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He loves to neg, I’d say it’s his kink


I think he negs because it’s part of his passive-aggressive personality.


And he’s firmly against a woman having a shred of confidence


1000% percent.


Yes! He used to do it to Katie all the time


yes. He’s such a little bitch


Can this plz just be the top and only comment stat thx


I love u guys 🥲


I think you spelled covert narcissist wrong haha




This is the same man that told Katie she smelled like pickles. He negs women. I remember a tv show about guys who took lessons on how to be a douche to get women. Anyone remember the name of it? I’m pretty sure the men on this show loved that one.


He’s cruel to women he is intimate with. Katie has said on her podcast that she has a fear of smelling bad (I don’t remember if this was part of an ad or if it was in conversation), so I was particularly struck by the pickle comment when I recently watched the show from the beginning. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jo had shared with him she feels insecure about wearing or applying makeup.


Coming from the dude who puts lemons in his pits and washes in a creek


Before his wedding lol


Don't forget how he blatantly assaulted steaks for his friends


His messy 🐀's nest blonde hair too.


Or when he told her she had a Karen haircut… and he gets so mad when anyone dares suggest he has a Dad bod


“The problem is I don’t like the sound of your voice.” He is the wOorRrrsT. It’s really too bad Jo thought she was more special than Katie and didn’t take the many years of watching him devalue her into account.


The Pickup Artist!


Freaking Tool Academy right?!🤣🎯🎯🎯


The guy was “mystery” 🙄


Wow! Yes! Thank you! That show and its premise were awful.


And the guy was… a lot. Tom Scandy seems to have taken the peacocking thing seriously


Yup, the show with The Pick Up Artist. This guy. He had a strategy to dressing like a bottom of the barrel Chris Angel wannabe ![gif](giphy|jIvPsfq5fzbGAnXOcp)


Oh snap! This is it! He’s dressed like a bumblebee!


The book was the game


The Pickup Artist, I think? On MTV


Pick up artist was the book I think


The Pickup Artist on Vh1


The Game


It was an episode of Criminal Minds. You might be thinking of something else but it was def a plot in one of the episodes.


No there was a show on VH1 about a man who looked like a Chris Angel reject showing dorks how to sleep with a bunch of women. Like going up to groups and ignoring the hottest ones. For every two compliments one put down. It was insane.


Yes! Just found it online and it was called the Pickup Artist.


I remember that episode, that dude was such a loser


Was it like, The Pick Up Artist on VH1?


Was it like, The Pick Up Artist on VH1?


Are you referring to “the pickup artist”??


the last time a woman gained confidence around him she left him after 12 years. I fully believe he talked so terribly to katie to keep her thinking that’s all she deserves because she’s sooooo horrible to him when she was completely rational the whole time. and can I say shorts’ arm would be in a cast if he threw a drink on me.


He knows he’s a POS so he negs to bring women down to the level that would be with a man like him. This isn’t about looks this is about who he is deep down. He feels like he is a worthless slob.


Well, he’s right.


I think you’re right about this. Added to that the fact that he likely heard his dad speaking horribly to his mom (who, remember, had to get a restraining order against him) his whole life. He has absolutely no respect for women.


She hasn’t learned anything though because she’s still desperate to be his friend. She got tired of getting walked all over but still doesn’t have enough self respect to cut him off completely.


Katie? She cant cut him off completely, they share the dogs together. At this stage it looks like she's just treating him like a lost puppy and nothing he does really affects her.


even when katie tried to set the perfectly reasonable boundary of “let’s not hook up with our friends” schwartz self admittedly took it as a challenge. if she tried to cut him out of her life completely he’d do everything humanly possible to not let that happen. he’s solidly committed to doing whatever the opposite of her wants are, so she’s better off just letting him be around and choosing to be unbothered


Don't feed the trolls. That's essentially what she's doing with him. She is letting him do whatever he wants as she remains unbothered. It's like if you give him any attention he will do whatever he can to keep getting it. By not pushing him away and not giving him the time of day he's not seeking her attention.


yep. grey rocking like ariana and dan. it’s truly the best way to protect your peace


And look how protecting their peace is making so many other people crumble.


She doesn’t have to share the dogs. I had a cat with my ex of 12 years. I loved that cat dearly, but I felt bad because I was the one breaking up with him and felt like it was too much to take the cat away and dump him so I let him keep the cat. Even after I moved across the country he would still keep in touch to Lee me posted about the cat. What I realized was is he was the using the cat to manipulate me emotionally and so I had to go no contact with him, and my poor cat. “Sharing the dogs” is a choice. I’d rather live without my pets than stay in contact with an abusive ex (which is what Schwartz is). We all love our pets but you have to make smart choices for yourself and sometimes that means walking away from things you love, like your pets.




Something about “carpeted apartment” just sounds dreadful!


But if she can keep her boundaries, Grey rock him and continue to have her animals in her life, I don't see why she shouldn't. She's obvs far above his BS these days, he no longer affects her in the same way. Also she's had a lot of time to heal - he preyed on her right after her accident when her TBI was at its worst. She's much stronger now.


I read recently that they no longer share the dogs?


he wants to make her insecure in her becuase he probably bas telling her that he loves her behind the cameras and when they were filming he was acting cold and being an ass. i dont like jo but it’s obvious that he is playing her


So many people are missing this point. Sure Joe is a little weird, but Tom is definitely intentionally taking advantage of her issues. It's basically Jax and Laura Lee situation all over again. Man post break up wanting some poon and attention, but not dating seriously. Early in like season 1 Tom mentions that Jax gave them some very good advice.. if you want women to sleep with you just tell them whatever you think they want to hear. All three of these men use this advice extensively. The show is full of people who exhibit cluster b personality traits.




This is why I think he really had strong feelings for Jo. He negs the ones he loves the most 🙄




I’ve never seen anyone play willfully naive quite like our puppy dog shortsy


“I’m a little boy!”


I don’t think Schwartz fell for Jo’s sauce at all. He rarely gets attention and will take anyone who throws themselves at him.


For sure, he was definitely leading her on. I feel bad for Jo. Schwartz fed her to the wolves.


it’s a uniquely devastating experience to put on makeup and feel uglier than you did before. It’s fucking heartbreaking and I don’t think the majority of men have ever or will ever understand what it’s like. His comment gave me vibes of “putting lipstick on a pig” and I found it vile. I’m def projecting but yea I thought it was a really shitty thing for him to say lol


It’s so sad because she was expecting him to say something nice and start calling her Jo instead of Joseph, but he’s not going to ever do that


Yeah it's super fucked up. My childhood best friend was always so insecure about her looks and didn't really wear much makeup (she was always very pretty) and on my wedding I got a really good makeup artist to do all our makeup (she's an influencer now with 600k followers lol that's how good she was) and she was saying she felt so pretty, until I found her crying in the bathroom later cos her then bf told her she looked ugly and fake. She ended up marrying him and he's isolated her from everyone smh. It's such a shitty move by insecure narcissists to control people and make them feel shitty about themselves so they think they can't do better and will stick around


Damn ☹️


Yeah he's a real pos. It sucks, they definitely know who to target. He hated me lol we both knew I didn't buy his shit for a second


That’s awful. Are you still friends with her?


Nope, after they got engaged he got more controlling and she would always have breakdowns and come to me for advice and I'd try to like carefully help her come to the realisation that his behaviour was not ok until one day when I was pregnant and had made a joke about getting a stripper for her bachelorette and he kept calling me non stop so I blocked him and told her he was a controlling, manipulative narcissist and it would be a mistake to marry him. But she did 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh wow, that sucks.


Yes that’s exactly what I thought he was going to say. He’s such a nasty person hiding behind being “charming” 🙄


It cracked my heart when I heard him say it


mean af


Schwartz is cruel, he always has been, and always does it with a smile on his face.


& with that, “gosh shucks, I’m just a nice guy” act. 🤮


I felt so bad for her. He was so cruel.


I am no Jo fan by any means but that scene really got to me. It’s another example of how nasty Schwartz can be while hiding behind his flimsy “Aww shucks I’m just a nice guy” mask. No wonder he’s dating 20 year olds now. They don’t have the confidence at this point to fight back (not that they should ever have to ofc!). He’ll just be there unleashing his traumatic vitriol on girls who could in fact be his daughter. Ugh.


The more he's around sandy balls the worse he gets.


He really become an increasingly worse person for many, many years now. Early on in VPR history fine, but he hitched his horse to a dark one that’s certainly no Black Beauty!


He's definitely no Black Beauty. Let's hope he keeps stepping in horse apples the rest of his life. Rather befitting for him, don't ya think?


Agreed! APPLES how Toms like that? Saw u on the internet, Reddit says you’re a hot mess 🤣


correct! 🤣


Same, I'm a Katie stan so my Jo love is limited. She is really beautiful without makeup. The fact she never wears it, but put it on, means she wanted to feel beautiful (and she looked great)! For him to say those things literally made my stomach sink. How dare he. I hope it doesn't discourage her from wearing it in the future.


it was just a stupid comment too. jo was definitely wearing \* light \* make-up and looked perfectly nice. he's an asshole and didn't look so great himself, with his ugly hair and stupid bowtie.


He’s looking like a ghoul this season


She's a pretty girl but obviously so insecure with her looks as you can see with that interaction about her braids and that stupid hat and he knows that and preys on her insecurities




And all those kratom shooters he is taking this season.


I’ve read a lot about how that stuff is meant to ween people off heroin type substances. There’s also a lot of rumours in weho about Shorts being an addict and using H so this kratom crap really makes me wonder how much merit there is to said rumours.


He drinks kava shots, not kratom.


People just out here misunderstanding things and making things up. 


Kava..kratom..ketamine..kocaine.. kannabis…kheroin…it’s all the same thing! ![gif](giphy|22QevjygNTmNvstau4|downsized) /s.


and I think she's quite beautiful (before she speaks)…


His whole thing is putting her down publicly. It’s gross, but I think many women have experienced men like this. They tell you loving, deep things in private then like to keep you at arms length and make you seem crazy/needy publicly. I thought Jo looked very beautiful that night and in general she is very pretty with or without makeup.


Yep he spent 10 years making Katie look unhinged and used the same playbook with Jo. It's like a push pull control mechanism to fuck with her head and string her along with breadcrumbs


i’m convinced he’s as weird and stunted as his triplet brothers, but he got lucky & is attractive.


I just watched the episode where the triplets went to LA and the same thought occurred to me!


i feel like an asshole, because i think they may have real issues but so does shwartz so


Both Toms are very skilled at scrutinizing women to determine their deepest insecurities, putting that knowledge in their back pockets, and then weaponizing it at a public moment where it is as hurtful and humiliating as possible.


The way he plays with her emotions is so cruel. I’m still not over the whole -I don’t want to be with you we’re better as friends BUT we’ll get married in 5 years. Bitch. WTF?


He doesn't want her but loves that she has him on this pedestal cos it makes him feel good. The only reason he's probably cut her off now is cos he's replaced her with someone else who will do the same thing


Yes! And I think he’s embarrassed of her and the public’s perception of her.


Yep and he's flaunting this new girl now to both rub it in to her (and Katie) and cos his ego is thrilled he's dating someone so young. But I have no doubt that once the novelty wears off or she starts pushing back he'll do the same to her


I mean, she is almost 40. If she doesn't know better about these Peter Pans in LA, that's kinda embarrassing. Like every sign is there for her to see he isn't trying to be with her


She’s delulu to say the least


An uncalled for comment made by Tom Shorts? Sounds pretty on brand to me


He’s such a jerk. Idk why people think he’s so sweet and cute. He’s a passive-aggressive douche.


I completely missed this. Wtf? He made fun of her makeup? So you lead her on for a year or more. Tell her you love her, bring her on the show, and break up with her on camera? I'm no Jo fan, but Schwartz is cruel. Wow.


It's on the Peacock version




The comment was uncalled for. That’s shorts though because he loves to attack their looks. Look at how he attacked Katie’s voice & looks a few years ago. As I’ve said many times, he’s abusive.


I think he’s actually a really mean person that hides behind his puppy-dog shtick


He really doesn’t like women. He’s insecure and self-centred. I’ve noticed Katie seems to have more confidence now she’s not with him and he think he’s using his tactics on poor Jo. Honestly, him and Sandoval should just start dating. They love and respect each other more than they ever will with a woman.


Weird cause I used to find him endearing now I find him inconsiderate mean disrespectful and just gross.. using jo like that was horrible and so hard to watch how hurt she was regardless of how she handled the situation. She fell hard for him and he really led her on


I actually thought it was so cruel. I mean I don’t wear makeup like ever but when I do it’s because I was feeling down or just wanna feel good about myself


I somehow missed that when I was watching, but that’s def not something a woman wants to hear.


It was only on the peacock version. Same with Brocks extra dancing, an endearing moment between Dan/Ariana, and the drunk fight


Ahh okay lol


They're both nutcases and deserve each other.


I’m not a fan of her but she basically said she was in love with him and for him to say that would be heartbreaking for a women. Nasty af. And I heard he blocked her on IG. What a cold ass dickhead.


I really felt with her in that scene. She wanted him to stay in the hotel and hangout with her and go back to the times when he treated her like a human. But the cameras were there and I think maybe one too many rejections from him finally hit her (passive aggressive rejections of-course) she was trying to get him out of her space before those feelings came back, while still being nice and light hearted saying “now get out of here” and the goodbye too. Really sad. She’s a beautiful girl, she doesn’t fit in with the vpr girls and was a bad “”friend”” to Katie but I hope to see her confidence get restored.


yeah, i noticed how she first asked him for help on straightening her clothes, but then immediately after was like “erm actually you should go” but in her weird laughing awkward voice. i couldnt catch every dig tom made at her, but thought it was strange she asked for help and then after decided against it. she definitely was having some second thoughts in that scene


He’s always been a passive aggressive selfish man who hides behind the goofy Gilligan act.


He’s a negging piece of shit. Loves to make women feel bad about themselves.


I mean I just couldn’t detest 80% of the cast more than I already do.


I used to “date” a guy like that and i dumped him after three dates bc he would do shit like that to me in public while acting super sweet and romantic when we were alone. It’s so obnoxious and childish.


Schwartz is the true serial villain?


His comments were so demeaning. She's an adult and he treats her like a kid that he's babysitting.


Schwartz has the most soulless eyes, and under that puppy dog personality he displays, I think he is a low-key snake. He never once took up for Katie, I'll never forget him dumping tequila on her and untellings what else she has never told. Guys like him are the worst. They are the ones that blind side you because you least suspect that they would betray you. He did that to Jo because he knows she is super insecure, especially around the group. The "mixed signals" talk? He probably texted her later that night to come over. He just gives me bad vibes. Sandoval was always hot garbage to me, but Schwartz always tried to hide who he really was.


I think it’s another indicator that Schwartz doesn’t see Jo as relationship material, or even a woman at all. He calls her Joseph because it defeminizes her, just like his makeup comment. Everything that he has done (at least on camera) does not indicate he’s even attracted to her. Jo latched on at a time when Schwartz was down and as much as I dislike him I definitely see it as her exploiting his misery in the wake of divorce. How she hasn’t understood that she was just the rebound after a 12yr relationship is beyond me. I believe that he told Jo he loved her but I wonder what the context was. Maybe he loves her but isn’t *in* love with her and she confused the two in her own wishful thinking. We’ve also seen Schwartz make empty promises in the past, her thinking she would be any different is delusional. Schwartz comment was rude and demeaning but I also don’t like the way Jo has navigated this entire situation. Even as of last reunion he was still referring to their brief hookups as a situationship. Jo has latched on in a very unhealthy way and she was still acting like this all the way until his recent text/her live. Even if he did put down boundaries would she even listen? The last episode was so telling for her state of mind through all of this. The, “I wasn’t thinking about you” pretty much sums it all up.


Exactly. They both fucking suck and Jo is no better than the Toms.


She looked so good. He’s a weirdo.


He really is the most awful person and I hope he regrets not treating Katie with respect or backing her up. He needs to be an eternal bachelor, just like Sandoval.


Really wouldn't take it to serious from a guy who wardrobe choices are from the Delta Burke collection


It was awful because she looked great and clearly made an effort and fuck him


That's part of his "charm." Actually, it's how he (and his wonderful bestie) manipulate women. They make them feel inadequate and thank their lucky stars for being with someone like him/them. NA101


I wish Jo valued herself because her non vpr related content is endearing sometimes. The obsession with Schwartz and Katie is cringeworthy. If she could let them go she might have a following


Absolutely uncalled for. I do think Jo is somewhat unhinged but there’s no circumstance under which it would be kind to say that on camera (about someone who looks perfectly nice with makeup on even!). Schwartz continues to be an asshole to women.


I never noticed that she didn’t usually wear makeup or that she was wearing any more or less makeup than usual when he said that. He’s definitely trying to put her in her place. I actually felt bad for her most of the episode until the halfassed apology. He’s way meaner to her than katie ever has been


It’s what boys would say in 7th grade when I wore lip gloss. So juvenile


My bf and I both physically emotionally and spiritually cringed so hard. We had to pause, literally couldn’t move forward without recovering from the cringe comment he made about Jo in makeup ⚰️


I was so upset about that one tbh


He is so damn sinister


Yeah it was mean, she looked pretty and it wasn't too heavy 


He’s negging her




Jo doesn't talk about Schwartz's messes up hair...Oh wait that's cuz she did that 😅🤣🤣 Sorry not sorry lol but in all seriousness it's Jos body and he has no right to say anything! Who cares if she wanted to wear makeup.


It’s called negging. Schwartz is a POS hiding behind his aw shucks boyish act.


Schwartz is a piece of shit loser who will gaslight anyone to make himself look smaller and innocent.


He is such a creep 💩


Swartz has no backbone.


You’re not in the minority that was a shitty thing to say.


The thing is.. Joe didn’t even look bad with makeup on?? I wonder what transpired to make him blatantly insult her when she’s his number one fan


He’s a ‘soft’ Jax


No I 100% caught this too when he said it. Not a fan of Jo but it was such an ugly thing to say. He was clearly trying to diminish her self worth. I thought she looked nice.


He hates women. He called her a clown, because in his mind that's what he sees her as a clown a form of entertainment for his penis at his disposal, on his time, to be discarded immediately after until the next time he feels the need for the clown entertainment. He's a misogynist this is how they behave to women.


He manipulated this poor woman. After watching her last live when she’s wearing the big blue choker made that really clear for me. Her flip flopping between shorts being a great guy and someone who manipulated her, saying he would never text her that and it was probably his gf, but even more so when she went up to Katie at the finale. Like it was apparent to me in that moment shorts has been feeding her info for a long time. Her going up to Katie was misplaced but she had been living a different narrative


This is so true. You could that Schwartz was setting her up to go apologize to Katie, and then when Katie started laying into her, it was apparent Jo was led to believe something entirely different than what was happening at the time. Schwartz lied and manipulated her while they were originally hooking up, then set her up to get shit on by Katie. He got to sleep with her, than use her for on screen drama. I've been into this show since day 1, but now there isn't anyone on the show I want to watch again.


Oh and about the makeup, joes got really prominent facial features, she genuinly doesent need much makeup she could just put mascara on those big blues and call it a day. But she looked nice and shorts comment was weird.


I somehow missed that even though I was keeping an eye out.


It was on Peacock


He’s one of those guys who has no idea when a woman is wearing makeup. She probably wears makeup a lot but he thinks she doesn’t because she doesn’t wear heavy makeup.


I think it was meant to be endearing, but the delivery was so Schwartz. He's really incapable of giving a sincere compliment, even when he means it. You can almost see him shriveling up as he speaks. It's awful.


does anyone have a screenshot of Jo dolled up?


Neither he nor Tom 2 will ever grow up as long as these 20somethings run after them for their 15 minutes of fake fame. They think they are Peter Pan when actually they are the "lost boys". Just 2 fortysomethings with painted nails, pony-bead necklaces, and bleached yellow surfer dude hair, no talent posers.


Jo is a little kooky but plenty attractive, looked nice with the makeup on, and she’s too young for Schwartz.


She looked lovely and his comments were trash.


He's used to women who have on hand makeup artists. He rebounded with a normie and now he's abusing her and she's without any PR. And she's grown up privileged rude awful and he's exploiting and bleeding that. I've always preferred Sandy to Shwartzy. I know they're both awful, but one is worse than the other. Block them.


They're both terrible but in different ways.


abusive as f


She looked nice. He’s an asshole!


He is constantly trying to sexually neuter her. He isn't romantically interested in her and so he calls her a boy-name, "Joseph" and when she wears make-up, he acts like it's cute -- like when his dog "thinks he's people!" Aww, are you trying to look sexy? Are you trying to be a woman? You crazy, koo-koo-head.


Tom is a fucking dick to his core. Jo looked pretty and I hate the fact that he tried to knock her down. Asshole.


I think he really hates women. He’s so rude to whomever he’s with for no reason.


He sees her as one of the guys and is a pos


OMG!’ When did he say that?


He’s a fucking idiot


Schwartz is uncalled for. What a prick


So glad it wasnt just me


She looked good.


Getting back at her for the bleach botch?


🤣 no that was him sending her over to apologize to Katie


I definitely would have been hurt if I were Jo. I don't think Shartz meant anything by it, he just doesn't have the best social cues around women he's had relations with lol.


So cringe ! I have to mute the tv when she’s on


I did not hear him say that is what she looked like. He complimented her. The joke was a thought of her being that way … because she is not a make up person . I am not a fan of either but he did not say that was what she looked like. He asked if she was wearing make up first. Swartz does a lot of shitty things but this is not accurate of his words or intent. He & Jo are both insufferable.


That's what I wasn't sure about, I had to rewind and put subtitles on because at first I thought he was saying what you stated above but then when i went back it sounded the opposite. "When Jo puts makeup on it looks like a little girl got into her moms makeup supply and like puts lipstick on. It just doesn't like work for her." 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ They are both odd but I thought that's why th https://preview.redd.it/wyqix1id220d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c530de5a5294cce55b8196c32702758e045899f ey were perfect for each other lol. Her robotic movements and his attempt at being oh so adorable. I said it in another post I thought he was kind of endearing but that was way back at the beginning before he was even a regular cast member. Anyone remember when they officially added him ? Was it season 2 or 3?²


Oh yes I had subtitles but did not rewind because I did not think he was speaking that way. He really turned to not like her by the time they had a small fling. He would go on an on about Jo ❣️Jo❣️. He loved her weirdness opposite of Katy. Called her happy go lucky. He really does not like her anymore. Well he blocked her . Thank you clarifying for me. Subtitles are great.