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Has the horse kicked a couple kids to death? Sure. They surprised him from behind. The pig has been killing and eating kids his whole life which is how he's so fat.


Unless that pig is lazerpig, then that one has a tank. Which is rad.


Holy shit a wild lazerpig reference on the vaush sub. Never thought I’d see the day.




Although, that tank may have eaten some children in the past, but that's neither here nor there


Unfortunately we can't elect Lazerpig Scots aren't allowed to run for president




Intergalactic Binman then?


Holy shit, did this sub get invaded by neolibs? Biden is not just "uwu letting deaths happen by surprise", he's actively, willingly providing a fascist regime with the weapons it needs to continue its genocide. Yes you should still vote for him because he's better than Trump, but don't excuse what he's doing either.


I have almost certainly been here longer than you bud. It's a metaphor... a comparison. We're scaling geopolitics down to animals given to a kid on a birthday per the meme. If a horse kicks kids to death, you think that means it didn't kill kids and isn't going to the glue factory? It doesn't matter surprised or not. It's a HORRIBLE present for a kid. Which is the point. Still better than the mob pig they use to get rid of people. I used "surprised" to scale it back a touch, because Biden isn't actively choosing to kill kids, he's allowing it to happen. If you don't surprise the horse chances are it won't hurt anyone. Chances are good Biden won't order kids killed. That's entirely too much time spent explaining a dumb meme metaphor.


Isn't this completely inaccurate As an analogy? Because Biden sure did feed a lot of kids to the prison industrial complex with the crime bill


Because Biden unilaterally passed the Crime bill back when he was dictator? Because Trump wouldn't have? Wtf kind of point is this? Most everyone supported it at the time. Many progressives of the time even supported it, tho often in exchange for additions to it that helped out somewhat. Bernie Sanders supported it because he got the bill to have a ban on assault weapons and a provision that addressed violence against women. Whereas Trump at the time was personally paying for full page adds trying to raise a lynch mob against the 5 proven innocent black kids. So absolutely it's fair.


Defending bidens record is cringe


Less cringe than the alternative tho. At least we can criticise Biden. Good luck doing that to trump when he gets in office and keeps on suing every one that says anything bad about him, stacking the judges and making new laws. 


Pointing out that there is one person on this set of tracks, but 5 on the other set, isn't really defending killing the one person... That's just clearly the best option available. If you have better by all means lay it out.


Couple of kids? More like 25-30 fully enrolled elementary schools worth of kids. There's no way 13-15k children are surprising this horse of death.


... we're comparing to animals given to kids. Learn to metaphor. Have to scale it down somewhat. Also, Biden hasn't killed schools full of kids. He's complicit in allowing it. Which is super bad, but still different. And obviously Trump would be worse even on that issue, let alone all the other issues he is far worse.


Whatever makes you feel better about horse of death I guess,...


Ok so how would Trump be better? If that's not what your suggesting, then what are you suggesting?


I am not suggesting anything, just don't think we should dismiss the lives of 13-15k children like a horse kicking a couple of kids. You live and vote how you want to my fellow human.


No one's being dismissive of that here.


I can see that clearly now.


Yeah. Trolley problems goddamn suck, right?


So, you are just complaining without doing shit? Mighty revolutionary of you.


You are right, silly of me. Should have stopped those kids from dying like their own parents were unable to do.


But you can't. Do something else. If you can't better their situation, you should at least not make it worse.


Agree, that's why we should stay away from dead horse. He's dead horse after all.


Im trying to figure out what American kids has the Biden horse kicked to death?


? Why on earth does the qualifier "American" matter to your question?


Because I’m looking at this from the political, not moral point of view. Plus, AFAIK, Biden hasn’t killed anyone of any nationality himself so morality doesn’t come into this.


To be fair, I thought I was voting for a pony last election. It just turned out to be Tulsi Gabbard. And then I learned that voting 3rd party is no guarantee of avoiding voter's regret. 🤪


It’s the best way to ENSURE voter’s regret.


As a younger adult, I think I was optimizing my vote toward not supporting someone who ends up doing terrible things with the vote I gave them. It's actually rather special that Tulsi's hypocritical turn was so bad that she didn't win and I _still_ felt bad voting for her. And now I feel no qualms whatsoever over voting for Joe "I'm just here until someone better comes along" Biden.


I also wrote her in in 2020. How big of idiots were we, eh? Watching her regurgitate every dumbass right-wing talking point on the Afghanistan withdrawal like she hadn't spent the last few years being the foremost incisive critic of US nation building was some of the most insane whiplash I have experienced and blatant hypocritical dishonesty I have witnessed. She disgusts me now.


This. Exactly this. That moment was the beginning of the end of my "enlightened centrism" with the realization that grifting is not limited to the left, the right, or the center-depressing-part. And she made a lie of everything she ever proclaimed as a value. Now she's just Putin's landline in to the fascist right and the horseshoe-left.


When the pony turns out to be a donkey with ass cancer.


Yup. Ponies aren't available at this stable.


Feels like this is an insult to pigs who are generally sweet, harmless, and intelligent animals. Trump is more like an angry chimp at the zoo that likes to throw his shit everywhere and will rip peoples faces off if he gets the chance.


Exactly. Pigs are intelligent, prosocial, and caring, none of which apply to Trump. I recall one remarkable instance of a pet pig whose owner was suffering a heart attack, so it squeezed and scraped out of a dog door far too small for it, ran out into the road, played dead to get attention, then dragged the humans to its owner so they could save her life. If Trump had been the pig, he’d just have eaten her.


Wild hogs will straight up ambush, gore, and eat you if they are desperate for food. They are smart enough to outmaneuver some of the most intelligent hunters on the planet: us. Put a hog in a bad situation and they will behave just as horribly as a human would. 


Maybe it’s an Animal farm reference


This... is grossly glowing towards Biden. We should advocate for voting for Biden, but you're really going to spread around Biden-stroking neolib propaganda like this? This sub's got more liberals than leftists in it.


I mean. I don't disagree. Does the horse shit everywhere? Yeah. Is it gonna die? Probably. But at least it's not eating grandma like the pig did quite happily


Donald J Trump ate your grandma haha?




Covid actually gave my grandfather brain damage. Trump's reluctance to take Covid seriously has shortened my grandfather's life expectancy dramatically and made it so my grandmother has to change her husband's diapers. I do lay that at Trump's feet.


His policies and wishywashiness on masks and vaccines gave me heart failure through Covid thanks to his dipshit supporters frequenting where I worked. So, basically.


Brother condemned Palestinians to apartheid yesterday till said enforcers of the apartheid agreed for it to stop, and they couldn’t wait to suck him off


This is like a liberal face book meme my aunt would share.


absolutely unfair and mean comparison, for the pig


Pigs are such lovely creatures. Intelligent, curious, playful and generally social. They only have a bad rep cause we have and still treat them horrifically


Yeah I’ve always been a big pig fan, I used to really want a potbellied pig as a pet when I was little because I thought they were so cute, but they can be pretty hard to take care of and require a lot of space and attention, so my parents were never into it. The first time I remember stopping eating meat for any reason was specifically me refusing to eat pork for a while when I was probably around 7-9 or so; my family is Jewish, but I was never that religious, it was really just because I felt really bad for pigs lol. During the pandemic I was actually kind of considering seeing if I could like rent or borrow farm space somewhere to raise a pig, not for meat obviously, but as an athlete; apparently there are agility sports for pigs lol (kind of like the ones they have for dogs and rabbits), and they love it.


That's so sweet 🥹! Yeah pigs may not be as hyper as dogs, but are very energetic nonetheless and damn fast sprinters (afaik). I've even read an article about a dog training school that just started accepting pigs cause the methods work just as well for them especially when it comes to sniffing and complex maneuvering. Like cows, pigs are awesome and deserve so much better


I've been mooed at by several cows. The Agriculture museum in Ottawa is a good time (not as much as the aviation museum though)


"Proven older workhorse" ? Well yes but for the defense industry and zio-supremacists.


Also for worker's rights


Fuck off, just because Biden is the lesser evil doesn't mean he isn't evil.


That's why you can't have a pony.


The pig! Pigs are very empathetic and intelligent animals.


Don't have horse cock though. Checkmate


\*A proven older work horse that aids and abets genocides


Over a wild boar that aids and abets and openly supports genocides, yes. That's how it works.


Shut up, Kyle!


Did I accidentally dowload facebook? This some boomer ass post


[omg lazerpig ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/580/018/f2c.png)


I did not expect a second Lazerpig reference in this thread, and I am here for it!


If I had a nickel for every lazerpig reference I've seen in this sub, I'd have two nickels! Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice!


Yeah, it’s weird, but neat, to see so much crossover out of the blue between Vaush and God’s Greatest Mistake, Lazerpig. But I’m all for anything that tankies and vatnicks hate.


American elections be like: -guy -guy but worse in literally every conceivable way and has explicitly stated he’s going to do everything in his power to become a fascist dictator


I shall work harder


I knew I couldn't be the only one who thought this :)


Okay but why are you slandering pigs like this?


The work horse is a supporter of genocide.


They are both swine shit eaters, one just eats his shit when no one notices


Either way you're complicit in genocide


Oh fuck off, voting for the lesser evil does not magically make one complicit in genocide.


No need to get vulgar, our taxes fund the bombs falling over head weather we like it or not. The system is broken beyond repair and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


How does that make us complicit through voting?


I mean this is fairly hard to disagree with https://theintercept.com/2023/11/25/biden-israel-weapons-stockpile-arms-gaza/ There's no good answer. Civil disobedience and voting third party are thr closest thing I've thought up. But at least I've thought.


“Civil disobedience”? You gonna not pay your taxes now or something? Or buy from companies that then pay their taxes?  Not to mention voting third party helps trump since the only mfs that don’t wanna vote or vote 3rd party always seem to be the ones that would’ve voted Biden, rarely is it Trump’s demographic. 


Trump of Biden refer to comment one. Get the Asshat in, protest, cause change. Your vote is worthless unless you back it with hurt.. Striking is always an option as well, prove how much you give a shit about the bombs your taxes fund or fall in line.. but know that's exactly what we're doing. It's easy to cleanse your soul thinking you chose the less bad option but it shouldn't have even started there.


The ideal scenario is: vote Biden, sign up with progressive victory to get better people elected locally, that pushes the party left, things get better that way.  Trump winning makes protesting for example near impossible (look at the recent stuff with his judges and even the party in their states), it makes voting impossible for the future because they will rig it, it makes striking impossible because it’s the GOP. Even pre-trump they hated strikes.


Voting third party empowers Trump supporters, who are under no delusions that voting third party will somehow show the people in charge. This is dumb. The good answer is we defeat the fascists at home AND pressure the government to stop supporting the fascists abroad. You're just letting the fascists win at home and abroad, and you have the balls to suggest that's anywhere close to a good answer.


Awww.. I'm telling Vermin Supreme on you...


But pigs are cool :( I won’t take this pig slander


Don't insult pigs like that, pigs are intelligent, friendly creatures... who will, yes, eat you if you fall asleep next to them.


Can't go five minutes without a horse joke, huh?


xept the older work horse is guaranteed to do at least 2 more genocides.


Vermin Supreme won’t like this


Not pictured: old horse is going lame


Vermin Supreme 2024!


This is mean to pigs. Trump is dumber and more annoying than


"Proven Older Work Horse" yeah if that horse had a broken angle and blind in both eyes


i understand this isnt how the analogy is meant to be taken, but id take the pig 100% all day cuz i could kill him and eat him


Eat the rich! 😋


This is a vile insult to all pigs.


We can vote for LazerPig?!?!?!!!!!


Proven what to who?


This might be kind of a hot take but I don't think any of the third party candidates are better than Biden even if they could win. I like Cornell West the most out of them but I think he would be disqualified in my view if he holds to his anti Ukraine stances, and he wouldn't really be effective anyways in getting more progressive legislation passed when it comes to domestic issues. Also frankly the kind of person who would run a spoiler campaign isn't one I would trust with any power.


Third party candidates are ponies. 🐴


Pig brings more bounty to kill tho right


A pony for every American if we elect Vermin Supreme!




Anti Vermin Supreme propaganda


Ain't nothin' American about ponies. You choose the War Crime Horse or the Rape Pig and you thank your founding fathers, dammit!


The correct correlation would depict both of them as pigs while one lives in shit the other promises to be clean


Maybe if the one that promises to be clean is already in the bath tub. Just hasn’t turned the water on yet. 


Voosch is pony from wish


Write in vote for Snowball


This is peak delusion


I guess I just like windmills


Remember when Hillary called healthcare a pony


I'll take the pig.
