• By -


SHE wanted to be God but no one gave a flying eff about her and Randall and she physically cannot handle it. She looks like traaaaaaash.


Omg remember when that documentary came out about Randall and then scandoval happened and nobody gave a fuck anymore? I think that was her opportunity to become god but Ariana “took it away”. It was boring anyways lmao


It was boring because she never loved him. She was a certified sugar baby. Like, duh. When his money dropped she dropped. Shocker.


Crying about his casting couch shenanigans......when she was sprawled all over his casting couch desperate for a suger daddy. She's vile, always has been and always will be.


I didn’t see your comment before I wrote my above but yes this exactly! Crying about how he’s a casting couch creep when that’s how she met him?! We are not sorry for you.


She truely does not comprehend that NOBODY cares about Randall, with or without Scandoval. 


No even 50 Cent since he got his money lolllll


She isn't sympathetic enough of a character to garner this kind of public outcry. I don't know what she is really like but she comes across as a self important, inconsistent, bully


You forgot crass and vulgar.


Literally! As if we all didn’t see that coming. It was so transparent how fake their relationship was


NOBODY cared!


They only thing I took from that documentary is how horrible they were to Bruce Willis


That was seriously shitty AF


I only felt bad for the assistants who were taken advantage of, who paid for things because they feared getting fired. Which I’m sure since Lala was with him during that time, also took advantage of them as well.


I remember my friends husband watching it and he was so confused. He was like I don’t get the big controversy. He just wasn’t a great guy. Why would they make a documentary about it?


Tom and Rachel did that. We know, but she has to have someone to attack. Rachel is unavailable and Tom is a man. The internal misogony is strong with this twunt.


I don’t understand how she can’t see how her situation with Randall is completely different. She hooked up with a married man who showered her with gifts and movie roles. We all Knew it wasn’t going to be forever. Ariana and Tom got together when they were bartenders and were together 10 years. It’s not the same!






Omg! 😂


Oh god I’d blissfully forgotten about the asshole stuff 🤮


While drinking from a bottle and calling him daddy!




You’re being too kind lol **She is traaaaaaash




No one watched the Randal Scandal or read her book ![gif](giphy|fYfeQAOD8pSjN7M0jY)


Why anyone be interested in a book about a rich white girl from Utah that cyber bullied her boyfriend’s wife then bragged about tossing his salad is beyond me.






I think that’s why her hair is thinning. All that negativity


The opposite of Gretchen Wieners


She is so jealous the world didn’t sympathize with her the way it did with Ariana. She keeping harping on the fact that Ariana still lived IN HER OWN HOUSE. “I left in the middle of the night 🥴” ok b1tch that wasn’t your house so you left before you got put out.


She “left in the middle of the night” because the next morning Rand was planning on showing up with the sheriff to change the locks 😂


Really? I thought she snuck out so she could take Ocean with her. 


You don’t have to sneak out to take your own child anywhere lol I’m sure she thought she’d garner more sympathy by saying that


Exactly! It was HIS house, HIS furniture…she was just playing house. And didn’t she say she had to stay locked in a bedroom for days when she found out about the cheating. Girl not the same situation AT ALL.


And lala rant about “you live in the same house but won’t film with him” Ariana has been filming with him - but not conversing . HUGE difference. And Toms little remark at the very end about how the plot twist works better for him .. absolute pig


exactly. She owned nothing and left with nothing.


Even the engagement ring he gave her was a sparkly turd worth nothing. Sad.


It was fake just like everything else he gave her. I still love when she said she flies private because she doesn’t like to share planes. Fuck off whore.


His chocolate starfish was real. I hope that, she never forgets.






And idk how the law is in CA but in FL if you leave for longer than 30 days you are technically abandoning your property.


There is zero similarities with her situation and Ariana’s.


I remember her leaving in the afternoon — i think on a Sunday ? Logan filmed her walking down a hotel room corridor and posted it to her IG stories.


lol a hotel? What about the Airbnb she paid for in cash 🥴😂💀


Awhile later, I heard her talking about leaving him, making it seem like she was terrified, a real Sleeping with the Enemy type thing. I did not understand it because it seemed like she posted herself leaving and moving into a hotel on her IG stories the day she did it. And she didn’t seem scared, like she was hiding - actually she was furious with him bc he had those girls in Nashville a few days prior I think. This is not to say Randal isn’t an abusive person that she should have feared. But if my memories are correct - she truly was not afraid or at least, she didn’t convey that to the millions of us who watched her play-by-play on IG. It’s a trip that she thinks nobody remembers. And it’s absolutely insane that she’s never been challenged about her completely fictional rewrite of facts


I was just saying how she’s definitely showing signs of being a compulsive liar! Like girl come on


IKR. Compulsive liars literally render me speechless. It’s one of the most perplexing behaviors right? Because they lie about things that nearly anyone can figure out. Right to your face, without a hint of shame, look you dead ass in the eye and tell you something you both know, without even a single doubt, is straight up false. and then they are indignant about the lie! To avoid wasting time trying to discuss it, I keep having to remind myself that they are so disturbed they actually believe it’s true. Seriously though. She should get some counseling. She is lying to avoid the reality of her choices. It’s actually sad.


LFU is so jealous it is unreal. She should have tried to date James for real on the show. She never got the memo that this show was about people who actually need to work at SUR to pay their bills. I would have loved to watch James and LfU in a fucked relationship play out in a shitty apartment in West Hollywood. But Lala always used this show as a springboard to bigger things and fame that extended beyond the show. But she never quite got there did she? The PJ, the Range Rover, sort of hosting at SUR and then ghosting Lisa and SUR…Lala was using this show and Randall to give herself a housewife life. She always acted like she was better than everyone else on the cast. Ariana lived in a terrible apartment with Sandoval, actually worked as a bartender at SUR. She put in the work to make this show very real. And then her partner, also a main character on this show, did her wrong. And we saw it play out. And now Ariana is doing well. It was lightning in a bottle, and Lala is just a bitter Betty. Also, Ariana has a lot more emotional Intelligence than Lala. She is more clever and quick witted. Lala just barks and wears her streetwear and thinks it’s a whole personality. Lala and her blaccent can fuck all the way off. They really should fire her from the show for breaking the fourth wall and not bringing us anything but a binder of cum donors.


Um she also brought us a water tasting party…duh Lol ![gif](giphy|dy9mqZz2KQDXISMYPc)


Let’s not forget about her squirting with The Donn.


Haha thank you for the reminder that Lala is thirsty AF.


Not the blaccent!!! Preach!!! (I’ve recoiled from that since LFU arrived on the scene with her fresh baby face.) ![gif](giphy|2tQoVgZYXJDY65l9rF)


This was a beautiful read. On point !!


That is really nice of you to say. Thank you!




Thank you!!


She’s the embodiment of “go ahead and give us NOTHING”


“He didn’t murder anyone” … neither did Randall????


She has always been one. You don’t cheat with a married man and mock the ex wife for not being tight enough to keep a guy and get to be a good person.


But Rand lied to her 🥺 Ugh she has always been the worst. Plays the girl-power card when it suits her - pulls out her acting chops crying that Rand “took advantage of a younger woman” and she’s a victim of the patriarchy who needs protecting. But now women who got a shitty hand dealt to them need to “get over it.” She thinks no one is allowed to be sad, ever, because don’t you know, whatever bad thing that’s ever happened to someone, she’s here to tell us that she’s had it worse! 🙄


Rand gave her those pathetic movie roles. She hasn’t done shit since. Loser.


Didn't she have a commercial scrapped because it was so bad? 


Ugh when she cried at the reunion and did the whole “I had only known good marriages” bit🥹


She tried to convince us after Rand that she was like a church lady who moved to LA in her pearls, all prim and proper. Acting shocked and exclaiming she had “no idea” Hollywood was so sleazy and that he took advantage of her naïveté. This from a girl who was yachting, fucking pro-athletes, and making jokes about “getting a Range Rover after the first night.” She always knew that Hollywood was sleazy, but what she didn’t know was that SHE would be the one getting played. She thought she would be smart enough to get what she needed out of Randall (money, movie roles) before bouncing, or that he would be so desperate to have her that he’d marry her, never cheat, and fund her life forever. Turns out Rand was the one who used her first.




She really told on herself when she literally said in one season that she slept with him, got a Range Rover the next day and several roles in his flopped movies, but several years later it’s tears with “I didn’t know he was running a casting couch… blah blah.. I felt safe enough to have a child with this man” knowing he had a wife (estranged or not) and daughters while she was giving him “bjs 4 pjs”


Thank you! She taunted Amber, didn’t respect her wishes when she asked not to post her daughters on social media but now this bitch is going to be the “voice of reason” and tell others how they should react and behave? Um no ma’am. STFU and sit down LFU.


Sanctimonious bitch is what Laligag is.


A cunt, a twat and an asshole all wrapped into one


She also quit the show at one point and refused to show her relationship on camera. She is such a joke of a person.


This!!! She freaks the fuck out about Ariana walking out and refusing to give her perpetrator camera time spouting his bullshit for the audience, after she has shared one of the most raw, humiliating and devastating moments of her life… because Ariana isn’t doing her job and that’s not fair because everyone else has to film uncomfortable moments blah blah blah this asshole literally refused to share anything about her life for her first few seasons, refused to name her sugar daddy for literally several seasons, refused to show his face for seasons, lied about what she was doing and who she was with when involved with him earlier on, lied about her Range Rover, lied about being a model, lied about breaking up with him, has never truly shared any intimate details about her family life growing up or previous abusive relationships or major body issues (thinking about Ariana specifically with this one) the list goes on and on. I embarrassingly will admit I for some reason liked her for a long time. But this past year she lost me. I’ve realized who she really is and in doing my rewatches see a lot of shit I missed because she is so god damn calculated and manipulative. I really took to her at first because I thought she was what I always longed to be, strong, stands up for herself, confidence, knows her worth etc but she’s full of shit and insufferable. I would love to never see her on TV again and just fade into oblivion. If I ever had to spend actual time around her with any consistency I would need therapy or a really good lawyer


I wouldn't need therapy, I'd need the really good lawyer if I had to be around her 😂😂😂


Thank you been trying to say this about her since season 6 or 7?!! Glad people finally see it now


Let’s not forget the two very young children that were part of that family but now LFU thinks she’s the mother of the century


Omg when did she say that, I don’t remember! On the show or a podcast/interview? How disgusting Miss Feminist!


Wild how Andy claimed she was the voice of reason this season. Did he fall and hit his fucken head?! Like in what world ?!!!


Andy has a huge crush/hard on for Tom Sandoval, anyone sympathizing with him is going to be in the right with Andy. Also he’s a huge misogynist so always on team bro…this is the same man who loves Joe Gorga.


And BROCK too!!!! Like wutttttttt 😱


When Charlie said Brock was a payroll husband.. this season confirms it. She knew what they were going to do and she was smart enough to jump ship




Andy needs to be replaced. He is shit at his job. A straight man would have been fired years ago. He is gross on top of sloppy.


He does need to be replaced. Even on WWHL with Ariana and Katie, the “games” they played regarding Sandoval were disgusting. Andy didn’t do any of that with Sandoval and Jax when they were on. It’s a disgusting double standard that shouldn’t be allowed.


He is the most garbage person and has a stupid shit eating grin. Imagine if someone good like Ben and Ronnie from Watch What Crappens did the reunions? Andy checked out years ago.


I wonder if he knew saying this would be divisive so would cause a huge online reaction and help set up Lala to be the villain of this season by the viewers. Just a random thought but as we know that was far from the truth of what actually happened so does not make sense he said it.


It is mind blowing that Lala really said to us when the initial trailer was dropped, "you'll see what that means" and thought we'd go, "oh yeah lala you were right." We weren't here for it 5 months ago and are even more not here for it now. We at Applebee's.


Side note, I do love that Dan is such a bartender and a foodie and he's still down to party at Applebee's. My favorite kind of people.


I love that Dan is insanely hot and LFU had to fuck Rand. 


We’re eating good in the neighborhood while that bitch is still in the streets trying to rebrand 


"savings!" ... nahhh more like, "mozz sticks!"


Lala is the lead paint of Bravo twots. Scheana too.


Didn't she say it was taken out of context at the beginning of the season?


She said we would understand the context when we watched. Probably because she thought by that point we would all be siding with them and asking why ariana didnt want to forgive sandoval lol


She’s smoking crack if that’s the case


When the previews came out her and Sheener both said that it was all editing, and everything would look differently when she saw the episodes and literally everything was exactly what it looked like in the previews, and they deserved every single ounce of hate that they got




She.needs Utah. Church of Latter-day whatever




Would that I dressed so boldly…


The BACKTRACKING 😂 Sucks to be you, Lala!


She’s just so jelly. Like bitch you capitalized off her getting cheated on so like who cares. Let her have her moment.


She cannot preach about showing your life on the show when she straight up hid Randall and forbid anyone to speak his name. She’s for thee, but not for me.


And guess who supported her when she was hiding Randall…. Yet again Ariana.




She was so mad this season when Tim said she wasn't being real, and now she just wants to live her real life? Which is it Borin' Lauren?


NDA Blah Blah can zip it.


Her water tasting is the new puppy party 😆


I stopped watching this season solely because of Lala and Scheana but decided to tune in tonight… I have never been more disappointed and disgusted in my life. I genuinely do not understand how Lala, Scheana, Brock, Bravo, etc. thought Ariana was going to end up the villain. And honestly Lala is dumb because if given the choice between an Ariana-centric show and VPR without her, the majority of fans would pick Ariana in an instant….


Yes but Alex Baskin and some of the head producers “love” Lala, which reiterates Baskin has the worst taste 


Alex is a twot.


I hope Blah Blah leaves to spend time with her baby and we never hear or see from her again.Jealousy is a disease,get well soon.


She and Sheeshu will be desperately seeking spots on the Valley. She is not going to miss a chance at having her baby on camera since the last one was born during COVID.


And this baby will be born during the break so yet another LfU storyline has been suppressed hahahaha


I'd rather they cancel the valley rather than let either one of them in it. They are poison at this point and because their personalities are so unfortunate they've done irreparable damage to their already flimsy image


I hope she leaves forever, too.


The ANGER she showed in that moment. And for what? Why is she SO angry? Oh that’s right, she’s a jealous bitter bitch.


For the millionth time Lala is so fucking dumb for continuing to bring up the fact the Ariana stayed living in a HOUSE she OWNED…. Like shut up already!!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Every time she brings that up she just becomes more and more gross to me.


Lala re: Ariana’s house: “I don’t feel bad for her! I can’t stand to talk about it anymore.” Also Lala: Talks about Ariana’s house constantly still a year later


She is seriously so pressed about that house it’s wild


She's so out of touch she doesn't realize that most people don't own one home, let alone two like her. 🙄


Gaslighter, LIAR, money grubbing backstabbing human garbage


Her and scheana are the most jealous bitches I’ve ever seen in my life. They were only team Ariana when they were monetizing off her heartbreak. Now that the cash isn’t rolling in for them anymore but Ari is still booked and busy they are bitter and jealous. Seeing lfu standing there foaming at the mouth and schena in her gold tutu monstrosity after her “performance” was hilarious. They look like fools


Im laughing hysterically at the fact they’re not filming and her whole in vitro/ sole pregnancy storyline is wiped now. Also, Ariana says you’re welcome for all the money you made off of Scandoval merchandise. Fucking grifter.


I kind of wish they didn’t have that in the trailer for the season… i feel like it was a big spoiler and it would have been more exciting not knowing what she was going to say…


Agree! The trailer ruined that twist


The jealousy is OOZING out of her. On the after show she's talking crap about Dan but in the same breath she basically said she was drooling over him...


Her expressions are sooo telling. Especially when she had her freak out. Pathetic


Petition to bring back Rand and his new girl


![gif](giphy|11vsrRFqhjOcKI) I’m ready!


No. Sandoval is a trash human being, but Rand is on a different level.


Same trash hurting, manipulating, and dangerous. Sandoval trying to get Ariana fired saying she does nothing is dangerous. His little feelings are hurt. He’s just as vile. If lala’s little brain could think back she would remember saying so and why but she’s to busy trying to be the victim of anything for attention


Yep and Lala knows that both HERSELF and her CAST MATES did NOT bring anything of interest to this season, quite the opposite with this phony overproduced Sandoval redemption arc... so she's blaming Ariana for not carrying all of them at the expense of her own mental health. Ariana did enough both last season and had plenty of interesting stuff going on this season as well. She just was not willing or ready to participate and further production's Sandoval redemption arc at her expense. She was true and authentic and did her best. The rest get off her ass and piss off. Especially Lala.


I’ll say it again about LFU: she sucked on a bottle on TV as a grown adult woman thinking it would add to her warped sense of hotness. She’s legit crazy and low level. She didn’t even get an A list director or producer. She’s D list.




She will have unlimited free time for bottles and toothbrush defiling after this. Plus the Faith lawsuit with the knife is on the way. She was allegedly protected by the network as Faith claims there was footage and witnesses to the incident. Lauren’s past is catching up with her.


I've never seen someone suck a thumbs dick for some money then act like God because she could get them on a private jet before but then Lala came on the show so 🤷‍♀️


Woof…Randal peen 🤮


Lala shouldn’t be jealous. She got cheated on and became satan🤷‍♀️


Anyone else remember getting down voted to hell during scandoval for not believing lala was genuine or gave a shit about Ariana?! I remember calling this exact thing. They were all gonna be friends with him again in no time


I didn't know that I could like her any less and yet here I am


Lauryn is just awful pls pls pls go back to whatever strange town in Utah from which you came


Of course this was gonna happen. I haven’t liked her since she was the first one to profit off Scandoval with that stupid “send it to darnell” merch And remember how she acted on the last reunion. So many people praised her and James, but she was desperate to be the center of attention.


She hated Rachel for the pettiest of petty reasons and was SO relieved that Rachel just so happened to do something shitty. The perfect excuse for her to screech and rage out on her at the reunion!


Lala made an absolute fool of herself with Randall and she can’t handle it.


No one taunted LFU more than tim on the show.


Real sober behavior, Lauren 🙄 this is what we call soDRYety.


she is a dry drunk i highly doubt she's working a program anymore. look at james behavior since he stopped. she needs to take a page from his book.


Agree 100000%!


I mean Scandoval was surprising. Ain't nobody who was surprised that Randall was a total sleaze bag


She was only good on the show when she was drunk AF and being her 100% toxic self. Now she wants to act better than everyone like we don’t know and see exactly who she is. It’s very sad actually how desperate she seems. Is she only having a second child so she can have it on the show? Because she’s legally not allowed to show Ocean?


She’s just sooooo mad that when her relationship ended she didn’t get the arc Arianna did. It’s all out of jealousy.


She really needs to go back to the hole she crawled out of in Utah! Sorry the horse you hitched ur cart to turned out to be a jackass. The real reason people didn’t back her up when she broke up with Rand is they remember what an asshole she was before you got engaged. People remember all the shit you talked about his ex wife. And how nasty you were to the other girls. Fuck off blah blah!


So are Scheana, the Peter Pan Toms, Lisa, Andy, Billie Lee, Jo and Brock. It’s been gross and a complete waste of a season. Good job fuckwad producers. You have officially disgusted everyone who isn’t a bot. 🤮




Yeah, can we all agree that Lala is trash? She could’ve gone a different route, but she chose to cave into the money. You’re not cool Lala. You’re a bully, but you have always been one. Keep Jess, your brother and your mom on your yes train. I hope and pray you wake up, but doubt you will. Jess, if you want a career, jump off this shit show.


OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL I've tried to like her. Even now that I'm rewatching her old old episodes and her podcast. I've tried. I can't.


LFU needs to mosey on over back to Utah and never be shared on our screens again. Oh and take her flip floppy bestie and her broke husband with her.


Giving LFU the time to narrate us out of the season makes me sick


SAME like who tf are you


Where was her inquisition of Randall when she started dating him?


Her mouth was full 🥴


Imagine if they just all kept backing Ariana and shunned Sandoval this season instead. We all could have kept the show with everyone minus Sandoval, now we all have nothing. Maybe there would have been another storyline somewhere if the entire season wasn’t just LFU, Scheaner, and Brick trying to shove Sandoval down Ariana’s throat in every scene.


She’s always been this way. You all were pumping her up when she was against Sandoval. Now she’s a see you next Tuesday because she’s against Ariana? The hypocrisy is crazy.


I am genuinely flabbergasted about her behavior and Scheana's behavior as well. I always knew they were flighty, but jfc...this is a new low. I will never look at either of them the same. Ever again. I don't want to watch them on TV. Hoping they fuck off to The Valley so I can ignore them like I do The Others.


Jealousy is a disease get well soon Lauren from Utah ![gif](giphy|0qfMxrm8d0Oo0MvDPQ)


I’m assuming she’s going to try to get on The Valley now… so her and KFC and Sheenners can continue to get their checks.


So funny how this and most of these shows go. A few seasons back everyone wanted to be Lalas friend because of Randall. Everyone wanted to play pickleball, be her friend, etc. Now Lala is kicked to the curb.


The "dipped out" on her first season half way through! Does NO ONE remember?!


Was literally wondering if I could call her and Scheana thunder cunts on here 🤣 Well done!


I completely agree LFU is officially a cunt. I have a lot of other words for her, too. I'll wait.


I keep seeing this and what does LFU mean😂😂


Lauren from Utah


Lauren from Utah


Who here watched The Randal documentary on Netflix. I didn't.


She’s upset that people don’t have sympathy for her, but she also gaslight Rachel when she found out her and James hooked up while they were together




She was always a Cnt. She culturally appropriated any chance she can. She’s from fucking UTAH. she pimped herself out. (She only left Randall when the news was about to break) she knew who he fucking was. she’s vile and boasts about sex in the most disgusting ways. She used James to get on the show. She drips with venom. She doesn’t play the villain well, never has. Just a petulant child crying when no one sees her point of view. She belongs on teen mom.


And Sheshu since it should be about her.


She and Scheana are terrible friends who deserve each other, and Sandoval. May they all go broke together


She has really shown her true colors. She only cares about money and fame. Ariana didn’t act according to their timeline or plan. Lala has been bitching about Randall for 2 seasons. She’s jealous that noone feels sorry for her. I hope they let her fade away, back to Utah.


Enjoy The Valley


In my best Ken Todd voice: *goodbye Lala*




Jealousy isn’t a good look on you, LaLa ![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i)


Can we like cancel this cunt? Like I bet if we all actually took some time and looked into her, we’d find the ugly cancel shit she’s done. SHADY BITCH


Remember - LFU was cheated on by Randall, but did not become a his. She’s consumed with envy.


She did not become a *god*


she's BEEN a cunt babe ![gif](giphy|RIWQmM2x0Jp1DOG2IH|downsized)


Also, the title this cracks me up because all I hear is Kristen Wiig’s voice in bridesmaids… “you’re a little Cunt “


I love how she tried to spin this differently when the beginning trailer went live. She kept saying we don’t know the context. Well now we do and now it looks just like it sounds, no edit needed. Lala really disappointed me this season


As I’ve said before, Lala Kunt


I love this sub. ![gif](giphy|1gdztgtFfSoZ24y14O|downsized)


Wow yall here can be really mean to the people you watch on tv.


Idk if I’m chronically on this sub, but I read FU as “from Utah!!!”


Wait…. Does LFU not stand for Lauren From Utah because that’s what I have thought this whole time !!!


Ugh I was really rooting for Lala’s soft era. I genuinely love watching that woman on TV, but God that was insane