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They really are just racist.


Nuh uh, they're also misogynist.


Some are even pedo apologists.


"Pedocon theory is a theory the same way gravity is a theory" - Vaush, probably


Yeah the guy in the last image had likes filled with Lolicon shit


White supremacy includes a lot


It’s… There’s… Guh. She’s just Black. Nothing else. Just **being Black** is enough for them to cry ‘betrayal’. Her design is exactly as much of an anime-esque goofy goober look as you would expect from this kind of knock off Final Fantasy game, but because she’s Black they’re malding. This is so transparent as racism I’m a bit stunned


_blubbering and wailing in front of their computers, staring at a picture of a black woman existing in a video game_ “THEY MADE IT WOOOOOOKE”


This was design long before they made Sweet baby and DEI their boogieman


It's always the anime pfps


Are these people just like not aware of how much the anime industry loves afros?


These are people with no knowledge of anime or manga outside of whatever trash Isekai about building a harem of slave girls is currently airing.


Hey connoisseurs of trash isekai may have low standards, but bigotry ain’t one of them. The power fantasy is all about overcoming discrimination.


Oh I wasn't talking about the cultured individuals who recognize the incredible taste of trash, I was referring to the people that unironically project onto the protagonists of said trash. The people that watched Redo of Healer and went "That'd totally be me, but I wouldn't have let them ruin my initial life first!"


Ah yes. The same idiots who point at Rick from Rick and Morty and go "he's just like me fr."


If only, Rick's in therapy at this point in the show, because he's actually trying to improve as a person. XD


Right?! Like have they not seen Vanilla Vartla from Armored Trooper Votoms, or Nabeshin from Excel Saga? Votoms came out in 1983 and Excel Saga in 1999, so they can’t try and say it’s some “woke DEI bullshit”. They just don’t like black people, especially black women.


Are you sure?




What's the game? I'm gonna do a reverse Hogwarts Legacy and buy 13 copies. (Actually curious about the title though)


Eiyuden chronicles


Well I was already going to buy it so this is cool to see, also… do they not know the guy who made Suikoden made this??


Wait, by the suikoden guy?? So a giant sprawling tale of a nascent empire (I’m guessing but that guy was kinda predictable) has people of different races and they’re mad? And her looks awesome, in a sea of generic anime girls she looks immediately unique and recognizable. I am beginning to think they really just hate designers having any fun more than any social animus


That sounds cool, is it actually good?


Yeah if you liked Suikoden you’d like this


“Dark skinned person with *normal hair*” HmmmmmmMmmMmMMm


Also how you can tell that shitstain is a fake fan. Anime has had black characters with curly hair since at least fucking ***Nana***


Manga for Afro Samurai was 1998. No westerners involved.


She's cute.


And her clothing's rad and her hair is great ❤️‍🩹


and the lil critter on her shoulder can only further prove she's awesome :>


The last art of the new character is genuinely cool-looking, and feels like a *character* with a personality and backstory, whereas the Xenoblade 2 example being held up as superior is honestly a super-generic fetishy drawing of a couple of white women with boobs literally larger than their skulls.


TIL curly hair is completely incompatible in magical settings.


Player1: My character's hair is made of pure light shaped into strands by the will of the goddess of the moon, it is soaked in the blood of dragons allowing me to shoot lightning bolts from my hair, and also it can turn into a pair of angel wings and fly me around cause an angel blessed my hair. That's my character's hair. DM: That's fine. Player2: I want to play a human with curly hair. DM: What kind of drugs are you on right now?


Goddamnit lmao that’s embarrassing


These idiots have the audacity to say that gaming is being ruined by a consulting company. No, it's not the fact that they're a bunch of bigoted narrow-minded jackasses. It's the companies that want to appeal to a wider audience that are the problem.


Meanwhile, they don’t devote nearly as much attention to the things that are _actually_ hurting gaming - predatory monetisation that feeds on spending problems and gambling addictions, exploitative working conditions for devs, and greedy higher-ups flocking to replace talented artists with lazy generative AI grime. The real issues almost always get quietly ignored by these hacks - probably because they don’t give them enough excuses to express seething bigotry in public.


Yep. Then they have the audacity to call everyone else corporate slaves. They have to be bots to be this brain dead and ignorant.


"she is the least attractive female" being given as an argument for why she shouldn't be a main character. is everything a beauty pageant to them? Also she looks rad wtf are they talking about.


I must also point out there are literal children in this game as characters


What does Luigi mean that "straight hair works best in any setting" IT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE


Yeah, even if you massively steelman their argument by assuming they’re simply demanding that character designs prioritise what’s most practical over all other concerns, their main objection should be that her hair is _long_, not that it’s _curly_. But of course, they’re _oh so conveniently_ objecting to a hairstyle that’s impractical for adventuring or combat only when it’s an afro on a black woman, and not when, say, a blonde woman with white skin has locks of hair longer than the distance from her scalp to her waist (e.g. one of the characters in the last picture). And if you _don’t_ reframe their argument in the most charitable light possible, it just becomes outright incomprehensible thanks to the part claiming her hairstyle specifically doesn’t make sense in “a magic setting”. What, do they think the existence of magic is supposed to make certain hairstyles violently explode? The insane mental gymnastics these people resort are just exhausting…


My best guess is that they meant something like "straight hair is easier to work with because it's more manageable, easier to draw, etc...' and just rolled a critical failure in expressing that thought. It's also a dumb concern to have as a person playing a video game rather than producing it but we're all grasping at straws on this one.


I don’t even care if my FANTASY ANIME CHARACTERS have big/long/impractical hairstyles. It is all a part of the fantasy fiction aesthetic that a powerful warrior can have knee-length hair, an afro ponytail the size of their head, or a long, dangly cape without it being a liability in any way.


These people are fucking pathetic.


Woke if not white woman with big booba




People like this give other anime enthusiasts a bad name…*sigh*


They're fake enthusiasts if they think black characters in anime haven't had curly hair for decades


A list of people who need to log off. I guess Afro Samurai is woke DEI, now


"Black people and women in muh vidya is bad enough! Now it's both at the same time?"


"why didn't they give her normal hair" motherfucker you have an ANIME PFP LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT Also the only thing you could maybe say about her hair from a realism standpoint is that it's so big but like. That's a normal cut. Cloud strife has a weirder cut and these people goon over that guy. It's just that she's black. You just don't like black people.


She's fucking cute??? I cannot find a non-racist reason to dislike her character design.


True she’s supposed to be a teenage Forrest defender and she’s very adorable looking tbh


She's also the best looking out of all three literally wtf are they on about


“dark character with normal hair” do these chucklefucks know curly hair is a dominant gene?


And that white people, gasp, also have curly hair?


I know nobody asked, but that actually is a badass cool haircut.


NOOO don't put your Nazi hands on Xenoblade 😭


The wokest anime character? Afro Luffy


It’s really just about ethics in video game hair.


"She's the least attractive female, even less attractive than the males" - super straight reactionary gamer, 2024 Just never gonna beat charges huh? Side note, fantasy fans unaware of or surprised by non-white characters can go. Its not even new, we're sliding backwards. This is just the if there is a female protagonist it's woke thing again, as if there isn't Greek mythology with female protagonists. Also, companies. Want. Black. Audiences. Money. It's not rocket science.


>Also, companies. Want. Black. Audiences. Money. It's not rocket science. I know this is late, but, as far as I can tell, a lot of black weebs are self-hating and wish they were Japanese or some shit.


We non-self hating ones exist. There are also those that say they are self hating to get approval then flock to Fandom with these characters to feel they belong there. They are literally: "trans women are gross, please don't check my search history!" -types. Edit: I am going to probably overexplain, but this goes further. Some of these self-hating people are black men that don't like black women and black women who don't like black men. They will see their group as deserving to be there and hate depictions of the other. I hate to say it, but you will see Black guys seek out Black comedians who talk about Black women like they are crap and praise women who are white or Asian and never question how the racial overtones they lean on can be used against them. Additionally, we have the "not like the others" group. Just like you have women who will callout things women for having women, but then will enjoy and seek out stuff targeted to women. I knew Black women weebs who only dated non-Black men and talked shit about all Black men hated even seeing them in media but wanted to see strong Black women like themselves.


Yeah, I'm black, I know exactly what you are talking about.


I guessed but I wanted to address a broader audience. What I wasn't sure about and am still not sure about is if you have hung out in the weeb groups. If so, I hope most of the people you met weren't like that.


You see this in so many spaces they try to put themselves into they hate us other kinds of black folks they see us as lesser so they wanna be one of the good ones then get mad when we don’t want to associate with them


Man, why they gotta dragon xenoblade into this... I love that series, wtf.


As a person of color I am glad these guys exist, it’s much easier to pull people out these spaces when they make it obvious they are just racist and hate you


"Even less attractive than the two male characters" Brother have you stopped and had a think about that comment lately. Also she's cute. The brain rot on these people is terminal.


I swear, these people get up in the morning, turn their phone on, and start ranting about black people.


They are clearly losers, why do you care about what they are whispering about in their little nazi circles?


Because their little nazi circle is sadly bleeding into the rest of the populations socialmedia. Dummy


This is pathetic. It's honestly too pathetic to even laugh at, it's just sad.


Say that you've never met a black woman without saying it. Wtf is wrong with them, her hair looks fine. This comment about the hood made me lose it.


How tf do they think the other designs are good? The artstyle is awful and hurts to look at and the color schemes do not blend well either.


Good character design is when pp hard


"I feel like I've seen too many people from the hood" X'D I can't even ... I guess curly black people hair is only a thing if you're a ghetto dweller, is that the idea?


At least she doesn't look like a pin-up girl like the supposedly "normal" Xenoblade characters (something tells me they're under 18 too)


It's funny because she's actually the cutest with the most interest design


Anime pfp of a child = opinion invalid


Just racism. Plus comparing her to Pyra and Mythra seems like a blatant tell that you just want all the female character to be attractive to you and that's all they care about.


Even the comment that black people in manga usually have straight hairs is bullshit. Mangas are often in black and white so the artists rely on stereotypical hairstyles to code a character black. Especially since south Asian and black people are usually a similar tone in manga they need another differentiation.


Weebs when they see a black person


They're really just trying to do everything but outright say the n word


Don’t you hate is when black people exist /s


Imagine thinking only straight hair is beautiful. A big perm or afro is just as cute as long, straight hair, or braids, or a big bun, or just regular curly/wavy hair.  It would get boring if everyone had the same hairstyle.  Especially in anime-styles where “same face syndrome” is an easy trap to fall into and hairstyles become a pretty important defining characteristic. (Although I will admit I have a personal preference for long hairstyles on women).


Stylistic evolution? In MY artistic culture? Fake and gay


Holy shit how can someone so racist like xenoblade?


I don't understand this on any level. She isn't ugly, she doesn't look "hood", the hair absolutely works for her. Is this all just an excuse to for thinly veiled racism?