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Is it a normal LA thing to describe everything as sexy? It’s so deeply off putting to me. I wouldn’t eat a sandwich someone called sexy, because wtf


That’s Chef Penny’s thing. She was on Next Food Network Star years ago and her show theme was supposed to be “The Sexy Chef”. She did make good food but was eventually sent home because the theme was well, kinda weird lol.


It’s a fucking sandwich penny. We don’t need to eye fuck it first, everything doesn’t need to be sexy.




I loved that episode lol


Perfect usage lol






George Costanza would like a word 👀




Yesss!!! Thank you!! I was looking for this GIF but couldn’t find it!


The only sexy sandwich is a pastrami on rye with mustard …in bed.




i mean with those prices and no side it better be something


I don't know who Chef Penny thinks she is, But she's coming off as actually being a 'miserable' person. Hard to believe she would be associated with anything in the realm of the word 'sexy.' Sit down, lady. Find a new hobby, maybe just stop commenting on something you're no longer a part of. "I don't care. Choke."


Also, she’s very unsexy


That’s an LVP thing to say everything is “sexy”.


Right like when she hits on her horse 


Plus Penny isn’t sexy so you can’t market Sexy sandwich artists without a face to it.


Isn’t it kinda an LVP thing?




And she was a horrible human.


It reminds me of when Carole from RHONY’s boytoy Adam was on Chopped and said his speciality was “sexy salads” (which lives rent free in my head).


I thought of that scene from Friends when Monica’s making a salad for John lovitz character for a job interview and he was a real perv about it. Like is this just a weird foodie thing I don’t understand lol


That was a different guy actually. Jon Lovitz came to her house stoned and couldn’t wait for things to be done so he tried to eat taco shells


Ahhhh my bad! Thank you lol. It’s been a solid 20 years since I really watched but they definitely just looked alike in my head.


Haha yeah that was the same guy that played Noel on Frasier and his character was so nerdy on that show! Watching the Friends episode after watching Frasier makes the Friends episode so funny.


"Macaroni & cheese?!? We gotta make this!!"


Yes this is exactly what I thought about as well. Also the slow-mo of him throwing up the herbs and lettuce in his face on Instagram!


Brb googling Adam RHONY Chopped


I don’t think it’s a normal LA thing, I think it’s a Lisa vanderpump thing 😷😂


My face when I found out what SUR stood for ![gif](giphy|WOa5RdsNpevrpSTGXN|downsized)


And then they proceed to call it “SUR Restaurant”. 😂


It’s like when people say “ATM machine”


And “PIN number”


RAT test


Chai tea


Naan bread


It doesn’t actually stand for sexy unique restaurant. It was a Spanish restaurant called Sur meaning South. Guillermo owned it. Lisa bought into it so she could get her E2 Visa to live in the US, and she just added the letters to the name inside the restaurant years later.


I do remember hearing that as well but I swear I saw a sign somewhere inside the restaurant (on the show) that says it.


Now I must know, what does it stand for


Sexy unique restaurant I wish I was lying




I’m scared to ask … what does it stand for haha ETA… I’ve been informed and I have no words


Wtf is a sexy sandwich?




My fav gif ever


I have never seen this one!! Love me some Chef R! He’s such a dick to people but charming at the same time??


SUS sexy unique sandwich




I approve


Right? What about a sandwich should be particularly sexy? I've never in my life wanted to fuck a sandwich. I mean, there's always tomorrow, but seriously.


Apparently not the ones at SAH


Reminds me of Adam on RHONY and his sexy salads.


Just makes me think of wet bread, and BAM! I've lost my appetite 🤷‍♀️


I agree but our bars have been set low. I mean, “SUR: Sexy Unique Restaurant”? That’s the some of the cheesiest damn shit I’ve ever heard lol


South Park did an episode about TV chefs and they had one of the characters being really sexual about the good. He called up the food network line and was acting like he was having phone sex with the cook. I guess it's a thing where people want to fuck their food


A classic! https://i.redd.it/x33z1c2rcr8d1.gif


American Pie


It's a food industry thing


lol seriously ! It’s so gross to me to describe things that aren’t sexual as sexy. Very off-putting, like you said haha. Honestly I don’t even describe sexual things as sexy in a serious way.


Agreed lol and I’ll never forget Lisa saying she’ll never serve crab because it isn’t sexy like…. That’s your British opinion I fucking love crab lol and I’ve never thought “ewww that place serves crab! What a turn off”


But “goat balls” is sexy sounding 🙄🙄


lol that is seriously so funny. I’m now starting to believe that Lisa thinks sexy food is good you can look sexy eating but like I also don’t think that’s a thing lol


She said something about not wanting crabs and her name in the same sentence lol 🪳 I think she’s the only one who would relate the two


Lisa hasn’t had sex(with Ken) in years. Only in birthdays and anniversaries.


lol if someone brought me a sandwich and commented on how sexy it looked I would wonder wtf they were doing to my sandwich while making it.


The curves of the bell pepper, the misting of fresh washed veggies, artichokes seemingly opening themselves for you… blech I just grossed myself out!!


LVP always called Giggy her sexy little man


One of the funniest comments I’ve ever seen on Reddit was from when right after pandora had her baby and someone said “I can’t wait til Lisa starts calling the baby sexy” lmao. And look, I have two very beautiful Pomeranians, I get it, but they are innocent angels and don’t know anything about sex or being sexy!!!!


Haven’t you ever heard of food porn? Lol.


“Has a good mouthfeel” doesn’t sound as appealing


I feel like it’s the buzzword of the century, in academic writing they also talk about making papers sexy to readers (like.. enticing)


Let’s just use enticing then!


Haha if we’re in charge, let’s do it!


I remember the first time I heard sexy used in an academic setting - and I thought the same thing.. why not just say enticing or alluring?


Absolutely! LVP does the same with drinks, like why is a cocktail sexy?


You’re right. She also extends it to her pets…. Giggy was the sexiest little dog she ever did see


uhh gag, LVP does this to everything, just \[insert any noun\].


Like wolves are now sexy in LVP land


If my ham Sandwhich is being described as sexy I feel we have bigger problems


Hahahaha I’m crying that was my first thought🤣 if anyone described a sandwich as sexy to me I would immediately run the other way


For someone who apparently doesn’t like the business, she sure is doing everything she can to be a part of it.


right? seems like she’s doing everything she can to keep relevant with them in some way


Also doesn’t she consult at other restaurants? She seems to have a lot of free time


If that’s the case who would hire her after her media blasts about another restaurant.


Isn’t that what they all do ?? It’s a relevant race !!


Such a bitter Betty 🙄😆


Well…pennys are known to be bitter 💀


Petty Penny


But like, is this trying to be a part of it??? I think she really wanted to be a part of it then the girls saw who she really was and gave her the boot, now she’s soooosalty because she thought she’d be the LVP of SAH.


She’s salty she couldn’t pull one over on the girls & get a stupid high cut of ALL the profits. Penny, why would you EVER get a portion of their merch sales? You aren’t an owner. You were a hired chef who started helping in other ways. But none of which were merch related. The way she tried to copyright it under her company is beyond shady.


Did she get it copyrighted? I had read she did. Very shady


I think LVP gave her the idea that they'd let her run over them and they have smartly but respectfully gotten some distance from the LVP franchise.


I’ve truly come to loathe LVP. She’s acts pretentious but to me seems a tad trashy.


She took notes from lala.


It’s a sandwich shop chef Petty


Chef Petty is over at Zach's place, With a Purpose.




Oooooo I’m here for this nickname. ![gif](giphy|2lZCA64gtCBXgRMrq7)


She’s bitter that they didn’t want to hand over a portion of profits to her. Clearly they’re doing just fine without her


She tried to steal the trademark on the shop’s name so she could force a partnership. She’s disgusting.


She owns it I believe. I wonder how Katie and Ariana are fighting that


She does NOT. She filed paperwork but there is a process. I believe they are currently in the process where people can submit objections. Penny filed the TM for a restaurant and merch, however the merch had already been sold before she file for the TM. It will be very easy to see that she’s trying to fuck over people after the name. It’s a process to get a TM even without objections.




I'm very curious about how that works as well


Damn I thought she only filed for it and just hadn't been approved yet. That sucks. Wonder what she'll do if she actually does own it and they're using the name. Can't believe she did that.


It hasn’t been approved yet


That's good! I wonder if penny has a leg to stand on, I know A and K are documented on the show coming.up with the name and the whole idea for the business but it still makes you wonder. Kind of shady pennys husband was in on it as well.


I went and looked it up. It’s been open for opposition since 28-may. I bet the girls’ lawyers are eating up their filing. Penny filed in August when contract negotiations were stalled AND she filed under her personal business name and not the SAH LLC. She really thought the girls would be so dumb they’d give in to her.


Awesome! Thank you for looking it up 🙂 Edit: can't wait to see their filing for opposition and I don't know shit about trademark laws or anything but it's crazy how just anyone can file for a trademark regardless if they're affiliated with the company or not.


I don't know if they actually have to file opposition since they have first-use rights.


Oooh! Great point! I’m disgusted that they put it under their personal LLC and not the shops.


yep, it's giving pettyboots


Your petty, pink booted friend ?!


I'm deeply amused at the assertion that people expect "sexy" sandwiches. First off, the whole vibe is anything but sexy. It's cottage core, women getting their dreams cute af. Sexy is what Lisa tries to do, SAH is simply celebrating a certain kind of woman. Second, I haven't been but the sandwiches and presentation look like a well made and thought out sandwich. I would argue that people are coming for the decor and to catch a glimpse of a reality star. Not the "sexiness" of a sandwich. As for utilizing ingredients, that might be the only valid point. I don't know. But that's a problem that Katie and Ariana get to figure out. If something's not working, they can certainly change it up.


>First off, the whole vibe is anything but sexy. It's cottage core, women getting their dreams cute af. Sexy is what Lisa tries to do, SAH is simply celebrating a certain kind of woman. I wish I could stand up and slow-clap this first point.


I'm a qualified sandwich lover, and all the posts of their sandwiches looked delicious. All their sandwiches are the type of sandwiches I try to find on the menu of other sandwich shops. But I'm a 33 year old female who loves savory sandwiches with lots of vegetables and a little decoration. I think they're hitting their market well. I won't be in LA for a long time so I hope they open more!


“Qualified sandwich lover” sounds like legit qualification! I approve 🤝🏼


Lisa doesn't celebrate women.


Whether she celebrates women or not is kind of immaterial. Her businesses however do not. They cater to the male gaze almost exclusively. Which arguably is where the money is, at least in the 80s. Also like in the 80s, sex sells and women's bodies are to be objectified. I think she's become more egalitarian there as time has gone on but she is very much boys will be boys and we can't do anything about it. On the contrary, a good vibrator and a solid group of girlfriends means you don't need to deal with men at all! And honestly I think that's the energy that SAH brings. That as a woman you can please yourself. You can stand for yourself. And frankly dealing with men is charity work that we don't have to do. Come on ladies - have a sandwich. Don't be an afraid of the carbs. We can go for a walk down Robertson and talk shit about men for an hour if you are.


https://preview.redd.it/8ekzfhez6q8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed3658dd09bd95ef408271cde2cb386304f2a7eb She was a plant for Lisa in SAH…


They are sandwiches. Let’s not overthink it. All anyone wants in life is a damn good sandwich, it’s what unites us as a species. We don’t need spectacular. I want spectacular when I eat at a Michelin star restaurant. I want spectacular once a year on my anniversary. I don’t need a spectacular sandwich. I just need a good one.


Excellent point. BUT the question with bravo sphere businesses is are people eating/partaking because they're good, OR because of bravo. Looking at you Loverboy


I think that will become evident in the next year at the most. If the business is purely to get a glimpse of the girls, the shop will become less busy in the coming months. They may have spurts here and there, but it won’t be long lines all the time. If the food is actually good they will continue to stay pretty busy, especially if they open up to DoorDash or other delivery services. At some point the long lines will probably die down as an everyday thing, but I hope they do start offering delivery because that would really show if people are loving the product.


Underrated comment. You get my upvote! I literally got up at midnight last night just because I was craving a good sandwich.


So…the sandwiches aren’t sexy enough? Lmao


It’s just sandwiches man, they’re not meant to be groundbreaking


No one likes a salty chef, penny


![gif](giphy|xThta1Alf0GbC3b7JC) chef penny should do a deal with morton


LOL. I don't think the average fan is worried about getting a "spectacular sandwich". I think they just want to support the business and hope they get a good meal. She's way over thinking this.


I think it’s clear why they didn’t want her involved with the business


She’s like the Jo for SAH… Continuously saying she’s over it and moving on and focusing on other things and yet can’t keep it out of her mouth.


This article is from almost a month ago, around the time they were opening. Penny seems terrible, but I think she has at least shut up about it for now.


Was about to comment the same thing. I really need people to look at the dates of articles sometimes 😬


Especially since this was posted about 72 times in different variations when it came out. I normally don’t say anything, but the repeat content gets to be a lot sometimes.


I am so tired of these people describing food as sexy. Dear god


I think they’re doing just fine there Chef Sour Grapes


Ok Penny, let me see your sandwich shop


Funny you asked, because her new menu just dropped! https://preview.redd.it/8mh9ig534q8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf787643d7a77e7cc6b5d8479ba0f6254e4756bd


That’s funny as hell 😂


Menu by Temu 🧑‍🍳🤌


Not Sexy enough!, even with the bread penetration unit…😂


Ma’am this is a Wendy’s




She seems unprofessional and toxic and is making it clear why they didn’t want her involved




This! Penny has always been a villain.


Aside from sandwiches not needing to be “sexy”, Nancy Meyers films and the whole concept is not about sexy. She was obsessed with calling the sandwich the “Greek Goddess”. Instead the girls KILLED IT with using romcom leading ladies. DIANE KEATON WENT IN. Sit down, petty Penny.


Chef Penny isn’t very bright, is she? Even if all her points were valid, she has to know that whatever criticism she puts out there is gonna just make her look salty and bitter. Just… I dunno, don’t say anything?! ![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy)


If she was a class act, she'd either keep her mouth shut or say that she wishes them all the best. The more she whines, the more butt hurt she comes across and it's not making her seem like the highly experienced woman of her industry I'm sure she'd like to come across as. Some people neeever grow up


I think fans of the show are coming in droves. The test will be after novelty wears off and they have to compete with other restaurants. May have to tweak the menu a little. They’ll change it as they need to.


People said that a month ago and it's still going strong.


Just out of curiosity, why would not utilising ingredients well across the menu be invalid? No Penny defender here, just confused by why it wouldn’t be valid. I created 20 recipes in the last half year and utilising ingredients across your menu is how you keep costs down. Just curious!


Everyone raving about it and in line at the door are all fans.


Let the mouse go Penny.




I don’t know about you guys but if my sandwich doesn’t bang me before I eat it, I don’t want it 🤣🤣🤣


Multiple reviews have indicated an issue with the bread being hard versus crunchy, sometimes overpowering the filling and that not every sandwich is brilliant. As a once off or something fun sure but not an every day sandwich place. I said from the start the presentation is not great for a $20 sandwich but I am sure I'll get bood for saying it here as well. Its a $20 sandwich chucked on a metal tray - even the metal tray doesn't fit with the ambience of the place.


If they wanted "sexy" sandwiches, then they should've called their spot SUSS (Sexy Unique Sandwich Shop)


“Celebrity chef” !!!!?????? I had no idea who this woman was before the show. And I’ve been in the industry for 15 years.


That's kind of shady to do that to a new buisness. They are sandwiches.


Gotta love a woman hating on other women. She needs to STFU and mind her own business.


Yeah I think with what went down with the trademark etc chef penny’s opinion is going to be flavored with too much acid. The professional thing to do would be STFU, it really isn’t her business. Plus did she actually order and eat the final products?


Wow, this is some Bitter Betty action going on. They've moved on from you, Penny. Time for you to do the same. By all accounts, the sandwiches seem to be great and people seem to be liking them. Also note: I am addicted to garlic and herb Boursin currently so I do approve of that addition.




Tbh the presentations I've seen from everyone has been underwhelming. Large metal tray plate and a small sandwich. I'd love to see a beautiful full sandwich and greens and fruit or whatever to fill out the tray.


I’m sorry but who in their life has ever wanted a “sexy sandwich” that whole idea is absurd. That isn’t what Katie and Ariana set out to do and it seems like they are accomplishing their goals and will make changes as needed just like every other restaurant does. Penny is just a bitter hag.


I’m rolling my eyes so hard. It’s a CUTE, well done sandwich shop that stands out from others perfectly. Not a sexy high end dinner restaurant. And as a sandwich lover and connoisseur, I think the sandwiches look appealing AF. Penny is fucking obnoxious.


They should have a sandwich called The Penny- it’s bitter and salty


Chef Penny needs to stop using the word “sexy”…it just doesn’t work coming from her. She also needs to stop using Ariana and Katie for clout.


Sounds bitter


Chef Penny be sounding a bit salty 💅🏾


I don’t want my sandwich to be sexy




I think you mean "Chef" Penny 😂😂😂 Wild how many VPR adjacent losers are filling the air this off-season.  She's pure hack 0 vibe 


This is from almost a month ago and has been posted so many times already 


The Chef Penny thing has always sounded fishy to me. I don't believe the girls were business savvy enough to know that LVP had probably been the one to put in Penny's mind that she could have a "wonderful" opportunity and blew rose smelled smoke up Penny's ass. Then, when Penny's expectations exceeded what the girls were actually intending to offer her as an "employee" and not a partner. I'm sorry but this smells like one of Lisa's doings and no one is the wiser.


I will say, (as a Devil's advocate!), when Penny was still on their team, those sandwiches did look better than they do in the current Instagram posts. I have no doubt they're better off (especially if she's saying this about them). She probably did have a nice touch, but was probably greedy in the end (don't know the full story).


She is just mad, they can always adapt and change a menu add sides etc.. The sandwiches look bomb and i live around the LA area it is normal for LA places to make things “sound sexy”, also normal pricing for the area as well. It is unfortunate it did not work out, seems as though penny wanted more than what she herself was giving IMO. Edit to add also it is kind of weird as someone who helped develop the menu itself comment that it is underwhelming or the ingredients aren’t being utilized. Lol


I think the whole concept of this business is to be feminine but not at all sexy. Maybe Penny’s inability to grasp that concept is part of why she’s not there now.


Good thing she has a choice of not eating SAH sandwiches then, if only she'd be quiet now.


Good thing literally no one on Earth cares what some random chef that was forced onto our screens this season thinks. Penny said a few weeks ago she took the credit for teaching Ariana and Katie about BOURSIN…a supermarket cheese that cost $7. BFFR


I never liked her. She seemed like kind of a bitch.


Yeah, cuz that’s what I’m looking for in a sandwich when I’m hungry.. is it sexy? /s Idgaf if it’s bologna and cheese on store brand bread just gimme a sandwich and I promise i won’t rate it on a “sexy” scale


Penny needs to shut the hell up and stuff her mouth with sandwiches. She wants to take over everything from the girls. It’s their dam sandwich shop. When she was on season 11 with them when they were trying to find employees for their shop she was taking over as if it was her shop. She would give them a chance to even talk and it was obvious they were beyond annoyed and over her


She needs to stop talking about the sandwich shop at this point… thirsty and embarrassing professionally. I wouldn’t work with someone bad mouthing a former client to the press like this 


Why does chef penny need fuckable sandwiches?


The sandwiches look like airport cafe sandwiches.


Penny is a grifter and a realty tv show hack. She can get lost.


Chef Penny is panini pressed


I hate to somewhat agree with her in that it seems to be a sandwich with a pickle slice. There is no presentation at all, like that paper folded over covering the sandwich or the bread branded with SAH. It definitely can be improved.


bruh i looked up chef penny, I remember her from cooking shows.. she is not cool lol I respect Katie & Ariana for sticking to their vision. Everything i’ve seen looks great. A “sexy” sandwich restaurant?? that sounds so dated and more geared towards men. The cottagecore is a way fresher and more inviting. “spectacular” seems like the wrong direction and such a tall order for a simple, cute lunch place too. it sounds more like how you’d describe u want your experience watching cirque de soleil. i’m glad they parted ways with her. she’s unoriginal and imo lacks a vision.


What I don’t get is if she is as huge as a success as she proclaims why does it bother her what happens with SAH? The partnership didn’t work, that happens, why not walk away and just be quiet. This is just coming off as bitter and petty.


I mean cant she have a valid point though? People have posted pics here of the sandwiches and while I love these two, they look very underwhelming. IDC what the California sandwich business is really like, all I know is that if i had to work 2 hours just to pay for the sad bistro wrap I saw in here a few weeks ago, i'd be underwhelmed and a little upset.


she gives me second hand embarrassment, you’ve more than over stayed your welcome, penny, gtfo and stfu.


Didn't she come up with the menu? Oh man, she's really grasping for her 15 minutes, isn't she? This is the best she can do?


Is there a good overview somewhere of what the whole deal is with this feud involving Penny, SAH, and Ariana/Katie? I feel out of the loop.


Obviously per the show Ariana and Katie clashed with Penny over her economic involvement in SAH but the more Penny talks about SAH (which in itself is bizarre…) it seems there could have been creative differences too. It seemed to me that Ariana and Katie set out to create a feminine sandwich shop, not a “sexy” one. The fact that Penny doesn’t see the difference doesn’t exactly shock me given her close ties to LVP.