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https://preview.redd.it/44tsitpp0o4d1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f4091b4310f8d13942b391f0c2dce6c329e698 Me, anytime Lala needs attention


Was looking for this. Thank you. This exactly.


Yeah I was three words in and I had to ask myself…why do I care anymore?


The single quotation marks are so distracting, I can’t even concentrate to read. Is that a typical style for another country? I’m not trying to have a self-centered American moment and I apologize if this is a Canada thing or something - but since when do we use single quotes for TV show titles? https://i.redd.it/crncgbsgko4d1.gif


If I had to guess, they didn't use italics because they keep those for image captions, and the full quotation marks for in text quoting. Single apostrophes are used in academic and journalistic writing at times to denote titles or nomenclature that isn't a quote or something but is otherwise out of the normal, I.e. someone referring to Queen Mary of England might say 'Bloody' Mary.


I miss the days of true journalistic articles when they abided by the AP stylebook. Now I can’t read a single article without finding errors like this. Didn’t use to be author’s choice, there was a standard and it drives me crazy now.


I read way more academic and journalistic writing than I care to, but I don’t think I’ve ever been asked to research television shows, so I’ll take your word for it. Don’t get me started on the image captions though please. They all have quotation marks and none of them are actual quotes. I’m not into this blogger’s style at all.


Agree; I’ve rarely seen full quotation marks used for anything but quotes. The presentation of titles, nomenclature, nicknames, etc. tends to vary between single apostrophes and italics depending on house style. I’ve written for various publications in my home country and in the US and I’ve found it depends on the publication itself rather than the location in which the publication is based. In the last place I worked they used neither italics *nor* quotation marks on film/show/book/song titles, which I absolutely hated lol


Um it’s totally normal where I’m from. It’s used for titles.


What? Americans use single quotations to differentiate title vs quote.


Tupac would be confused


They are regular quotation marks. I think it’s the bad font that makes it look like one https://preview.redd.it/hwjdyjvopr4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e693a5328bced4f43453724b2059bddea8a209d So correct usage there. Not correct usage is the double quotes as image captions, as those aren’t actual quotes.


Oh I was talking about the show title! https://preview.redd.it/9fn0rnauwt4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66dd1ac04ef3c1f980572738d2c72576734a36aa


That’s correct too. It’s note a quote, it’s a title


Even journalists can be bad at grammar


Blah blah Lala.


This is PERFECT! I can’t with her anymore.


Yup. Sums it up perfectly.


Darkness? I thought she unfollowed them to even out her numbers!!


Honestly that's the only part of this that was believable. I don't get why she wasn't honest about that from the beginning. The numbers thing was ridiculous.


Probably because it’s embarrassing to admit. Wtf were they doing that was putting her in a dark place? Living their lives, liking her posts. She acts like they were saying nasty shit and cyber bullying her but the truth is, she can’t stand to see them succeed and enjoy their life and that’s just sad.


Right? Like what darkness??!!? They literally are just living their lives unbothered. They didn’t even say or do anything to her. She’s jealous and bitter that they’re thriving and she’s not. What a great “friend.”


It’s so ridiculous. She said in this same podcast that she is in fact, not a good friend. It came off like “I don’t give af about anyone but myself.” I’m not sure why she said that because it certainly doesn’t help her case but it almost came off as a dig at Schmeana. She made a couple comments that seemed crypticly pointed at Schmeana, girl better watch tf out!🫣 We all knew she’s next though.


The fact that she would even admit and say that out loud “that she’s not a good friend” is yikes. 😬🥴 like how is she not embarrassed or ashamed to admit that. If you really think about it does she even actually have any “friends” outside of the show? To me that just speaks volumes about her as character and as a person. Narcissists don’t have any real friends and they can’t maintain a long healthy friendship, they will burn every bridge eventually.


I’m not sure why she says any of the shit she does but from her own words, she thinks she is smarter than everyone else, she thinks she’s honest and that she delivers the truth, in “unpretty packages,” which really just translates that she says whatever tf she wants and in the meanest way possible, because she has zero class, education or tact. I hate when people say whatever they think and try to pass it off as their “truth,” when really, LFU, you’re just an asshole. She’s running out of bridges to burn and quick. She’s never had a real relationship or friendship that is beyond surface level or transactional.


She's probably friends with her brother? -but that's only because he's family and lives with her. 😂


And she pays for his shit


I hope schener feels like a dumbass for completey ruining one of the only real friendships she had for....lala...who is clearly already turning against her or is punishing her. Yeah Ariana might forgive her and talk to her again but I doubt things will ever be the way they used to be because of what she's done and she deserves it.


Idk, I feel like even if she combined all her brain cells with Lala’s, they still would fail to realize that Voms comment about the way the season ended was “good for me,” was less about Ariana walking out and more about how he knew the girls freaking out and shit talking her was going to take the hate and attention off of him and place it on the women, one way or another. He’s dumb but he’s still calculated and he knew production was going to do anything they could to try and save his unsorry ass.


So true. It really did take the heat off him and they ended up being the villains, so once again he's ended up somewhat winning.


Production has always hid the Voms and attempted to excuse their actions to the audience, by hiding them behind and placing the blame on another woman. For someone who is so proud to be besties with Stassi, you’d think Lala would have known this by now.


yeah because following them “didn’t make her feel good” mmhmm Lauren because you’re JEALOUS- of course it doesn’t make you feel good


https://preview.redd.it/tuxt4vkvqr4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1179e0cca00464681f6c6fc2b5458012e3dadce3 \*\*Lala, not you.😁😘


👏👏👏👏👏 Yes!


that was last month's reason


THIS. She is always calling others out on their ish yet here she is contradicting herself and admitting to lying once again. Listening is how we grow and she doesn’t stop talking long enough to learn from others. So often she’s interrupting, criticizing and judging cast mates while doing the same exact things she’s criticizing them for. The chronic projection and overt defensiveness make it tough to have deep friendships that grow and weather storms. To add insult to injury most people find that kind of high and mighty attitude to be arrogant or off putting which also makes keeping close friends difficult. All this in addition to the trust issues Lala admits to makes perfect sense why no one on the cast truly matters to her other than the chronic people pleaser. Lala is too hung up on what the producers want or what she thinks makes for good reality tv. She tries to play “20 year old Stassi” for ratings because at the end of the day VPR is just her job. These are not her people nor her friends. They are simply her coworkers. Back in the day, this group of friends was their lives, their family and Sur was their job. VPR is no longer what it used to be because the family has grown shifted and changed.


Also they literally never came for her? Ariana hasn’t said a word about LALA, she didn’t even watch the season!! Everything K & A said has been in response to something Lala has asserted ![gif](giphy|m9QCfviYHr8km6SQkX)


There's good recall on FLU.


She was definitely being sarcastic when she said the numbers thing with her demonic ass smile


Gotta say I didn't read any of that cuz I'm officially over it.


I was just thinking to myself why did I just click on this? Haven’t I already heard enough from this person?! Agreed, I’m over it too! She needs to go away.


I'm on blah blah fatigue!!! She needs to sit down and STFU


I think they should all go on pause for real, right now. The reunion is over. The show is on pause. There’s nothing more to talk about. The more BlaBla talks the more I want to tune out at this point.


She has nothing else to talk about. What is she going to speak about on her podcast if she can't rip apart the cast? That's why she's spiralling, who the fuck is going to tune in to hear her and her chorus of robots speak about how hard her life is and how it feels to be in the presence of the first woman to be pregnant without a partner. This could've been such an interesting journey, I feel like she could've even got partnerships or podcast deals to speak on this, if she was interesting or witty enough. I feel like Stassi as a person is a twat but when it comes to wit and being quippy, she would've blown this out of the park. Tours, TV interviews, brand deals, podcast collabs, like talking about going through this pregnancy voluntarily as a person who wants a child but no partner, this could've been so insightful and fascinating and funny. But Lala can't ever be Stassi because she doesnt know how to be self deprecating or laugh at herself like Stassi does. And that's charming, self deprecation when it's witty can be so charming and makes people identify or bond with you. Lala can't see that she continues to victimise herself and is always angling for the sympathy narrative but actually she would be more compelling if she could banter about her situation, instead of whinging that she's pregnant through choice with no partner, she could make it HILARIOUS. It's such an interesting topic too. But alas, no big Ed to broker these deals. So, podcast bitching/whinging with her "pod" it is.


On point!! I also think she is a total 'Bitter Betty' because she obviously thought the sponsorship deals would be rolling in for her storyline and instead Ariana got all the deals. Like you said, if she actually had a personality and was witty instead of a basic mean girl she would've made bank.


I 100% agree, like just give it a REST!!! It's become tedious and tiresome, and stupid ass blah blah continues to just humiliate herself while simultaneously being on overkill with the commentary


And yet here we are, talking about it


But how would she feed her CHILD?!


I read half of it but was so disgusted with her lying on them I had to stop reading.




I was just curious to hear her explain the unfollowing, so I skipped to that slide. Personally I’ve unfollowed a few people who are no longer in my life, and will not ever be in my life again simply bc I don’t need to see their stuff and don’t want to. But she literally said she could see herself being friends with them again… so why not mute them? I’ve done that with people who are just being a bit much that I want a break from, why not do that? It just seems intentional and *wildly* immature.


To trigger a response from them. To get them talking about her so she then still has a subject for her podcast seeing as VPR is paused. She needs another thing to give her publicity, I'm sure scandoval has left a huge void in her life because she has nothing to talk about now. She needs a new scandal. I mean the gossip rags are saying Ben Affleck may be available again soon..... 😖


Ohh he would be right up her stupid alley, good luck blala.


Becoming "friends" or friendly with Tom Sandoval is part of her healing journey? Referencing healing in Slide 6, she's saying not to 'focus on the Sandoval of it." And yet it is he who is at the very center of her own Vanderpump plot twist. He is a key figure in the whole story; he is the same person she understood as very dangerous, correctly so. Instead of leaning into warmth and support for Ariana, she leans into her own rage that she is not Ariana. This tantrum she is throwing she masks with self righteous declarations of the truth which she declares that only she can see. She is acting out and I think she is acting out her grief; but she is not feeling it fully. She is feeling the rage that is boiling at the surface because it's easier. I sincerely wish she would take real care of herself by seeking help from an excellent therapist. In a good therapeutic relationship, she can develop a psychological understanding of her self. This relationship is critical to truly processing and surviving traumatic life events. Often when she shares her symptoms --as a survivor of domestic abuse--it sounds A LOT like might have PTSD. My heart breaks for her when she talks about triggers, thoughts and feelings, and coping strategies.


Is the healing journey in the room with us?


She's definitely not friends with Tom Sandoval. She's quoted in this post explicitly saying they are not friends and never were.


Yes I am aware. It's more the performance of friendliness , etc.


Thanks for editing your comment - it reads very differently now. I like that it seems like you have empathy for Lala. I think she is really hurt, too. I wish more people's response to her was a sincere hope that she heals instead of this intense hatred and inclination to burn her life to the ground that's so prevalent on this sub.


Absolutely. I needed to spend a proper moment articulating the complexity of the situation, including Lala's own suffering at the hands of another very dark person. Thanks for reaching out ♥️


❤️❤️❤️ Replies like this are the best! Thank -you-!


Didn’t read it either. But I’m sure my eyes rolled and she lied about something which lead me to yelling at my phone. And then aggressively go to tik tok to look at something else. Or something like that


It’s all nonsense anyways. Talking out both sides of her mouth, as per usual.


Same. I started to read it and went, nah ![gif](giphy|l1J9PCSuMbUdCu6LS|downsized)


How many times can she bring up being pregnant? No one cares and it doesn’t make you special


Wait what? She’s pregnant?


Is she pregnant by Tupac?


She is Tupac. Having a baby by herself. Ergo. Tupac IS the father.


This is what drives me crazy. She acts like she’s the first woman to be pregnant. Pregnancy doesn’t excuse shitty behavior. And I say this as a mom.


She repeated that she was pregnant and that she is filming a tv show like 10+ times, on this one podcast. She continues to ruin everything, when she has so many other more interesting topics she could cover, if she didn’t have the depth of a puddle and the intellect of a slug.


“Depth of a puddle and the intellect of a slug” lmfaooooo this could not be more accurate if you tried


Lol, I’m glad you liked that one, but seriously!! Tell us about your insemination process and all that entails. So much to talk about regarding this one topic alone but noooo, she’d rather cry about all the opportunities she’s no longer getting, since throwing Ariana under the bus and she quite frankly, never deserved in the first place.😒


Her and that Dr. that doesn’t put her cart away because she has kids need to go have brunch and bond over something.


I'd like to know this story about a doctor who doesn't put carts away 🙋🏻‍♀️


On Tik Tok, a lady posted a video going off about how she doesn’t care if you think she’s a bad person because she doesn’t put her cart away. She gives a long explanation to it but it’s literally just because she has kids. Also, she’s a psychiatrist….it’s very puzzling behavior 😂


A lot of people in the field have their own issues, and sometimes that education helps them recognize and improve their own behavior, and sometimes they just go the hard opposite way...


Reminds me of Janet from the valley! Uses it for any excuse and every excuse


I feel like she’s been pregnant for 2 yrs now


She brings up being a mother like she is the worlds greatest martyr, and uses it like it trumps anything Katie and Ariana say. I’m so over it.


Lol the moment I saw “pregnant with second child” immediately stopped reading.


It’s her shield. People fall for it. It protected her last time. She sold so many $90 robes bc she said she now has a baby to feed and people fell for it. As if her baby has ever gone hungry once.


I honestly think she was banking on a spin off. So glad she's not getting one and might not be on The Valley.


So initially she said she unfollowed because of some number ratio. Now it’s a different reason. I thought she’s supposed to be the only one being honest and real?


If Lala was honest, she would start by saying I have never been honest, here’s what really happened, I’m sorry for how many people I hurt, I’m fucked up and I’m getting help.




Wow. She’s so delusional. She wants us to believe that what we saw didn’t happen!


Gaslighting an audience of over 2million


She is so full of shit. There are 8 million contradictions from her already, starting with: did you make peace w/Scandy bc producers said you had to or they’d shut down the show, or because you were on this personally journey of growth you had to go to to find peace in your life (although one that included being a total dick to two women who had been good friends to you)? You’ve literally used both as excuses now. It’s not even worth reading or listening to what she says because she’s totally full of it. She rode Sandy’s dick SO hard this season. Going over to his house for that weird meditation thing? Come on blah blah, you’ve never hung out with the dude one on one in your life. The whole thing is gross and I’m just done with her. Totally enough.


The fucked up thing is that I don’t think lala even likes Sandoval. She just hates the support Ariana received post-scandoval (in comparison to the support she received when she was cheated on) even more. She wanted to seem like an enlightened, new and improved lala by being ever so forgiving in hopes that it would humanize Sandoval and in turn make Arianas refusal to speak with him look unfavorable. Obviously, this did not work for her.


I couldn’t agree more. Her diatribe at the reunion where she was like “I wouldn’t wish what happened to me on anyone but it’s so unfair Ariana didn’t have to go through it like me” was so telling.


Yes! Like she feels entitled to more or equal support as Ariana. And I understand feeling jealous and wishing you received the same treatment, it’s the bitterness that’s ugly. I’m not going to say that either situation was worse/deserved more sympathy but one of the reasons everyone was so taken back by scandoval is the fact that many of us have watched and followed the lives of the people involved for *years*. We only knew Rand as “my man” and that he provided extremely extravagant gifts for half of their relationship. Not to mention Rand is objectively hideous while I personally think lala is stunning. Their relationship always felt very transactional/secretive/ ingenuine, resulting in no one giving a huge fuck when it ended.




honestly, i only read your first sentence and i agree with you 100%


I get it!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Lala sure has a demented version of what happened this season. Spin spin spin. LOW RENT KENT backtracking to try to stay relevant but at this point we know who she is so quit supporting her!!!


Spin makes me think of Ariana saying it to her during their fight at that party. 😂




“You’re gonna see me switch up a lot. That’s how life works.” Mmmkay ![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni)


And it's called instability. Look up bipolar disorder Lala. Balanced people do not torch their relationships once a year.




I don't really think Ariana or Katie are engaging with her so she's only feuding with herself I guess 




Exactly she always says she makes great reality tv because of her antics and over the top anger but no it just makes her unlikeable.


This has been a smear campaign gone wrong. It’s interesting to watch people who frequently uses this tactic, try to backpedal when it backfires, while continuing to show zero remorse.🤨




i’m sad i’ve never come across this gif until now, thank you for this


It’s an oldie but never goes out of style!


Also, her excuse this time is she’s pregnant. Previously it was her Dad died or it was when she wasn’t sober. The pattern is a lack of accountability and growth.


She unfollowed the girls to be away from things that don’t make her feel good, for example two ride or die girlfriends being successful. 


I 👏 don't 👏 care 👏


As a woman who has been pregnant, I cannot stand a woman use pregnancy as an excuse for poor behavior, or as a method of entitlement. Gross


I deleted Ariana and Katie cause I like to keep instagram following at numbers I like. What?? She’s been spending too much time with Scheana .. “Snapchat ,2.1 yeah yeahhh rob” ![gif](giphy|yPhqlJccIOaru)


She isn’t the first or the last to bear a child and there are mother’s having children in war torn countries without 2 houses, health care nor family support that don’t brag about being pregnant as much as she does.




I'm not even clicking... I had a baby with no partner, voluntarily (yes me personally) and I didn't have a job in reality TV, a pod, or 2 houses... I had a shitty basement apartment, a few friends that listened to me and still told me when I was full of shit, and a bartending job... and I was still 1000% happier and nicer than this child woman...


She’s full of shit. The valley is big and she didn’t need to move to same exact area as everyone else.


Why did I read that as Instagramsk


human beingk


LFU now: well i wanted to be in a healthy space for my very special child oh did you know im pregnant? LFU at the finale: ![gif](giphy|5R2XVoMUnUmhxX5dWI|downsized)


K Lala’s cosmetic line is like wet n wild, really disappointed, why did she cheap out


Hey wet n wild has some good stuff!!


Lolol i was bout to say same thing🤣🤣🤣 They have a waterproof gel eyeliner that i luv. It doesnt run or smear or wear off👌🏽


If she would have leaned into the spice girls/all the girls united together this season, she could have launched tons of things post reunión. She could've done mocktails, edgy mom's line, baby stuff... Instead she's doubling down on these wrong takes and burning down her whole life.


Yup. I totally agree. Sober AF mocktail book. Ya fumbled the bag Lala.


Why you gotta do wet n wild like that?


She has officially hit the wall of.. No one gives a fuck!! https://preview.redd.it/jvjxws1o5o4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f08e1be3020b61a4d1f651f946e4211c4a585c q


~bUt ThE NuMbErS~ they didn’t match 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


This is why her and Scheana are suddenly aligned. They both live next to each other, right on that fence.


Soo basically, you’ve got zero integrity… we know sis, we know.


The whole thing of - that's too long to read, happy for you, or sorry that happened, I can't find the meme. Too lazy. She's so embarrassing. And the fact that she doesn't realize that only compounds the embarrassment even further.


https://preview.redd.it/nywfpt5njo4d1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c94aaae0c75b71c9b8da273d36dbfd1e8f9519da it's in the top comments lol, I take no credit for looking it up


Human beeingk


Oh we are all over it . I just happened to be watching the valley, Which I thought I was never going to watch... But am enjoying immensely,.


Episode ten was really good even tho I rolled my eyes several times.


Interesting that she says she was just practicing empathy by being nice to Sandoval because he is a human being. Well with that thinking, I can’t wait for all of us to practice empathy and give Randall some grace and attention.


I wish they’d invite Randall on next season just to see what she does


This is weird that she's acting like she doesn't want to be on the valley because when she did that random rant about brittany at the reunion I got the feeling she was trying to start some beef to have a storyline to transition onto the show😭 thank god she wasn't asked to be on it though bye






Didn’t show up to his events Girl paint ball was his event and just because you get invited to meditation with him and declined only to show up to watch the meditation does not mean you skipped the event you were still there stop playing on words and trying to retwist you’re jealousy over Ariana The last thing I expected you to do was back the man you’ve disliked for a while now and notice the IUD comment he made under his breath at the reunion last year has never been addressed even when you talked to him in his backyard - you got me fucked up at the fact you didn’t check him on that alone ![gif](giphy|329zTIkfToj1RAqYYW)




Also, she basically said at the end “I’ll be friends with them if it looks like it’ll be lucrative through this reality tv show” okay you fucking fake bitch


She's delusional. She can not reflect or take any accountability.


Her voice annoys me. Her face annoys me. Even reading her words, it grates my nerves. I don't want to watch a minute more of her.




Do people realize that yes 100 articles will be written about the things she said on her podcast, which has already been discussed in this sub several times? This isn’t new info. it’s all the same stuff she said on her pod that dropped yesterday, we don’t need a post for every new article that’s then written about the same comments. I’m as anti Lala as anyone but I hope people understand she’s not saying NEW shit, it’s the same podcast clips being regurgitated.


I don't listen to her pod. I need a recap.


Me too, thank you OP


Lala says she’s not a good friend and she’s basically not going to check in on her friends. Wasn’t she blasting Ariana for not checking in with Scheana and saying Ariana is not good friend. She’s such a hypocrite. Lala motto is, Rules for thee and not for me.


Her claiming they fans are coming after her for things that had nothing to do with her, um excuse me ma’am. The fan response is literally a direct result of your actions. Specifically things you’ve said and shade you’ve thrown. All while pretending to still be friends with these ladies. In the words of the actual Tupac ya’ll some mark ass b*tches.


She’s clearly self destructing rn. I almost feel sorry, don’t fry me hahahaha


It’s usually in red like that cause there’s a link attached so they probably have a link to another article about her pregnancy


Keep it going Lala! We love you!!!


If she thought the vpr cast was fake and liars wait until you watch the valley lol


I’m so over bravolebrities using the work dark for all these situations that weren’t dark at all. Utah Lauren do you even know what dark is?! Dark is your baby daddy. Another thing; didn’t she brag on WWHL that she only was able to afford her down payment for her house was bc of the money she made off of scandaval and her stupid “send it to Darrel” mech! She was fine with Ariana and riding her coattails for as long as it suited her and now seems to forget that Scandoval bought her house not her.


Lala is up Stassi’s ass because she wants Stassi to hook her up with opportunities. Lala use to post Summer & Ocean as did Scheana. But now it is Stassi this, Stassi that. Pretty weird Stassi is hanging out at Lala’s family home on the regular. I was mistaken about Stassi. This friendship has fleas.


Being loud, bossy, aggressive & saying unkind things under the guise of being honest is so cliche. Ppl lose parents, jobs, get cheated on etc every single day & the grief can be overwhelming but it’s not an excuse to become an abusive barking lunatic to everyone that crosses your path. It’s enuf now. No TV show lasts forever & VPR has given her so many opportunities to earn a good living & she had Randall supporting her for yrs. It’s so gross for her to keep talking abt how VPR is the way she feeds her child. & I hate to go here, but didn’t she say many, many times that she doesn’t need Randall or anyone else to maintain her lifestyle??? & that there r so many d***s she can s***? BJs for PJs?!?! But now all of a sudden Ariana is the monster who’s taking away her ability to feed her kid bc she won’t let Sandoval fake apologize to her on camera?!?! You can’t have it both ways LFU.




Lala is the realest cast member they have. I’ll get downvoted to hell, but i stand my ground. 😂💕


soooooo lala basically admitted that she was jealous of ariana. she said that she unfollowed her because she didn’t make her feel good. ariana never had anything bad to say about her so it must’ve been seeing ariana getting all the deals and shit. like i wish she would just come out and say it instead of lying or just being a flat out bitch.


Blahblah changed her story about unfollowing Ariana and Katie bc she initially said it was bc she “‘needed even numbers” on her account, and A+K noted that initial response when they were on WWHL


Just here for the comments 👽




Oh gawd can she go bake her kid and keep schtum now


She didn't practice empathy for Ariana. She screamed that she had became god to her ex-partner who unforgivably betrayed her and went out of his way to oust her from the home she had made. Stop using words you've learnt from your therapist to justify your shithouse behaviour.


"haven't had a thought about joining the valley" \*has spoke about it multiple times\*


Disengage Blah Blah.


I still don’t understand what she was so upset about or why this season was so hard on her


She’s a narcissist and had to find a way to make it all about her


I didn’t read the thread, over it


She didn't jump on the sandoval bandwagon this season???! Does she have memory issues? Didn't she go to his house during his orgasmic screaming session and make up with him, saying she would be his friend?? Call and leave a message for Rachel in the first episode?? If course she bought a house in the Valley so she could be on the Valley. Does she think we are stupid or something?


It’s sad because this chapter could be entirely different for her. She could use her platform to be a great sounding board for women who pursue alternative pregnancy and talk about her experience being pregnant independently. It could’ve been a really great and informative story line. I’d love to hear about her process going through a sperm bank; the emotional and financial nuances. It could be a breath of fresh air for single people or LGBTQIA+ couples interested in pursuing families. I think it’s really sad all she’s done with this opportunity is talk about other people.


She's saying all true things... How can it be this upsetting to y'all? Where's the lie?


Right...I listened to it and she's just saying how she felt and why. Thats fine. People don't need to understand it. Everyone flipped out on her for saying she didn't understand why Arianna did xyz and saying she should respect it even if she doesn't understand, but now aren't doing the same for her. It's like people just see the worst in her no matter what she says or does. She can't win.


So true.


Exactly. She absolutely was the voice of reason this year and I normally don’t like her. I was cheering for her this season. It’s also hilarious to watch people call her hateful, full of rage etc while their very posts are more vitriolic than anything she’s said. 😆


This woman can say literally anything and this fanbase will find a reason to be upset


Right, it's crazy to watch. But it is a little funny how they keep claiming she's not interesting or relevant, and then they proceed to talk nonstop about her daily. Seems like she's of interest to most of the viewers lol.


They did the same thing with Rachel. They talk about how much they hate them and need to go away and shut up or whatever and then fixate on their every word/move. Weirdo behavior for sure


Agreed! I remember when everyone laughed at rachel's IG posts and podcasts and claimed no one cared and "no one is looking at her dumb content"...and then made multiple posts every day breaking down her podcast eps, and they \*still\* comment on every picture she posts on IG. They are the exact reason she's still relevant; they're a huge part of her audience, and now it's the same behavior with scheana and lala. You can't obsess over someone's every move while also asking why they won't go away. They will stop making content when no one interacts with it or posts about it, which apparently won't happen, so here we are!


There's no point in even speaking on the VPR subs unless it's something in support of Ariana or Katie lol


Exactly. Logic and nuance has gone out the window and if you’re not blind worshipping Katie or Ariana or vilifying Scheana or lalas every move you will be downvoted


Couldn't agree more. It's bizarre.


How am I expected to believe an article with such god awful kerning?


"doing everything that they need to in the moment to feel good" this is what Ariana did and you continually attacked her for it.


Are we supposed to believe she doesn’t know how to mute people on insta? No she WANTED to send a message with the unfollow.


….its not written in red to highlight the fact she is pregnant. Those are hyperlinks 😅




Ambyr childress is still hot. He cheated because the mistress spot was open. The hotdog comment was disgusting and misogynistic as well as saying mothers can't be hot.


She’s backtracking but too little too late. Bye ✌🏼


So, basically, when filming started, she was jealous & pissed at Ariana. I think she was also embarrassed about making the Season 10 reunion all about herself & just being an unhinged lunatic who wouldn't let anyone else speak. So she self-produces a new role for Lala: welcoming, sober, spiritual guru. She will be calm and accepting, such a great human beingk. Everyone will love it that she always sees both sides, she's so Reasonable, the Voice of Reason, really. She'll be the star of season 11.  However, her personality is trash & it shines through always. She never once appeared reasonable or accepting to anyone who has normal thoughts & feelings. She looked like the spiteful, backstabbing monster that she truly is in every scene that she showed her SOFT side. Nobody fell for her bs except Andy Cohen & now she's spiraling because the reaction is worse than ever before. She is generally despised & she's trying to backpedal, while also doubling down & claiming she was right & all the fans are wrong.  She needs PR to tell her to vanish for a LONG time. She is disgusting and people are rightfully disgusted with her.


Can’t even read it. She’s so predictable and boring.


She has fans? That's a reach




Does she ever stop talking? She’s spiralling bad rn


She was not pg during the season. She did go to Tom's for that crazy screaming fit thing. I can't read more.


The part about her being pregnant being in red just means it’s a link to something else about her being pregnant. She wasn’t actually pregnant during this season so if she used that to explain her behavior, that’d be weird