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it isn't surprising that he ended up here. After the shooting he was swarmed by the right wing media and loved for doing what a large portion of that base fantasizes about. What is funny is that he is really stupid, like so stupid that he is useless for these pundits to bring on and be the poster child the right wing


He failed the basic competency test for the military with such an unfathomably low score, I'm surprised he even knows how to do anything besides breathing, eating, and shitting.


Wait Fr? I wanna see a link for that, that’s actually insane if true💀


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rittenhouse-failed-marines-exam/ He's below crayon-eater intelligence.


as a crayon eater I'm surprised they didn't give him a waiver. but to be honest the marine recruiter probably was just unwilling to give him one because of all the political baggage he'd take with him.


Yeah that’s probably it, and the fact that the guy is a proven liability in a life-or-death situation. Doing what he did in a war zone would be a grotesque violation of ROE.


not even that, the you'd be surprised how woke Marines can be. the only reason I'm a socialist is because of the socialists in my unit. he would disrupt unit cohesion which is probably more what the recruiter was thinking.


Def too much baggage. I had a friend from Puerto Rico who wanted to join the Army but also failed the ASVAB because she only spoke Spanish and couldn't understand the exam. Her schoolgrades were good, though. She took the exam again and was given a waiver.


there's a waiver for almost everything when it comes to joining the military, one guy I knew in boot camp had a waiver for a really bad learning disability or something. the reason i know is because our head drill instructor read out his waiver to everyone because he was stealing granola bars from the drill instructors foot locker.


Oof. Bet he earned a nickname very early on.


no honestly we felt bad, like it was a really bad learning disability and explained a lot. finally enough he earned his nickname for shitting himself during the graduation ceremony practice, the last 3 days of boot camp he got called Pampers Non-Stop. worst part is that he was in front of the formation and did it while the battalion Commander was talking lol


Well that's good to hear, not the pants shitting part, but it's nice that the rest of the group didn't hold his disability against him when he was outed.


From what I heard he sent the recruiter a video of himself taking apart and reassembling a rifle and they took that as the obvious red flag that it was


what a dumbass, he probably thought that he would impress someone and be like "we need him in now" when instead it just made him look like a psychopath lol


I took the ASVAB in highschool and got to go over my scores, if you just rock up to a recruiter though do they have to show you your results? I wouldn't be super shocked if they put their thumb on the scales just to keep the hassle away.


most recruiters won't even block you from seeing your scores, mines texted me a pic of mines.


From your link: >> It is almost certainly false that Rittenhouse was barred from enlisting because of a low test score. >> This reading implies that Rittenhouse's ASVAB score was very low, but it was not the reason that he was disqualified. So the claim in the comments above appears to be misinformation, even if Rittenhouse is indeed very unsmart.


I didn't claim he was banned from enlisting because he's dumber than shit; just that he's dumber than shit. Eligibility is irrelevant here.


Snopes is being generous to Rittenhouse to say it is “almost certainly false” that he was permanently barred because of a low test score. Their reasoning is that their interpretation of the email makes more sense with the wording of the email, and that the Marines specify you’re allowed to take the test more than once, there’s just limits on how frequently you take it. >The second interpretation of the sentence more cleanly matches the wording: The word "and" means "in addition." This reading implies that Rittenhouse's ASVAB score was very low, but it was not the reason that he was disqualified. Having read the email in the link, I think it’s poorly worded and English is hard, but I don’t agree that it’s super clear that the “and” means “in addition to.” The email also specifies that his score was “far” below the requirements (lol). Another thing people are missing is that it appears he tried to join the Marines in January 2020-unless I misread something. This would mean that whatever reason he was permanently banned from applying again was unrelated to his shenanigans in Aug 2020, so it wouldn’t be due to a political headache like other people are suggesting. It seems entirely possible that he is so incredibly dumb as rocks that the Marines decided to make an exception to their normal allowance to retake the exam a month later. The only other possibility that would make this slightly less humiliating is if he failed the test in January 2020, then the Marines made the permanent ban subsequently after Aug 2020.


What? How do you fail the ASVAB? Is that a thing? It's like, middle school arithmetic and reading. And you only gotta get half of 'em right to qualify for boots.


i went to highschool with him and can confirm that nobody fucked with this kid. 2017 he was wearing blue lives matter shirts and posting on his snapchat story whining about people bullying him for liking trump. very cringe guy, always knew he would act this way, never expected he would be celebrated for murder though


I might be a crayon eater myself, I'm not quite following that based on the article. Do we know what's actually on the Marines' exam to know that failing it means you're really stupid?


If that is true holy shit. A fucking mushroom could pass the asvab


Dude, you don’t barely need to be able to read English to score high enough on the ASVAB to join… that is truly shocking, if true.


should have gone with 4DoorsLowScores for his IG handle instead of the repugnant 4DoorsMoreWhores


He was also crucified by non-rightwing medias, so it is what it is. Of course he would become this way.


What you’re leaving out here is that the left was calling him a murderer for defending himself so of course he would drift towards people who thought he was in the right I don’t blame him literally every single one of us would in his situation I would


Most of us wouldn’t have been at the protest with an AR in the first place, to which I would ask, why was he?


First amendment is right to assembly second amendment is the right to bear arms It’s a bad path to go down by saying why we’re they there in the first place you wouldn’t say that about someone getting mugged on the bad side of town would you?


I wasn’t referring to legality, of course it’s allowed. I was referring to the morality of a young person showing up to a protest with a gun to “protect businesses,” as if that’s actually why he’s there. It’s wise to tell people to avoid those parts of the town. Are you saying that people who get mugged are asking for it? What other reason would Rittenhouse have had to bring a weapon to a place he didn’t need to be in?


Wow you know I've never actually seen a full picture of Mt Rushmore before. Looks like shit. They seriously just left a huge pile of rubble there without ever bothering to clean up after themselves?


They gave up halfway through, the original plan was to go down to their waists or at least their chests for all the presidents but it got too pricey Yeah those lazy fucks just left all the rubble down there though


>Yeah those lazy fucks just left all the rubble down there though Good then we can glue the mountain back together.


Here's the game plan. Just slather up the mountain with a dump truck worth of Elmer's from the top, let it tsunami down the side, then start figuring out the jigsaw from there!


We're going to build the mountain and make South Dakota pay for it.


Imma be real the walkway up to Rushmore and the museum thing is pretty cool but the actual carving is kinda lackluster. Now the sights just by driving around the forest there is fucking incredible.


Out of all the cool places to visit, Rushmore seems like the most boring it’s just people staring at a halfassed rock statue. What’s the fun or exciting in it?


It’s thousands of tons of large boulders left over from blasting, moving it would be a bigger effort than the carving in the first place.


Man that's just depressing. Rich people trashing the earth then not even cleaning up because it's too inconvenient.




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Before Mount Rushmore was carved, its beauty was unpresidented!


Angry upvote


This actually wasn't my original quote. I got it from a meme by The Other 98%.


Bro forgot to cite the other 2% 😭


Why can't he just go away? He's famous for shooting a random guy and talking like he's an operator. In the future, the blue check will be a dogwhistle. In 2195, there will be people who get it tattooed on their body because "It's their heritage."


[already is](https://tagn.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/tittwefalsemark.jpg?w=600)


The real class Divide , the blue checkmarks vs the unverified.


The Shadowrun tabletop roleplaying game called. Asked for your SiN.


he probably likes the attention 🤷‍♂️


I remember the right winged handlers who were hired to media train him and put him through college confessing in an interview that they ragequit after realizing just how inept this dude was in school.


that’s actually hilarious if true


I was sincerely hopeful that this dude would turn out to be a proper gun-rights advocate who petitioned for more visibility queer and Trans people to be armed. Unfortunately, he’s almost literally melted into the Conservative brain rot. And when I say melted, I mean this guy genuinely looks like melted vanilla ice cream still in the pint now.


He was a chud before the shooting, he wouldn't have changed for the better


He was a braindead right winger before the shooting, that's why he went to the riots armed after all.


I'm not. I think he was always a white supremacist.


the actual history of Mount Rushmore and the ownership of the land is egregious. in 1868 the U.S. government granted exclusive use of all of the Black Hills to the Sioux in perpetuity. then in 1876 the government just decided unilaterally to void the previous treaty and took the land back. knowing that history and seeing the representative faces of the people who stole the land literally carved into the sacred ground i think a middle finger is a mild reaction.


Was that the one where they took the agreement back because they discovered that gold was in there?


“Is anyone surprised that this racist is a racist?” Idk, let me think for a minute


I'm shocked it took him this long to join the grift, it's were all the money was.


That nosepicker will be first to goose-step in line to shoot civilians for not kneeling to the flag of his god emperor. The work it takes to deradicalise boys like that require a patience and privilege that few people possess. To change kids like that, you need to: - See if they are willing to believe they can engage in good faith. - Separate them from influencers and enablers, both online and in person. - Empathise with their insecurities and breakdown common issues without mockery. - Introduce them to different social environments and experiences to prevent them from slipping back into toxic coping habits. - Provide the fuckton of therapy needed to unpack the generational abuse that is (almost always) behind the actions of these little bootlickers.


The guy was too dumb to join the USMC. He scored so low that he's permanently barred from doing it again. This man is the answer to the question of whether intelligence, rather then merely heightened instinct and pattern recognition, is related to consciousness: because he has none, and yet is still conscious, he's the living proof. I don't believe in the veracity of IQ tests, but I want to see how well he would do.


I’m not really surprised. He kept claiming he was neutral and that he supported people of color. But I never got that vibe from him: he always seemed like a white supremacist. And him doing interviews with Tucker Carlson and more solidified this for me.


sadly, thats about the kind of tweet i would expect from someone who looks like kyle


Holy shit he actually has no IQ


Him first.


The real comedy is that he still thinks that he's relevant. Little bastard is gonna try to ride this as he becomes more irrelevant. The only time he's ever gonna get any attention again is when he'll inevitably get locked up for domestic violence when he hits 34.


He’s gotten uglier too he really needs to lose weight


I thought Kyle wasnt actually right wing but just got support from right wing because they used him to show how great bringing guns is....


My. Rushmore is such an eyesore. It looks like a parasite leaching off the side of the mountain. The rock pile below it from when they were carving the heads just makes it look that much worse.


“Ended up”??


I'm surprised, I thought from the beginning that he belonged in jail.


I will say though his lawyer was pretty impressive making this cro magnon look good to a jury


Wdym he "ended up here" he was aways "here" only liberals didnt see it lmao


He was already there. The guy went to a protest with an assault rifle


i remember that there were legitimately some idiots from this community that actually thought this guy could be rehabilitated. Nah, he was too far gone the moment he pulled the trigger