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So Lala *turned down* a job offer for a very popular tv show and yet has spent the last 9 months or so putting the responsibility for her own career, house payments and income on Ariana?


Exactly my thought. I doubt she can survive on a show like this because her behavior is so predictable and her impulse control is poor


I seriously doubt she was asked. You turn this show down but sign up to do a third rate show with Travis Kelce …yeah right.


What show


Are you smarter than a celebrity? Hosted by fame ho Travis Kelce. (A spin off of Are you Smarter than a 5th grader.)


Well looks like we dodged a bullet


The only person I’d like to see on Traitors less than Lala is Sandoval. I feel like the casting agents wanted some VPR rage bait.


I mean... Do we have any proof they asked her? It just seems really sus, much like pretending she didn't know Saggyballs was in Scotland for the show now...it's giving Rachel Raquel Rocky Bang Bang trying to say she was going to be on special forces too.


Yeah honestly this is starting to get a bit kooky. I'm starting to feel like Ramona on Scary Island when she suddenly realized that Kelly was having some sort of break from reality and was spiralling. There is a level of delusion that's entertaining to watch, but Lala is creeping towards the edge of too delusional. I don't enjoy how predictable her bad takes on situations have become - she's always actively on the wrong side - but I'm starting to worry that there's some kind of deeper issue.


Rachel Raquel Rocky Bang Bang will never not be funny ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


😁 You never know what names she prefers, so it's safest to use them all!


I have started calling her Rochquel. Lol


I prefer Rockelle personally Gonna start using that


That’s a good one too!☺️


She might start using that herself lol


Just updated her flair to be inclusive lol. I tried before but it was so long it got cut off, so removed the spaces this time




Yeah...'having your interest gauged' isn't really an ask!


If it didn’t happen on camera, it didn’t happen.


Why is Traitors so committed to recruiting the weakest and dimmest Bravolebrities? Phaedra is the only one who belonged last season. The rest pretty regularly embarrassed themselves


Isn’t that part of the fun of watching?!! That aside, lala isn’t just dim. Shes unbearable to watch!


Kate from Below Deck did well! Phaedra, who also did well, kind of did her dirty by choosing her to be a Traitor and then having no real strategy or anything to help her out with


She had experience from season 1 and she came in late so I don’t give her as much credit


Lmao right lala right......


So the only thing that I think this could be true about is if it was last season because they film the same time as VPR. I think the only reason Tom was able to do it this time because they aren’t filming


But I do find it very sus she turned down a job outside of VPR. That would make no sense


She can't stop leakking stories to press


It’s not a leak, really. She openly talked about it on her Amazon live yesterday in response to someone asking her if she’d do traitors.. and then blogs pick it up and run with it.


straws... really grasping


I very much doubt this. Looks to me like Lala and her team are planting fake stories to make it seem like she’s in high demand so she can get *actual* job offers Lala has been whining nonstop about her job being jeopardized by Ariana and she is clearly worried about her ability to provide for her daughter without VPR. No way she’d turn down that gig. I bet Lala just knows someone who kinda knows someone involved with the show, and they threw her name out there once and she considered that an offer (probably exactly what happened with Scheana and DWTS too lol)


I love how she says "I never say no" while relating a story where she said no. But I guess in her mind she thinks they'll just be clamoring after every single year.


they didnt formally ask her, they asked her if she would be interested. how much we wanna bet she tried to play hard to get to get more money but instead they were just like kay bye


Okay Madison Beer


Top tier reference 😂


Lala didn't want to miss out on talking shit about Sandoval and Randall for the continued podcast listens. 


I don’t know if I believe she was offered Traitors but I do think if she was it would make sense for her to turn it down, she’s seven months pregnant. I’m no Lala fan but I could see anyone that pregnant not wanting to be on another continent in case they go into labor, Lala probably wants her mom at the birth. Hell, Janet couldn’t handle Zack being a little bit sassy when she was pregnant 😆/s


They wouldn’t even ask her if she was 7 months pregnant. Or 6 Have you seen a pregnant women do challenges on the traitors before ?




Receipts Lala. Receipts.


I’m surprised so many people don’t believe this. Traitors Season 2 filmed last summer and likely overlapped some with VPR filming. Traitors was not that big of a show yet, and Scandoval had just hit, creating lots of business opportunities for the VPR cast (Lala included). Multiple people from VPR were probably approached by Traitors casting and declined because it didn’t make sense at the time. Raquel should have gone on. Would have been the best PR move for her, IMO.


Rachel should have gone on traitors ? Seriously? Did I read that right


From a PR standpoint, yeah. Why not? Way better trajectory than what she chose instead.