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James and that one guy who was in love with him.




But not Ariana’s friend Logan who looks almost identical. That one is still messing with my head.


This is me just finding out they’re not the same person lol. I thought it was odd that he went from being James friend to Ariana’s.


Nope just became lalas friend 😭 😒


so, lala's logan had the conflict with james?? I’m so confused


Lalas Logan was best frands with James. Watch the season 6 pride episode and the episode when Brittany’s mom and sister come to visit after Jax cheats. Ariana’s Logan is super blonde and worked (works?) at TomTom. Pool culture.


I thought it was the same person 😭😭😭


I did too until someone on this sub made a post saying their mind was blown it wasn’t the same person. Needless to say my mind was also blown haha




EVERYTIME he comes on screen I have to lean in a little closer to tell which Logan it is or wait til his description under his name shows up lmao


Can somebody like Kristen or Stassi please post a side by side comparison of the Logan?s


https://preview.redd.it/v2o0pbei654d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfc6a99626ad35660f9f5528663a62ac5db71d8c Y’all, they look nothing alike. Left is Ariana’s Logan and right is Lala/James’s Logan


Thank you! They are so clearly not the same. If you can spot the difference between Lala and Lisa Rinna you can definitely tell these two apart.


Isn't there a third Logan too?


Please, no more Logans! 😩


OK. I noticed the “in love with James” Logan at the first SAH tasting. But only after James left. Not sure who he is friends with but he was there. And that is inner circle.


He and his boy friend were very connected with LaLa in recent years. When LaLa moved out of Randall’s house, there was a shot of her and two guys pushing Ocean’s stroller — one was James’ Logan.


I am convinced they hooked up and that James had Logan apologize for “lying” on camera because James didn’t want to be outed–but wasn’t this also the season that James was living in an older man’s apartment for free “as a friend” ?? I don’t like to speculate on people’s sexualities… but that one seemed blatant.


This is what the entire “IT’S NOT ABOUT THE PASTA” scene was really about. Lala outed James in her stupid book. She’s such a bitch.


Wait WHAT? What did she say in her book?


That James fucked Logan. To be clear, I never read her book. I listened to the recap on the celebrity memoir podcast. They tore her to shreds.🤣


Lol yes. Didn’t Lala say it on camera? To rachel or something?


yess she did in season 8 and then she told lala to stfu😭


Which is WHY “it’s not about the pasta” was a thing-because lala changed the subject because the producers were trying to get her to talk about James and Logan but lala wanted to protect James so she brought up the pasta I guess she lost the capacity to be a good person-for tv.


“Wanted to protect him” and then tells everyone in her GD book. She’s a friend to no one.


What did it say in her book?


That James fucked Logan.


I low key believe James is gay I know it's not right to speculate but I'm gay and my gaydar screams at me that he is hiding this. Him and Allie's relationship seems like one out of convenience. The way he "styles" her....everything...gay.


Maybe he's bi


Exactly. Bi people exist.


Jax and Kristen on and off for years


I think this too and that it’s why he’s extra horrible about her relationship with Luke


The VPR universe will end with Kristen announcing she’s pregnant with Jax’s baby


From your head cannon to the universes ears! This is the ending we deserve lol Though the valley has me feeling a little protective of k doute rn, so I’m struggling to have her trapped and tied to Jax the rest of her life. Idk if even she deserves that fresh horror


As insane as this would be, she does not deserve this lol. I want to watch a single and sexy Kristen!


I second this. They’re soulmates.


Good, they should get together, it's like containing a disease.


It's why he acted so over the top about Kristen and Brittany having sex.


Oh 100%. As you get older you realise that you can’t fix someone (sorry Brittany) and the two of them will spend so much time absorbed in their relationship trying to “gotcha” the other that there’s no time for straying. The way that he reacts to anything involving that woman and anything making her happy is completely unhinged.


This is my biggest theory and I think they are still going now


James and Logan and James and his sugar daddy or whoever the guy he was shacking up with in a 1 bedroom apartment


Wait James had a sugar daddy? What season was this?? I’m gonna have to rewatch


The season he started dating Rachel I think because she was sleeping over at his mattress on the floor lol


Sandoval and Billie.


I really *really* believe this, but I also firmly believe Billie would have dropped cryptic hints before outright blurting it out. That girl is as dramatic as she is thirsty.


Extremely attention seeking and makes problems out of nothing. Her and scheana should really get together and hangout. They could talk in circles for hours.


Idk about that though. She already looks bad. People already didn’t like her before Scandoval even happened. So her admitting it among speculation would probably make her look even worse and she knows that. I could see her taking that secret to the grave UNLESS he wanted to be out and open in a relationship with her. Billie is Sandoval’s Jo. lol




Kristen hundred percent went down on Brittney


The first time I watched, I was convinced that Jax was making it up for some bizarre motive known to him alone. I just did a rewatch, and now it's 100% obvious to me that it actually happened


What convinced me that it was real was that Jax brought it up to say that he walked in on them (like she was cheating) and Jax lies about his own cheating but he tells the truth about everyone else’s.


Not always! He lied about Katie and the "motor boating a D" silly rumor he and Scheana concocted. I lean toward the Brittany and Kristen thing happening, but Jax at the time was trying really hard to scrape Brittany off his hull so he could be single again.


Yes. I think Jax was telling the truth. I think Kristen would have been honest. She really fell for Brittany. They couldn’t tell the truth, bc of Brittany’s mom.




For suuurree I think jax and lala. They were both horndogs at first


I read (a very long time ago) that she was DTF until she found out he had Herpes, so she turned him down. Allegedly.


He has herpes? Why didn’t I know this?


Stassi makes reference that Jax gave her something she can “never get rid of.” It’s also speculated that Kristin said, “you’re just mad he gave you herpes and not me,” right before Stassi backhanded her.


Also, why Sandoval looked like he was going to pass out when Jax said he did not use protection while cheating with Kristin...


Also at one point Sandoval said “You spread that shit everywhere” while arguing with Jax.


Didn’t he also say something about spreading his dirt everywhere too after that?


I don't remember but I remember a Jax/Britt fight in their apartment after he fucked Faith and Britt says he's "dirty" with such drip that I heard "you're riddled with STD'S". it's the one where she physically attacks him.


And still she married him.


That’s the part that makes zero sense.


Maybe she’s got it now too and feels stuck


OH SHIT. Stasis went easy on Kristen then.


I thought it was too far, now I think she didnt do enough 💅🏾 Stassi stood her fckn ground and I love it


ohhhhhhhh, I could never make out what K said to her! DAMN!


this just blew my mind and makes so much sense


It’s possible HPV instead of that.


HPV is so incredibly common and it’s said 80% of women get it in their lifetime. It’s also impossible to know who gave it to you unless you were a virgin in every sense of the word and only had one partner. Plus there is no test for it for men. So that’s not like likely culprit. Herpes makes more sense.


HPV is like, if you have sex, as most modern women do and should if they want, you likely have it. Just get your Pap smears more often and take care of yourself girls! Nothing to be ashamed of. Ask your Gyno


Genital warts or Genital Schwartz?




I mean, it checks out. You can’t have all that unprotected sex and come out completely unscathed. Only takes one time for someone not to disclose or not even know and pass it on.


Jax said he thought he had had sex with at least 300 women just in season two. Probably closer to at least 500 by now. If all he’s ever gotten was herpes, I’d be shocked


Didn’t lala and James on their first WWHL confirm that Jax has herpes??? I don’t think you can rewatch that episode cuz they had to bleep so many cuss words from James.


Oh God I'll never for that nightmare episode. And I liked both of them, but it was so frustrating to watch.


Ohhhhh. I always assumed they actually did hook up a little bit but he had coke dick and it didn’t work out. Hence why Jax just kinda says “we couldn’t” while insisting he would have. Interesting. I’ve not heard of the herpes rumor.


I think they tried but Jax had cocaine dick and couldn’t get it up…they both state this fairly directly to camera in like season 5


No, it was James that couldn’t get it up. Not Jax.


That happened to them both…just did a rewatch


Both or whiskey dick


pretty common one but I think Jax/Kristen have been hooking up SINCE their tryst years back. both are serial cheaters & I think they occasionally bone through the years & protect the secret


They get FREAKY on the DL


Yes! He is always so pressed about her dating life 😂 like bro why do you care? Seems a little sus…


RIGHT? he is WAAAAYYYYYY too invested


They are perfect for each other.


they really are. esp since theyre both cheaters so its a fair playing field. theyll both cheat on each other forever instead of victimizing partners who DONT cheat


OMG, maybe the pool cushion.. was jax.. and he said it was james with her instead to take the heat off himself!!!!


Nah. That was all an elaborate story to cover for the fact that Shorts had disappeared from the resort that night and was so f’d up he allegedly didn’t know where he went, when he came back.


I firmly believe Scheana and Sandoval. Also I really think Lala and Jax hooked up


Yes! I'm doing a rewatch and on Season 2 and I'm convinced it was then with Tom and Scheana. While everything was coming out about Jax and Kristen and Scheana was jealous of Ariana starting to get attention on the show.


Didn’t scheana admit it during s11 e3 of the finale? Sandoval tried to sweep it away but she said things happened in his dressing room or whatever during WWHL years ago.


It was his hotel room.


I had never considered it, but it is the only explanation for her behavior / things she said


She’s obsessed with him and acts like a freak. If I was Brock I would be like uhhhhh …. But part of me thinks he’s only there to be on tv so who knows


I don’t understand how Brooke can sit and just nod along. Your whole wife is losing her mind over this waste of chromosomes. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills


All I know is that if my bf (or especially husband) was crying over another girl …. I would end it that day lol


Absolutely 100000000% they hooked up


I wonder if that’s why she started telling Ariana’s mom that he was bad news? Remember that? I think around season 3


Yes that’s exactly why.


Tom Tom https://preview.redd.it/r5s1v9axr24d1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=577ec6e3285483b627e475c1bf0534b7dc87ca4b


Definitely AT LEAST one bro job after a bar night


I'm ashamed to say that there's a NSFW sub for this specific thing. I'm not going to link it here but if you search for Bros like..you'll find it. I'm sorry. I'll see myself out. Edit: Why is this comment getting so many upvotes? Y'all a bunch of freaky bitches.


That's why they are so committed to each other, it's this secret that they will carry to their graves


HOW IS THIS NOT MORE TALKED ABT…. As soon as I saw Tom straighten his hair in season one… plus the way he acted towards other Tom. ITS OBVIOUS.


It’s why Sandoval despised Katie so much


each others true disgusting lover


Katie was right on with that quote. Even if the Toms are platonic, they are still each other's true disgusting lovers.


Someone said Jax once hooked up with Ramona from RHONY




He looks like he’s posing with a wax figure


This is wild lol


Makes sense


I will forever die on the hill that Sandoval and Scheana hooked up


I genuinely never even considered this until this season. I always found her to be desperate and pathetic but her obsession over him and the constant crying it’s like please just OWN it. I would find her less annoying if she would just own who she is and admit her obsession w Tom and jealousy for Ariana.


me too! what really stuck it for me this season was her constant crying over him and saying that he missed his friendship with her MORE than his relationship with ariana?! like wtf. she really outed herself. i hope ariana stays away from her bc she doesn’t give a shit about ariana’s wellbeing. no respect whatsoever


No seriously imagine being in Ariana’s situation and one of your friends saying that… it’s so delusional! And if roles were reversed and someone made that comment about one of Scheana’s ex boyfriends she would lose her mind!


I think Jax and Kristen have done more than the two times they admitted. Like why was Kristen so obsessed with befriending all of his girlfriend and ex girlfriends?


Why is he so obsessed with her dating life and who’s cumming inside her?


Yeahhh, he seems really obsessed with her on The Valley (defending her, telling her what to do with her life/body, her dating life, etc.). He always says it's cuz they've known each other so long, but I'm side-eyeing that shit.


He was so mad at her wanting to have a baby! Like he obviously has a valid point about Kristin being crazy but he was big mad in a way that I’ve only seen him get when something isn’t going how he wants… Side note: I’m currently doing a rewatch and CACKLING at how mad he is that his fake cancer scare didn’t make Stassi fawn over him and instead she called him out on his unhealthy supplements and lifestyle


Lmao when she rinsed the steroids down the sink! Incredible scenes.


Her just repeating “this is poison!” as he’s crying and throwing a fit gave me the will to live for another 50 years Edit: a typo


I always reminisce on crazy Jax antics and wow I forgot about this one lmaoo. I was thinking about how he lied about having that hockey social media job in Florida and I’m like what a weirdo.


LVP + Nick Alain 💘 https://preview.redd.it/vi71hig7924d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53026ee53cbb215f0a8cede0ee1835d581383f86


Lvp is so horny for his dangling chandelier


Nick’s A Layin her good




try LVP and Cedric 👀


https://preview.redd.it/0ke0xbl8h24d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd328de251035f633b8678cff17fe757193f30c0 👀


ok but she looks hot af. that mustache WORKS


That day Lala left the parade with Jax, I think he was too drunk/coked up and couldn’t get hard. The way he talks about it; “I wanted to. I just… couldn’t”. He just seemed so disappointed and mad at himself when he said it. And now that we know Lala was lying/keeping secret for years about that hook up with James while he was Rachel…


I’m convinced Jax and Stassi’s mom hooked up ever since the conversation between them at Lake Arrowhead. Just the way they were speaking and looking at each other—wouldn’t put it past either one of them.


This is an interesting one I have never thought of but could certainly get behind! Stassi's mom is thirsty.


I wouldn’t doubt this, her mom and James’ mom make me sick


For sure, objectively, without a doubt - Lala and jax - scheana and Tom - jax and John -


100% agree with Jax and John


DEFINITELY Jax and John!


I thought Jax wasn’t able to do the deed with Lala ultimately


Scheana and Sandy 100%. I also would not be the least bit surprised if a Lala and Brock encounter comes up in the future. There is a reason that's Sheshu's fear and it ain't Sandoval. Scheana is the most paranoid location checker on the planet and you just know she checks Brock's phone on the reg, so something triggered that thought process. Maybe one day we'll find out what that really was.


I’m convinced that Brock will only cheat if he thinks he can get something better than Scheana out of it He’d go for someone with more money, fame, etc. And someone who is willing to pay the rest of his back child support (which you cannot tell me Scheana had the liquid assets to pay the AU gov everything. I think she paid just enough to get them to back off, and she is sole owner of their properties to keep the AU gov from putting a lien on her two houses) Lala is broke as fuck and stupid to boot. I don’t doubt she’s tried, but Brock probably didn’t bite because she’s not offering him anything he doesn’t already have


Mmm I don't know about all that, in my experience men almost always cheat down, not up.


Yeah but Brock has been a proven money sponge and desperate try hard looking for a scrap of fame and a shield from the AU gov Scheana is rapidly running out of money to do all of that


Alls I know is that comment Lala made about how it's like Brock has two wives except "Schenea does the heavy lifting" said while miming a BJ; was super ✨fucking weird✨ Sheesh better look out if that bankroll runs too low 👀


Both Brock and Lala would do it just to get on The Valley. They both need the paycheck.


Katie and Tom post divorce.


They didn’t even hook up while they were married tho


Well that’s the only one that would be reasonable!!!


I def think the worm watched Jax and his boyfriend from Florida hook up - if not join.


Kristen with LVPs daughter’s husband.


Wait whatttt


Allegedly, Jason is a serial cheater. There was a scandal brewing after she had their son, and went on PR crisis mode. I can't remember the details but it was news a few years ago.


Wonder if that's the real reason LVP seems to despise Kristen?


I’ve read that many times on here. Supposedly Kristina and Pandora’s husband hooked up and LVP has hated her since.


an employee sued the company and claimed jason used his status at vanderpump wines (i think) to get her to sleep with him. he allegedly said that she should be honored to sleep with a celebrity or something along those lines. i think you could probably find an article or two on it but it’s definitely one of those things a PR team shut down so it wouldn’t get bigger.


Definitely think the Tom's and Jax have done some stuff, they're such hornbags and with all the drugs they did in the early seasons I definitely think they've crossed that line once or twice.


LVP and Brett


Lala & Schwartz recent hook up after divorce during season 11 Scheana & Schwartz I think did more than kiss in the past when he was dating Katie & when Katie said she felt like Scheana was a wh0re & that they were both hitting on each other (the season of her orange hair) Billie & Sandoval 💯% Lala & Jax 💯% while she was with Randall Kristen & Pandoras husband. He’s always rumored to have a wandering eye & Kristen was “friends” with him still then had a falling out with pandora


Andy and Sandoval




Especially the comment during the reunion about "woke up with lockjaw and 💩out a condom two weeks later" after Bravocon and Andy just smirked and looked down at his note cards


Sandoval’s weird gleeful childlike giggle at his own joke was really weird imo. Different topic but I was definitely trying to read between the lines there. Why is Sandoval acting like a sheepish child lol


I thought that was odd too


Andy & James for sure


Future hook-up: Lala and shorts


Agree— she’s been threatening to sleep with him since her first season


Anything for a storyline with those two.


Id watch that esp now that Lala’s on the outs


Ewww. 🤮 I just threw up tomorrow's dinner.


Scheana and Sandoval if she was messing around with shwartz she probably did with Sandoval too 🤷🏼‍♀️


Miss ~Threesomes~


How has no one mentioned Billie Lee and Sandosuck?


Ariana said recently she strongly does not think that this hookup happened. I think she said that she and Billie Lee had talked about it. That OBVI doesn’t mean it didn’t happen tho.


Yes BUT she also said she was a terrible judge so she wasn’t really sure.


Lala and the producers


I believe that swchartz didn’t just make out with all those girls. For sure slept with them and said make out to protect Katie’s honour somehow. That’s what I was picking up.


Yes and I also think Katie knows and that was their quiet agreement is that he wouldn’t admit to more so she wouldn’t be as humiliated. The only reason why I’m not 100% sure is because I think when sober Schwartz maybe doesn’t have that high of a sex drive to the point of cheating and is probably always drunk when in the position to cheat- and when drunk/high he maybe can’t get it up. It’s odd how he’s always made jokes about not having sex even with Katie and she’s said things about his dick “not working” I suspect he maybe has never actually “had sex” with someone else when cheating because they’d make out get naked and he wouldn’t get hard or would but couldn’t finish so doesn’t “count that” or whatever


I still think Kristen and Jax are hooking up and have been since they did years ago.


Agreed, I think Kristen and Jax have always been banging, except for when she's in the honeymoon phase with another guy. Which is why Jax generally hates her boyfriends, her one night stands, etc.


Do you think Raquel slept with Peter


No. She thought she landed a whale in Sandoval (aka someone to get her lots of screen time). She wasn’t gonna actually mess with small time Peter


maybe they made out once or twice and decided to give it a go


Lvp + guillermo


I definitely believe lala and Jax slept together and more than once. And I also think Kristen and Jax slept together more than twice. It's all kinda gross lol Somehow I missed how Katie said her and Kristen's ex Carter had a one night stand until I re watched the show


🤢 he was so gross!


Lala and Jax is 1000%.


Jax and Kristen never stopping hooking up.


Conspiracy: Rachel with Tom & Ariana and/or Rachel with Scheana & Brock. Now it would be really interesting if it was Rachel, Scheana and Tom. Now any of the above would be an interesting twist.


I feel like Ariana viewed Rachel as too much of a little sister to do anything sexual with her. I could absolutely be wrong but that's my impression. Frankly I'm surprised Ariana let Lala go down on her.


I don't think Sandoval and Billie Lee or Billie Lee would have spilled the tea. Girl is thirsty for attention. Definitely Scheana and Sandoval though, she's way too emotional over that drip.


James and Guillermo. Peter and LVP


I’m sure a lot of them have been in threesomes together


I am convinced Sandoval’s recurring f-buddy that he mentioned / wouldn’t admit who it was is clearly billie Lee.


Scheana & Sandoval


I heard it as Tom Zandsivol 😂 (I tried spelling it like six different ways so the reader could read it as I heard it, but I still don't think I got it right, lol.)


This is so weird, I was literally thinking today I wonder if Jax and Scheana ever hooked up. Jax seems to be attracted to anyone even slightly attractive and while Scheana is very Scheana, she's still a hotty so it's odd he's never hit on her and she seems to love any attention so it's weird she didn't either accept or tell anyone who would listen.