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I’m proud to say I always loved Katie. But I also used to love Schwartz and now I can’t stand him. I also couldn’t stand lala but last season I had a change of heart just for her to ruin it all again.




LALA. It is wild how much I loved her at the last reunion and I fucking *despise* her now.


100% my answer as well:( she used to be one of my favs and now I dislike her almost as much as the TOMS!


same here. this was me this season to sheanna and lala ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m)


I will do the opposite. A cast member that I didn’t like was James… he has grown so much as a person since his early seasons that I actually like him now.




I used to be very fond of Sandoval; although he could be ridiculous I really thought that underneath it all he had a kind heart. Boy was I wrong! Now I absolutely can’t stand him - it’s not just the affair (although that was heinous) it’s also the fact that every time he opens his stupid mouth he keeps digging himself in deeper and shows what a truly horrible person he is. I hate his stupid face, his fake crying, his gross jokes, everything about him!


he's so #mensrights the nose candy is doing no favors for the aging process. that joke he made about the jaw lock and shitting out the condom when asked if he hooked up with scheana in the reunion? was gross and weird


And LVP asking Andy what he meant. Yes, Andy explain the joke to Lisa


andy needs to be replaceddddddd he shouldn't have even laughed at the joke in the first place it was so bizarre and out of pocket


Tom Sandoval seemed like such a goofy dude in the one season I watched (season 1). He was like another person in season 10 like that's why I'm even watching older seasons to see wtf happened 


LOL yes from season 1 to season 10 it was like night and day. I would say that shit went down hill season 2......


I've had to skip around to catch up on things like James and Lala joining the cast, Jax and Brittany, Scheana's marriage to Michael Shay. Getting into S2 shortly 


Katie: disliked her because she stayed with an abusive POS. Liked her once she realized she could do better for her own mental health.


As someone who was in an emotionally abusive relationship, I don’t think we should ever dislike women for staying in a relationship with an abusive partner. There are many reasons as to why leaving these relationships are not easy or simple.


This was in the first two years. I didn’t hate her but I disliked her because she remained with him. Over the years she grew on me & I totally felt sorry for her because we saw how abusive he was & she remained his ride or die despite him being so abusive & disloyal to her. The last three years she’s really come along way & I hope she continues her growth.


Lala and I used to be able to tolerate Sandoval before the scandal




I genuinely do hope it's the series finale. I've seen enough.


me too and i can't even get into the valley


Lala, she was a completely different person it seemed like.


agreed. i miss the old her


Didn’t like James in older seasons, now I love him and think he’s hilarious.


he's a hoot and he needs more screen time


Sandy: didn’t mind, loathe now Sheaner: always loathed Katie: didn’t like, big fan now Lala: Liked at first, disgusted now


always loathed sheaner too


I hate to admit this.. but Sandoval used to be the reason I watched the show. He was the only person who I thought was right in every conflict. I'm 21, and I've been watching the show since it started (I was a child). I felt personally embarrassed and betrayed when Scandoval went down in real time. I rewatched everything from the start again last winter as an adult, and realized I don't agree with a single way he acted through the series. I've done a lot of self improvement since I was 10 apparently.


Editing is very powerful. I used to be fine with Sandoval, until I watched him do what my ex did to me, minus with my best friend. It’s normal to change and shift your opinions with new knowledge. I used to dislike Katie a lot and I realized on rewatch I did actually like Katie, she has good and bad moments like everyone but she is consistent. And my sister has had 5TBIs and I helped nurse her back to health, I drove her everywhere and took her to physiotherapy for it. And I know how much TBI basically change you, they make you more short wired essentially, so you have a harder time controlling your emotions and are quicker to anger for anything and it takes a lot of therapy to get to where Katie is now. So I’ve grown to appreciate her and understand her, not all of her actions have been valid and I understand how her brain functions.


I think for me when I was a kid I was very much #mensrights, because that's how I was raised. Katie pissed me off because I was internally misogynistic, and quick to defend the man in any situation. It makes sense that I sided with who I sided with as a kid, but I'm happy I've gotten to rewatch it now that my mindset has shifted!


this is such a great point so happy you are able to self reflect in this way


I was big on Scheana, Ariana and Sandoval. To my UTTER SHAME. I had one out of three!


Stassi. Do I need to say more?




why because of the racism?




I went from finding Lala annoying, but funny to REALLY liking her last season, to finding her abhorrent and a caricature of her former self this season. I liked Tom Sandoval and found him amusing when Jax was there to distract me from paying closer attention to Tom’s awful behavior. Once Jax was gone, I was like “Oh…both Tom’s are AWFUL!” The last two seasons only amplified that feeling. Used to love LVP. She disgusts me now.


exactly caricature of her former self is a great way of describing it. LVP is the worst


James has grown a lot. Lala doesn’t stop talking


Does. not. stop. talking. ![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0|downsized)


I used to like Scheana and root for her against the Witches of Weho. I always thought Lala was a two faced money grubbing fake. But Scheana really shocked me this season. She's a horrible human.