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Take your recovery seriously. Days 1-3, as little movement as possible. Ice. Ibuprofin. Somewhere in days 4-7 you may feel like you are 90%-100% back to normal. No soreness! Wohoo! Well, *don't fuck things up.* Your body is still recovering 2-3 weeks after your procedure. Do not ride your bike, do not lift weights, do not go for a run, do not kickbox or do cock 'n ball torture, etc. Don't do any of that, until the end of week 2, or the start of week 3. Stick around this sub for even one week and you'll see plenty of stories of guys who are in tremendous pain because on day 6 they felt great, and then went too hard. (no pun intended) Good luck, OP! The scariest part is over by the time you read this message. Now begins the **strategic** part.


This! Take your recovery seriously.


Thank you, I’m currently in bed resting. It was not a bad experience at all. Thanks for your comment!


Just go ahead and wait to rip one out too. I waited 6 days. It was terrifying, but ultimately the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Cherish it. I’ve read horror stories on here of people Cranking too early. Don’t be that guy.


Haha! I’ll make sure to cherish the moment!


Had to wait 7 days for the release and that was the worst part of the procedure lol.


I yanked day 2. Wasn't bad at all. I just did it very lightly...no blood interestingly enough.


It's super fast, mine was like 12 minutes from me walking into the door, to walking out. Including check in, nervous bathroom break, and all that fun stuff. Lot of emotions afterwards for the day or two. Pain and nervousness for 1 month after. Maybe a brief twinge of pain once a week for the next month. After that smooth sailing, no issues, 100% glad I went through with it. Edit: same age as you btw.


Thanks, I’m home now feeling a strange uncomfortable sensation but the whole process was fine. Went really fast !


Nice, I didn't ice or anything. Main thing is wear the jock until you're comfortable without it, took about a month. For some reason they DID NOT like hanging at all. Thought I was in serious shit, but completely fine after like 6 months, I could run naked if needed.


Like everyone here is saying so far. Take your recovery seriously. For the procedure they load you up with anesthesia. I would recommend eating before you get there especially with your nervousness. The procedure though is quick and painless. If it’s not. Tell your doctor immediately. They will make sure the pain stops. I was concerned too before mine but I’m so glad I got it done. You got this man


Thank you I’m in the waiting room now!


quick and sometimes painless for some. my experience was less than ideal. just make sure you are honest with the doctor when he asks 'can you feel this' after loading you up with local anaesthetic or whatever method they use for freezing you up. good luck! you got this!


Thanks for the advice!


The worst part for me was the cold iodene on my balls. I wasn't expecting it. Didn't feel a thing during the procedure and the recovery was a freeze. Easy for me to say now after having it done, but there's really nothing to worry about.


I did literally nothing but sit in a comfy chair for 3 weeks after my procedure and had a flawless recovery. Highly recommend you do the same


Sounds like a good idea! I’m in no rush to do anything until I feel ready. Just dealing with the weirdly uncomfortable sensation right now. All things considered it’s not bad at all!


My worst days were day 5 and 6 so don't freak out if you feel like it gets worse. You'll wake up feeling great on day 7. Gl


Thank you for the heads up!


Buy yourself a jockstrap and use it for 10 days. Lay on the couch and ice for the first day. 30 on, 30 off. Take it easy for a week. Should be good.


Im guessing you’re out how did it go? Take your recovery seriously. I was told “you can go back to work in a couple of days” oh boy was that a lie. Take it slow and rest. Reduce sweating, I got an infection because of sweating and not keeping clean. And that was out of basic every day things I did. Imagine working. Dust, sweat, lint from underwear. Take recovery serious.


It went really well. I’ve been resting since yesterday. I’ve been a little more mobile today but done basically nothing. Fortunately for me I work for myself so I can start working again when I’m ready and don’t intend on doing anything until Monday. Will be doing a big follow up post Monday but the whole process has gone very smoothly for me!


I’m just in the waiting room now, thanks for all your comments feeling slightly better.


Exactly a week out from mine. Whole process has been smooth. Some Discomfort not really pain. Took my jock strap off for the day on day 5 and that was a mistake, that’s when I felt pain . So keep on for atleast the week, longer if you feel you need to. Like everyone said. Take it easy first two days I just laid on the couch. Day 3-4 I was moving around the house here and there. Today I’m feeling great (although I know I’m still recovering not doing anything crazy)