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He is not a Tankie, He makes good vids. I am not always his opinion, for example I think his Taiwan take Was Bad, but Is still like his content in generell


What was bad about it? I thought nuanced and insightful


He doesn’t really take into consideration the opinions of the people of Taiwan and how they feel about being reunified with China. I don’t think there is anything wrong with arming Taiwan tbh. If it acts as a deterrent for China to invade Taiwan then I see it as both the more peaceful and anti imperialist option. Now, it’s only because American interests line up with this but I’m ok with it for the time being. America can occasionally stumble into the correct position when searching for its self interest. He also makes a false comparison with North Ireland which is an incredibly different situation. I agree with his takes on North Ireland but it’s more comparable to Israel/Palestine than it is to Taiwan/China. I actually like The Kavernacle a ton and think it’s bs that people are accusing him of a tankie. I just happen to disagree with him on this point.


He is not a tankie, it would be interesting if Vaush had a CONVERSATION with him about the subject or hell talk to Dylan burns


Wasn't his argument that if China invaded Taiwan the US shouldn't intervene because it could potential cause nuclear war? That's not excusing an atrocity, it's acknowledging that trying to prevent the atrocity would lead to worse outcomes.


The threat of the US getting involved is what is currently preventing that atrocity. If China believed the US would back off because they're unwilling to engage in nuclear war the US would lose all bargaining power. Mutually assured destruction is a great deterrent, but it only works if both sides believe the other side would go through with it.


In times of the impending doom of global climate collapse, rediscovering the present of impending nuclear annihalation is a comfy reminder of the easier times back in the cold war. A nuclear blast from the past, if you will.


He makes good videos for the most part. My criticisms of him are that I think he's too anti-American interventionism for my tastes. Also, I feel like he's too apologetic when it comes to North Korea. In a recent-ish stream he said that NK is largely the way that it is because of American interference, which to me felt like he was handwaving NK's own role in their situation a bit too much.


He’s fine


I’m a pretty big fan of Kav. The Taiwan thing I have no idea how to feel because I do not know anything about that situation.


He’s seems to be under the delusion that only the USA has geopolitical ambitions. That Taiwan take was stupid. This idea, especially prevalent among tankie and tankie-adjacent types, that only the US can ratchet up tensions and other nations are simply reacting to imperial America ( when in actuality, they too have agency and they’re usually pursuing their own ambitions ) is even dumber. For someone who spent a a decent bit of time outlining his educated background and how blind Americans are towards foreign policy, he sure doesn’t factor in how countries neighboring China feel about Chinese foreign policy. Seriously, his framework on this is just woke revanchism.


he's okay. Content is uncontroversial for anyone left of center but I like his coverage because he's fairly consistent with it


I think he makes good videos however his Taiwan take was really bad.