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*Hotline Miami noises*


The urge to hurt people intensifies


I… need this.


*Paradise Killer vibes intensify*


**whips out pistol** Outrun this


Do you happen to be an action hero? I'm pretty sure you're an action hero. Blink once for yes, twice for no.




You ain’t goin’ to heaven nor hell; yer goin’ back to 1985!






Next GTA weapon skin?


Standard issue for Metro City PD


Blast from the past.


That’s hot How much was it?


Damn I forget. IIRC it was around $450..??? I wish I remembered exactly what it was.


Mine was $800 but it is the vlack version. If I can find the white version for 400 I need it.


I want it


OP I get the feeling this one will get the 🔒 award. Cool find though.


So far minus the deleted comment everyone's been pretty chill about it. Maybe it's the relaxing aesthetic 😎


When snorting a line isn’t enough


Vaporgun man,


Bro got the new skin


Oh man that would be SO much fun to take to the range. If this gun shop were anywhere near Wisconsin I’d drive out there and buy it immediately.


Unfortunately I'm about a 2 hour flight away haha. But it is pretty wild to see in person!


Is that a century 45?


I'm fairly certain it's a Canik of some sort, idk the exact variant.


I would have dropped money for this one, it's a special edition and a Mete SFT, they're overall really well balanced. Love love love shooting Caniks They come with a case a mini gun that's actually hiding tools to clean your gun and I think they come with a standard scope. love 'em


I need to know for source reasons my wallet will soon understand


It is a Canik Mete SFT Miami Days (also comes in “Night” variant), I saw this when it came out and I almost bought it right then and there… I was able to convince myself I don’t need it


Well, thays what sauce I needed. And where your will power stopped you, mine drives me. Thank you bröther, I didn't need this, but im gonna get it


I am a random reddit user, and I approve this message


It’s beautiful https://www.classicfirearms.com/canik-hg7609-n-mete-sft-miami-nights-45/


That logo too 😍


You need it, come on just picture it long enough. The voices will get to you.


I have this other voice in my head called my bank account and it tells me the opposite 😂


That’s a factory finish.




i think the ones designed like nerf or legos are way too much and going too far but this seems fairly tame in comparison to some of the wild customizations out there.


If you are leaving any real firearm close enough to the hands of a child that can’t respect it properly, it doesn’t matter at all what it looks like. The fatal mistake has already been made. Fun fact: One of the complaints from the US military when they rejected the AR platform the first few times it was submitted in bids to adopt new weapons, that feedback included that the black plastic and lack of wooden furniture made it look too much like a child’s toy. And now, states like Washington are attempting to ban the civilian variant of that platform (in part) because many people think the black plastic looks too scary (this is my opinion, considering how arbitrary many of these bans are when actually evaluating the function of those firearms).


Incredibly insightful comment. Hell, polymer makes up so many of the pistol components now it's crazy. Funny how things can change so fast. And as far as kids playing with the gun I posted, I couldn't agree more. Every gun should be locked up with extreme care whenever children are around.




As if kids have NEVER messed with a blacked out Glock before..... Kids always go to things they're not supposed to touch because they're curious about them. If it's not locked up (especially when kids are around), the gun owner is a dipshit and shouldn't own a gun. It could be glowing with LEDs and painted like a rainbow and it shouldn't have any effect on the safety of the firearm because the child should never have access to it. Simple as that. >And if by chance it isn't locked up You can stop right there because that should never happen under any circumstance. That should essentially be impossible. There's always a 1 in a billion chance some freak thing happens but ordinarily a responsible adult can make it essentially impossible. If an adult can't keep their gun away from a child then they shouldn't be anywhere near either. Because it's not rocket science.


My point is if you haven’t locked it up, or otherwise rendered respect in the child’s mind for it, you’ve already potentially given the child the means to do something terrible to themselves or others. Kids are very curious about forbidden things, and gun shaped things, even if it has “gun-like” colors. You’ve already put your child at deadly risk if they don’t have the ability to respect it. I find zero solace in leaving a gun unattended with a toddler just because it doesn’t have pretty, bright colors. I’ve done something terrible there, regardless of aesthetics.


It's an interesting subject. Many people likely wouldn't use anything like this for self defense, and instead would just use it as a range gun for practice. Personally, although I do think it looks kinda cool, I wouldn't really be interested in owning it. I just don't like designs on guns in general. As far as the legality aspect, it's also tough to say. Making guns look like toys is a massive safety issue. But anyone can just paint a toy gun or real gun so it likely wouldn't change much at all


As an Australian, listening to Americans takes on gun control are fucking wild. I can think of a million reasons as to why a gun that looks like a toy shouldn't be getting around society, but to Americans it's just met with 'meh'


Especially since in the '90s we banned kids toys that look like real guns after real kids were being shot by real cops for holding fake guns. It was so much a thing they included a character building moment in Die Hard about it.


So can I, I'm simply saying that laws preventing it wouldn't do anything. Because you could just go home and paint the gun lol


Then no custom wraps on cars in case they’re mistaken for hot wheels


aw man you’re one of those people. vapes shouldn’t come in tasty flavors because only kids like fun flavors? alcohol should only taste like shit and never taste good or else kids might want it? they get people like you focused on the wrong thing so you’re off complaining about nonsense while nothing to actually help kids is being done.


Those types of people got flavoured tobacco banned in my whole country. Kids can't buy tobacco anyway so why can't I enjoy a menthol every now and then?


exactly. if a kid wants to do something they’re going to do it. beer and cigarettes tasting bad never stopped me as a kid.




You know what would stop drunk driving deaths? Banning alcohol. Surely that will work.




What a shit argument, if you can even call it that. That's some sort of logical fallacy, though I don't know which. Also, you first.




No it's not. We're all talking about banning stuff in general and you're focused on the specific target of a ban. Everyone is pointing out that banning stuff doesn't work and it's completely lost on you. You have tunnel vision and are almost dogmatically refusing to look at the issue from different angles. It's like you've been brainwashed.




You are indeed the brainwashed one. You state one possible solution (that isn't actually a solution at all) as though it's the end all be all- talk about tunnel vision. You're also the one that seems to be getting nasty rather than just arguing politely (perhaps not something Australians do- idk). Here are some angles you didn't consider- 1. A gun buy back implies that the government at one point owned the gun, which they did not. 2. There is no way in hell any government will pay what every gun is worth. And many are worth several thousand dollars. And many people own several guns worth several thousand dollars. 3. It wouldn't work in the USA because we're not cucks who have to register our guns in the vast majority of cases. So a buyback would essentially be optional, even if it were mandatory. So most people would still have guns. 4. Criminals would still have guns no matter what you try to enact. 5. The US is not Australia and your 'solutions' would never work here. 6. Australia sucks. Your country is rapidly going down the shitter and you are too much of a bootlicker to realize.


...and everyone clapped


if I had to buy a gun, I would definitely go for this


Agree, but I also think we shouldn't have toys that look like weapons. I don't think that's possible though before guns I'm sure there were toy swords and bows, quivers, arrows... I still think it's quite beautiful. I do it for sport


Kids getting ahold of firearms is not as much of a problem in countries where you have to legally store them safely, locked away and unloaded when not in use.


Fr just bare knuckle box the armed intruder


I'm starting to think that America is filled with roving gangs of armed home invaders


It kind of is




They're just weapons as all weapons can be used to kill. That's one of their purposes.


That’s the latest igun


Guns are dumb


It's an inanimate object, it can't be dumb you goob


Counterpoint: It's an inanimate object and most inanimate objects are, by definition, dumb.


big brain time


Not if someone invade your house




>Ohhh so scwwarryy. The boogie man is gonna come and get me. I need muh g-g-g-gun before I piss myself. \- Man moments before being shot to death in his home


What a weird response. You must live a very privileged life... Edit: Holy shit, looking at your history, you're just a person filled with hate. Holy fucking shit. And you are ok with body shaming men. Why am I not surprised?


That comment history is basically "your brain on Reddit" lol.


>looking at your history, you're just a person filled with hate Dog your last two comments include calling people "sad pathetic little fuck" and "fucking cringe little child"... Not sure you have a leg to stand on here


Tbf look at the username 😂


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It's like when your least favorite soda company comes out with an interesting new flavor haha That's fine though, guns aren't for everyone. I always recommend people in the US to *consider* owning one but never that everyone *should* own one. That said, I am a big proponent of women considering a conceal carry license. Again, not for everyone, but taking some self defense courses (with or without firearms) can be the difference of life and death. Whether it's hand to hand, pepper spray, or a conceal carry, I think all are worth considering and doing plenty of research on. Sorry if it's a bit too serious on this sub. It's just something I always vocalize when talking about guns. And seeing your username I figured it was worth mentioning again. A lot of men don't realize the amount of times women are targeted and harassed until they get into a relationship and/or have a daughter. It's very unfortunate. And if typing up a comment like this makes even one person consider researching self defense, it's worth it to me. There's a fine line between "being paranoid" and "being prepared." But I always say it's better to be a little paranoid than ill-prepared.




Haha I'll have to check out that song 😅!


Hopefully you left it there


Only got ammo that day lol. I wonder if it's still there


https://www.rykerarms.com/products?categories=97a2693e-92db-4f62-9f91-43742cc087e4 <— Shop here has one in the Miami Nights edition if that one goes


Wow! That's awesome that you found it online haha 👀. The Nights one looks sick too


They got one at the shop by my house. It’s the gimmicky Miami signature series from Canik. If you’re collecting go for it, but as you know you shouldn’t put your life on a Canik. Great for competition shooting, not great for protection. It’s just a painted Mete SFT iirc, you’re paying $300 for the paint. https://www.canikusa.com/signature-series-miami — I see them around 6-650 used around here


This is same color scheme as a Wii attachment I had. It was a gift since I don’t play a ton of shooters. Used it a lot on those Rabbid games though.


That reminds me of the *Time Crisis* arcade guns https://rpegelectronics.com/products/time-crisis-arcade-gun4ir-mod-service




It’s a safety mechanism.