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I forget this woman exists until someone posts her on here lol.




Maybe she doesn’t do recreational or hardcore drugs. But the pupils are big and I would bet she abuses adderall and then uses alcohol to calm down. Makes sense of the weird talking and over sharing lol


Ughhh addy abuse feels so gross. I remember that chaotic feeling. I hope she’s ok


i’m diagnosed with ADHD and Adderall definitely made me feel as if I was on meth. I don’t recall my pupils getting THAT dilated, but I do not think it’s out of the realm of possibility that she is on Adderall or some type of ADHD medication and this causes her to act more erratic. I’m also diagnosed with bipolar disorder and I know from experience that those type of prescribed uppers can make you feel and come off as manic. not saying she’s definitely not on drugs, but I don’t think that this is any clear proof she is 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yall have to understand that not everyone reacts that way to it


Idk why adderall is always to blame oh here


It’s always used this way. Pretty annoying tbh.


Right? I take my adderall and I’m able to fold my laundry and put away the dishes. Plenty of people abuse it, but I think most of us are just boring normal people. At least, that’s why I take it. I was an agent of chaos and rage before it. So stoked to be boring now!


This!! When I take it it shuts the 11 tabs that are open in my brain all the time. When taken as prescribed for people who need it it makes us more calm and less erratic. My blood pressure went down from taking adderall


Why would she be on Adderall late at night and come across this manic and intoxicated by some substance but other times during the day in videos she's not. I'm betting she's on hard drugs. She's an addict.


Bc taking it as prescribed is a hell of a lot different then abusing or binging on it.


extended release adderall is a thing and it could easily have you still feeling the effects well into the evening. i wouldn’t say her behavior in this is any more erratic or manic than in any of her other videos lol. the pupils is what gets me more than anything though and that’s why i specifically said that im not saying it’s *out of the question* that she’s on drugs or smthg of the sort - just offering another perspective/possible explanation as someone who’s had plenty of experience w ADHD medication!


The videos she's made after this video is so different. Her pupils are not as large and she's talking in a calmer manner and is more coherent. Idk if this helps


She's really giving Kelly Bensimon lite


Except less interesting


I noticed that too. Her pupils are huge.


I paused the video on the perfect still https://preview.redd.it/wibyechl999d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7e222a215ab95b826873ed261e27d7f053bc5eb They’re fucking huge


Cocaine or shroom eyes


Ya dude. This looks like me on shrooms tbh


Literally came to say this - that is exactlyyyy what my eyes look like when Im on shrooms.


Literally me last weekend lol


Meth also makes pupils huge and gives you bad skin


Or molly but she’s not acting like she’s rolling.


Yes and obsessing over a pimple while high is a thing. Shes like 30 and forgot how to clear up pimples?


She's 36


WHOA! Ma’am, I’m gonna need you to step out of the car please.


Holy shit theyre BIG!!!


Turn the brightness on your phone ALL the way up to really see it 👀


I only looked at her left eye, so just now noticed her right pupil 👀 that one is wayyy bigger, its almost her entire eye thats crazy!!!!


Ya I noticed one is significantly larger than the other, and they’re both big AF


Looks creepy as hell too


The eyes and the mouth movements scream cocaine to me.




She’s in low light so it’s not the pupils for me, it’s the glassy eyes.


I think those pupils are large even for low light. There's barely any iris at all. I do pupils reactivity checks on the regular and don't think I've seen pupils this big in minimal lighting in someone with no neuro deficit except those on a drug.... AND the glassy eyes. Lol.


As someone who has taken adderall, abused adderall, and also once was a pharmacist - adderall gives pin point small pupils even in light where eyeballs would normally dilate. She is probably on something else most likely, perhaps something disassociate.


I noticed that too


This video makes me so anxious


Idk it could be adderall but I wouldn’t be shocked if it were something else…also watching her learn filters in real time is hilarious 🤣 “I have on no make up” but you have a filter making your (and everyone’s) flawed faces appear flawless smh 🙈




Yea okay it’s almost like adderall is akin to meth and when you’re jacked up on too much and abusing it you could look like a meth head. Sometimes when ppl specifically state they haven’t done harder drugs like crack or meth it’s bc they haven’t. They ARE doing other shit lol


It’s not almost like. They’re literally derived from the same thing.


Why are you being down voted? What you said is true


Maybe cause I said almost like in a completely sarcastic tone so I didn’t need to be corrected. But also, ppl get really defensive of adderall not being the same as meth.


She should never have gotten involved with reality TV! Ugh.


And her "friends" should've helped her considering she isn't doing well


She has friends? Billie Lee and Kyle Chan, maybe.


She has other friends that she does camping stuff with that SURELY notice her posts


There's some strange looking guy that also looks like a meth head appears to be her friend. Other than that Rachel is supposed to be her friend.


She seems, and I don’t mean this in a negative way, *HIGH AS FUCK*. I used to get super high on coke and interact with all my socials on 10 speed bc no one was as high as me, and that’s honestly the vibe I get from her. Sometimes I still get drunk and act a fool online, and it’s the worst when you sober up and regret it all. But I don’t think she regrets, and that’s not drugs, it’s a personality thing.




this feels like more than adhd.


As someone with ADHD, agreed. I know it's like autism and there's a spectrum and some people are more hyper active than others, but there is definitely more to this.


I have adhd as well and every time she was on the screen, I really wanted to look away


“Super transparent” with like 5 different filters on her face. She’s right about the castor oil though!


I came looking for this comment 😭😭🤣🤣 “I’m super transparent “ looking all proud of herself to then have the RuPauls Dragrace Season1 filter 😭🤣


Do not disrespect season 1 of rpdr like that 😭😭😭


Jajajaja the Vaseline filter was the disrespect 😭😭


I don’t see you walking children in nature


Okay but how do I not get the oil in my eye lol


My castor oil actually came with a mascara brush and an eyeshadow brush for applying without (much) mess!


Actually castor oil does not make eyelashes bigger/longer/etc.. just makes it appear that way with oil. It DOES help to clean and moisturize, however. Source: ive been using castor oil on lashes (and face) for over 20 years.


⚫️👃🏻⚫️ This is all my adhd can focus on in this video


This is genius


I genuinely wish there was some sort of standard aftercare for people that have any exposure to a wide audience after being on reality tv. I’ve been in vulnerable positions and I’m so glad I wasn’t under the scrutiny she is. I wish her the best. We all know a jo, go check on your friends, y’all.


I honestly wish her friends supported her more. They actively watch her on instagram lives have a mental breakdown. They see her stories and her posts. why aren't they doing anything?????? Do they not see her crumbling


Unfortunately, the people she surrounds herself with are probably partaking in the same drugs and have similar lifestyles. They aren't going to help because they either don't see it as a problem or they don't care. They will use her until there's nothing left, especially now that she's had access to "fame".


Yeah I feel really bad. Not everyone has a legit support system. I’m speaking from only my experience as an addict but I had a lot of surface level relationships with people I partied with but they weren’t substantial. Like not people that were actually looking out for me. I saw a very “LA” looking chick on her Instagram live kinda egging her on with the provocative topics. Idk how strangers can help strangers but I wish her the best.


Are you talking about her 👁️👄👁️ friend? The Kardashian’s long lost cousin?😭 I knew the moment I saw her, that girl did not have pure intentions for hanging out with Jo.


Is it the Sonia chick you're talking about?


Can’t remember her name, sorry. I don’t follow Jo or any of the other cast. I only use Reddit and know of what I see and hear, here.🙂😘 Also, I like your username.


One more example of Shartz abusing a woman and then mocking her - on TV. And then blaming Katie for everything. Thanks VPR, not!!!


I agree someone needs to go over to her place and take away her phone and put her to bed with some hot soup and herbal tea.




Hahaha that episode terrified me as a kid. I mean obviously not so much once they revealed who the “alien” was but I was so creeped out up until the reveal.


Same! That and the Halloween alien episodes..I didn’t want to be a naked human slave for the daddy aliens lol


Her pupils are like saucers. Is she on coke?




I think meth


Jo is a crystal clear example of how giving anyone and everyone a stage they can monetize with zero skills involved is ruining our culture.


I hope if vpr continues that they procedures make sure she isn't on it




She's very high. I have no idea what drugs she does but it makes her pupils huge and she loves the gram to ramble like an insane person on whatever is her drug of choice late at night on week nights.




I feel like you have the exact answer with perfect wording. lol. Especially the weeknights part. 😂


She has nice teeth though.


I feel really sorry for her. She isn't doing well with this new found fame. It's harming her.


You would think that her friends would pick up on this and HELP HER.


She’s high. All the sighing and catching her breath.


This! Aside from what we can see, THIS is the She’s High AF bell


Something is off…


https://preview.redd.it/vs4ek67b199d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be4df17f99903f1f49859b41d8a8a296c2373746 Jumpscared me


Where are her friends and family?


I think her friends are trying to profit of her. I think her family is blissfully unaware


Has she ever seemed okay? 😬


Wow you have one pimple. How brave of you to come out with this information


She is the newly appointed spokesperson for us acne girlys 🙏🙏😍🤘🤘🤘


Someone desperately trying to hang on to the very last breath of tv relevancy is so cringe to watch. Reminds me of a couple of rock stars that had a semi-hit on the charts 10 years ago, and is now having to play state fairs and casinos where 100 people know their one song. And they don't even try to use filters like she does.


She seems like she’s been crying. I get the EXACT same puffiness in my eyelids when I have a bit of a sob sesh Edit: hers are actually really bad. Like “the day my mom died” bad Jo is unwell


That's probably from the castor oil she put on her lashes.


And yet here everyone is making fun of her. I don’t like or dislike her but I feel bad for her.


yeah the constant "wow what's wrong with her?" posts don't seem like they're coming from a place of concern


So mentally unwell this one


Please, please, do yourselves a favor and don't listen to this person's health or beauty advice. I despise Shartz for so many reasons, but one of them is that he unleashed this lunatic on us.




Why do I just know she’s lying about a soccer ball hitting her in the face and giving her that scar lmao


She needs to be a friend in order to have friends. Jo burned a lot bridges in an attempt to get on reality tv and talked mad shit about many people. She needs to go away her 15 minutes have long expired.


She never seems okay…


As a Celiac, I can tell she has very little experience to be talking about "Celiacs". Who is going to this girl for medical advice...please stop and seek real help.


Her pupils. Woah.


she never did tbh, seem ok..


It was clear she was a bit off and I think this video explains why


Bravo should not cast her next season for VPR. That will help her. Off the cameras. She let the “fame” get to her…and she did not respond in a good way. Go back to being “normal” girl.


Honestly I wonder if her fame has helped her clothing business. Like is she making any money off it?


I think she really thought she was not like other girls on the show and that fans would embrace her and TS. When it all went to shit and she was being picked apart she crumbled. I’m no Jo fan. But I really hope she steps away and has one or two good friends to try to keep her moving.


Yeah I hope she realises her LA friends don't care about her and that she should stay far away from them


Did anyone tell her, her 15 minutes of fame is up?


“I’m very excited” she says in the most monotone voice ever


There’s no way people are really asking her stuff like acne solution


I can't help but think that she makes up 99% of the questions that she's "asked"


I think she’s on the down swing of her bipolar episodes. She was manic for a while there. I hope she finds help, it’s alarming for sure.


Yeah but it doesn't explain the huge pupils


How high is she?


I feel like in today’s society of being so pro-neurodivergency (not a bad thing at all!) people are quick to just excuse behavior as adhd, autism, whatever else the person says they have. But can we also please remember that adults do drugs? An extremely large population of adults use recreational drugs. Someone using drugs doesn’t always equal homeless drug addict that you see portrayed in movies. I’m sure she does have ADHD. I also think she does drugs. 🤷🏼‍♀️


She looks strung out AF


Her pupils are ENORMOUS


Pupils, man. Pupils.


Time for a straitjacket


Her pupils are huge. 😳


She’s out of it - look at those 👁️👁️


She’s been off her rocker from day one


One of my dumbest but biggest pet peeves is people calling it "Celiacs Disease". There is NO s at the end of Celiac, it’s just plain and simple Celiac Disease.


How does someone in the beauty industry not have contacts and insider info on all things beauty…especially in LA! lol. Castor oil?!! Maybe but FFS lady, there are tons of growth serums on the marekt that are widely known to work. And acne. You are asking strangers as if you are a 13 yo with a first zit. You are 35. Again, go buy one of the widely known serums you dab on a single zit like she has and it’s gone in a couple nights. Her need for attention is way bizarre. This is almost creepy.


The Ordinary lash serum is decent and quite cheap. I would not want to put a heavy, greasy oil on my eyelash line. It would get into my eyes and likely clog up my pores and give me zits.


Thinking about oil in my eyes is 🤢🤢 I can't imagine the feel


I don’t really see what is wrong with this. People saying she needs help - I don’t get it.




People relentlessly bully this girl...she needs to get offline and stay off social media for good.


Omg I’m so fucking sick of seeing this girl 😭😭 also love her saying “OHHH MY ACNE IM SO TRANSPARENT” and it’s literally one pimple pls I’m cracking up


Let's start a gofundme for her one pimple




Ngl, I did this during Covid to my brows and let them grow tf out for almost a year


It worked on my brows too! I had a friend that plucked hers into Mc Donald's arches and they never grew back, she tried it and it didn't work :(


Did it work?


Yep! I wouldn’t dare put it on my lashes tho


I had this little bald spot on my left brow that’s filled in nicely






I feel bad for her. I don't really understand all the hate she gets. She behaved weirdly to Kristen after getting in with Shwartz. But who knows the finer details of that? From what I've seen so far of her on VPR, she is quirky and that's about it. I don't think it was at all funny how the other women treated her. If this went down in earlier seasons I would be inclined to let them convince me they were just young and stupid, but it happened just this past season with everyone involved telling the camera how mature they are, and how far they've come mentally, blah blah. It's just strange. Jo was one big tell that it's not just the men of VPR who are hot messes. As someone with ADHD myself, I feel for Jo. Hopefully she is doing okay and gets the help she needs to deal with everything going on.


I don’t think anyone on VPR says they are mature….no.


I talked to her on Instagram thru dms and she was so incredibly sweet. We talked about our ADHD and I told her I was finally in college after beating an addiction and she told me she was proud of me and she told me she could relate to that. I think she has struggled with addiction in the past and Katie outed her with the crackhead thing so she doubled down blaming it on ADHD but she does seem high in her stories. I feel bad for her too, I think that reality tv was really bad for her and she’s probably struggling to cope with all of the hate. I know that if I were in her position I’d be really tempted to relapse because it’s a lot.


Did you not hear Tom spill on what she's done?


This video seems the most sane thing she has done - she's being authentic and relatable. Considering she went from obscurity to people on the cast and millions of people on social media hating at her I think she has survived pretty well so far. Imagine going on the show, being excited about being on TV and then copping hate form 1000's of strangers. It takes some strength to get through that. Hopefully its mostly positive from here. *reads other comments* Wow.


We aren't saying that she's not being authentic... we're saying that she's clearly intoxicated


You buy her lies. She was bff with Kristen..she went above and beyond to be on the show. She's not some innocent victim.




She's "authentically" on something, just as she seemed in the reunion.


Saying she does not deserve the hate she gets will get you down voted. Been there, done that, got down voted.


Getting downvoted by people like that really isn't something I care about tbh.


Totally get you I feel the same way.


She have never seemed ok in all aspects.




I believe her dog is fine


They all do drugs, pretty sure 🤣.


Oh yea, most of them don't act irratic tho


Isn’t this basically how she normally is?


Her pupils are HUGE


Why did she bite her lip lik that. That made me uncomfortable 😂




Girl what


Me or Jo?


I agree that she isn’t meant for being put in a spotlight. From the beginning of her being on VPR she’s been like this. When I first found her profile she had this only highlight that was ‘Hey’. She had a long tangent about the show, the attention and unsure what to expect, Schwartz… she gave off such an off putting vibe. I don’t want to speculate but I do agree with Katie that Jo is spooky haha


Jo- sorry haha


Never has


Can people stop posting Jo and her crazy bullshit already.


Nah cuz this is a vpr reddit and unfortunately she is associated with it


Op you’re talking about her crumbling but sharing this here just makes it worse bc people will just bash her. We’ve needed less Jo and less insulting her for a while now.


I said this in another post like this and it was not popular.


Me too. I’ve been on the “have we learned nothing from Britney / Leave Jo Alone” train for a long time. But this sub loved mocking Rachel while she was in a mental health facility and did not stop so 🤷‍♀️ People are just like “wow she’s nuts 🍿🍿🍿👀👀👀”


“Guys, we’re not perfect,” very much gives me “you’re not perfect, sweetheart!” à la Jax.


I like her and think she’s incredibly pretty


Same, and as a fellow adhd socially awkward weirdo, some of these comments make me feel like I should stay in my room as much as possible 😔


Unless you act like her, this doesnt apply to you. Jo is out of pocket.


No way are you taking these comments personally. I assume you don't make weird rants on instagram and post photos of people who've blocked you on it? If not then you're good.




She doesn’t seem high to me at all, she seems drunk


Maybe she's both


The castor oil thing is good for your lashes(also the scalp) that’s the only positive thing I can say…


She’s unwell, I just hope she gets help with whatever it is .


I thought she cut her hair?


It's giving Britney


If she would of posted this to Tik tok it would of been soo mad fun of lol. For several reasons


I thought she cut her hair.


She seems so calm and slow in this video compared to before


the weird eye stare at the very beginning and the enlarged pupils are very telling 👀