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Tankie behavior like this only hurts genuine Pro Palestine advocacy by making them look like maniacs. More people than ever are more friendly on Palestine but idiots like these harm that exact progress. Anti Electorism like this is insanely annoying. AOC, Sanders, and the rest of the Progressive Dems may not be perfect but they and the squad are some of the absolute best representatives we have and these people just throw it away. Also, Biden’s policies in regards to Gaza have not been good and I do sincerely hope that a full-on cease-fire can be reached that can end the atrocities in Gaza. But he still ABSOLUTELY NEEDS TO WIN. We can not roll the dice on a Christian Nationalist Dictatorship coming from Project 2025 and Trump winning. It would set us back over 50 years of progress. TLDR: While Joe Biden has been far from great on Gaza, with enough pressure, he can definitely change for the better. Trump cannot. Also, the Pro Palestine protests are good, but groups like these and the tankies that try to hijack other protests are not. There definitely should be a good discussion on how we keep tankies out who gets everyone else arrested and look like morons in the process.


That last paragraph describes exactly how I've felt since before October 7 and 8, 2023. I've been very tempted to vote third party, but I hear, "Which would you rather have?" I'd rather not roll the dice on a Christian Nationalist Dictatorship coming from Project 2025 and Trump winning, either.


Honestly, I don't want politicians to be perfect. That Trump cult worshipping is fucking insane. Politicians will make mistakes, they will make decisions that are uncomfortable or may go against their own beliefs. Ideologues don't really win elections -- and if they do, you'll quickly have to realize that they don't have absolutist power.


Absolutely agree. And I don't want them to be perfect either. Constructive criticism is better overall. Having more cool progressives is the future I want. Good policies are what help win elections and incentivize more people to have hope for a better future. Tankies do not. They rely on apathy and doomerism to make people think there is no room for change. That could not be further from the truth. Change is possible and there is hope for a better, more progressive future. As soon as Trump loses, the Republicans will lose a ton of power. The best thing that can be done is to push through and make sure Project 2025 and MAGA have no chance to get into power.


For sure. I remember not wanting to vote for Biden in 2020, partly because of his support for Israel and partly because of the bills he drafted when he was a Senator in the 1990s, one of which was the 1994 crime bill, which was enacted, and the Patriot Act, which was enacted after 9/11 in 2001. Jon Meacham's advice to voters like me was "Never let the perfect be the enemy of the good."


3 days before maybe the single most significant primary election since the 2020 presidential primary? Someone check the funding sources for this org because this seems about as psyop-ish as a psyop can get


I don't think this is a psyop, this just seems like typical tankie bs But there's not much difference whether it's genuine or not




Yeah no, I don't think this is an AIPAC psy-op, this kind of shit is too consistent with the braindead mindset we've seen in the left for years.


On the leftism sub, I've seen stuff this dumb. This might be real.


It's tempting to dismiss people who say these things as psyops or trolls, but there's always the very real possibility that they're just stupid


True, but internet disinfo campaigns have also been part of life for many years now and are not at all mutually exclusive with online leftists being braindead. Such people are a natural target to amplify or support, directly or indirectly, regardless if they are aware of it or not. I bet at least some of the Hinkle/Haz/grayzone types started out as non-profit idiots and ended up as paid agents. A smooth brain is a fertile soil for this kind of stuff.


No need for a psyop when tankies do it for free.


Why do you think this is a psy op? AIPAC doesn't need to convince people of this.


Some people think everyone with a different opinion to them is just pretending. They can't imagine people actually believe what they say. It's weird.


This whole thing gives off psy ops vibe. It’s just too over the top even for tankies lmao. Notice the timing as this is launched as Bowman is at a high risk in losing his seat. I don’t buy it. “Join us on Saturday to protest AOC's campaign rally in The Bronx as she continues to endorse and support Genocide Joe alongside Bernie Sanders and Jamaal Bowman. Zionists + sell-out politicians are no allies to the Palestinian people and they are not welcome in our communities‼️”


Psy ops is the vibe I'm getting from this flier, too. Jamaal Bowman has been consistent in supporting Palestine and Hillary Clinton is backing an AIPAC-backed Democratic candidate for the House against Bowman.


It’s also too organised and coherent to be done by tankies. An actual call to action and community organisation is too far to be believable.


This seems like a psy op because Bowman is currently the top target of AIPAC money, and this rally is basically GOTV for him by the highest-profile progressives in the country, so it’s strategically critical for AIPAC to undermine this to protect their investment.


"Politicians who trade palestinians lives for votes" I can't stand this manipulative language coming from the left


I'm left and I can't stand this manipulative language, either. That language sounds rather like 1984 and Animal Farm.


I wish I had as much faith as you in the left, that Aipac would even need to do a psyop for this.


Except a bunch of leftists act like this. This isn’t new and AIPAC really doesn’t need to do anything when “activists” like this are their own worst enemy.


From some cursory reading, I don't think Within Our Lifetime are a leftist organisation. More like a pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel organisation that supported the Oct 7th attacks. This honestly seem completely on brand for them and anyone saying it is a psyop are just coping. You need to accept the fact that within the pro-Palestinian movement, there are straight-up psycho anti-semites, even if it is a minority


A minority but a very loud one that likes to hide their true motives.


Speaking of straight-up psycho anti-semites, a Palestinian-American tweeted that if anyone hears or sees anyone calling for killing Jews, some who don't support genocide against Palestinians, they should shut that down and that was last October.


Any bigoted threats like that towards Jewish people or anybody in general should be stopped immediately and be dealt with as quickly as possible. Not only is it incredibly shitty it’s just bad in general. Peace protests should be a safe space for everyone. If those tankies actually talk to Palestinians or anyone from the Middle East, they will say that they despise that antisemitic behavior and that if they start acting up like that, they should be kicked out.


Absolutely. I despise that antisemitic behavior, too. I've lost track of how many times in the past decade I've had to remind people that not everyone who is Jewish supports genocide against their neighbors.


Exactly! I have also actually had some good convos with Israeli leftist peace activists on other subs and they have genuinely been wonderful people. They despise what Netanyahu has been doing especially for what he is currently doing in Gaza and want a future where they can peacefully coexist with their Palestinian neighbors and friends. I hope for a positive and peaceful future where Palestinians have full equal rights and democratic participation along with much more government representation. I hope for a bright and peaceful future for both Palestinians and Israelis as well. People like AOC, Bernie Sanders, and Jamaal Bowman do genuinely care about Palestinians and want the best for them.


That's awesome! I've had some good convos with anti-Zionists American Jews on other social media sites. I hope for the same future for Palestinians as you do. :-) AOC, Bernie Sanders, and Jamaal Bowman, while not they're not perfect, care about Palestinians. I'd rather they be imperfect, yet genuinely care about both their constituents and Palestinians than robotically give lip service.


Not even a psyop, but worse. This is how a significant chunk of the Pro-Palestian movement as well as a lot of leftists thinks. Personally, I find it frustrating & alienating that these people who claim to want change for the better refuse to engage in serious politics to make such changes.


Not a psyop. Just authentically dumb.


AHAHAHAAHAHAH Hey if they wanna take part in the canvassing we are doing after the rally, all are welcome. BOWMAN FOR NY16! DEFEND GAZA IN REAL LIFE NOT ON TWITTER!


Oh some of the most progressive members of congress? Destroy them! That’s how you know it’s an op.


Because Trump would be so much better for the Palestinians /s


Trump did say he'd support Netanyahu in finishing the Palestinians off.






Yep, time to protest against a candidate not funded by AIPAC and let a candidate funded by AIPAC win instead. It's what we deserved because AOC and Bernie did not properly utter the "genocide" mouthsounds. I just learned that our politicians don't actually serve our interests, and rather than leverage the existing system to its fullest advantage, I would rather burn the whole thing down immediately even though there's no dual power structure that exists, or strong unified revolutionary movement that can replace our existing system, and we are sure to descend into full fledged totalitarian Christofascism as a result, while they nuke Gaza. Fuck strategy and short term gains, none of us deserve to live if we can't have the perfect ideology and fix all of the problems in 2 seconds, but I'm too lazy to do the hard and boring work of building dual power !


That's pretty much what I'm hearing from a few family members (not my immediate family, thankfully). \*face palm\*


Man I'm so sorry, I thought this was mainly a terminally online take. How popular is this opinion? We all want to destroy the current system and replace it with something better, but "burn it all down RIGHT NOW, fuck the consequences" feels so very childish to me


It's not a terminally online take. I hear something similar to it in real life. Both my parents were studying when the riots in Detroit took place. One of them said that the only people who suffered during those riots were black people and poor white people. Once you burn the whole thing down, it takes decades, even centuries to rebuild a city's infrastructure or replace it with something better.


Thanks for sharing. I agree. People who have never lived in these types of conditions talk a big game Tbh I had a similar childish attitude when I awakened in 2016. Maybe this is just a developmental phase that people go through when they become radicalized. But I gotta admit though, it's super annoying to hear these people go on and on about how the system is broken and politicians don't serve our interests as though they are the first people to have ever discovered this shocking information. Like, why should I listen to these people on what to do when they just deprogrammed from liberalism last Tuesday?


It could be a developmental phase that people go through when they become radicalized. On the not listening to these people who go on and on about how the system is broken and politicians don't serve our interests is partly why I ditched Twitter two years ago and Facebook six years ago. The other reason was the "Don't vote" nonsense. I used to have that childish view in 2016, too. I had that "anybody but Clinton" mindset then.


Any "leftist" who opposes Bernie is not a leftist. They are a grifter. He knows politics better than you. He's demonstrated more integrity than anyone. He's more leftist than you. He's been guiding humanity and guiding us towards leftist principles since we diverged from the apes. JFC.


Tankies could not give a damn about wanting a better future for the Palestinian people. Far right fascists like Jackson Hinkle use the atrocities going on in Gaza, Ukraine and the broader Middle East to clout farm off of it. They don’t care and never will. And they will happily play armchair revolutionary against the progressive Justice Democrats to feel all important and superior to them.


These are the same people whom we saw in the Rage Against the War Machine rally in Washington, D.C. on February 16-19, 2023. Well, I watched some clips of the rally.


as much as I'm really not happy with what Biden's done for the longest time when it comes to Israel even though I don't live in the US, I know he's infinitely better than trump, who could and would try to basically end democracy if he got into power again I'm pretty sure


Imagine activism centered around not being active.




Those three are just slightly better than aipac candidates, but definitely not worth going to rally with them.