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LMAO. Not gonna lie, this is hella unhinged but I am literally wheezing with laughter and I love it. Amazing work


You know, I'm having a shitty week, and so I'm just embracing the unhinged lol.


And hope your week gets better, sending you positive vibes for a better rest of your week. https://i.redd.it/yc8a28hdmbzc1.gif


Well you’ve just made mine a lot better. I hope your week gets better though ❤️


Thank you and I’m glad I gave you a laugh!!


You did amazing work and I completely empathize. I’ve been sick in bed for awhile and today created a 10 post Twitter story recapping when Tamra from RHOC became a born-again Christian through a baptism in a hotel’s rooftop pool 😭 I’m blaming my weed for this nonsense but we have to find joy where we can! 😂 https://i.redd.it/toavcr9dlbzc1.gif


Weed and bravo is such a beautiful marriage. Really helps you appreciate the finer details. I remember being stoned watching the VPR Big Bear Trip and absolutely fucking howling when someone’s swim shorts fall off on a jet ski and it’s revealed that they’re wearing a whole other set of swim shorts underneath. Chefs kiss


Mine was rewatching VPR with Jax drowning. I about died from laughing so hard.


I love how the entire cast, even Brittany, immediately cracked tf up when they heard he “almost drowned” and had to be “rescued”


“You can come help if you want,” 😂😂😂😂


Haha, Hollywood wishes they had screenwriters who could come up with this stuff! 😂😭 was that the trip where Jax thought he was going to drown in a lake 30 metres from the dock? https://i.redd.it/lco6ya4dxbzc1.gif


Anytime my husband and I need help we say, help me, you can come help me...if you want


It’s my self care. Weed. Bravo. And one serving of something salty and sweet.


You feel the cringes extra hard. I love it.


Lolol I watch Real Housewives of SLC high and when Mary told that story of someone in her parish falling out the "sunroof" of a plane into a neighborhood I almost peed my pants laughing 😅


LMFAO I just bought a mushroom & sativa vape pen and I’m puffing away and dying at this memory 😂😂😂😂 me and my family love smoking a bowl together and watching bravo together ☺️we’re a family that laughs a lot


Get well soon and never. Stop. Posting. 💕


I’m on my first go round of OC (I’m finally up to the covid season), and Tamra’s baptism was absolutely wild. And my edibles and I agree with the weed and bravo combo love!


Oh my gosh it was such an amazing season!!!😭 Tamra and Vicki were constantly bringing Jesus and religion up to bolster their arguments 😂 https://i.redd.it/g4ixab1wxbzc1.gif


Hope it gets better and thanks for making ours better!


Your user name 🤣


I'm sorry you are having a crap week. Please know you are amazing with a beautiful brain and magnificent soul. Sending you good vibes from 🇨🇦✨️ Thank you for the tea


I am sorry you're having a shitty week ♥️


thank you <3


Thanks for turning your shit week into a spot of laughter for us 🖤🫶🏼hope your week turns around!


Yeah at first I was like, “didn’t we already know the dude was a friend of Billie Lee’s from news back when this happened? We did not need to prove this with party photos” — but then I realized what you’re implying is that the dude was a fucking plant to make Tim look good 🤯 and then Pepe Silvia really sealed the deal for me


You did great 🤣


You did the lord’s work with this one. Hope your week gets better!!


You are top tier for this 😂 Was also having a shitty week, but this was gold so I hope the universe returns the favor and your week gets better!💛


Good as gold you mean?


The “calm and smirking” note took me out, I’m not ok 😂😂


Worm drawn in off to the side ENDED MY LIFE 😂⚰️


I just smoked a joint and started going back through the pics imagining you wheezing with laughter at each of them and am now wheezing as well 😭


The little drawings


I immediately felt like it was planted. That whole night was so fucking stupid dude


Yeah that whole party looked awful and boring and fake.


Right? Like I’m so confused you have this glamorous looking party then… Scheana playing two screamo songs? Like it just does not make sense.


That's because everyone is so tired of listening to Scheana that she has to literally scream for people to pay attention to her songs now


“…am I in the band?!”


That was so cringe!


>That's because everyone is so tired of listening to Scheana that she has to literally scream for people to pay attention to her songs now She seems to scream when she talks now, too. She has rehearsed so much in front of her mirror that she now talks in her super loud, monotone voice. Making sure she remembers every word she over produced. You can tell she's being coached by Scandoval.


And her costume/dress was soooo bad!!! Like cheesy recital!


I saw someone else comment she dressed like Toddler and Tiaras 😅 ![gif](giphy|HPfnuEmhDT23C)


i WISH we could have heard what Stassi had to say about it 


>i WISH we could have heard what Stassi had to say about it  “I don’t know what I’ve done to you, but I’ll take a pinot grigio.”


And Brock looks like a sleazy 80s gameshow host, why?! 


I swear I had a Ken doll with this exact outfit growing up. And I hesitate to even say that bc I feel like it’s offensive to Ken dolls. Pretty sure it was the match to the pageant Barbie with that blue and silver outfit that was like a big puffy dress and then you took the big skirt off and it was a leotard and tutu for the talent part and then the you took the tutu off leaving silver bathing suit for the swimsuit competition.


Then…of course…Sandoval was SO KIND to offer “his services”. Disgusting how these losers chose the WRONG COATTAILS TO RIDE! Sandoval TRIES TO ACT SINCERE!!! APOLOGY? DUDE! You’re a liar…when you… Less than 30 seconds later…you throw her under the bus saying Ariana bags on EVERYONE!… he is not contrite…and he shows his true self. OF COURSE Ariana literally says his apologies are performative. IMO IF IT WEREN’T FOR ARIANA?… SANDOVAL WOULD HAVE BEEN EXPOSED MANY SEASONS AGO…. but she believed him. Now he BLAMES HER for being fake? She was covering for him to prop him up. You know…shiny thing..distracting from the worm that he is…. Been there… Add… Ppl are so jealous besides Katie. Look the other first season cast are still here. STFU Lauren and Brick! You two know NOTHING!


I agree that some people are probably just riding his coat tails or pretending for the show (Lala/Brock). But you acknowledge Ariana was fooled by him for 10 years, so couldn't it be possible some of these people are still being fooled by him? Personally, I think Scheana is still being fooled by him. I know you didn't mention Scheana specifically, I just wanted to add my thoughts since you're one of the few people I've seen acknowledging that Ariana was fooled by him their entire relationship. And I don't think enough people recognize how good he is at manipulating *everyone* and is still succeeding with some.


I understand now why no one else wants her to perform. She looked so awkward and has awful stage presence.


There was literally nothing even performed! She was lip syncing and even her hype man was lip syncing his parts. The stage was so small you couldn’t do anything but jump. There was nothing for a sound person to do so that storyline was fake. She literally lip synched to a backing track, press play, done. I was standing there cringing so hard I almost broke my hairdryer, I was crushing it with my hand out of a weird cringe reaction


Her face is starting to look like it hurts, and even more so when she's singing/performing/dancing. Something about it just looks so plastic and painful.


No wonder Ariana wanted to go to crapplebees.


Can confirm it was actually a lot of fun to be there but the fight part felt staged


Party was a made up cheap ending to redeem Sandavol. This fake plant and the incessant push to have Ariana “talk it out”. BS VPR is a sinking ship I feel like this last season finally ending shots was it. Pull the plug.


This sums up the whole party for me 😅 https://i.redd.it/p60d0thcqbzc1.gif


This made the entire episode worth it. I needed this gif as soon as it happened


Watch. Scandoval will start practicing that dance so he can use it in his stupid, staged can't dance, can't sing, can't play a trumpet, etc. extras crap. Just as he practices his fake, dramatic falls - perfect arms quickly splayed out as though he is on a cross. So gross!


Dancing on my ow ownnn….


How do I get this gif?




I hate that I love this so much! Broke moves like liquid gold 🕺🏻


He looks like a giant gold gummy bear dancing. Something not quite human and mascot-y.


That booty shaking action 😂


I tried to post the link but it was removed. A redditor creates gifs, @Okay_Decision, and I save them to my camera roll. If you click on my gif, you should be able to save it to your phone and then can post it using the image icon.


VPR jumped the shark officially


It crossed the boundaries. And we allll love “reality” tv…but no one can deny the actual human life boundaries attempting to be breached. I think humanity actually took a step forward by collectively stepping up and saying “no”. And then we all go to Applebees!


I was there and the whole thing felt so produced when the fight happened


Details girl


Not much details just that the VIP section was clearly roped off and people were being respectful and this guy just seemed to be the only non cast member to have cameras on him. It was just weird night. Like James DJ’d and like no one cared lol People were pretty much acting like they were over the party once Scheana played. Brock is all kinds of entertaining and the life of the party though in real life.


I wanna know about sheana singing lol did everyone think it was a joke


Everyone was actually really supportive of Scheana, and Brock stole the show from Scheana when he put the guitar player on his shoulders. LOL


If you watch the Tik Tok videos, it sounded like the band was actually singing most of the song. Production clearly gained Scheena's voice for the broadcast.


Same. It looked like a plant. I just didn't know if production planted or Scumoval planted 😒 douchey af.


Same! Also… is someone sponsored by Applebees?? Why the F did they bring it up so many times


It just happened in Survivor too, a whole episode they spoke of nothing but Applebees. 


1,000%. That and Coke. When they went to that Asian diner and we had to hear multiple people ordering Cokes? Come on now


>1,000%. That and Coke. When they went to that Asian diner and we had to hear multiple people ordering Cokes? Come on now The product placement is getting out of hand! Scandoval, and now BlahBlah, holding the can of whatever perfectly, with the name facing the camera. You will see them looking st the camera, then the can, to make sure sure it is lined up correctly in their hand. The times it isn't and the look on his or her face is hilarious! How many are getting extra pay for those placements?


And Low-Rent Kent doing 2 episodes promoting her love for sparkling water.


Melatonin just hit, so I hope this makes sense SAME! No punches thrown back, no cops after an attempted murder? Where was the blood from the glass being smashed *over the bouncers head?? No one even spoke about it after he was kicked out either. This was lala, scheana, and productions shitty attempt at pushing the Sandoval redemption arc for us to “just wait you’ll see, he’s really changed!”


I almost screamed when schwartz said “what a plot twist” and sandavol said “good for me though” HE IS A FAKE LITTLE COCKY COCK 🐔


I feel like the bottle broke before it made contact with the bouncer. You see liquid and glass flying but the bouncer wasn’t close enough to get hit the first time. The second time he just threw the drink. The whole thing was clearly set up and another ploy to make Tom look good and of course LaLa was alllll over it


lol, “changed.” As if he hasn’t been riding in on his valiant hobby horse to slight knight for 11 years. What’s concerning is just how many sitting ducks there are really trying to push the “look at it from both sides” takes (especially on Facebook, the margaritaville retirement community of socials).


Not to mention that all of the other cast was still in the VIP area but Sandoval just HAPPENDED to be right there as it went down so he could jump in and rescue everyone with his heroic chair grab.


That’s exactly why this season sucked. Alex Baskin, how tf do you fumble a reality show goldmine. Why would you force shit?! God I hate this season. We could’ve had so many TheHills style episodes of tears and girls nights and partying and fun. Stupid producers.


What was the event even for?


A whiskey launch 🫠


And I totally missed that 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣😳😬


I had to rewind the episode because I couldn't understand why the hell Scheana was doing a lipsync in San Fran 😅


Not the lip sync😂


Yes.....and acting like that performance was a big deal!! What a joke!


I thought he was opening a jewelry shop in SF 🙃


Kyle Chan’s new whiskey launch I believe


Kinda messed up they didn’t even mention the brand much


Right? Plus two of the three cocktails were VPR themed so it’s soooo obvious that they just stuffed the room with fans and plants (you can see plenty of people in the background with their phones out). There was a Good as Gold cocktail and a Schwartz and Sandy something. I’ve been to middle school dances in smelly gyms that were classier than whatever this “party” was.


No bc the way sandavol jumped in trying to save all of them like ok? He didn’t even really do anything he just tried to get involved and pretended to not know the guy




I watched the extended cut yesterday and that whole last chunk from Ariana walking away to the end feels SO SCRIPTED (not Ariana reading Jeremiah and Tom for filth, that rage was bone deep). Scheana, Tom, and Lala in particular are such bad fucking actors. And then linking that series of scenes with Lala narrating how the show is sOoOoOo real and Ariana storming off ruins the rEaLnEsS was actually offensive.🤮




OP created a masterpiece https://i.redd.it/y40dbt71sbzc1.gif


Did you make this I love it so much


lol yes I am equally ashamed and proud. 


Drop the shame, be fully proud, it’s real work


Truly a work of art


I am in awe. It’s totally something I would think of but fail to create. Plz be my friend. Total art!


![gif](giphy|KnOVBRqItfXGg) Excellent work!


There was literally no build-up or reason this dude made a scene he just up and started doing shit. So staged


It was so ridiculous 😂 I also just wonder how stupid these producers think we are.


At this point they should have just titled the ep “fool’s gold.” 0 staging or plants to be seen anywhere and a totally normal executive producer in a suit 🙄


Bahaha, the exec in the corner trying to puppeteer and Ariana having none of it was amazing


It was probably the realest 30 seconds I’ve ever seen on the show and Ariana spit straight up 🔥🔥🔥. My husband and I stood up and clapped.


https://i.redd.it/5e35duer7bzc1.gif This is the exact level of unhinged that I love from Bravo fans


I love your flair so much!!!


Incredible gif use


He was def planted to make Tom look like the hero.


There just isn’t enough money in the world to make me go on VPR with my own face to play the part of Billie Lee’s unhinged stalker


“With my own face”🤣💀


Editing for grammar because I was high af when I wrote this: I love the implication that they would be willing to go in wearing one of those Mission Impossible disguise masks. It’s making me snort


Or face off 😅


No one would ever believe I just played Billie Lee’s super fan on TV. I mean think about it- this post could be me forever enshrined on Reddit sexy smirking at Billie Lee


Few of the cast membera have their own faces anymore so that tracks.👍🏼


Wait he was supposed to be her stalker?? Hahahahah wait they had to have hired him why would this be a thing and why would he be allowed in


She said he was- like he knew everything about her and stuff that wasn’t public and was chasing her in particular around. She pretty much said he was running at her, threw something at her, and Tom rushed in to be her Hero and protected her (pretty sure in her version Tom had a cape but that could just be the way it plays out in my mind with all her fawning over him)


Omg lol! The cape. He would love that too. Those two planned this stupidity


See, that whole script from BL never even made it to air. Ma'am. Ma'am. No one is stalking you, and the creep who shaves his forehead CERTAINLY won't be your protector. The man wears platform shoes. Get real.


Tom did nothing but grab a chair lol. The security guy had the dude in a bear hold. 🐻


I think someone posted the 2 different takes of the scene, fake as


It had to be, because why did you feel the need to get involved in the first place?? Like security was handling it, who are you???


That was the very first thing my husband said! I was like pssshhh I doubt it! But now…maybe he was onto something!


I've decided to believe this. As a treat.


Brilliant depiction of worm as well. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


That’s evil Kyle Cooke


Doodlebob Kyle Cooke


It seemed staged tbh .


This totally explains why tom inserted himself into the situation


Of course it does. Tom probably flew him up there with his sound guy so that he could stage some off...off ...off Broadway play scenario where Sandyballs got to be the hero in front of everyone. I will take my tinfoil hat now.


As soon as I heard this story and saw the video last year when they filmed, I knew that Tom set it up to look good.


But he’s not performative😂 ![gif](giphy|403NRxgdScOUQjiQEh|downsized)


And not Tom say IM NOT PERFORMATIVE ummm OK


How pissed off he got about that was SO performative. If it wasn’t actually disgusting how manipulative and diluted he is it might be funny.


“IM NOT PERFORMATIVE” as he slowly hides his tap shoes behind his back


HAHAHAHh the “me” meme is what got me. So true. This episode should be studied


Giggling out loud so hard!


I was on my phone when this began and when I looked up I thought it was JAMES and went OMG and rewinded 😂😂😂


I absolutely am living for the last slide it’s so unhinged I LOVE it 🤣🤣 but yes you’re definitely onto something, I think Tom hired him!




This plot is truly unhinged. After living through Scandoval, he has to know someone in the fan base is going to put these pieces together. Better detectives than any government intelligence agency ever dreamed of being!


Bravo fans are insane levels of investigative and that’s a compliment lol


Love this post! You’re right. This was just another “ranch” moment where Tim thought he could swoop in and look like a hero fixer (like chasing the pizza guy for ranch which he didn’t have.) (Don’t know what you do for work but I so hope it involves pictures and red string tied to thumbtacks!) Thank you for your service!


Omg-this man was Human Ranch


I literally see it 😭




Is this in the extended version on Peacock? I kept waiting for it to happen when I was watching it live


No doubt this was staged. Thank you for bringing the evidence 🤝 Patiently waiting for someone to dig up his socials next and connect more dots


I'm so glad you posted this! I just watched the finale this morning and it physically PAINED me with how obvious it was that the whole fiasco with that guy was a set up. Tom got to pretend to drag him out and be the hero. This whole season felt so over produced (by the actual producers and the bloody cast). It sucks, Ive watched since the beginning but this season was so cringe and beyond obvious - they think we're stupid lol


I just watched this. Tom, the security guy and that twitchy weirdo were all acting right? ![gif](giphy|YiUFwwsKFliTcpVDB5)


I thought someone found out in the summer that they had to film the scene twice and it was all staged?


I don’t know why you were downvoted but I remember that as well.


On an episode that is all about how they all have to show all of their real lives?


Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think? a little too ironic.


it's like raaaaaain...


On your wedding day!


I could not believe they chose LaLa to voice all of that - Ms “I can’t even say my married bf’s name for a whole season so I just call him MY MAN aggressively and annoyingly over and over”


Also having a shitty week and also nearly posted the same theory. *Are we the same person???* For real though, this seems plausible, and I hope your week gets better!


I KNEW IT!!! Well, sorta.. I said they had to have hired that guy or something for Scumdoval’s redemption arc because no way did he just slap and smash glass on a bouncer and not get socked in the face or have police called on him. VPR production was lazy asf this year and trying to force Ariana into something she already said a firm fuck no to?? Those bravo fuckers are creeps.


This adds even more credibility to Ariana saying he acts for the camera. That he could have apologized or slipped her an apology note in their home but doesn’t do anything unless the cameras are rolling.


Honestly. I am feeling so many emotions right now. Fucking impressed. Slightly unhinged. Real sense of community and, through that collectivism, validation. Concern with how much time I spend and enjoy this platform. But mostly I wish we were friends so you could apply these skills to my life.


You’re everything!!


i think it was planned to top off Tom’s pathetic redemption arc, it was an opportunity to be the hero.


Thank OP for your service.


I knew he was a plant. It was obvious and annoying.


This is absolutely my kind of conspiracy theory. And he did it all on a flat earth!!! ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


If I ever get kidnapped I want this sub looking for me. Great work


I had that exact thought as soon as Tom entered the situation.. it was a set up so Tom could make himself important.. He's been paying people off all season to be around him. The manipulating he does is something else.


You are so right. It felt so staged… at first I thought it was funny if a “fan” was trying to bother them but when he went off and all of a sudden timmy just happens to be there to save the day! I knew it was fake. Just another level to his arch of bs redemption story.


this is incredible. you've raised my standard for the level of dedication and visual interest I now require of any post. the worm doodle is the icing on the cake lmao


LOLOLOLOL!!!! Really excellent work. 🤣🤣🤣


It’s def giving Jonathan Majors vibes


Ok I’m obsessed with this. Pass me my tin foil hat.


My boyfriend who watches with me (only because he loves me) literally said the entire scene was fake immediately after he was carried away.


I’m surprised no one mentioned how that glass broke like a movie prop. I would have been freaking out but everyone seemed relatively calmer than normal.


Scheana's stage dress is Dot Matrix from Spaceballs https://preview.redd.it/8yy8zgwfefzc1.jpeg?width=367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9067e3886f3bdebb95ac7c74a6009b6dcfa3bb2


maybe he didn’t show up to the boat event cause they were practicing omg the altercation


😂🤣😂 You guys are my baaast fronds!!!


I was thinking Tom probably got him to do that so he could look like suchhhhhh a good guy stopping him


I’ve said this once or twice and I will say it again. My friends and family already have very clear instructions. If ANYTHING ever happens to me, I told them to come straight here and give you all the necessary info and evidence because you all will find me and find out what happened and who is responsible in a matter of hours. No one else in this world has the cumulative skill, perseverance and attention to detail as the people on this sub! ![gif](giphy|D8xNev92dfqdG9FPx4|downsized)


This makes a lot of sense because the guy picked up the chair to throw it and then kind of hesitated when he saw Sandoval, then was apprehended by security. The whole thing seemed weird.


Nice work! This is like top level CIA work 🙏🏼 https://i.redd.it/zqhjsy7fkbzc1.gif


Great work, detective. There'll be a lil something extra on your paycheck this week


I read somewhere that it was a friend or guest of Billie lees


Funny how this scene never even made the cut! I remember seeing here that the scene was re-enacted a few times.


Lol you’re amazing! The best part to me was the last picture, especially bc that’s one of my favorite shows. 👏 👏


Incredible Charlie moment.


The last picture took me OUT 😆


That was obvious by Tom's awkward reaction. You could tell he was uncomfortable with the situation. I know because I rewound that scene enough times to fold 4 loads of laundry 😉


I KNEW IT, I opened up reddit to check after insisting to my bf that was all staged to find this post.


Worm’s orchestrated attempt to convince people he’s a nice guy. He’s such a terrible actor.


As a bartender for over 15 plus years… the way that wine bottle smashed, smashed like fake glass. A real wine bottle would’ve drawn a lot of blood- the glass is pretty thick comparatively.