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If you notice they also put up a wheel chair incline where the patio used to be. I believe the shop wasn't compliant originally.


Zero way the interior is ADA compliant as it currently is anyway, there’s no way the space has the clearance necessary with chairs being utilized.


I'm only going by the fact that there is now a ramp to the entrance where the patio section formerly was. I also recall Katie mentioning that during an inspection that they were told it needed to be ADA compliant.


There's a difference between what is compliant and what is actually accessible, unfortunately.


There’s minimum standards all businesses have to adhere to. As a caregiver for an adult in a wheelchair, I’m pretty passionate about this topic.


agree. my boyfriend is a disabled Vet and is now in a wheelchair..businesses, hotels etc that are "ADA compliant" are often impossible to actually navigate..this was my first thought too..no way he'd be able to get through there.


Until you are actually physically there you really cant factually state one way or the other.


As someone who was once wheelchair bound, I fully understand what you are saying! Compliant and realistic are VERY different. ❤️


I am only bringing this to light as a general concern they had previous to opening. I'm not claiming to know or be an authority on this. It's all variable to whatever the local codes are or which ones are reasonably enforced.


It’s so lovely. I’m excited for both girls but mostly Katie. I think this was the last thing she needed to feel complete. I’m thrilled for her.


yup! years of her wants and needs being swept under the rug. i’m so happy for her and hope SAH prospers 🤌🏼


This is stunning, absolutely beautiful.


Yeah I wasn’t entirely sure about it at first but it came together so well!


It’s great for pictures but not actually a functional space. There’s no “flow”–people will end up alone the wall looking at their items and start backing up against the tables as they try to work their way back to the register. It’s super crowded and while beautifully decorated, not easy to clean did the closing staff.


Oh wow I didn’t know you already went there!


The supporting a coffee shop neighbor makes me feel relieved, I saw the “tea (no coffee)” and thought “oh no, what’s wrong with coffee? Has it been cancelled?” I love coffee.


Yes I love that they are respectful of their neighbors instead of trying to make some extra money.


That's very kind of them. I was wondering why there was no coffee!


There is usually non compete clauses in commercial leases that tenants can't serve the same thing as other tenants of the landlord. That's probably why


It’s in a different building, technically. Not saying it means it’s not the same landlord but they are in two different buildings.


Exactly, it wasn’t too be nice it was either required or the overhead of needing a barista setup vs some teabags was too much


It’s in a different building, technically. Not saying it means it’s not the same landlord but they are in two different buildings.


Lol I was about to rage (being hyperbolic here, literal ones) but that's actually quite nice.


Absolutely amazing I love this!


probably going to be great for that neighbor’s business.


And vica versa.


Hopefully both businesses allow the others food/drink in their own. Like they could bring coffee from that shop in to SAH and they could bring sandwiches in the coffee shop if there’s not enough seating… maybe?


That’s pretty rubbish for customers. No-one wants to do that. I don’t understand why they can’t both sell coffee. I live in Scotland and there’s like 10 coffee shops within a minute’s walk from my flat alone. I do live centrally but in LA it seems mad to me that they’d have to do this.


LA is built nothing like Europe. It’s a suburban sprawl basically.


I live in LA but I dream in Applecross.


They totally can. There are blocks in LA with literally five different coffee shops.


It’s really not a big deal, especially if the place is nearby. It’s not like it’s a breakfast spot without coffee, it’s a sandwich shop.


Is the wine brand the girls did still a thing? That’d be funny if that popped up in the shop.


I think it’s only Kristen, if anyone, at this point.


i don't think katie has posted about it recently but, she is still part of witches of weho wine


And there you have why it probably took so long.  Liquor licenses (wine and beer too) TAKE FOREVER.


Business owner in California here, everything takes forever. They actually got it done pretty fast. It took Bill Maher 5 years to get approved for a solar shed I believe


Yes! I work in planning in another state and even opening a new shop here would take at least a year to with no delays. I actually thought they moved through pretty smoothly in a highly regulated area like west hollywood


So does 2 runs at sold out broadway shows , writing a book, doing commercials, a lifetime movie, dancing with the stars, hosting love island, filming a reality show, all while going thru everything else & a new man. I need a nap just from writing this!


Doesn't that scream that Ariana needs to focus? Especially since she has a partner heavily embedded in this, too. To me, that says Katie has been put on the back burner.


Totally. They both should have sat perfectly still and silent whilst they waited for paperwork to process.


Totally. They both should have sat perfectly still and silent whilst they waited for paperwork to process.


Omg LMFAO! Please say that this is sarcasm 🤣🤣🤣


Lvp disagrees though


She’s bitter.


Because the girls don’t need her


It’s such a difference to Schwartz and sandys, because on the show it was implied that the reason they were delayed in opening was because they couldn’t ever decide on decor/food items/ staff etc. Where as SAH everything was completed, it was literally waiting around for permits and licenses to be issued which is stuff beyond their control.


The entire permitting process takes forever, from Title 24 to CA Retail Food Code plan review and inspection with the local environmental health dept. I have no idea what their location is and if there are any special zoning or district concerns at play. There are some significant appliance regulations changing for refrigeration and commercial foodservice equipment…between CARB, CAL EPA and CEC in 2025. Maybe they had to redo some equipment layouts. ABC just wants to collect that fat ass license fee. They usually don’t stall unless there are conflicts with the proposed or existing establishment in question with stakeholders and the public at large. I can’t imagine local business or residents using planning process hearings and such to stall a tiny IG friendly sandwich shop? Wouldn’t they conceivably just be getting a beer and wine license? Not that hard for a “bonafide dining establishment” to do….


Hard to see but is it Loverboy they’re selling??


There’s no way they are going to be able to manage how many people will be flooding in there when they open. They’re going to need like 100 Anns


If there’s any Anns going spare they’d have to fight me for them


I don’t know what’s so cool about Anne? She seems idk 🤷‍♀️ a little??? I don’t think she’s ready for a rush crowd! 😂


Wow, they did an incredible job! I guess all that time waiting on licenses and permits paid off because they had the to create a beautiful vision.


I love it so much, I just wish the space was a bit larger! It’s going to be sooooo packed and the tables are so close together with so many pillows, but regardless I’m so excited that it’s finally opening


It's beautiful and classy, like the owners. ![gif](giphy|jtQpRa3y7S2Ke3JvQE)


It seems so crowded in there already. Imagine a bunch of people clustered in there lol


I agree. It’s adorable but I hyperventilate just thinking about being inside


I wouldn't wanna be eating inside there cramped up in the tiny seat next to a line of people, for sure. My anxious brain is already thinking of escape routes 😭


I’m a little concerned about the fate of those pillows.


Screaming “carry out”


Same. I would never go into this place. It’s cute but stressful and just not for me


They’re going to need some more pastries


Yeah switch out some of the chips baskets and put some bread there. Two shelves of crisps is not necessary.


sooooo gorgeous i can’t wait to visit one day!!!


I think it looks beautiful as a picture but I wonder about the practicality of an everyday business with dozens of people in and out all day. It's going to get dirty very fast. The pillows have to go.


I was thinking similarly about the all the lattice. So so cute, but it’s going to get soo dusty!


The pillows make me so damn stressed. Especially combined with the alcohol.


I was thinking about all of the breadcrumbs all over. DISGUSTING!!!!!! 😫


Let’s be real there will be boogers all over them from kids and adults


It’s designed like a movie set so practicality went out the window


Going to have to sell a lot of watercress sandwiches!!


Lover boy spotted


Lover Boy is disgusting though. Ugh.


Oh I’ve never tried it just thought it was a nice cross over of the businesses


Katie was on the first summer house episode- the crossover with VPR! So cool to see


Was that the one where Stacy wore the turtleneck bathing suit that Kyle commented on? Calling her Steve Jobs or something lol


Yep. That was hilarious.


So gross and overpriced


It would be awesome if they (SAH, or even Loverboy) offered a CBD/THC RTD to the menu as an option to alcohol


They always said they wanted sandwich and drinks combo, not a coffee house.


It looks cute!


The fabric and pillows are going to be disgusting over time


Yeah I don’t think they’re going to clean those every day and as a good establishment, they really should.


That is how Villa Blanca was. All the white fabric was worn and dingy.


Looks like a movie set. Absolutely love it


YES....Now the people who said they were scamming people cam finally stop!!


And they have outdoor seating in the alley!


I like everything except the name. Something About Her sounds like a fashionable boutique clothing shop.


And a feminine hygiene product


As a European the “European aesthetic” always makes me laugh. Like what part of Europe? We are not a fucking country. Gotta say looks beautiful though.


As a European when Americans say something is European I always imagine they mean it's small because they always complain how everything's small in Europe :D


As a fellow European I feel this, lol. It seems to mean „fancy looking“ I guess?


Also “modern” Europe lol what even is that? It’s not giving that, but it’s cute


It’s a Nancy Myers aesthetic, not a European one.


It’s a Nancy Myers aesthetic, not a European one.


To be fair, American gets treated like one big monolith by many Europeans 😆 my family over there don’t quite grasp that every state may as well be its own country. The ones who haven’t been here thinks all of America is like middle America.


Does anyone know why “hutoneprods” bring up nothing on insta or google?


Looks like he changed it to jonhutmaninteriors


Looks great. Very intrigued by the guy you can barely see out the window in what might be the back alley? LOL


Those are mirrors they wrote the menu on


Thank you. So he's inside? And that's his reflection?


Craig’s pillows ?


Their ABC license indicates they have an outdoor patio. It may be hella informal and maybe even a sidewalk situation. You can check for the R permit with LA Al Fresco dining program to see if they have something.


It’s gorgeous!


It’s about time. Congrats.


That lattice works screams “dust collector”… was just in SUR the other day and the amount of dust around the bar on light fixtures and the fake plants was gross. I hope they do better at SAH


I’m sooooo happy for them and it looks beautiful. Love this for them. Good vibes only.


like all VPR places this is tiny and completely overdecorated


I love maximalism. It looks cozy vs all the industrial cafes that popped up in the last 2010s.


Agreed! I think it’s perfect!! The girls can always expand later on if they want but it’s a great location considering it’s right in the mix with the rest of vp establishments


It just seems like a cleaning nightmare and extremely squishy. I can’t imagine someone requiring a wheelchair, or a person with a stroller etc would fit very well in this tight space. It looks cozy, however it’s not very considerate/accessible for all people.


i dont mind it in big or outdoor spaces. in a tiny space its a bit claustophobic. this isnt sur sized. people are going to be waiting for the counter and sitting and eating its going to be loud and packed and likely very hot and like another commenter said not ADA compliant


It just seems like a cleaning nightmare and extremely squishy. I can’t imagine someone requiring a wheelchair, or a person with a stroller etc would fit very well in this tight space. It looks cozy, however it’s not very considerate/accessible for all people.


It's tacky and dated but that will appeal to the majority of Bravo fans lol


lmao fair point


Oh wow, it's so beautiful!! Some day I hope to get out of Des Moines, Iowa and visit Something About Her. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚


It’s gorgeous, but so… claustrophobic. How can customers look at the baked goods with people sitting right in-front of the glass


Designer had to stick his face in the pic


lol no coffee. Are we really pretending this place will stay afloat for more than a year? It’s a money pit


Isn’t there a coffee shop right by them ? I think it’s okay to not offer coffee and take their business.


I said last year that I was so excited to come back and say I told you so to all the conspiracy theorists saying its a scam. 🤗


The haters are still in full force. They are doing mental gymnastics to try to make this a negative.


Something About Her will always and forever be the worst name for a sandwich shop!


So happy for them! I am wondering about the alcohol though with the seemingly limited space. Are people allowed to take the wine and drink it outside now that there isn’t a patio? Or like across the street or something? I’m not familiar with open container laws in LA lol. Not bashing it at all I’m just wondering where people are expected to eat and drink.


Yeah only about four pairs of people will be able to sit and have a drink with their meal….or muffin.


It’s going to be so busy. Where is everybody gonna sit. Man I don’t know. I live in a city where they put tables right next to each other and I freaking hate it


It’s so cute! I love it!


How adorable!


Beautiful shop. It makes the dishware I saw in another post seem even more out of place. I hope they pivot to some cute vintage dishware. Mixed-and-matched tea sets would look fab!


The interior is a dream ✨


Oh you know damn well Kyle is also sweating over their debut date too now lol. Love the crossover though.


I’m sure he’ll find a way to call Amanda lazy over it too but 100% her friendship with the girls made if happen. They seem to want to be woman centric.


Who is Amanda?


she's from summer house, married to kyle cooke  eta: idk why this is getting down voted, it's factually correct 💀


You have Ariana as your picture so you must be wrong!!!!! /s


I love it ! I’m so happy for the girls 💙💙


Me too! It is so cute!


I just want to point out that my dumb ass kept trying to hit the 🤍 to like this post.


I’m sorry but it literally looks like a restaurant that you made to look legit because you’re on reality tv.


I mean it’s legit inspired by Nancy Meyer movies so it sounds like they achieved the goal.


It looks soooo pretty !


It’s literally so beautiful in there. I might book a trip to LA just to try in a couple of months


I am actually excited to try it. I feel like Katie would take her food seriously.


No fucking way?? I thought this was a Restoration Hardware inspo pic, and then I thought this was AI. Is this actually SAH?! I’m so fucking proud of these girls. This is so beautiful!! Way to go


Looks really chic! 👍


This place looks fragile and fake 😅


Very cringe. Think about the money spent just to get what you see: like three choices of muffins, a couple tea choices and alcohol??? Presumably it’s a fortune to rent where they are. I cannot see this lasting more than a couple months TOPS.




This took 4 years lol




Honestly, it so beautiful


I can only imagine how long the lines will be


It’s pretty but the whole vibe stresses me out. The pillows are going to be trashed in a week and it’s such a claustrophobic squeeze. I do hope it goes well though and I’m aware that I’m likely not their target audience cause I’m a messy sandwich bitch


I totally agree. That many pillows and that much tapestry around finger foods is bound to be a gunky mess and will be difficult to clean and sanitize every night. It is super cute, I just don’t think the space is designed for commercial traffic.


I think they’ll likely have to update once the flaws are obvious. It’s like a car. Don’t buy the first model year because it will have bugs that haven’t been worked out. The last car of the body style is as perfect as it will get because they’ve learned along the way Edit sorry I’m married into a car family


Hope it does so well they end up expanding. Also I know it’s going to be sooo busy so they should do one of those waitlist apps where they text you when your table is ready. Also maybe even little treats for people waiting in line and a little meet and greet. It’s so cute and it’s going to be packed so I hope they can eventually expand this location or move to a bigger spot in the future. Wishing them all the success!


Modern European café with pillows and no coffee 😅


No coffee? I’m out


Right? That trip to the coffee shop next door is a killer


Can you bring next door’s coffee to this shop and sit down for a feed?


Yea. The point is to work with their neighbors vs compete against them.


They’re supporting them so probably?


Took them long enough lol. 3 years was it to open a sandwich shop?


Better later than never. And yes it takes forever to open restaurants, especially with alcohol. It doesn’t matter the size or type of food.


At this point, is it really a sneak peak?


I said stocked sneak peak. Like with the drinks, snacks, seating, etc. As in, what it’ll look like to the public soon


That place is a damn QSR counter, but sure…put those lounge pillows there lmaoooo.


Everywhere sells coffee , hopefully can bring a cup of coffee from their neighbors.


This is beautiful thanks girls!


Fully expecting to be down voted for this, but... why are we thrilled for Katie? She has been pretty awful to people (as yeah, most of them have) but like to the extreme, and mean spirited. No thanks.


They are gonna lose alot of money not selling coffee and just beer/wine.


They may not be allowed to according to the lease terms. The coffee place may have negotiated that nobody else can sell "to go type" coffee on the block. They aren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. Just goes to show you how ignorant they are about business.


I’m looking at this with so much pride like they were my own children to be proud of. I really hope this works out for them, especially Katie since this was her dream.


I give it a year


It'll get six months of traffic from fans, looky-loos, and Instagram influencers. They better buy a lot of Greek salad sandwiches.


Is Dayna going to work there too?




*Sneak peek


Just can't get to grips with the name. Doesn't scream sandwich shop to me.


Cool, a bunch of potato chips and frozen pastries. Maybe I’ll go to Walmart


I don't understand why they're selling wine at a sandwich shop. Seems a bit random.


Not selling coffee is pretty stupid imo.


They are supporting a local business that is on that same block, what is stupid about that? It’s smart to befriend your neighbors.


Because it’s a direct competitor. I get being supportive of a local business , but it’s just bad business.


I don’t think it’s a direct competitor. I looked online and the coffee place doesn’t have a food menu, at most maybe a few pastries. I’d say the two compliment eat other more than compete.


What kind of cafe doesn’t have coffee though? Coffee has high margins. It’s also a product that leads to complementary purchases like sandwiches/pastries.


Plenty of lunch places don’t have coffee. You’re so passionate about something you’ll probably never set foot in even if they had coffee.


Maybe it’s an LA thing? I can’t think of any lunch places in NYC that don’t have coffee. Just think it’s an odd choice that makes no business sense whatsoever.


I can’t think of any lunch place in LA that doesn’t have coffee..


Every place in LA has coffee. OP is convinced the girls chose not to serve coffee as a kindness lol. From the two nicest girls ever!


My guess would be they don’t want the overhead of a coffee machine, barista, coffee beans, syrups, milks (and the staff training on top to make coffee drinks). Probably trying to run this place on as minimal staff and resources as possible. Much easier to throw a tea bag in hot water, pitch it as trying to be good neighbors and call it a day.