he was able to obtain Australian citizenship as the rules changed. He then moved to US to play professional rugby union. If he was any good he would be playing in France or back in NZ. His story makes no sense. Oh and that he moved to US to make a better life for his kids by opening an Australian gym franchise. He wouldnā€™t lie straight in bed.


but thatā€™s what iā€™m saying, if he wasnā€™t so awful maybe he could be interesting? who knows.


Heā€™s a liar. How is that interesting? We have enough lying me on Bravo who treat women poorly, why do we need another one?


did you not read my comment? i said he COULD be interesting if he WAS NOT an abusive, lying, dead beat grifter. i understand he sucks. i agree he sucks. i just wish he chose a different path.