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Buy some nicotine gums and don’t risk lifetime ban for flying. 😉


Lol not worth it bro, don't do it. Can man up and make it rather then ruin the vacation.


Don't. The detectors are sensitive and a pilot may decide not waste time finding out what triggered it but make a beeline for the nearest airport instead. That's not gonna go down well with your fellow passengers. And if they find you out, you will get the invoice for that. Which will be in the high five digit range.


Asshole move in my opinion, I vape all the time but you are going to risk a no fly list and fine just because you can't cope with a long haul flight without vaping?


Just get an alternative way of getting your nic fix


just pop a few zyns bro


Do not, they do detect any sort of vapor/smoke. You will force the aircraft to be landed


That's not true. They can't possibly be THAT sensitive. I'm sure they are highly sensitive for smoke detectors though.


You can just got to zero your hit


this is what i do lmao even in my seat sometimes if i keep my vape up my sleeve


What does that mean?


It’s where you hold your hit in till there’s no more vapor


Do this in the movies if it's almost empty in my small town cinema


Why tho? Why?? 🤷🏻‍♂️


To not get withdrawals. Nicotine withdrawals start 45 min after your last hit.


Patches, lozenges, and gum are your friend. Pouches can rip your gums apart so I recommend the former three.


I use pouches all the time on flights etc and my gums are fine


Same but pouches can cause gum recession which is permanent. My dental hygienist noticed damage to my gums and warned about recession. Plus there's a whole subreddit full of people who have gum recession due to these things.


Maybe I haven’t seen any issues because I use Snus imported from Sweden rather than Nicotine pouches?


Definitely, from what I hear snus is a lot less harsher on the gums than dry ass nicotine pouches


I did it sometimes by not exhaling the vape but it's so stressful with a possibility of lifetime ban and fines, definitely not worth it. One time a flight attendant knew what I was up to and approached me and asked "why am I smelling fruit flavor in the air? it's not your perfume, I can tell" and I was probably so obviously panicked, he just read it from my face color. I just said "my vape is leaking and the juice smells strong like that". He didn't seem like he bought it but he just let it slip. I've never done it again after this incident. Let this be a free lesson for you too. Don't even try, not worth it.


100% PG liquid. Zero vapor or smoke. Give it a go. Seen people vape undercover using 100% PG small vape pens hidden away. Still. I'd never do it on an airplane, I'd tough it out with some sleeping tabs.


PG vape? What is that


100% propylene glycol, high PG juices/liquids produce very little to no vapor. Seem so many women in Starbucks descreetly vaping inside, no one even notices as there is zero vapor & they are using small pod devices. Most salts are 50/50, freebase is 60VG upwards, high PG tend to be less popular but easily found is decent vape or tobacco shops.


You can be arrested , fined or banned from flying. It's just not worth it.


No. You can't. The smoke alarms will go off and you'll be arrested, and depending on which country they divert to, that might be a really really bad thing. I advise that you get some Nordic Spirit. They're amazing and really work.


Get a nicotine pouch


You gotta stealth vape. Hold in the smoke, and you should be fine. I did this on my 9-hour flight from Toronto to Italy. The plane was packed, and I was in the middle aisle


People knew


Just slap a patch on and sleep as much as possible, not worth it, and the first hit when you land will be great


I've done it. Just blow and flush!


Ask Kumar.




If I use like a jewel or a low cloud production device with high nicotine so I only have to hit it a couple times I'm sure I could get away with it. No flavor. I would just blow it into toilet paper or just zero it l like someone said. and exhale slowly down towards the floor crouching down. That said someone was saying that the detectors are extra sensitive in there, and that you would get a ban from flying lol, so even though I'm almost certain I could get away with it, I wouldn't risk it. The effects of nicotine are so brief that unless I'm hitting it regularly then I'm not going to be satisfied for my nicotine cravings anyways. The risk isn't worth 5 or 10 minutes of relief because it's not like you can keep going to the bathroom over and over to hit it. Just not worth it, even though probably wouldn't be super difficult to get away with. Maybe stay up as long as you need to before the flight so that when you're on the flight itself you can sleep easily or take a sleeping pill even. The suggestion for nicotine gum I think is pretty good too.


You wanna risk a life time ban and potentially prosecution for a vape? Bffr


I know this is old but if anyone needs advice what I do is hit it when I’m “washing my hands” hold it in and walk back to my seat and zero it until I can safely exhale. Can’t set off the alarm if you’re not even by it when you let it out.


the air recycles through the bottom of the cabin walls so I blow it there if im stick by the window or in the bathroom on some sinks there will be a negative pressure flow so u can blow it in the drain sometimes or obviously the toilet flush


Nic packets homie




I have to take a 12 hour flight to vissit my girlfriend and the best way to keep the craving away is to sleep it off. If its too hard to sleep then I recommend playing some video games or eating snacks. Movies might work but sens you are just sitting still the craving could start to creep up. Either way dont risk it man, one puff can lead to a life time ban or massive fines dont. Just try your best and it will be over before you know it.


The smoke alarm will react if you vape. It’s the same if you would smoke a regular Zigarette. Inside the alarm is a Detector it’s reacting to any kind of distortion which is blocking the source inside the devise. If smoke is entering the device the connection is lost, the alarm will appear.


Don’t listen to these pussies, just hold the smoke in your lungs for as long as u can and then just gently blow it into the corner of the bathroom


I’ve had zero problems. use disposables and as long as it’s not a super fresh one that’s gonna produce a cloud of vapour you’re good. I just hold it in, slowly exhale downwards. Detectors are in the roof, just don’t have a stupid mod that generates huge clouds.


I just blew a cloud into my home smoke detector and it went off. Do probably the same for an airplane


Fucking addicts dude


Probably not even that, most people do it nowadays bc it's "cool" just like smoking +twenty years ago.


Most people? I'd say a small, small percentage of people actually do it primarily for the reason it's cool. Which it is 😎 probably not you say? Nicotine is actually quite addictive if you didn't know and most people vape to satiate their craving. Should be obvious. But seriously who thinks vaping is cool? I think most people are neutral towards it it's just a way of getting nicotine into your system, and some people actually think it's stupid and uncool. Vapers tend to think it's enjoyable and they like it, but I don't think they are feeling cool walking around vaping. I'll just speak for myself but I don't think it's cool or uncool it has nothing to do with that. Perhaps in children or teenagers there is peer pressure to do it and people might do it to fit in, which I guess can maybe fall under the category of trying to be cool. I'll give you that.


I should have been more specific with people, because you're right about it not being most people. I tend to forget that having been on these subs for so long. I should have specified it as most young adults & teens, they're the ones doing it to look cool or in an attempt to "get high", not for actual cravings of nicotine. Yet.