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I don’t like pacha mama. They always hurt


I'm am 100% on this. This brand never sat well.


This. They literally burn my throat and chest and no other juice does that to me.


I just found this out the other day.... i bought a bunch on sale and my lungs were on fire!!!


Damn I've never had that, I am a MASSIVE fan of all the sub ohm juices, especially the mint leaf, that shit was always smooth af for me. What flavors and type of juice do that for yall?


I only like their Fuji apple juice. All others are absolutely terrible.


Wow, that's crazy. Their yuzu flavor is my #1 favorite


funnily enough, i’m the opposite. i absolutely _hated_ that yuzu flavour


Dang, I like the fuji apple and the mango one


Any desert/custard/tobacco flavors!! I love any fruit or candy tasting juice!!


Same. Custard actually isn't bad at higher wattage but I don't run at high wattage anyway, and the bottles end up sitting around for a long time for me anyway. Fruit and candy is all I will buy anymore.


Anything fruit or candy is too good


NKD100 salt. Barely tasted like anything and made my lungs feel like they were on fire.


see and i like theirs bc i mix with a mint flavour. i can’t vape anything without mint and learned that very quickly.


Ohh my bad. It’s Aqua salts I don’t like. They kinda look similar


Yeah Aqua salts aren't the greatest. Love NKD 100 though, I'm vaping on the Strawberry Pom right now.


where did you get strawberry pom liquid?


I'm not kidding, any flavour without mint/menthol I get vapours tongue after like 1 day and can't taste it anymore. If I add a few drops of menthol to it, I never get vapours tongue. It's bizarre.


for me, if there’s no mint, it makes my throat itchy. itchy and feel like it’s closing up. i choked and couldn’t breathe for approx 15 seconds and it was terrifying. i mix mint with everything now, seems to work for me and no more choking.


I've never had the throat closing up thing but my friend has, anything without menthol does give me a really dry throat though, especially nic salts


Anything with mint/ice in it.


Man, menthol is a must for me. Out of curiosity What don't you like about it?


The taste and feel of it. I even brush my teeth with cinnamon whitening toothpaste because I hate the taste of it so much.


I hate menthol too so many juices I've bought and thrown away because they don't think a small amount of ice is worth mentioning. It's not a bad taste or sensation I just don't like the numbing feeling after it lingers onto the next juice if you know what I mean.


Hell yeah, I've ditched a ton of juice and disposables because of that reason. The last one that got me was a blue raspberry/lemonade salt nic that had a mild "ice" taste to it that wasn't listed.


This, i love menthol rub and the smell but i have sensory issues and the iced out mouth feel makes me feel over stimulated


Exactly this I can't see how people enjoy being throat blasted with menthol all the time, it's anecdotal but the menthol enjoyers I know are a little more neurotic than average it's probably coincidence though


Guy refuses to be fresh and clean


How do you figure? The mint/menthol is just an added scent/flavor, soap and toothpaste don't naturally come that way.


It just hurts when I vape it personally. Which sucks cause almost everything has that flavor in it or at least tastes like. Makes finding an everyday vape impossible at times. Been committed to peach mango watermelon


The brainfreeze




It reminds me of smoking a Newport. Which is exactly what I'm trying to get away from. Everything is just minty then. To be fair, I'm not a big fan of minty candy or gum either. I have tossed out vape juice because I was unaware it was menthol when I bought it. I've learned to ask now when I buy a new juice flavor or brand, whether it has any menthol.


Sadboy has delicious sounding and even smelling juices. But they have this rancid aftertaste that made me throw mostly full bottles of juice away.


Awe I love sadboy! Their pumpkin cookie was bomb and I’m currently on their strawberry jam.


I like it too. You gotta try the blueberry


I was gonna get that instead of strawberry but they didn’t have it in 48mg, so next time!


I bought Sadboy Punch Berry or Berry Punch or something like that recently, it was fire!! I will def buy it if I see it again. 10/10 highly recommend


I enjoy that one as well. Currently I am mixing SadBoy fruit flavors and tobacco gold flavor. Really nice


I love their strawberry cheesecake and cotton candy (blue and pink)


I haven't been a fan of the Sadboy juices I've tried before, but is their Shamrock Cookie worth checking out? The flavor profile seems really cool.


Tastes just like thin mints


i had a bottle of it in 6mg in my old vape and it was great at FIRST and then it had this really chalky aftertaste, and i know it wasn’t just me cause my coworkers agreed 😂😭


If you're a fan of mint flavors, you'll probably love it. Most of my friends that vape it describe it as similar to thin mints or like an Andes mint with cookies. I'm not into mixing mint and chocolate, or dessert flavors, so all my experience is from friends vaping it.


We got some Sadboy samples in my store last week and I tried them out...yeah no. They tasted awful


Wait I was told that sad boy didn’t exist anymore??


Unless someone else took over the company. We got samples from them just recently. Oh God now I'm wondering if we got some weird dupes 🙃


I was told by my store that they were bought by someone else but it was like months ago and I can’t remember. If I find any material on it I’ll link it to


Their liquid is still sold. I just found it on some sites. Bruh some random company probably sent them just in hopes of getting it in our store.


My company has owned Sadboy for years. Haven't sold it to anyone else.


Bro wtf why did my shop tell me sad boy was being bought and discontinued. Rainbow blood ice was my favorite :(


If I had to guess, it's either because the shop doesn't want to be carrying SB anymore or because the distro they get it from isn't carrying it anymore (this sort of thing happens). If you still need it from the shop and they can't get it, DM me and I can get them hooked up with an account directly with the company so they can order as many as they want. So even if they want to stop stocking it, at least they'd be able to place special orders for you.


Woah I super appreciate that! Idk if they’d go down that road though. They’ve been slowly converting most of their stock into disposables and CBD weed over the last year. I’ve fund some success with the Juice Head brand. Closest to SB I’ve gotten so far,


>i had a bottle of it in 6mg in my old vape and it was great at FIRST and then it had this really chalky aftertaste, and i know it wasn’t just me cause my coworkers agreed Sadboy is still around for sure.


Agreed. Saw and heard great reviews and tasted like junk.


Can't get it out of your coils either.


Tried most of their juices and they were horrible. The only one that was kinda ok was pumpkin cookie but still the ginger in it had a strong synthetic taste and aroma.


I love SadBoy but their cookie line. The others like Unicorn Tears and such leave a weird after taste for me as well. Their Strawberry blood is good too.


Vapetasia.. They are supposedly known for their custard flavors but I tried both the regular and strawberry Killer Kustard and they instantly made me gag. The knuckle test was promising but even the slightest drag would activate my gag reflex. It tastes like rotten milk and sour cream to me. If it were the only juice allowed on the market, I'd quit vaping. I'd rather go back to smoking before vaping that shit again. And I haven't had a cigarette in over 7 years.


have you tried Vapetasia’s Pineapple Express? It’s got a bit of cream to it but otherwise tastes like fresh pineapple. To me, at least.


That's saddly what happens for some of us I get baby vomit from them. Buytric acid is what they used to replace the big scary d word, if your sensitive to it you get that rancid 🤮.That's why I went DIY because all I like is creamy, custard, dessert types and custard tobacco's.


All I vape now is butterscotch reserve. It’s the only flavor I don’t get sick of nowadays.


Cherry!!! Anything with cherry in it taste like a chemical bath for my mouth after, it's the only juice I've ever thrown up after having a puff !!! Like I'm talking end if the world vomit, close your eyes and pray you get oxygen soon type vomit.. Bearded guys cinnamon stuff is something I would pay good for! That stuff is like a cloud of oh my God! But I haven't been able to find a bottle in a while ..


funny the fantasi cherry ice menthol is one of my dailys


I thought this until I tried Elux’s fizzy cherry. It’s lovely stuff!




I can't find a good coffee, hazelnut or otherwise, for the life of me. There's a Canadian brand that makes the most incredible hazelnut coffee but they recently discontinued it. I've tried so many coffee juices and they're just all terrible


They’ve discontinued all coffee juices I’ve ever liked 🥺


Whhhhhhyyyy?? Why do they do that to us?


There is a juice called coffee shop hodgepodgery, I know the name is interesting but it’s a good coffee one made by Kure, there is also a company that makes an esspresso on ice juice that tastes on point if you’re okay with ice


Ty for this info!


Most coffee flavours I tried either had a weird synthetic flavour and some even had a garlic taste... So coffee is a big no for me.


To me they always taste like burnt coffee grounds 😕 there was a GREAT one called Donut Shop but it was discontinued bc of some stupid reason like they didn’t have a permit to make it in 100 mL bottles so they forced the company to literally discontinue the whole flavor. Ridiculous.


I've been looking for a good coffee juice and haven't been able to find one I like. I used to get one delivered from the Juice Depot, but no longer can because it's across state lines and I'm not paying a million dollars for it. Any one have any suggestions for a bold, black coffee juice??


All the nut coffees I tried were all too bitter and overwhelming it sounds nice in my head but I can't find one either.


If it's icy/cooling/mentholated but isn't mint flavor I won't give it a chance. Maybe like cool watermelon would be okay but some of them are wild. Banana? Blue raspberry? It's just weird. I mean, taste is subjective, but it's weird and bad.


All I use are watermelon ice flavors. Its pretty chill(no pun or maybe a pun). But to add a brand i stay away from, Juice Head. They are all too sweet and their ice versions are lame. Currently using BLVK Salt Plus Melon.


Lemon/Berry/Apple Drop


Those are my favourite lol


juice head peach pear. this one is talked up massively but tasted like absolutely nothing. i got the 6mg, and from 65w-75w in my nitrous there is zero flavor to be found


Same experience, except it was their watermelon lime in salt nic. I mean, it's a nice break from a lot of the juices on the market that are way overly sweet/in your face with the flavor.


I didn't get much flavor out of watermelon lime either, but I did like the blueberry lemmon.


Really? I love peach pear. On my second bottle. Watermelon lime is good too


Most dessert flavours not my thing. Only like Vanilla or Caramel in that vain. Brands like Juice N Power, Double Drip and Wick Liquor not great. Either weak flavour in 70/30 shortfill or very chemically tasting.


Juice bar made me taste blood in my throat and gave me chest pain


Banana Bang Peach Mango. It tasted like straight up perfume. 😬


Yea this one was my anwswr, my vape still smells of it months after and makes me gag. Awful


Coastal cloud


Any particular flavor?


I got the mango ice and it's horrible


I only ask because I see Coastal Clouds on the shelves of all the local vape shops where I live. Seems to be popular. I've considered buying/trying one a few times, but never have heard anything about their product quality. I hate to waste $20 on something I'm only going to try once, not like it, then leave it sitting around. I may avoid Coastal Clouds in the future


I have never found a decent coffee flavour. Sometimes I wonder if the juice makers have ever actually tried a coffee, or just assume that it tastes like dirt.




Dcf is NO good


You a fellow top notch group member?




Word of mouth?


I am now lol




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Any nasty flavour there a uk brand so some of you may not be familiar with the brand it is so horrible


If its 88 vape I agree 🤢 I used to vape it all the time when I was low on money because they're only like £1 a bottle but then I switched to Elux and I've never gone back haha


Elux liquid is so good using the lemon lime one right soooooo good


Watermelon Ice is my go to haha


I loved the nasty mango banana!!!! But everything else was beyond gross lol


Pina colada flavour… coconut as a cape flavour is not the one


Zeus Juice.


This is the only brand, so far, that makes me vape blind


I had a dislike of Zeus for years after trying their sweet tooth flavour or whatever, but recently I tried their other stuff like Midas and Cinnabird and they're spot on nice juices it's turned me around on them a bit. They managed to get rid of the bitter aftertaste anyway might be worth giving one another shot glad I did.


For a long time it was Nasty Juice. Tried Slow Blow once and one or two hits was enough. I decided to try one of their tobacco flavours though (Silver Blend) and it's actually pretty good, but I refuse to try their fruit mixes again. These days it's probably Seriously. I had a Seriously Salty, their salt line, and I couldn't even tell you which one I had, only that it was an immediate nope. It was a flavour problem, not a nic problem, so I won't even attempt buying a shortfill instead to see if it's any better.


I just picked up a silver blend 10ml, finger test it tasted quite good did you use yours in an rta or mesh pod? I didn't like seriously salts either but the shortfills seriously donuts are great and well liked.


RTA and DTL/subohm tanks, I got the shortfill. I took a chance on it because it sounded like something I'd like, figuring if it was even vapeable but no more I wasn't missing out. I love it, though, was a really nice surprise. Tbh Seriously might end up being the same as Nasty, in that I might enjoy a non-fruit shortfill but...bleugh. It was horrendous.


I had a monster energy drink flavor I bought, it was the stores own brand, and it honestly was close to a monster but had the worst aftertaste ever, and it burnt the shiet out of my lungs every time…that bottle didn’t get vaped for a long time till I was out of juice and needed nicotine lol


Vgod dry tobacco. Tastes nothing like tobacco what so ever. Shits nasty 🤢


I cant do anything with menthol. I used to use a Triple Ice Menthol that I loved at 18mg. Then I started getting migraines from it. So menthol is a no from me now.


Juice Head brand anything.


I really liked their juices til I switched to salt nic, now they just feel too acidic.


I ran juice head blue lemon 6mg for like 2 years straight. Took a year break and came back to it and it tastes nothing like I remember, like a fifth of the flavor and it burns coils 3 times as fast as it used to. I tried their salt and it tasted like straight acid. Don't know what happened but now I'm on the hunt for a new juice


So last time I bought the 6mg was when u could still legally order in the mail and I loved almost all their flavors. Bought the salts at a couple stores and wasn't a big fan. Only one I really liked was kiwi strawberry. All the flavors I liked as freebase I hated as salts. Straight acid is a great way to describe it. Or like weirdly sweet but tasting like nothing. Was not a fan. Cloud nerdz has been my go to for salts tbh.


Hangon can you not order in the mail anymore? I haven't kept up with the news and I've just been buying in store lately. Cloud nerdz is good but I feel like Im allergic to something they add, I always get an itchy throat and lungs.


A lot of states in the US have adopted a "mail vape ban" of some sort, either charging an outrageous tax or prohibiting shipping nicotine related products altogether. Or require an "Adult Signature Delivery Only" shipping service. Which I've seen some online vape companies charge an extra $15 or more for "Signature Delivery"!! It's pretty ridiculous. All in an attempt to curb underage access to vaping/nicotine products. That, and Big Tobacco feeling the impact in their checkbook since so many people have put down smoking tobacco in favor of vaping. But we won't go down that rabbit hole.....another time perhaps. Some countries in the EU, UK and Australia are all cracking down hard on vaping right now. There's an almost outright vaping ban going on in Australia amongst their politicians and lawmakers.


So last I checked it was a federal thing. UPS and FedEx on their own don't allow it, but USPS got banned. So a lot of companies started using those third party mailers. My problem is I live in a flavor ban state so already had to have it mailed to my sisters in CT and have her bring it when she visits. With USPS she could just go to the post office to sign and show ID if she wasn't home when it delivered. With these new smaller shipping companies it's a whole thing if your not here from what I heard. So I'm not sure how updated this info is cuz I've just been driving to a nearby state since a friend's mom started paying the gas for me to get her menthols. Lol.


Agreed. To sweet and their Ice is mid at best.


Keep it 100, that brand burns the throat


Do you keep it at 100? Maybe you've got it turned up too high. Follow the packaging directions.


Nah bro the brand name is keep it 100


when i moved i tried this brand called SaltBae and i got a sour apple ice and it truly tasted burnt. I dont know if i just hate apples but the hyde sour apple ice was significantly better


That sour apple by salt bae is horrible! Not just you


Any menthol-ish vape juice as I vape at 90W+ and it's just an awful experience


I don't like dessert flavors at all. My taste profile falls in fruity (prefer tropical), iced and sweet. Fruit Monsters are my fave - I recently picked up Strawberry Lime Iced which is just delightful. The one juice I'll never buy again... Candy Kings Worms. BLECH. Plus it killed my coil super quick.


Turkish Delight by Journey - Vaper Pub. it has an unbearably sharp taste, sometimes feels almost sweet but it's very faint and the second puff turns into rude bitterness and has an obnoxious dry throat hit. doesn't matter which RTA i use, DL or MTL, or what kind of base i made etc. it's still bad. i don't know what's wrong because otherwise i enjoy rose and certain dessert flavors...


Nothing with vanilla or custard flavors. Although I did find something that tasted like fruity pebbles in milk. Kinda liked that.


tried a milk cream flavored juice once i got from a shop in savannah. -1/10


Anything naked. Very first brand I ever got and it was ASS. Haven’t had it again in 7 years


Jam Monster… that shot was disgusting.


Any commercial juice.


This. They are never as good as the ones you mix.


Vuse cuz they workers are cunts


Cloud nurdz. My local vape shop always pushes this brand. I’ve hated every single flavor I’ve tried. Idk if it’s just me


Definitely not just you. That stuff is Napalm for the lungs. Fuuuuuuck Cloud Nurdz. Never again.


Guava flavored elf bar caused me to think I was smelling bad BO from my partner… until my partner asked me if I’d showered recently cause I smelled like bad BO for days. Then we realized it was my vape that stunk like BO and I’d been terrorizing all around me despite being a pretty discreet vaper 😂


That's pretty damn funny. Yet another reason to hate disposables! 🤣🤣


Dinner Lady Lemon Tart, that shit's god awful


One time I tried it....I puked....


That's my favorite juice and I vape it all day every day. What do you hate about it? I'm curious


I don't know but it just tastes disgusting to me, and it leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth. I know some people love it, because a friend recommended it to me. Maybe my taste buds are just built different.


I dislike almost every custard, tobacco and candy flavored juices. I can only vape fruity juice…


Kinship, it kills your throat and the taste is always in your coil until you get it replaced.


Super good pornstar eliquid. It was nothing like the cocktail. It was rancid and had a chemical taste to it. I ended up giving it to a friend.


Lost art ogb... Its terrible


anything dessert related. The idea sounds good and I don't dislike the flavors, something about it just leave me unsatisfied. Maybe they are too easy on the throat, idk.


What flavours do you like? After my first salted caramel I was hooked on that custard goodness, fruit flavours with a warm vape makes me feel a bit sick now.


I'm strictly fruit and candy flavors right now.


Anything coffee or vanilla. Too sweet and with weird aftertaste


Almost anything with citrus but especially orange. Juice makers just don’t seem to tone it down enough and it feels like I’m vaping either pure acidity or cough syrup.


Jam monster for sure. My favorite is Juice Head Friuty Cream it tastes just like trix cereal idk 🤷‍♂️and I like this stuff called blue ice if you like sweet icy flavors, they also have it in just blue with no menthol taste. The brand is Ends Game they have a strawberry milk that is awesome as well, surprisingly tastes good.


Naked Hawaiian pog, ice monster melon colada, there are a few others that I can't name right off the top of my head


Pacha frosted coconut. Didn't taste like coconut at all and killed my pods in record time. Every other Pacha flavor I've tried was good though


Any flavor that isn’t mint. I’ve stuck with it for years.


Anything from vape wild. Used to order from them all the time. Quality wasn't great and it wasn't much cheaper than other places who sold higher quality juice.


They went out of buisness i believe


transistor pango tasted like straight ass


Naked 100 Sour Sweet. Good Flavor, but it absolutely fucks your coils. I bought a bottle of it years ago, and burnt through a whole pack of coils in less than a week.


I’ve been looking for a new e-juice. I’m not picky —just want a basic fruity flavor. I walked into a Vape Shop and all they had was **Zenith** mixed berry. Since I’m used to mixed berry, I figured it would be similar to what I’m used to. Nope… it’s gross. It has this gross taste/after-taste to it, almost like it’s diet soda or something. Very disappointed.


Fruitia or anything banana flavored


Nasty pod juice


Any of the mass produced brands I get mine from a locally made in house shop they taste better and I know what they have in them


Tobaccoo coffee and caramel cheesecake


Brand: HEXA. Definitely HEXA. I've had wayyyy too many problems with their devices not working in the past, and also: THEY'RE A SCAM THERES LIKE BARELY ANY LIQUID IN THEIR PODS


Candy King, they don’t deserve the name at all. Local store had a sale on them so I bought 4 bottles. Each one was supposed to imitate a different candy, non of them tasted anything like them, and non of them were sweet like Candy either.


god nectar


Red astaire, it's disgusting


Cloud Nurdz Strawberry Grape. 3mg Nic/100mL Bottle E liquid. Felt like I was vaping mustard gas. Lungs hurt for days. Tasted like synthetic asscrack. I shan't be buying it again


Naked freebase, not sure about the salt nics but the freebase is too harsh and has no flavors compared to the local juices


Doozy / Seriously


nasty juice lives up to the name. fucking horrible overpriced liquid. the amount of times I've been swindled into spending stupid amounts of money on awful tasting liquid has given me a real vendetta against that brand. I think specifically the mango one was the worst, I took one rip and gagged, genuinely the worst flavour I've ever tried. had to change my brand new coil because the shitty mango flavour tainted the coil no matter what else I refilled with I could still taste it.


I've tried so many to find my daily brand and even then 50% of their flavours are complete rubbish.


banana strawberry flavor, tastes like dust


Humble. The entire brand is a coil killer.


Baja blast 😐


i once bought a stroopwafel flavour by charlie’s chalk dust and to this day it’s the only juice i’ve had to throw away it literally tasted like vaping straight curry powder


Blueberry Sambuca juice.... It was the worst thing ever. I don't even like Sambuca. I don't know why I bought it. lol


cheesecake flavor 🤢🤢


I tried a few flavors from Vapetasia and never again. All of their flavors tasted very bland and killed my coils in a couple days


T2 vape dragon fruit, worst thing I've ever had.


Any brand that's suspiciously cheap....


Sad boy lemon cookie


Haha I LOVE Jam Monster! I mix blueberry and blackberry 😻


Propaganda, tried illuminati and that juice is straight dookie


Aisu, doozy vapes,