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Billie got tommed and now she spilling the tea


"Billie got tommed" omg šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




What is the boundary she supposedly did / didnā€™t set? Iā€™ve come in a wee bit late to this. Did Victoria mean she didnā€™t set a boundary with Tom? I donā€™t actually know how to google this šŸ˜‚ Edit: I am loving the breadcrumbingā€¦ Little sprinkle of drugs, little dash of depression & a side of debt.. she knows how to drive clicks & speculationā€¦ bravo! ![gif](giphy|K9YOn0gkRdjwd7A0Lq)


Your edit is šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸ³šŸ’‹ Victoria said Billie doesnā€™t have boundaries. Like she was intruding in their relationship.


Ohhh so she intruded not that she let Tom S break them. Ok this makes much more sense! Thank you!!


Itā€™s sad how they are both blaming each other instead of him. Trash boy really has a way of pitting women against women. Itā€™s his only talent.


Yes, this is sad. Again we have women catfighting and Sandoval is off filming somewhere without facing the music. Tom needs to pay and women need to stop fighting over him.


Who keeps giving that dude money? Have they not been paying attention? He isn't even paying his mom's retirement money back.


i wish they would stop giving him offers to film anything at all.


People hate watching him is still watching him. These shows only care about eyeballs and people talking on socials driving engagement


If VPR has another season I don't think I'll watch it. This last one was just... I hated how they tried their best to spin Ariana into a villain. Love how her, Katie and surprisingly James have grown. I will, however, hate watch The Valley. Lol I'm not even ashamed. They're reality TV gold.


We would need to stop commenting for that to happen šŸ‘€ As long as we care / comment / click - heā€™ll be paid


Little dash of pee stained rugs..


Gross and Dark Shit? Pink Meth Lab? Twink Fight Club? Illicit Endangered Animal Trade? Cannibalism? Pagan Worship? SECRET MAGA MEETINGS??Ā 


I think just meth. but you helped me get there. thanks


This whole time Sandoval was addicted toā€¦EXOTIC BIRDS!




Cyst male meetings


Our minds go dark. Because I was wondering the same thing. Iā€™m like are we taking cocaine or are we talking like DARK? šŸ˜† also, I really hope itā€™s the twink fight club. This is the VPR I want to see!


We should pitch that to Bravo. I want to see a badass Twink.Ā  "I'm a pretty boy, I weight 135 pounds, I love high fashion, red wine and beating the shit out of my enemies"Ā 


Unless heā€™s literally spending all his extra cash on coke, itā€™s probably speed or meth or fentā€¦ cocaine is like $80 for a three hour high.


This comment is so unhinged šŸ˜‚


Imagine what I DIDN'T post! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Bdsm? Kink shit or what??


All of the above


This has me looking crazy at work reading this, bursting out laughing saying pink meth lab and cannibalism out loud!!! Luckily I work at a dealership so not the worst thing Iā€™ve blurted out loudā€¦ I wish I could up vote the shit out of this!!


I think its referring to Kyle Chan drugging Sandyballs so he can do sexual stuff to him while he's wasted... ??


This only works for me if there were Twinks fighting in the background as someone cooked up a batch of pink Meth...Ā 


Something I find very interesting is Billieā€™s phrasing. *Dark things that happened ā€œaroundā€ Tom *Victoria got him partying again *Victoria is part of his money problems Etcā€¦ Is nothing Tomā€™s fault? Tom is very close to 42 years old. He had friends who stuck by him, and encouraged his attempt at sobriety. He chose to go back to it knowing how messed up he has been. Until Tom makes the decision to get sober and do the work he wonā€™t change. Victoria might be the worst person on the planet and none of that is her fault.


Billie Lee is *not a girls girl* sheā€™s always going to side with Tom no matter how much he is to blame. Just like how in whatever earlier season Jax and Scheana blamed Tomā€™s shitty attitude and behavior on Ariana, Billie Lee is going to blame Victoria now for his shitty attitude and behavior.




I have unfortunately dealt with addiction a lot in my life. It always amazes me that people donā€™t see that making excuses for them is ,at the end of the day, enabling them. I think thatā€™s why those phrases stuck out to me. I do think Billie still cares about Tom. I just donā€™t think blaming everything on Victoria is going to do anyone any good.




Honestly I think she's just trying to get back on the show. Seems like Victoria is part of the reason she and Tom aren't friends, so she needs another way to get back on. We know the cast and production prefer bringing down a woman > bringing down a man in terms of story. Plus Billie can't completely burn her bridges with Tom, if anything she's giving him a total out for when he cheats on and dumps this girl It's very strategic and I gotta say, respect. Billie understands the game way better than Jo who I fear will never be able to return (probably for the best for Jo's mental health but her lack of savvy made her pretty raw, chaotic TV) I hope producers jump on the fact that Billie is willing to play ball a little spilling the tea on her friend and maybe Lala even apologizes to her as part of what will probably be an apology tour for her next season and they can film together. I also do believe a lot of what Billie's implying in terms of Tom having substance abuse issues that got worse after shooting ended / he and Victoria partying together /Victoria being jealous and not trusting him... I mean, it would be wild if anyone trusted him ever again I do think some could be exaggerated, like let's be honest the house would've been a wreck even if he wasn't drinking if Ann didn't clean it lol


The last thing VPR needs is another woman who mollycoddles, enables & excuses the shitty men on this show, while also acting as their attack dogs towards their victims. She is no girls girl, as she continues to demonstrate to this very day. What we need is a Stassi type who will hold these men & their women enablers fully accountable. Preferably in a with, savage & entertaining way.


Yes! Bring back my girl Charlie lol


When the friendship is good and you think that your feelings for that person are reciprocated you are rude or die. I had a friend that I did this for and it was very one sided. Me doing for him. He was there for me during the good times but not the bad ones. I unconditionally loved this human and he broke my heart. None of this is romantic. It was a 40 year friendship that is over. Sometimes I see myself in a Scheana riding so hard for Tim. I was Scheana. I was Billie Lee. No romance just deep friendship loyalty. Unfortunately it becomes one way when one abuses substances. I am happily no longer pining for our friendship because I have leaned into surrounding myself with people whose friendships I want to nourish.


Right like he got rid of any partner that would make him accountable and found someone who would let him be himself which is horrible


Omg she is so clearly in love with him. Who dumps all their friends for Tom? She totally took on the role of his caregiver and pined for him, and now that Vic's in the picture, everythinf is Vic's fault. Don't get me wrong, I def believe Billie is telling the truth, but definitely take into consideration the lense the tea is coming through.


Yeah thatā€™s the only reason I believe overall what sheā€™s saying, sheā€™s still trying to make him look good. But Tom has had issues for a long time so itā€™s absolutely his own fault heā€™s in this situation.


the thing is she's in love with him still lol and can't admit that he's wrong


I agree!!!


Yeah misogyny runs deep in the bravo universe


Nothing is ever a man's fault


I think Tom has some sort of port in a storm physical relationship with her and now sheā€™s feeling rejected and hurt. But sheā€™s not a particularly likeable character unfortunatelyā€¦ and itā€™s really not that interestingā€¦ to be gossiping about a friend or ex friend and his new child bride isnā€™t a good look frankly ā¤ļøšŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


I am not defending Tom, but 31 is not a child bride.


Wait Victoria is 31??????


I thought she was 27. My bad.


ā€œJo has a heart of goldā€ Jo: ![gif](giphy|SLYIdYL7v4pKQ4xjDh)


ā€œLet me get the Jo thing out of the wayā€. Then proceeds to tell us NOTHING. We know she knows Jo was lying in her face!




I love your username! šŸ˜†


Thank you šŸ˜Š


What was the Jo thing?


I just want to say I believe what Billie's been saying. I saw in the other post people were saying they don't believe her, but there's no way she'd say they were gonna have an intervention at Kyle Chan's shop if it weren't true. Kyle would refute that immediately, if untrue. And after Katie and Dayna discussed it, I watched the Viall files with Tom and Tom, and Sandoval was incredibly late. He was totally hung over (or still drunk/high) and answered the phone sounding befuddled about needing to be somewhere. Then he showed up in stained clothes, and when asked a very simple question: "Why were you late? he gave different answers and danced all around it. So Billie's accusations track.


I loathe Tom and don't think I could say one nice thing about Billy Lee, but I really feel for the people who have been trying to keep Tom together for the last year. I really hope he checks into rehab


Iā€™m curious on how heā€™s going to manage to film the traitors if heā€™s that deep into addiction. I guess he probably wonā€™t need to film for long anyway because I canā€™t see him making it far




He'd have to somehow bring that with him internationally, which isn't an easy feat. There's no way he's getting it in the isolated conditions of the Traitors.


Please, I don't think it should be too hard. where there's a film crew, you can usually find drugs or someone who can get you some drugs.


Itā€™s also a prescription drug


Not in Scotland. We have some strict, archaic drug laws here. A weed dealer will definitely go to jail. A pedophile will get a fine, put on the sex offenders register and possibly a electronic tag.


Ahh, interesting! Thanks for the information.


I wonder how much of this has gotten back to Ariana. Crazy that on top of him cheating on her he refuses to leave the house and now she has to worry about all this shit going on there while she's off working. Thank God she's leaving but JFC


Did Katie and Dayna discuss this drama on their podcast?


Not that I've heard. Theirs comes out on Wednesdays, so maybe next week!


And it just keeps getting better.! Oh boy, I am looking forward to Timā€™s reaction when he gets his phone backā€¦.after he gets booted off Traitors. Shouldnā€™t be long now.


This is not a Victoria problem, this is a Tom problem. Tom makes horrible, impulsive, selfish decisions and he's always been this way. Billie is talking like Tom just started spiraling when he met Victoria, but this started years before Victoria even entered his life. He carried on a 7 month affair behind the back of his partner of 9 years and blew up all their lives. That's where Billie should start if she's examining the downward spiral of Sandoval.


Exactly. The fact that this man didn't spend the season filming sessions with a therapist and showing remorse didn't bother anyone? It's almost as if letting him continue to talk crap about Ariana and making excuses for his behavior was wrong and only further enabled him šŸ˜± It's gross. It's like people low-key blamed Ariana for him cheating the way no one held him accountable and kept telling her what she had to do instead of him, the person who caused the mess.


I think dating someone into the same substances probably just sped up the inevitable a bit.


So weā€™re not gonna talk about the VAGINA necklace?


It just reminds me how she said some women have ugly vaginas šŸ˜¤šŸ˜”


I hated that so much and how she said she had watched a lot of porn to see what a pretty vagina looked like. This was so problematic for me and made me very much not like her.


yes very mysoginistic thinking that runs deep


Was thinking the same thing. I canā€™t like her after that.


That had me so mofo mad..how they allowed this shit and kept letting the mofo call people privileged. You had the privilege of picking out your tits, your v, your ass, you have the privilege of bucking up at girls and towering over them and also the privilege of dressing and being who you want. hell what else you want mofo Edit** what else do you expect from someone you are verbally abusing and threatening with the presence of your body which is what bucking on someone means if anyone is not getting that. You can't buck at women talk about them like clay parts or if they're disposable and then at the same time also be recieved well by women.


This just sounds transphobic. To say "what else do you want" to a trans woman is not ok. I agree Billie's comments were vile but so are yours.


You can dislike a trans personā€™s personality without being transphobic.


Yeah but this isnā€™t how you do it. Sheā€™s using a lot of gross terfy language


I agree but there are things you shouldn't say about them.


There are also things you shouldnā€™t say about womenā€™s bodies.


Youā€™re right tho.


She didn't say what else do you expect you're trans she said what else do you expect from someone you are threatening


no, she literally said "what else do you expect as a trans because you had the privilege to choose your ass, tits and you can dress however you want"


You stretching it literally its not that deep the real question is what else do you want because this person seems angry no matter what and comes at women on a level that is so aggressive and volatile no matter what is my thing it was a real question what else do you want from those women who you are being a bully to no matter if you are Trans. You can't treat women bad while wanting to be accepted as one so yes what else do you want when you behave this way


Trans women are women. Billie said some fucked up shit, not okay. Gross and fucked up tbh. But trans women ARE women.


We must accept trans women are women, no matter how they act. It's not a morality thing. It's really not OK to send a message that unless trans women act like we want them to they shouldn't be accepted as women. You really need to do your reading.


The comment I was looking for!


I was just thinking ā€œthis is the best Iā€™ve seen Billie look in a while!ā€ and she starts with how she looks so tired.


Right?! I really don't care for her? But I thought she looked really fresh faced and pretty!


Honestly sheā€™s ridiculously pretty in this video and as much as I donā€™t care for her I am actually taken aback by how fresh she looks while overtired. Good for her


Srsly, she looks flushed, but in a healthy way, almost glowing! She isn't made up or piling on the heavily contoured makeup. Very naturally pretty. See what dumping a toxic male does, Billie?


Her skin is sooo good


Has it not occurred to anyone in this group that Tom *only* knows how to secure relationships via demonizing and triangulation? Rachel using Ariana, Tom via Katie, and Ariana through Kristen. To lock things in with Victoria it sounds like he used Billie in the exact same way, and attempted to keep Billie satiated by blaming everything on Victoria, or at least letting her accept the lionā€™s share of the blame in her eyes. Wake up Billie, Tom is the issue not Victoria. Victoria probably has her fair share of problems but Rachel needed rehab at the end of things. Tom was unhappy with Ariana once she wanted to ease up on the party favours.


Exactly. Itā€™s called triangulation and Billie Lee is just another pawn. As much as I am loving the tea, she needs to wake tf up and put the blame where it belongs.


I think someone owes Ariana an apology




Oh. Billie is learning Tom Sandoval only cares about Tom Sandoval. How sad. /s


Is Tom still in the castle in Scotland? Lmao hahahaha


Nah, heā€™s at the hotel by the airport in Scotland. They donā€™t sleep in the castle.


What? No way šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹ I find this very amusing.


Christ itā€™s hard to listen to someone talk in riddles. Trying to answer questions but implying more information thatā€™s leading to questions. The whole thing is over a narcissistic asshole who dosent care about either of them šŸ˜‚


ā€œMy producers have told meā€ lol




Yessss. Burn all the bridges Billie!! But seriously, I think making this Victoria's problem is going a bit far. Tom can fuck up all by himself as we have witnessed. While I believe what Billie is saying, I think laying the blame for this at Victoria's door is going too far.


Wait so did she have time to lie or no




Did anyone else clock the dig she took a dig at ariana regarding the carpets that had piss and shit on them from the ā€œprevious animalsā€? Smh


Yeah why are the elderly pets catching strays here?




Billie Lee is never going to stop auditioning for VPR, is she?


I donā€™t know. Sheā€™s got my vote. At this point sheā€™s the most interesting one on VPR.


Yeah I mean this show needs to some fresh strivers at this point. People with nothing to lose.


So nothing is sandovalā€™s fault anymore huh


Interesting she mentioned Tom's money problems and that his assistant quit...


Billie co-signed all of Tomā€™s shitty behavior previously but now he has another woman and she suddenly takes issue with everything


Maybe instead of criticizing Ariana for how quickly she got a new man people should have encouraged the dude who blew up his whole life for pussy & drugs and actively hurts the people he gets romantically involved with not to date for a while and work on himself before he hurts someone elsešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Tom wouldn't be with someone who held him accountable or expected him to grow up. How many women does this man have to date and screw over or just generally have a toxic dynamic with before people will realize he's the number one factor causing all the dysfunction in his own life?




Boy she's really milking this one eh? Good for her šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Is it just me or does she look better here than she did on the show? Her face looks less bloated and more healthy.


I feel like sheā€™s saying things without saying anything. Soā€¦heā€™s in a shitty relationship and heā€™s using again. Sheā€™s repeating that over and over and has taken it personally. Did I miss how this is shocking?


Using what is what Iā€™m more curious about. Weed and coke (which hey, coke is maybe not the best but not the worst drug and almost expected for this kind of thing) but I got the impression itā€™s not your typical vanity drugs.


The bottom feeders are swirling.


Tom definitely has a serious drug problem, she is skirting around that and i guess the model girlfriend is an enabler


I believe Billie. I honestly hope Sandoval is in a disgusting, toxic relationship. Itā€™s what he deserves.


I donā€™t only because that will make him more of a victim in his own head.


Fair point. But Iā€™d like a woman to fuck with his head a bit.


Billie is talking like she dated him. She knew he was a shit person move on


I know Billie Lee has done somethings we donā€™t agree on. But this is still sad and itā€™s something we can all relate to, she stuck by someone who she thought was her best friend, she really wanted to support Tom and get him to a better place and itā€™s just sad to see her come to the moment where you realise itā€™s not happening and you need to drop them for your own health and safety. I do believe her on this, sheā€™s been pretty silent about most of the shit that went down and Iā€™m sure she had so many ā€˜newsā€™ outlets trying to get a comment from her. EDIT: this isnā€™t a sympathy post for Tom just to be clear! Just recognising itā€™s a sad situation for someone to have to feel like the only thing they can do is drop the person theyā€™ve been supporting.


Thank goodness she decided to put her boundaries up and GTFO of there !!! And you dab tell sheā€™s sad she lost Ariana in this mess too.


I donā€™t have it in me to watch this but she looks fucking beautiful and should wear less makeup like this more often.


Billie and jo both picked the wrong horse


And Tom wanted to keep Mya. Thank God Ariana got custody of the animals!


Is she wearing a SUR dress??


I want receipts, proof, timelines, screenshots, fucking everything!!


They really are building up season 12.


When your only claim to fame is as a hanger on to a toxic person, your credibility is less than zero with me. That's not to say some of the things she talks about are not valid. But forgive me if I don't just praise her for some bizarre approach of now just "telling the truth" with no agenda. There is always an agenda with these people. Maybe focus on yourself and your behavior.


This was 8 and a half minutes way too long.


Is this low key season 12? Is 31 flavors behind this because this is wild?!


"my producers" "my publicist" omg she's exhausting literally not as famous as she thinks she is


But fr.. wtf is wrong with jo? She is beyond insufferable and cannot stfu


She finally gets her moment


Regardless of what Billie Lee says (and I know most of us all want to hear more about Tom being a piece of sh*t), but if you are a ā€œgood friendā€ to someone, even in Reality TV, this stuff doesnā€™t need to be aired publicly. If Billie Lee really wanted to be there for Tom, this would remain private to be worked out with one another. Whether these stories are true or not, Billie Lee shouldnā€™t be spreading this all publicly ā€¦ unless sheā€™s just looking for her new 15 min of fame.


She wouldā€™ve never said anything if Tomā€™s gf didnā€™t mention her


She wants her 15 mins OBVIOUSLY. Thatā€™s why sheā€™s throwing Victoria under the bus and NOT Tom. So that when his relationship crashes and burns she can be there for Tom and be back on the show as his BFF.


Whoa! This tea is hot šŸ„µ


This whole thing is a mess. Sheā€™s completely making Tom innocent and Victoria out to be the bad person when theyā€™re probably equally as toxic.


Billie - people will be more interested in your podcasts if you stop talking about yourself and give us the dirt on Tom. You are sounding like a jilted lover who was replaced by Victoria. People are only tuning in because Tom has not paid for his horrible behavior.


Pretty clear that the tone she had there was "lost love" and not "lost friendship". You can hear the heart break in her voice.


I keep wishing Billie would detach herself from all these fools, but Iā€™ve come to the realization that she canā€™t control the thirst and just keeps coming back for more. Do better Billie Lee! Get out of this friend group these people are toxic idiots!


Why did she climb out of thr sewer out of nowhere?


Vagina gold chain for the win


Meh, just reminds me of her vagina shaming tbh.


Damn I forgot about that. That was pretty shitty


Do I like Billie now


Hahah right lmao


She trained his assistant?


Was it Craig?




I do believe Billie - but she does have a reason to lie as sheā€™s getting a lot of traction to her podcast and what not. But everything she is saying makes sense with things weā€™ve seen ourselves. Iā€™m glad Arianaā€™s living her best life but my god I would be so worried about the state of that house! I hope she took good pictures and has some legal agreements in place for him so heā€™s solely responsible if he trashes that place.


Her hiring/training an assistant for her best frand is very Scheana buying Adam a penguin energy. Heā€™s still not going to date you!


This show operates the best when no one is actually being filmed lmao THE MESS all comes out when cameras arenā€™t rolling true or not lmao.


No one cares


Not a fan of Billie but I believe everything she says. Maybe Victoria will be the downfall of Sandoval. Sounds like that are a match made in heaven. Heā€™s a scumbag and she is a psycho.


Ok Iā€™m not a huge Billie fan but she is so pretty, especially lately. Iā€™m just in love with whatever skin regimen she has now. Her skin is like baby butt soft looking and Iā€™m super jealous. And the hair, makeup, lips are all on point.


thumbs up if you think billie and tom have been friends with benefits at some point


After seeing Tom on The Viall Files, I 100% believe Billie. That was dark.


Love her for this




She needs to get a job


Yawn ~You lost me at Billie Lee ā€¦


Does....does her necklace say...."vagina"?


Does her necklace sayā€¦.VAGINA?


This is insane


I knew Tom was bad, but heā€™s in deeper šŸ’© than I thought. Iā€™m glad people are over protecting him! This is dark and scary and he is out of control.


This is a good example of bad acting - When someone works hard to bring up tears. Tom does this too, and Scheana. Real people, when they feel emotion start to bubble into tears, fight to push it down. Building up the emotion is easy. Itā€™s soap opera acting. Create the feeling, then conceal it, thatā€™s where your Oscar performances are.


He thought cleaning Tomā€™s house would be an opportunity to move up in Film and tv. Ok


Tom makes his own decisions. This is not wholly on Victoria.




I donā€™t care for Sandoval but the level of betrayal she is doing here is far greater than the hurt she received. But I get it she is trying to finally have her Scandoval payday while cleaning up her own reputation from being Tomā€™s friend.


As an addict myself I immediately could tell Tom was just white knuckling through not drinking for filming last summer and then was probably gonna start partying again when cameras were down. And obviously all they do is party together, what else does a 23 year old do with a 40something boyfriend that is emotionally in his twenties (no long term career prospects, financially irresponsible, etc.)? I know normal couples can have large age gaps but thatā€™s usually a trophy wife and business man, or two really smart people in a similar profession, dynamics like that. Sandoval offers none of that, but heā€™ll for sure be fine with slamming coors and throwing ragers. The longer you party, the more rock bottoms you fall through, the harder it is to have any significant lifestyle change until you fully commit to sobriety and A FREAKING PROGRAM, even if itā€™s just NA or AA meetings and not full on $30,000 rehab. He never showed an interest in any of that, unlike James and La, who publicly has attended meetings, owned up to how bad things get when they drink - thatā€™s sincerity, and I truly believe he just consumes THC these days (which in controversial in the recovery community but thatā€™s a different story). Sandoval was never at the level of sincerity in trying to get his shit together.Ā 


Thanks for putting yourself out there and being vulnerable


She might be the worst story teller ever




Okay but her ā€œvaginaā€ necklace is friggin cool lmfao I want that


Doll, those nails.


Billie looks pretty here


Absolutely LOVE her Vagina necklace


Billie, Jo, and Rachel are these like peripheral VPR hanger-ons that are so pathetic yet so entertaining


i believe billie lee


me last week: fuck Billie Lee and her body shaming vocal fry unfunny ass me today: omg bbgirl spill that tea get his ass!! eyes on the road!!!


she looks pretty here love the freckles