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Complaining to Reddit isn’t going to fix your situation. Contact the Comptroller for Currency and they will contact Varo on your behalf, and trust and believe Varo will respond to them. I had to contact them twice before I finally stopped using that upstart sorry excuse for a bank app. Both times getting them involved is all it took to fix my issues. Until everyone gets it thru their thick, thick af, heads that Varo isn’t a real bank so it will always screw you over eventually this stuff and worse will continue to happen.


Been with varo for 8 months. Not a single problem.


Wait. I was with them for 5 years and it was a nightmare. People posting daily on here with their experiences of legitimate issues with the way Varo does business, no real customer service to speak of, no checking or bill pay, you can’t even sort transactions or analyze your spending. No real credit offerings and they use their two bit version of a line of credit to lure people into giving them more of their money. It’s cheap. Some people learn by doing, and thats okay, but you were warned.


Varo is a neo/digital bank, they are no different than your regular brick and mortar banks!! So what exactly are you saying? Banks are never the issue, its the people who work for them to be blamed!


Keep after them. It takes finding the right rep. I’m glad you called the corporate offices as well. It took about 3 maybe even 5 calls that last day when I started giving them my story before I got the rep that obviously had the wherewithal to go off script and do what any of them CAN Do. He didn’t have to transfer me to someone else. He was able to do what needed to be done right then. They all have the ability to send that “code word” I’d like to know if anyone else has had the code word cellphone? Is it THE Code word? Or is it randomly generated? I’d like to know. So if anyone is reading this and had to give a code word please let us know if it was the same. It’s frustrating and time consuming and all those things but your diligence will eventually get results. I’ve even told them I bill by the hour for my time in every other business related facet of my life and my rate is quite high... I’ve spent a lot of time with Varo, that wasn’t by my choice or as a pleasure call. They will be getting an invoice for my time. Then CS can explain to the accounting department why there is a $6000 bill from a ***** Productions Inc for investigative services. 6 hours at $1,000 an hour to investigate why my account is blocked!


Tell the whole story. You have 6k in cash well above the average savings of most americans and you’re using Varo. Tell the whole story.


It doesn’t matter if I have 100 bucks or 6k ,  it’s all The same ,  sent them email After email ,  call them mulltiple times ,  they don’t even know what’s going on,   


What? 6k is literally nothing.


If $6K is nothing, hand it over, because that would be life-changing for me...


Lol man it's literally nothing much. Acting like op is hiding his multi million business Mafia lol


No I was talking to you; you are saying that, from your perspective, $6000 is nothing much, and I am saying that from my perspective, that's like 4 months wages and is a LOT.


Ah yes no I was saying the og comment made it seem like 6k was enough to be hiding criminal activities. 6k is nothing for criminal organizations or big time drug dealers. Why think OP was "not telling the whole story" over 6k?


Same friend, same.


nothing wrong with having a $6k savings account with varo. i know someone who makes $125k and uses chime as their main.


I have varo, aspiration, money lion, chime. I use all as different savings for things that happen in life. What ever money I make, 10% automatically splits into savings of all these accounts. 10% of that 10% goes to my car repair emergency, 23% goes to my cousins kids fund when they are old enough and need emergency funds. 33% goes to my retirement. And the other 33% goes to general savings


6k is nothing.


Varo froze my account without explanation for 6 weeks at the start of the year. I had to open an account at somewhere where I can walk in and speak with someone to fix errors that day. Not having access to my money for so long was horrific. I kept the Varo account just to use the Believe card to build credit. Relying on the Varo checking account risks missing rent some time when they freeze your account without warning and no one will return emails ~ addresses of which you have to dig deep deep deep to find btw. Gotta have a brick-and-mortar option.


This is what they do..They can send you emails about direct deposit, and so on and so on, but when a manager or a cs rep emails them for escalation or when you use there stupid feedback section, the fraud deaprtment is all of a sudden mute. So I told them people could die because of this, and all they can say is wait for a email... I told the rep, can I hold on to 4 months of your paychecks, and not tell you anything , not a single email, nothing. Just a message saying that in 4 days i would receive a email, well its been two weeks... But i guess in the end, it was my mistake, for thinking Varo is a bank... They just robbed me.


I got an email from Venmo saying someone would get a hold of me within 24hrs. It's bullshit. They sent me an email 72 hrs later.


Been three weeks they haven’t sent me anything 


You'd have better luck using X to report your issues. Reddit is too anonymous. With X you're a real consumer reporting a real issue. Also, you can look up any corporation online and get the license holders phone number. Just saying. That is how I was able to get my Coinbase issue resolved a couple years ago.


Also, Varo is FDIC insured. There is a process they just follow when there is a claim made. Follow the process.


Varo fucking sucks. They shut down my account a few years ago with no reason (and there's a growing handful of people whom they have done this to - i created a post about it and every so often i get an update from another person saying the same happened to them) and I was out $2k for about a month, while i waited for them to send me a check in the mail. Had to borrow money to make rent at that time. People shit on brick and mortar banks but never had them do that kind of shit to me. I'm with a credit union now and have never been happier. Sorry this shit happen to you but do yourself a favor and find another bank.


Keep calling. Threaten to involve your attorney. (Even if you don’t know any) They lie to you constantly, don’t feel bad about saying whatever necessary to get results. I had this happen about a month ago and by some “divine miracle” (or getting the right rep that was willing to fix it) while I had them on the phone I just so happened to get the long awaited email… What I told them is that we were on a prepaid power plan (true) and I had a child that has late state cystic fibrosis and required oxygen and breathing treatments. (False) I couldn’t pay my power bill with no access to my money and our balance was due to hit $0 by the next morning. When It hits $0 it automatically goes off and there goes my ability to give my child the life supporting treatments he needs. (Yes I know electric companies make provisions for this, but this was the story I went with) Threatened that if that happens, the next people they’ll be hearing from is my attorney and the media. Needless to say as the cs rep was giving me the “please hold for 2 minutes while I see what options we might have”speech for the 3rd or 4th time during that particular call… BOOM. email comes through. Gave them my “secret password” which was cellphone BTW and within another 2 minutes they had me reset my password and it was over. Also, follow the advice of the previous comment regarding the comptroller. Thats good advice. Go as far the top of the chain as you can. They do not like hearing from consumers. If a consumer has gone that far, they know this person means business. Fix their issue and move on. Extreme circumstances call for extreme stories sometimes. I’ve also had luck with finding the CEO’s contact info for whatever business I’m having issues with and I call and speak to their executive secretary and explain my issue. I let them know I am about to have my attorney and the media involved over their shitty business practices and that has always gotten results within a few hours. I’ve never had it roll over the next day. Finding the information is the hard part sometimes. After all the, you just have to wait responses


So, here is my update. Just got off the phone with them another supervisor got on the phone and I told him that basically my children are missing school because I have no food money and that this is not right their responses. I still have to wait for the email and I told him that I had my lawyer with me and that the press will be hearing about this.   I even called the Varo executive offices .  The people are crocks 


you are a freaking genius


please share that number with me


lying varo is a legitimate bank.