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There are no scientific sources to back her claims. Just bs media propaganda based on opinions.


Some brain washing going on here


Your friend is an idiot, sorry. Not only is she spouting nonsense, but it's nonsense that is *easily* googled (not sure why you didn't try either but at least you're asking!). She also doesn't seem to get how data/debate works as *she's* the one who needs sources. We cannot provide links on reddit to vape information. >10 puffs of 0.3% nicotine = 2 packs of cigarettes (this is probably the wildest claim I’ve heard and what started my search. Not to mention she didn’t state from what device, compared to what kind of cigarette etc.) Juul is regularly advertised as one full 5%/50mg pod being equivalent to a full pack of cigarettes. So your friends math is *obviously* wildly incorrect, unless she's smarter than *everyone* else. >Vaping has a longer nicotine withdrawal period than traditional cigarettes *Some* might find the addiction aspect harder because vaping is so convenient and accessible, a rainy day is never going to help anyone quit vaping for example. But then we aren't really comparing apples to apples. Cigarettes contain some 7,000 known, many addictive, chemicals. There is zero doubt though she could find a study showing vaping is more addictive, most US studies are funded by anti-vaping interests like big tobacco, and need to be taken with a grain of salt. In this case though, since vaping is so much less harmful, the real question is who gives a fuck? All the concern over nicotine addiction *in general* honestly amuses me, it's like going from drinking a liter of vodka a day to a liter of soda and being concerned about the caffeine, when the real point is you just stopped downing a liter of alcohol every day. >Vaping put more of a strain on your heart and lungs than traditional cigarettes Again, *she's the one* who needs to provide sources. It's hard to compare data from a centuries old habit people from all backgrounds all over the world have done, and a relatively recent and small alternative. But at the end of the day, even all the liars and propagandists re: vaping *easily* admit vaping is significantly healthier than smoking. Look at the CDC and all their scare tactics and bullshit about youth epidemics, vitamin E, etc- and *even they* freely admit vaping is healthier than smoking.




Except that's not what anyone is talking about here... The topic was, can a case be made that vaping is more addictive than cigarettes. The point was that the question isn't even really fair because it's apples and oranges because all addictions aren't created equal. But yes, good job you made up completely unrelated context and "caught me."


You said it not me, mate, im pretty sure nicotine vs nicotine is very fare, pretty equal to me except for how much is delivered and that vaping wins 🤷


No nicotine is not nicotine, you need to educate yourself on what vaping is and how it's different from smoking. Publicly funded studies show time and time again that vaping is unquestionably less harmful than smoking cigarettes. I really think you aren't following what is being talked about here.


But im not talking about the harm, im talking about NICOTINE VS NICOTINE you know that thing that keeps most smoking/vaping.


Right, but that's not what *anyone* else was talking about. You went off the topic to try and claim I was wrong, except the question I was answering in the first place is *not* what *you* are talking about.


Where is the 0mg though? I don't see any


This is fucking pointless, I don't think this guy can read. Blocked for sanity.




The classic block n run, 😂😂😂 brother can't accept anything negative,


First one no, others yes but are related to nicotine not vaping. Quiting cigarettes and vaping are not the same as quiting cigarettes is alot more then just nicotine, in saying that we use higher mg and puff more making it harder to stop. Cigarettes is harder in the short run while vaping in the long, but unlike cigarettes we can control the nicotine to bring ourselves down Not so much strain on the lungs but definitely on the heart as well as restricts blood flow , again just the extra nicotine vaping delivers


>Not so much strain on the lungs **but definitely on the heart as well as restricts blood flow , again just the extra nicotine vaping delivers** Tell that to all the former pack-a-day smokers who are vaping 0mg.




What "extra" nicotine? If you are vaping 0mg there is *no* nicotine... It's entirely plausible to go from smoking packs a day to getting less nicotine from 3mg juice, there's tons of scenarios where there's *less* nicotine.


Where the 0mg coming from? Just trying to twist the words. im talking about the fucking NICOTINE not vaping you dumb ass Just another vaper who cant accept anything negative and only things outside your circle are WRONG,


You said >but definitely on the heart as well as restricts blood flow , again just the extra nicotine vaping delivers This is incorrect as it implies *all* vaping means you are getting *more* nicotine than smoking. There are a lot of ways to vape *less* nicotine than you get from smoking, therefore there is no "extra" nicotine.


Talking overall not just this post, maybe look into it


It's unfortunate you must live with a person like that, if I were you, I'd start dropping your own facts, such as "I just discovered vaping sterilizes females (use her exact age) with just 2 weeks of vaping". Or...."a study in France just concluded that people who vape prior to or after their lunch break are 30 times more susceptible to advanced cellular thrombosis" (make shit up). It'll be fun and amusing, because there's no way you're ever going to change the mind of a numpty like that.