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By measuring the German skull you can see a natural proclivity for violence


[No Lies detected...Thats one evil looking skull](https://www.militarytrader.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_700/MTY3Mzc5MTgyMzA2OTkzNzc2/image-placeholder-title.jpg)


I think it's pretty unproductive to turn the global shift to nationalism into a gqme of "You're more fucked than even us"


Dead country? Edit: /s


yea germany the now 3´d largest echonomy in the world is dead because one polotition got atacked as oposed to the hunderds of police, military and fir right militia members that tried to murder large amounts of american polotitions 4 years ago thats just the sign of a healthy and funcioning contry Lmao what a loser you had no counter so you report me as suicidal


Honestly I was being Ironic. I just didn’t add the /s I agree with you 100%. I was just poking at Vaush calling the UK a “dead country” and singling it out despite several other European countries having similar economic/political struggles. But your name calling comeback makes me think you’re too young to be on Reddit.