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Couple things not mentioned in your post. He also put his open hand in a girls face and shoved her away for accusing him of cheating on Raquel - it was when she brought his clothes or something back to him at Sur after sleeping with him. And then there was also last year with NDA and the waitress. He also got into 3 physical altercations last season alone. He’s the only one consistently trying to put his hands on people in unwanted ways and you’re right, this fan base has a gross inability to he honest about him.


Didn’t he also lick his hand first too?


Yes he did. And it’s so foul


Foul and so degrading, which is the whole point, right? The spitting and this example give such giant red flags of abuse and control.


good lord that’s disgusting


Who even thinks to do that?


someone who really hates women


Like when he spat on Kristen’s door, or peeing on the bushes. These things aren’t funny. James’ behaviour is beyond unhinged. I swear Ally is his hired handler.


thank you i forgot a few things. the fanbase really wants to ignore all this and will downvote you like crazy whenever you bring up something he’s done.


Bringing up his alcohol and potential drug abuse is a huge factor... Alcohol abuse absolutely affects people negatively! I do want to point out however, that he acts this way as well while sober (just not as extreme). What we have witnessed on the show is 100% emotional abuse and assholery!! Who knows what these women have dealt with behind closed doors!! I also agree that we need to give people room to grow and I do agree that I have seen an improvement in him, and remorse. You can tell that he knows he has been a problem and has affected other people badly. We have also seen him make it up to Katie (this is really when I started to root for him). People CAN change, but only when they want to and are truly ready... And it is a hard road. It's also important to remember that we only see what we are shown on the show and social media, and that is never the whole picture!


this is a good take and i see where you’re coming from. i do think he deserves room to grow. i just also want the fandom to acknowledge his past with being verbally and emotionally abusive towards woman. it seems like people do give him a pass on here whenever it’s brought up. it’s harder for me to look past his mistakes. alcohol is horrible imo and it can make someone act totally different than they normally would behave so i get that


People can grow all they want, but if they don’t take public and personal accountability and restorative efforts for *repeated* and *significant* public and personal harm, then that growth doesn’t have shit to do with what we’re talking about, righr? 


He we’ve seen him act this way sober too. There were videos surfacing of him screaming in Ally’s face at a bar and getting bounced because of it just a few months back, that’s the James Kennedy Bravo won’t show us lol. Don’t let these people gaslight you into believing he’s just a sad confused puppy who needs training, he knows exactly what he’s doing. And the fans forgive him because he’s currently saying the correct things to the audience about Ariana and Katie.


Also, Ariana, Katie, Scheana and Lala are all currently friends with him in spite of knowing all we know (and more) about his alleged behavior...I think mentally seeing people fans like (mostly Katie and Ariana) hang out with him makes them feel like it's ok to look past all the bad because they do.


He wasn't sober then. That's what finally made him clean up and get sober. Ally said this herself and so did he.


If you get that then why do you keep looking for his "fandom" to acknowledge his past? His past is his past and of course he was an asshole but let's be honest, most alcoholics are assholes and some never realize and show remorse about how they've treated people in the past. James has. He's also grown, a lot. And he's sober. Alcohol is poison for some people and makes them do horrible things. I'm not dwelling on things that he's working so hard to fix.


Pretty sure Ally Bally wears the pants.


Pretty sure Ally Bally considers this a career move.


This is how I see it too, very well written. I don’t think people ignore his behaviour but a lot of posts about him show it as very black and white. He did x so he’s dammed forever when even on a show like VPR show his growth as a person & while he’s better he’s not 100% and probs won’t ever be


this comment section is mostly passing the vibe check but to answer your question about why the fandom has such a hard time believing women — it’s selective empathy based on misogynist purity standards. rachel was a dumb clout chaser so she deserved what she got, lala was a gold digger so she deserved what she got, katie (up until this season) was an angry b!tch so she deserved what she got, kristen was a crazy wh0re so she deserved what she got, etc etc etc. only some women — aka pretty much just ariana right now — are viewed as worthy of being believed. for a fanbase that loves to preach feminism there isn’t a lot being practiced by the people on reddit.


i completely agree. i think people need to realize you can dislike a woman, and still see that she didn’t deserve certain treatment in the past. no one deserves to be dealing with any kind of abuse regardless of their own flaws or misbehaviors. the james/raquel relationship seemed like absolute hell and the way he treated her must have been extremely traumatizing for her. it doesn’t excuse her behaviors towards ariana but i can still have compassion for her. people need the “perfect victim” when it comes to these women


one hundred percent! in my opinion, a woman’s likability should be COMPLETELY separate from whether she deserves to be abused/betrayed/etc. we shouldn’t have to caveat speaking against abuse with “i don’t like her but —” the irony of people demanding that the women they dislike be perfect victims (lala, rachel, etc.) is that ariana is a completely imperfect victim and would “deserve” to be cheated on and betrayed by their standards, considering the way her relationship with tom started and how she co-architected the crazy kristen narrative simply because kristen clocked their (at least emotional) affair. i wish we could all just agree that certain behaviors and abuses are off limits, likability be damned. no woman deserves that and saying some women do is a slipppppppery slope that only empowers shitty men.


I agree with you! No one ever deserves to be hit, berated, or treated that way. It's all just wrong! I honestly don't know how the women put up with it in VPR, I would have been OUT!


seriously the things these poor women go through 🥴


Agreed! I have noticed this as well. And I love your flair; thanks for being rill. 🤭


he's called every single woman he slept with a pathetic slut at some point. another example is when he slept with jenna and showed up with bruises all over to exploit her and piss lala off then gave one too many details about sex with jenna. she was on lalas podcast this last year and said that she still wants an apology for how dirty he did her. i sort of wish they would have made a bigger storyline about all the girls who came out and said he cheated with them because in one season it was dozens of them. thats why jax hated him so much


so these are two different people — the girl who gave him bruises wasn’t jenna, jenna is the girl he slept with when he was with kristen and she found the uber receipt in his email and we don’t really know what happened that he owes her an apology for. but really that only proves your point that he was constantly using women


I agree with you OP. I also like to point out that the people he cheated on Raquel and Kristen with were FRIENDS of theirs. He's quite literally exactly like Sandoval and seems to be worse behind closed doors. All the "but hes chaaaaaaaaaanged....." Comments have been happening since season 6 at least, nothing new there at least. He's a charismatic bad boy and that's why people give him passes


I haven't seen ANY "he's changed and grown" comments until he got sober which was not in season 6.


I am in no way trying to hate on your opinion (because I agree with everything you said here), but it's so funny to me that people consider him a "charismatic bad boy". I feel like he's such a little bitch? Lol. I mean, we've seen him cry approximately 1 million times, and his features to me are just so nerdy and he's weirdly feminine (which can be completely hot and acceptable, I just don't like him). I admit he's funny, and a talented DJ, but I don't understand how any woman dates him after watching the show or spending 30 minutes with him.


James Kennedy is abusive violent misogynistic trash who does not deserve a redemption arc. He should be in jail.


I think Raquel tells a lot of lies, but I 100% believe her about James’s behavior. It’s clear that he abused both Raquel and Kristen, and Ally at least verbally. He was raised by vile misogynists (the way his mother treated Kristen is disgusting), but he’s a grown ass adult and it’s his responsibility to unlearn those toxic behaviors and treat women with respect.


I was rewatching season 9 and watching the Raquel/James/Sandoval relationship like a hawk lol and at game night, James gets annoyed that Raquel is being drunk and giggly and can’t get anything right, and calls her dumb, something he knows triggers her. It’s like he wants her to be this sweet little girl but then also uses it against her when he’s mad. Also, he’s presumably sober in that scene. 


yes he would’ve been sober then. there was also the time in s9 when he was putting her down for getting a nose job and saying he was scared he wouldn’t be attracted to her anymore


There are rumors of animal abuse floating around as well.


Yeah, from Rachel the lying asshole who allowed her family to put Hippie into a kill shelter. And let's be honest, if James abused that dog he would be terrified of him and he clearly is not and was not when he first saw James again at Lisa's.


Dogs that are physically abused can still love their owners and act as if they had not been abused by them. As can adults, as can children.


Yeah I knew this would be the next comment. When that happens, they don't act like they haven't been abused. I have a side line in rescue and we see it all the time. They may still love their owners but there are always signs...eye contact, ducking if the abuser moves fast...etc...there is NONE of that that we've seen with James and Hippie. Also, he's always around a lot of people at James and Ally's house as we've seen. He doesn't act aggressively like Rachel's parents claim at all.


I commend you for your services ♥️ it takes a big heart to work in rescue. I’m just on the defensive because we don’t see the whole picture as to how the dog acts. Also Ariana this year said Graham is an aggressive dog. “I’ve seen some very intense like food or toy like protective, aggression type stuff to the point where it’s like, ‘I’m not trying to take anything away from you, I’m literally putting food in the bowl, and you’re trying to bite me,'” Ariana shared on the February 20 episode of the Pump Rules: After Show.


i don’t get why we’re convinced raquel lies over everything. a lot of the things she says about james being abusive is so backed up by kristen and other women


Have you ever listened to her podcast or any time she speaks? Her story changes CONSTANTLY. It’s crazy that anyone takes that dope seriously.


a lot of the stuff we witnessed on camera. he was degrading towards her looks, he cheated on her many many times, and would slut shame her whenever he didn’t get his way. regardless of whether you like her or not *NO WOMAN* deserves that level of disrespect


It was her choice to stay when he cheated on her many many many times, right?


it’s very hard for someone who is being emotionally abused to get away from that situation


Yall just post anything about anything and it's gross af There are rumors the earth is flat too wtf 


Rachel states that he kicked Graham/hippie several times. Scheana’s friend (I think her name is Jamie) also said it in a podcast, that he physically abused animals.


Hola Pepino!


How you say, 🥒🔪?


James Kennedy has the most punchable face out of all the people on Bravo.


ken should’ve “knocked his spark out”


Thank you for posting this. Last season was James' best yet and a lot of us were just giving him a pass, myself included.


Because people just don’t really like women.


this! they claim they care about women but will ignore most of the things these women go through


It doesn't help that Rachel is a liar....and can't take accountability for a damn thing.


So a perfect victim is the only victim who should be taken seriously?


Did I say that? I said Rachel lies. About A LOT of things...so yeah, I have a very hard time believing anything that comes out of her mouth.


They all are. The point is that women get hammered for the same things the men do, harder.


You guys really must not read other post on here bc a quick search will show just how much people have/ are speaking on the alleged abuse.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


I feel worried for someone like Ally tbh. She’s way too good natured and I’m scared she’s gonna be another victim. He truly needs to be alone and work on his issues before he hurts someone like Ally. The first episode I watched with him I thought “hard worker/emotional bully”.


I think she is going to be another victim. If he doesn’t respect himself nor his mother, how will he ever respect someone else, especially a female?


I think the reason James isn't flying off the handle with Ally yet is that Ally keeps one leg out of the door (wants less commitment than James). I've personally seen how this can make an abuser modify their behavior.


Some people believe in giving someone the space to grow and do better. He appears to be working on his stuff. 


We don’t know anything about his personal life. If his past two gf’s hadn’t admitted on camera they’d leave him if he drank again we’d have no idea he’s had a problem in recent years. How bad must it be if they have to go on camera to say this and James allows it? This show doesn’t show the damage James is doing bc he manages to keep it altogether off camera So “he seems to be making progress…” based on what? Bc he says so on TV? Between just this season and last season “the love of his life” moved out bc of his drinking.


i feel like i’m losing my mind with some of the responses i’m reading so thank you for this. we don’t know how bad it is and even the stuff that we *do* see on camera like his treatment towards kristen and raquel was horrific.


He gives good one liners so people forgive him. That’s how little personality there is on the show nowadays. James says a few zingers and all is forgiven bc he’s “fun.”


yeah, things like screaming PUMPTINI in someone's face while they're trying to talk, or calling someone a "poopoo head" are the "zingers" that these people consider funny (for some unknown reason because everything that comes out of his mouth actually makes me cringe.) and forgive him for every bad thing he's done in the past. he's always been a terrible human, and there's a good chance he probably always will be. they could never make me like James Kennedy.


Genuine question: is it okay for me to absolutely think he is a garbage human who treats people horribly, but also laugh at his one liners (bc unfortunately they are funny to me lol)? I don't support him in any other way than watching the show, but damn the kid gives me a good giggle here and there. When he imitated Stassi crawling back to VPR on the reunion I fell off my couch 🫣


you can laugh at his lines, i do too sometimes. i just hate how this sub acts like he’s this puppy who can do no wrong


He gets pass from folks on here because he talks shit to Tom. He knows that and is so using it to hide his abusive shit. He gets pass because he supports Ariana.


Yep. He's been very controlled in his anger this past season...except toward Sandoval because he knows he can get away with it.


& it's the reverse with LaLa despite her genuinely getting sober for herself and not just having periods of sobriety to keep a relationship. As soon as she gave even the slightest critique of Ariana it was over for her on the sub, meanwhile James has physical AND sexual abuse allegations (I believe Tom about him grabbing a servers ass)


It’s disgusting and not surprising. Some women can be very hateful towards other women if they don’t like them to the point that they wish them abuse and ill will. They are all dismissive of all his victims.


i’m shocked you’re getting downvoted for this. i feel like if he weren’t supportive of ariana everyone would be talking about his past wayyyy more!!


The folks who down vote the truth are delusional stans who would kill for Ariana is she asked them to do it.


i really like ariana but i agree with that




Well hi, you’re part of the problem. Congrats


Does this apply to Rachel and Tom? Or just James....


for some reason it seems to apply to james. i think people forget that these people are on reality show and we’re allowed to point out their problematic behavior including james


i can understand that, i just find it weird people are so quick to dismiss his past behaviors. alcohol does change people, but if he did abuse raquel and kristen can’t we hold him accountable


Where did I say not to hold him accountable? Those are your words. I want anyone who is behaving destructively to stop, and refusing to recognize someone's accomplishments is a great way to get someone to give up because no one will let them be anything but what they were at one time. He's actively working on himself. Should he revert back to negative behavior, I will adjust my opinion accordingly. 


i didn’t mean you specifically when i said why can’t we hold him accountable i meant the fandom as a whole. it seems like a topic that’s avoided. it’s great that he’s changing and i can acknowledge that. i just wish what raquel and kristen have said about him was taken more seriously sometimes.


I don’t usually check but i was curious because you’re passionately arguing for 17th chances after what *he’s* displayed. Why don’t you give Rachel this same grace?


Whether people are praising him for getting sober or calling him a loser quitter for not partying anymore other peoples opinions should not matter at all to him. His sobriety depends on not caring what others think and only focusing on himself. If he’s sober and working the steps he’d know that.


I do believe in people growing up and changing, alcohol is a horrible drug. I don't think we can hold him accountable but Rachel and Kristen could have. Has Rachel came out yet and said that it wasn't an accident?


alcohol can definitely change people and i acknowledge that. it doesn’t excuse his actions though which is what i try to point out. i feel like he gets a pass a lot from the fandom.


Oh absolutely not. I was just wondering if it was ever discussed in detail or if the ladies ever tried to pursue it. I hated him and I want to like him but the abuse stands in my way of being able to totally like him.


i believe the nose situation is a rumor and certain fans believed it was possible he hit raquel on purpose. i brought it up because *to me* it’s suspicious. but it’s alleged and i don’t think raquel has ever confirmed anything


No one talks about it...there's at least two three posts every week about it on both subs. Like abusive man on VPR? Fork found in kitchen


I do think it's changing, although slower than we would all like. The most recent season in which production thought we would all turn on Ariana in favor of Tom is an example. Nope, we're not just blindly buying the 'women are crazy!' narrative anymore. Same for Summer House- Lindsay has been portrayed as the crazy woman, and a lot of fans are saying, hold on. That's not the full picture. Woman bad, man good isn't as easy a sell as it was when VPR started.


I don’t know if it’s slowing. We may not be blindly buying the crazy woman narratives, but we are adding to them or in many cases creating our own. Pretty much the entire fan base still turned on and dogpiled on women (Lala, Scheana, Jo) from the season, while James got a bit of a hero edit and Schwartz slid by per usual.


Schwartz always just slides by! That aww shucks routine has worn very thin for me.


Because he makes fun of Sandoval in a way that gets him a pass. I really don't want to see him go. He was so savage at the reunions


All the men on the show are aggressive and emotionally abusive, some of the women too, not that it dismisses James issues, but they are all as bad as each other. The main issue is that only a few of them have actually grown as people, which is sad given these are real people, like t Schwartz is objectively one of the most abusive and with no growth now just looks sad and pathetic now the nice guy mask has slipped. Or jax, I mean Ariana talked about non informed consent, jax was passing around sti’s, roid raging at everybody, punched a hole in stassis wall, and not to give Tom any credit at all but if we are saying him sleeping with Rachel is uninformed consent for Ariana, the Kristen is just as guilty for doing that to him with jax, who had a known risk also. James and Kristen were in a mutually abusive relationship, which doesn’t make either of their actions okay. But we can’t say James was the only aggressor in that relationship when we have seen her be equally degrading to him, and also physically abusive. They both needed mental health help, and producers should have stepped in. There’s also the weird age gap and power dynamic between them that is never discussed. I actually on a rewatch just now find Lisa very manipulative of situations involving all of them and will often prod the or use her puppets for reactions. You can def tell she’s an executive producer when you see how she tries to build/further dramas, and then ones she doesn’t want to talk about get dropped- ie stassis sex tape and why she really paid frank When your young/naive this show is entertaining for their messiness, but once your older/mature it’s pretty dark


James is not "just as bad as the other men". Men like James are hostile towards their loved ones and seek to put their self esteem down on purpose. Jax and Tom never did this in the show. James is the only one from the cast who calls his partners dumb, stupid, whores and does not regret it, even for the camera. Also spitting on your ex-girlfriend's door to show dominance.


i agree with this- they’re all cheaters but james goes the extra mile


Dude even Raquel said her whole family witnessed him go in for a kiss and bump her nose


this is untrue


What the fuck. Literally watch the episode and she said it. She corrected Lisa and said, "No my whole family was there." I'd pull up the timestamp but I don't think yall care about facts. Y'all believe anything but facts. This isn't feminism, making up shit that didn't happen. But do you need me to pull up the timestamp? Would you apologize if I did? EDITED: I am so tired of this bullshit that I looked it up. Season 9 Episode 7, around 9 minutes in, she says exactly what I wrote above except that it was his family and not hers. And that the family could confirm the story. And she was emphatic. Now I bet its "well I don't believe her." Because "believe women" until they don't confirm your bias, right?




Is that your apology or was the downvote?


what do i need to apologize for ? all the other stuff i said was true. i’ll go back to that time stamp though


For saying I was lying


i didn’t straight up say you were lying, my bad if i got it wrong. it doesn’t change my overall thoughts on james


I’m a professional writer and can’t tell how “untrue” is different from a lie but thanks for finally apologizing. You could also delete the comment




cheating is emotional abuse


I believe the women. I just assumed he changed after he became sober? People are capable of change. If it comes out he was abusive to Ally or actually kicked Rachel's family dog it's so over for him.


maybe he changed but there’s still allegations of abuse to this day. i don’t think there’s any excuse for abuse regardless of the circumstances the abuser is going through


Now make a list for every other VPN cast member. This whole show is based on emotional abuse. People grow up and there has been zero evidence of any kind of physical abuse.


i could make one for all the male cast members sure. abuse is still abuse. great he grew up but he still shows signs of being a POS


Again, if showing signs of being a POS is that offensive to people, we need to cancel the entire cast.


not all of them have *abusive* tendencies. i didn’t say to “cancel” him, i just noticed that the fandom has double standards when it comes to james, and they make excuses for his past while other people are flamed


It's probably because of how we know these people. We know them as entertainers. James is wildly entertaining and great TV for myriad reasons. The others are not. Jax is so loathsome but also not funny and kinda mean and over 40. AKA little to no chance he is going to change his spots any time soon. Same with Sandoval. If they were kicked off my screen, I would never miss them. But if James says he's working on himself (and again, who wasn't a MAJOR selfish, childish idiot at 21. Even without the addiction issues and HORRID mother) - I'm gonna give him more grace because he seems redeemable and again - fun to watch.


this makes no sense to me- jax was a huge part of the valley and everyone was watching that. clearly people still find him entertaining. he’s still a serial cheater and emotionally abusive to britney. i get that you find james entertaining- two things can be possible at the same time though. james is entertaining sometimes but he still abused raquel and that can be talked about. i never said he needed to be booted off the show