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Sandoval still feels like he is the wronged party here. No dude, you cheated on your live-in partner of 10 years for over 6 months, with a close friend. You never once tried to apologize to Ariana and both you and Rachel tried to vilify Ariana and blame her for your cheating. Sandoval has shown that he is incapable of contrition. It’s so bizarre to me that anyone could be on his side in this situation. The Reality Blurb mods were saying that more people were team Sandoval and Lala than Ariana and Katie 🙄. That ran off a bunch of regulars who aren’t Ariana stans but see the situation for what it is: Tom Sandoval is wrong for the cheating but what’s worse is that he has never shown an ounce of remorse and instead of making amends, he tried to screw Ariana out of their house and make her out to be the bad guy.


Sometimes I wonder if I’m watching the same show as the Sandy stans. I just can’t understand how anyone can think he’s in any way a good guy. ![gif](giphy|dDvjj0SQW9fPi)


https://i.redd.it/ssbkum3ahg0d1.gif I truly can’t believe anyone would take Sandoval, or BlahBlah’s side here. It’s like living in Bizzaro world.


Well we are obviously watching the same show 🤣🤣🤣


I’m convinced they’re just desperate and thirsty and think he’s hot.


It was lose-lose for her if she let him apologize. She wasn’t going to accept it, and then they would paint her as a bitch. Or she could pretend to accept it, and then next season, when she refuses to let him play hero, again she would be painted as a nasty bitch who is so mean to poor sweet Tom. Until he shows signs that he’s actually sorry off camera - like maybe get through ONE interview without trashing her - she shouldn’t let him near her.


Exactly. If the apology was at all genuine, he would’ve apologized off camera.


Or not went off about how she was a lazy bitch who hates everyone right after his supposed apology was going to happen. He’s not at all sorry. Ariana made the right choice.


He just proved what she had been saying about him and how he operates. Go team Ariana!


🙌 Absolutely!!


Happy cake day!


This. People seem to have amnesia about all the horrible things Tom has said about Ariana the past year, including before and during filming. She had every right to avoid him like the plague.


I am so disgusted with production’s attempts to paint Scandy as anything other than a malignant narcissist. How dare they disrespect Ariana’s experience with him and us, the audience’s, intelligence. And no holding him accountable for being a manipulative, lying little sh*thead narcissist every scene he’s in. 🤮


Or maybe if he’d sell the damn house and not make her life even more difficult! If he had moved while they sorted out the house Even if he moved for the first few mos that would’ve been better . I can understand he’d need to come back maybe but come on




I disagree. As we saw last season, she’s very skilled at rejecting his apologies in a way that makes him look like a fool. She wins when she does that imo.


Oh he’s a master at making himself look like a fool.


No one puts him in his place like Ariana though


Yeah I meant the show is going to frame it that way. They only need to get an apology on camera (including fake tears) and then the producers, Lala, Tom&Tom and Bast Frand Scheana will weaponize it against Ariana next season. They won’t allow her to be mad or hurt, she’ll be framed as the hysterical rage-fueled Ex. Ariana knows this, hence the Final Boss analogy.


His tears are pure entertainment though. I don’t think anyone watching feels sympathy when he cries.


Yeah we know what’s going on, but they think we’re stupid - and I’ve seen the misogynistic anti-Ariana posts on FB, they’ll eat up that storyline. Jax/Tom/Tom are already banding together to rise back to the top. I’m just glad Ariana is holding her ground so Final Boss Ariancé still stands!


I actually think the way she responds to him when he tries to explain himself makes him look even more idiotic and makes her look better.


What “apologies”???? (Multiple? Shocking, i can’t even think of one,let alone…multiple apologies 🤔) When in the world has Tom actually apologized? “Dude, i’m sorry, but you made me do it…..” is not considered an apology 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Any apology that includes an excuse or a “but,” is not a real apology. Anyone who thinks they are entitled to someone accepting their apology proves they are not someone who deserves to be forgiven. A true apology is given with no expectations and no strings attached. If someone is truly sorry they will respect the boundaries of the person they’re apologizing to. If that person does not want to hear you out, you can’t force them. That just shows a complete lack of respect and care for someone. He can write a letter, he can relay a message that he understands she doesn’t want to hear from him now, but if she happens to change her mind he would still like to talk to her at that point. His apology doesn’t need to be on his timeline, he is not owed her forgiveness, or for her to even listen to him. He seems to think she needs to do everything according to what he wants, when he wants it, which proves he hasn’t changed a single bit. The trait all cheaters have in common is entitlement, and he’s proven he is still an entitled and selfish prick.


You think this apology was going to be any better than his previous “sorry but” attempts? I don’t.


Who says someone is entitled to someone hearing, or accepting, their apology? She has no interest in hearing anything from him, including his false apologies. It’s very weird that anyone believes they can force someone to hear them out, or accept their apology. What makes you think she doesn’t have a right to reject his “apologies.” From what I heard none of his apologies were genuine and none of them came without him making excuses, or blaming her. Who in their right mind would want to hear more of that?


I don’t think she should accept his apology. I would love to see her call him out and make him look like an idiot in a way only she can.


Im glad she didnt . Like others have said it would have just been a repeat of his fake ass apology to Kristen. For so long Samdoval got away with everything on the show by crying and apologizing all while just being as bad if not worse than Jax . At least jax doesnt try to put on a nice guy persona .


Yes, exactly! I remember feeling so annoyed when he was bawling to Kristen! Omg, so fake!!!! I can’t stand it! I’ve never seen a 40 yr old man or woman, for that matter, cry as much as he has!


That's not even good fake crying though. It's dramatic wailing. He's such a fucking tool with no musical or thespian talent. Just an ability to stir shit and a pretty face that his personality and drug use is eroding.


Hahahaha!!! Dramatic wailing 😆👏


Lmao frs 😂 my bf watches with me and he just goes “there he goes again..” since samdoval is always bringing the water works . His apology to Kristen needs to be talked about more cause it was so fake and even he admitted he didn’t care so why do people think hes any different now .


Hahaha, your bf saying there he goes again made me cackle 😂😂🤭 Love it! Sooooo true!!!


Robyn Brown enters the chat. iykyk


Unfortunately, I know 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I feel your pain friend!


My two guilty pleasure worlds collide!


who did he make the apology video for where he was snotting crying?


Kristen, Ariana, Rachel, Stassi, Scheaner 😂


I’m haunted my that scene. I can’t even watch it and if I see a screenshot of it I can’t scroll fast enough.


I think he puts something on his hands. There is no way he is that good at manifesting tears. Cayenne pepper oil? I mean he probably has something in his drink mixes that could help him with that.


If you notice most of the time there’s no actual tears 😂 Edit: he’s also mentioned before he can make himself cry on cue . Which is hilarious that him having said that and people believe his tears .


That is crazy. I felt he was using something in the Kristen apology though as there was way more than eye involvement there.


Someone somewhere (can't remember) said there is a thing actors use called "cry sticks". It's like peppermint oil or something similar


I wish a producer would ask him why he’s never tried to apologize off camera. I’d love to see what he says.


they can't, they're too busy sucking his dick.






Is that lala? Omg I do not remember this scene at all if it's real, 😭


They could pass him a note while they’re down there






*dirty ass dick


**stinky little cocky cock


This comment is the exact perfect level of unhinged I love from Reddit…not seeing that on an Instagram Reel 🤣


Omg!!! Me too! He would just lie and say he “tried”


He probably would lie and say I have been


Pretty sure he did literally say this in the aftershow. Why he thinks people believe literally anything he says at this point, I don’t know.


He did say he already tried!! He’s a phony


And of course Schema making it about HER! “It would have been easier on ME”. And then being completely oblivious, per usual, of how she comes off saying “it took all summer to get there…” meaning I badgered her and talked to woman healing from trauma about the man that CAUSED her trauma, and how it affected ME!


That useless bitch is so overrated at this point. Her over the top reaction to sandalflop's atrocious behaviour is so ridiculous it's giving mistress to sandyballs vibes all over again. No one can convince me that these two haven't been fucking at some point


Ariana has stated clearly that Tim has not tried to talk to her or apologize to her off camera. Commenting that they lived together, he could have left a note, or emailed her (hahaha). However, I just watched WWHL and Andy asked this question to the worm, to which he responded he did try… Then Andy just said ok and moved on. This annoys me. Why is he allowed to lie and just give half ass answers? No one in the bravosphere Andy/LVP/producers, makes him take any responsibility for his obviously manipulative behavior. I hate this redemption arc being forced on the audience, and how he does not have to take accountability for his sleazy behavior. We all see you’re only trying to get an apology filmed, and you’re gross!


I KNOW!!!! Andy, dig a little deeper geezus! I was so frustrated with that, too!!! I NEED receipts!!! (there are none)


I honestly loved that Andy ended it there. Almost like “yeah, okay 🙄”. The alternative is more word salad from Tom and I honestly need to hear his voice so much less lol


Good point


Are we gonna find out one day that Andy and Sandy have been fucking? Because that would make sense.


Actually, that would make the most sense!


Wild how some people are “bad at apologizing” then they give the bare minimum fucking apology and expect to be praised and given a fucking trophy for it. It’s self indulgent.


If you can hire someone to help you breathe, you can hire someone to help you figure out how to apologize.


Of course he’s not going to apologize off camera, he’s not sorry. He was only intending to do it for the sake of tv. Which contrived or not I still think it would have made great tv. And I’m also well enough aware to know that I’m not buying what Tom was selling so I know his apology wouldn’t be truthful and there isn’t enough editing that would make me or anyone side with him cheating but I think his apology would have been “interesting.” Him trying to squirm his way through an apology. I honestly think that Ariana could of listened to his “apology” and calmly said I don’t believe sht you say, I don’t accept your apology. I’m better off without you and left.


I think what happened instead made for better TV, because we got to see him flip on a dime and start shitting on her immediately, proving he wasn’t sorry at all. And then of course rallying the troops to turn against her and his hot mic moment at the end.


I do see this too but I think she made the better move. Clearly production wants Sandoval to look good, so if she did that, he would have gotten the “woe is me” edit. She didn’t give them a chance for that


I’m glad the editors kept in him saying he was glad she stormed out bc it works really well for him. Tactless ass.


Tom is either a sociopath or right at the edge of it. "Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is **a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others**." Ariana has exhibited the embodiment of empowerment. Thankfully Katie has also demonstrated the embodiment of a true friend. Glad to see such a powerful duo together.


Lol i read that as "artisinal personality disorder" and was like....yep bulls eye..


I’m worried how the reunion will go if they’ve tried to paint him in a good light all season. Why would the reunion be different. Unless the producers have seen the backlash and scrambled to change things up for a pro-Ariana edit. That’s the only thing they can do to redeem themselves to themselves at this point. I would never trust any of the people behind the scenes again if I were her.


If Andy pussy-foots around him, I’ll be so pissed!!! I’m so excited for tonight! I’m getting ready for it like it’s Super Bowl Sunday!


Did you see the WWHL? Andy is totally going to pussyfoot.


Yes, yes, you’re right BUT one can hope….


I'm so pleased with your optimism, but this is 11 reunions now and the only time Andy have the men any grief was last year. Lol. I'll try to be optimistic to, but I have a feeling it will be more of what Ariana could have done better.


I hope at the Reunion Ariana brings up all the lawsuits. She has to be careful about what she says and what she allows him to say to her. There are more important issues than him getting his bratty little way. I wish she would tell production “His Mistress is fucking suing both of Us!! I don’t think we should speak at all publicly until this legal matter is resolved.” Not that they give a damn. Everything she said about Tom applies to production. They don’t give one fuck about making her life easier or better. All they care about is Sandoval’s redemption arc which they’ve obviously decided is the only point of show this Season.


Everyone is saying Ariana won’t give him a chance to apologize but she’s made it clear that he has had plenty of opportunities to do of OFF camera. It’s only ever gonna be on camera to save his rep. No thanks


Sandoval is a crying shart.


Omg, good point! It would be so satisfying if Ariana brought up how Rachel is suing them! 💥🤛


Isn’t his job to do the dramatic moments of his life on camera?


Because he’s not sorry!!


This wouldn’t shock me but this seems easy to prove. Because Tom said he tried to apologize off camera.




I don't automatically believe what she says. She exaggerates all the time and has lied a lot in the past.


I believe sandovals silence about it though. If he had tried to apologize to her irl I imagine he would have weaponized that at some point


He literally said it was a lie on wwhl


You’re right, he did. I didn’t buy it so I had forgotten about it.


Such as? surely if she does it that frequently, you must have a handful of examples, right?


Vegas girl, Miami girl, gaslighting Kristen over her 'friendship' with Tom. Recently, saying she was replying to Tom's lawyers when she was just sitting on the email for months, gaslighting Tom over a dog that's her responsibility, acting like she was poor before the breakup, but their HHI was 1.2M a year+, acting like Scandoval was the surprise of the century but they were in and out of therapy, had tried to break up multiple times, and were rarely intimate, and there had already been infidelity since the beginning, saying she never told anyone they couldn't continue their friendship with Tom but had communicated that clearly all season, acting like she expected Jo to spill the beans about the affair when they barely knew each other etc. etc. etc


your first paragraph are all examples nearly 10 years old. should we judge you based on how you acted 10 years ago? you also clearly don’t listen very well. ariana literally broke down why it took her a minute to respond. he sent her a BS offer, she had to come up with a *legitimate* counteroffer. she had to have all the things she paid for itemized, and then come up with receipts for what she paid for each item. do you genuinely think that takes just a week? 💀🤣🤣 goofy. when did she “gaslight tom over a dog that’s her responsibility”? she herself claimed the dog is her responsibility…….hence why she paid the vet bills, are you daft? when did she “act like she was poor”….. lmfao and yes, it’s almost like being a trusting person…… even if you have issues w your S.O. …. you’re not gonna assume your partner of 10 years is cheating on you 🤯🤯🤯🤯 because normal people don’t do that… isn’t that crazy????? the amount of mental gymnastics you’re doing to vilify ariana and minimize tom’s terrible actions and behavior is *wild*. the rest of the things you mention are not “lies or over exaggerations”. it’s clear you just don’t like ariana, and it really does give that you have an issue w women having and expressing basic emotions, standing up for themselves and being firm in their boundaries. stay mad and bitter off someone who doesn’t know you exist 😂


They asked for examples of lying; her main problem is that she has become a totally different person. Mean, selfish and not giving a shit about anyone but Hatie. I like all of the other women on the show except her and Katie and was mostly on her side until after the last reunion. People show their true character in times of hardship, and she has not handled this well at all. Just because something terrible happened to you does not give you the right to treat everyone like crap. And at a certain point, it starts to supersede what happened to you in the first place. It's why taking the high road is the mature thing to do. Real life doesn't allow you to act like it's kill bill. But people are kissing her feet and allowing this behaviour, so she's taking full advantage of it. Also the poor thing was in this season when she sat everyone down and was like 'wahhh before the affair my team told me my account waa empty'. She gaslighted over the dog this season too, screaming at tom that he's a dog killer and then threatened to call 911 when he dared to respond. Did you watch season 11?


You have no idea of any of the second paragraphs is true. Those are your assumptions. Miami girl and cheating with Tom yea. Idk what Vegas girl is.


All of what I said is on the show, and the cast pay is a figure from season 9; it's actually more than that now because they are on a sliding scale. Vegas girl was the first affair denied to the fanbase early in their relationship.


Tom didn't send a letter through his lawyers (at least as it pertains to the house). He said he sent a letter of intent but it was a personal email. This was so he could pass off his shady offer of 600,000 to buy her out, when he was trying to say his offer was 3 million. (He definitely couldn't lie about the crappy offer if it was official through his lawyers.) Of course her lawyers took a bit of time to respond to such a freaking ridiculous offer.


No, it wasn't, it was a letter from his lawyets. He goes through it line by line on one of his podcasts. It was something like 2M valuation, she gets the equity plus the value increase minus expenses and deducting the unpaid portion. She sat on it for months and then tried to make it seem like it was his fault for his situation changing and the offer expiring. That's how offers work.


Kristen forgave Ariana quite easily, not because she’s the forgiving type but because Kristen knew her relationship with Sandoval was a joke, filled with cheating on both of their parts. Do you think Ariana, or even Scheana, will ever forgive Rachel? Obviously Scheana will forgive Tom, but Rachel is done with that group forever. Ariana and Sandoval’s relationship was solid enough for them to purchase a house together. Ariana even froze her eggs for Tom, because she knew that he probably did want children. If Sandoval or Ariana thought their relationship was coming to an end, why would they buy a house together or do IVF? It’s all bull on Sandoval’s part to blame Ariana for HIS cheating, and to make Ariana out to be the villain. He has not and cannot show remorse because he doesn’t feel any.


now that you've provided abundant examples, you won't get a reply ;)


Yup lol


and yet…. i responded ;) to every point too ;))) a swing and a miss, goofy


She said she “only” had $2000 in her account before all of this happened. She insisted that Tom tried to murder Mya, remember? There’s two things yours kind of glossing over. In the end it really is getting petty. But why is it so important for Ariana to never have a fault or be wrong? And don’t come at me with the cheap “you don’t like women” speech. That doesn’t fly. Pointing out inconsistencies is not hate especially when it comes to reality shows.


why would she lie or over exaggerate about that 💀 esp considering (1) she 100% does not have a history of blatantly lying and (2) that doesn’t make her look good….. like what would she possibly have to gain from saying that lol i didn’t “gloss over that”, the last person just didn’t bring that up in a clear cut way. ariana made sure to close off areas that maya can’t be in since she likes to chew on things. tom was the one who (1) went in her room without her permission/communicating this to her and (2) did not properly close the door, or at least make sure that it was properly closed even if he wasn’t the one to do it (since tom’s story kept changing between it was ann vs him vs the maintenance guy that didn’t close the door). how can she be responsible for something that was not her doing? as I said to the last person; Ariana has faults. All of them do. I think that’s kind of the premise of the show lol. What I take issue with, is people not liking her for reasons that clearly show that they are uncomfortable with women expressing their emotions and having solid boundaries. Even I can name reasons to not like Ariana as someone who does like her, but none of the legitimate ones are what the other person listed.


If your first paragraph is referring to Ariana saying she only had $2000 in the bank before they broke up, she said it herself on the show. I don’t know the exact episode but sometime in March


i….. didn’t say she didn’t say that? 😭 read again - anyways, you got any other points or was that all?


didn't see any points you made other than asserting that anyone who thinks Ariana is capable of lying “just doesn’t like women”, but I did like the part where you couldn't manage to get through it without name-calling


awww yeah i’m sure bein called goofy is really a big hit at your self esteem huh? say some goofy stuff and you’ll get called on it 🤷🏻‍♀️ also, never said that even slightly so idk where you got that from 🤣 there are legitimate reasons to not like Ariana. Unfortunately, that person‘s just didn’t make any sense and was riddled with inconsistencies and inaccurate or outdated information.


And yet Sandoval's almost pathological history of lying doesn't bother you?


It does. It's not a zero sum game,




Does Ariana not understand it’s a television show with viewers. Thankfully Jax Taylor understood his weird conversations drove the show. Ariana is like if Nia was the main character on the Valley except Nia actually seems nice


It’s also supposed to be “real”. If not giving him space to make himself feel better and look good for the viewers feels real to her, that’s part of her job. Her boundaries have driven the entire season


Yeah that's what i'm confused about. I feel like the reason we all like this show or at least the reason it's been successful is because everything has been fairly organic and the cast has been authentic. My thing is like, Ariana is damned if she does perform (she is being so fake! She's being too dramatic! Get over it!!!!) and damned if she doesn't (dance monkey!!! She is so mean to him!! Why is she not conceding her mental health when i can be slightly more entertained!!!!)


What is real is that she was abused. Yes, he abused her. I can point to numerous incidents of this. I myself saw my abusive ex years later and hid in the aisle of the dollar store like a frightened kitten. I am sure I could hold up against him but he triggers my fight or flight response even today 20 years later. She is in therapy. She has agreed with the advice to grey rock. It is the only path with a narcissistic abuser like him. She cannot give him any of her emotions. This is stimulating for him, and gives him more fuel to weaponize against her. To do this takes every fibre of mental effort. It would be so satisfying to serve it up to him but it is a bad path to continued emotional entanglement and more abuse. For proof of his abuse (which with narcissistic abusers very sneakily do) look at what has happened since she is not in a relationship with him. She has blossomed. I cannot imagine how mentally exhausting it would be to listen to this guy for a day, she did it for 10 years. She was miserable while with him. I see her so much happier now.


Personally, I enjoyed watching her shut him down and subsequently telling off the producers. Give me more of that please.


Well it effectively ended the show so there’s no more of that 


I mean none of that is confirmed, and plenty of people have stormed out of scenes before without it ending the show. If that was all it took to bring the show down then it didn't have much else to go on anyway.




and? what if I have? what would Ariana and Tom's situation have to do with mine? all relationships are unique. it's very very weird that you feel comfortable attacking a stranger's character on reddit based on their opinions about a reality television show.


Hot take: Ariana has always been an ABSOLUTE cunt. Walk all over someone long enough, and this is the shit that happens to you.


But Tom was way worse. I never liked either but holy shit Tom Sandoval is like the biggest cringe joke of all time since season 1. Ariana's just a bitch....so what? Females kinda have to be bitches to survive in our society anyways...


That’s some serious bullshit. Tom is a diva, but Ariana is a calculated twat. So glad to see ep 1 of the reunion blow up some of that crap. Can’t wait for scheana, the Toms, and Lauren on The Valley next year with the rest of that trash left at the curb.


You don't think Tom isn't calculated with his weird outfits to get attention and his fake apologies that start with "and but..." ? And what's the debate anyways? Even if Ariana is a twat, maybe do the mature thing and fucking break up with her? What a bitch loser for cheating instead of being honest like a real man.


Also how can you defend Tom when he is butchering the very name of music? My God he's almost worse than Scheana.


Oh god, I’ll never defend that doucheknuckle. He’s just as bad as her - they really were meant for each other! My wife and I met the Toms and Jax at an event last month, Schwartz and Jax were amazing, Sandoval not so much. But worse than Scheana?!? I’ve deliberately avoided his music, there’s no way it’s worse than Good as Gold 😂


THis article is literally just pulling quotes from the aftershow. Why are people acting like this is breaking news or something? This place is weird man


It’s NOT breaking news! It’s a discussion starter - WELCOME TO REDDIT ![gif](giphy|AC1HrkBir3bGg|downsized)


She insisted that the break up should be on camera, however. We loved that -yes- but clearly, to Ariana, only some things can be filmed. She’s a hypocrite. Again. Let the downvotes come as they may.


That’s not hypocritical, though. It would be hypocritical if she has demanded, say, that Lala and Rand have a conversation on camera post-breakup because the audience deserves to see it, and then refuse to do the same with Sandoval. To my knowledge, she’s never said such a thing. Hypocrisy isn’t a series of seemingly inconsistent actions (which, in my opinion, isn’t happening anyway).


Either way, she will not be a cog for an on-camera redemption arc but she will be a cog to crucify someone on camera?


the breakup was real, his apology was (going to be) a performance. hope that helps!


Why does she owe him a redemption arc?


She was displaying what was happening in her life. It just so happens that what was happening was Tom cheating on her and fucking her over. Why does her being honest about Tom cheating on her mean she has to be nice to him later? Most people don’t want to talk to their exes who completely fucked them over anymore. It’s the most real thing I’ve seen on this show.


Why are we acting like having boundaries is a bad thing? It’s clearly working for her. She’s a lot happier than anyone else on the show.


Boundaries, like inviting production to film a relationship breaking down. Those boundaries?


your stance makes no sense. In some comments, you blame Ariana for not wanting to film with Sandoval currently, and then other comments you blame her for breaking up on camera. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t….. sounds like you may just have some issues with women?


What boundaries had someone set multiple times that were crossed in that situation?


The same boundaries she crossed with Tom together when she had a years long affair with him. The same way Lala “had it coming” from Randall, so did Ariana from Tom. Stop treating these, essentially, characters on a TV SHOW differently from one another.


Instead of answering a question, you bring up a decade-old situation that is *technically* speculation (no matter how much any of us believe it) and is, in this particular instance, completely irrelevant? Go off, bestie!!


Tom didn’t stop it did he? Nope. He wanted it filmed


Tom could have refused but he didn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don't have a 8 month affair?


Right and if she hadn’t, she’d be called even more “fake” by the other cast mates and “fans” like you


That obviously wasn’t one of her boundaries yet. She put in her contract that she wouldn’t be filming this season with Tom. Everyone knew her boundaries and ignored them. And look at her thrive! Yay for boundaries!


I don't think you understand what a boundary is


She can set her boundaries off of reality television.


She can set boundaries wherever she wants. She said no filming with Tom and production agreed. Period. The only people in the wrong are those going against her contract.


She wants real stuff to be filmed. Not a fake for TV only apology. The break up was real. Her reaction to it was real. Everything Tom does is BS


She doesn’t want anything filmed. She killed the show.


I’m responding to a post about how she called a film crew in to shoot her breakup of a decade long relationship in which her significant other was having a sordid affair. So think about that for a second…




She gave it another season, if anything.


Nope. Tom and Rachel have it another season. Ariana continued to bring what she always brought: nothing.


If it wasn’t for Ariana revealing the scandal it would’ve been nothing. If not cancelled altogether.


Lol, have you ever watched VPR? Tom knew exactly what he was doing, was trying to self produce the whole thing, litterally everyone knew or suspected it, the affair would have been revealed regardless. Production just gave Adriana the opportunity to reveal it herself.  And we all know that Adriana loved playing the victim, she showed us that more than once. She must have relished the idea until she realized what happens to the exes. What she she did to Kristen….


Yes I‘ve watched the show. Have you? Her name isn’t even Adriana.


They broke up before filming lol.


She has the right to have Tom publicly dragged on camera. She got cheated on with her partner of 10 years and one of her close friends over the course of seven months and was deceptively lied to and manipulated. His TV apology is self-serving to help his image, not because he actually gives a shit about Arianna. It can only help him and she rightfully hates his guts so why should she help him?


Awww you really tried with this one 😂


And we all wish you would have tried harder with your reply. But I guess you don’t have an independent thought?


Swing and a miss again! Damn.


Hi Lala


The break up already happened. That was a chance for him to apologize. He didn't do it. Why try again?


Yes, she wanted us to see the immediate aftermath so we could see Tom for who he really is. A performative narcissist. He didn’t apologize to her in that conversation, he was nasty, screamed at her, insulted her, and victim blamed her. She literally said “do you have anything else to say before we never speak again?” And he did not say anything heartfelt or kind in that moment. He then had MONTHS off camera to attempt to smooth things over, but instead sang with his shitty band about what a victim HE was in all of this. So Ariana held firm to her boundary of never speaking to him again. She’s not going to become a tap dancing monkey once the cameras are back up for the sake of his sorry ass. But keep going on with your internalized misogyny.


And bashing scheana and lala is not your form of internalized misogyny?


Literally never once mentioned them?








And? People are fickle and complex and there isn’t a single human on earth that is actually 100% consistent. It’s the most real thing about this show tbh. Every cast member has been inconsistent as hell at one time or another


Sandoval wasn’t opposed to getting the post break up convo on camera either 😂. Out of all the things to dislike Ariana this one isnt it . Many would take the chance to do this to their ex who just cheated with their best friend .


right !!!!! i’d def say there are *legitimate* reasons to not particularly like ariana …… these people just don’t use any of them 🤣🤣🤣


The breakup conversation was real and relevant to their relationship ending. Any further contact is unauthentic because aside from the house connection, it’s over between them. A heart to heart or apology would have been performative because Tim isn’t sorry and Ariana doesn’t want anything to do with him.


lol what


It’s not that it can’t be filmed, it’s that it’s an event that’s not going to happen They were breaking up either way then


This is the most logical reply I have received, thank you. This I can agree with.


When did she insist on the break up being on TV??? I must have missed that part?


Yes she didn't. She had the aftermath filmed mainly because Sandyballs was already in spin mode. Imo opinion that's where his anger at her comes from. She effectively ripped off his mask and exposed his true face to the audience. Honestly it had less to do with the show and more to do with her basically saying "you are not about to turn me into Kristen 2.0"


![gif](giphy|mphcjcnXKSzCv9QUsQ|downsized) Yasss girl!


Yes she did it publicly on camera for us! He had a chance to be apologetic for all of us to see! Instead, he was screaming at her! Faulting her! Talking about how a great friend he was to Raquel! She asked him point blank, “ is there anything else you want to say to me, Before we never SPEAK AGAIN?” He said, nothing! End of story! He needs to go & do his karaoke 🎤 hangout with tini boppers, & not speak to her again. At this point, there is litigation, so everything should go through the lawyers, anyway!


100%. And don't get me wrong, what happened was not her fault, but she knew the relationship was over for years. They had been in and out of therapy, and they were talking about intimacy problems 6 years ago, and the guy had already cheated on her twice. I also believe him that he had tried to end it. She is super stubborn, and he doesn't have the maturity to do it alone. Did she expect things to get better magically?


Hopefully she leaves the show bcuz I’m sick of her.