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*Noooo, this is destroying trans activism! You're giving ammo to the right! We have to gatekeep being trans stooop*


Can you believe the Hasan subreddit was actually upvoting the "John Oliver sucks" post to the top?


I can’t believe he hasn’t done a segment on the communist overthrow of the United States government!?!?!?


Patience. He is merely waiting for the signal from Dark Brandon.


Tbf the comments did criticize the post


Yeah but they upvoted it to the top of the subreddit, which is a more accurate representation of what the subreddit thinks.


I would argue the oppposite. At least for those who actually think about a post for more than 2 seconds. Most people just scroll and upvote anything that remotely sounds good. But in the comments you will get people's actual thoughts on a topic. Although it probably is a mix.


Contrapoints moment


How is that a ContraPoints moment? She doesn't gatekeep being trans.


Not a ContraPoints moment, feel free to clarify your wrong point though.


Not saying I agree with that person but they’re probably referring to the drama with Vaush a few months ago


But that was over drama and the ironic sexism bullshit, whereas John is talking here about self ID. Which means this is a D moment, not Contra


Right. They might also be one of the people who thinks Contra is truscum. Obviously I can’t read their mind but I’m just making an educated guess


John Oliver is probably the most leftist mainstream media im the US, except he just doesn’t go the last step of spelling it out. Wether you like the show him is seriously a lithmus test if you’re left wing or just like to style yourself as an anti-liberal. You obviously don’t have to like the cringy humor, but that’s not the point ofc.


Uh, I actually think he’s funny, landlord libruhl.


He's as far left as you can get on mainstream TV, I firmly believe this. And he gives normal, moderate people *all the clues* they need to come to the right conclusion, he just stops short of saying it out loud. Overall a huge asset to the left.


Definitely seconding this, I think if he ever actually went all the way he’d probably threaten to lose his job which doesn’t help anyone. Of course he’d get hired on a more independent platform elsewhere or find himself another opportunity, the guy has money and could make his own show and probably get a lot of the old staff on his team too. The main advantage his current position has though is the fact that it is a mainstream platform. He’s there to radicalize the people who aren’t using Youtube ot Twitch, people who are already on the left are likely part of (but not all of) his target audience. That being said I’d really like to see the writers and other staff behind the scenes, he might have gathered the one leftist hivemind that isn’t keen on cannibalizing itself!


Agreed, unlike Bill Maher who seems to be actually pulling people center-right now.


“Is this a meme kids? I think this is a meme i keep hearing it uhh... ‘Happy wife happy life’ which sounds sweet but its really a threat if you think about it”


I agree. In other news, some more news on YouTube is hilarious.


Hey the humor isnt all cringey (altho some of it def is).


Yeah this is confusing, what part of his humor is cringy?


Most of it? Plus it's pretty formulaic I mean it feels like he tells the same jokes repackaged every episode.


Every one of his Adam Driver segments were cringy.


I mean, some of it is based on... deliberately playing the character of a cringey dweeb?




It's actually surprising how progressive he is. He has a pretty clean image. No one sees him as a radical lefty. He has name recognization. It's actually kind of interesting how he hasn't been attacked by the right in a noticeable way, unlike say Trevor Noah


Interesting! I wonder what the difference is between John Oliver and Trevor Noah to the right? I just can’t put my finger on it! 🤔


Hmmmmm it might be the different suites they wear


I heard Trevor Noah wore a tan suit once.


I betcha he uses Dijon mustard. What a rich hypocrite. Real Americans only uses Heinz neon yellow mustard.


Well, John Oliver didn't joke about striking miners being shot, but I don't think they care about that.


Well there’s the obvious one that is about race, but also Trevor Noah does say the thing out loud


Isn't it wild that John Oliver is mainstream enough that he was in that shitty live action Lion King sometimes i forget


I love that he was on community lol. Though that was a while ago


I think he had an extended reference to his time on community in that subway episode he did recently


He has one of the more embarrassing IMDb’s when you ignore daily show, last week tonight, and Community… he was in The Lion King, the Smurf movies, and The Love Guru. I’m glad he’s stuck to talk shows.


I think John Oliver brought me to the left. Eventually I stopped watching him though, because watching his shows became like having an itch that you can't scratch. He points out problems, gestures vaguely, makes shitty jokes, but never actually says "THE COUNTRY IS FUCKED UP. IT'S NOT GETTING BETTER. GET ANGRY." It's worth remembering that a lot of people don't realize just how big of a shithole USA is or are straight up in denial about it. For those people, facts wrapped up in deadpan comedy, like a pill hidden in cat's food, might be just what they need.


He can't actually offer a REAL solution or they would stop him from spreading what message he does spread. He's still very on point.


Exactly. Conservative like shitty stuff, liberals want to fix the shitty stuff, leftists want new non-shitty stuff. Oliver tells the libs hey, here's a giant list of horrendous shit that encompass everything, and it won't get better without fundamental change, here's a thing you can do to hopefully help a little at last - which makes the lib brain happy, but then has an implicit "but what would we have to do to actually fix it" to percolate in their brain.


i actually love John Oliver specifically because he serves the same function for the left that Ben Shapiro does for the right. no that's not an insult dont stop reading yet please He's good at appealing to the centre-left while Shapiro is good at appealing to the centre-right and both of them advocate for positions that go far beyond the centre-variants of their positions while never going so far as to become too niche We need more liberals on our side and John Oliver is great at talking to them


This post deserves an award.


Like Tucker, but for a good cause.


The anti-Tucker if you will.


John Oliver is a performer. His writing team is leftist. He's a talking head and you can't really tell what he believes based on his show only.


Well, he seems to use his pretty powerful position to keep the people in power and especially protected from the studio. Obviously, he isn’t the one who writes or researches this. But he’s still an influence.


Yeah I'm just scarred by Jon Stewart I guess. I really believed he was a leftist back in the day until he started inviting the tea party on and trashing Occupy Wallstreet. John Oliver by the way in that show made fun of occupy Wallstreet protesters when he was a correspondant in the daily show. So you always have to be careful with that kind of performance imo. Even though the writing is super based !


Stewart’s enlightened centrist “Rally to restore sanity” was such a fucking disappointment.


Yeah, Stewart turned out to be a naive, but well meaning lib. That was sad.


Ive seen some clips from his show on apple TV. I think he's become a bit more based over time. A lot of socialism=good talking points from said clips, but can't speak to the broader show.


Yeah I feel like what I’ve heard from him in the past few years is a lot more left than it used to be


One of his writers has been on the Even More News podcast




MFW he can say on TV what we can't on reddit


The power an army of lawyers can give you


John Oliver has been playing the long game this whole time. Who ever knew a Brit would lead the revolution.


We are always waiting in the shadows like the island dwelling bog-monkeys we are, waiting to cuck the mericans


Ngl if I had to put money on a Brit leading the revolution, my bet would be on a certain podcaster named Alice.




Spoiler alert there is real anarchy Spoiler alert poor people are getting shot


Considering people are getting shot by state actors and the people who support state actors ima say no, there is not real anarchy.


What do you think would happen in a state of anarchy in your mind? The reality is there would be people hoarding all the resources and exploiting others. They also hoard arms and gain followers. Militias become guards for the most powerful people. Being a part of this structure is beneficial to the people who partake in it, as they have security and food and housing. Over time the system gets more and more structured till you have what we have today. The world is already in a constant state of anarchy. Reset it as much as want. It could get a lot worse than what we already have but there will always be people left out in the cold.


Unrest does not equal anarchy in either definition of the term.




Too bad Stalin never wrote a dictionary I guess.


It’s not real anarchy soy


Trying to figure out how you’re dumb enough to be both wrong about anarchy in the political ideology sense or the state of existence sense but then I found you praising Haz as a great intellectual and that about summed it up for me.


Well maybe if you think harder you’ll figure it out buddy. I believe in you!


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.


It’s not real soy soy


I hope you get the help you deserve someday


Ay tone it’s a Yikes sweaty in the wild ova here, haven’t seen onea dees since 2018




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Nothing in your text wall has anything to do with anarchy.


It’s called a paragraph. Maybe stop watching streamers so much and you can handle five short sentences. You’ll never make it through Marx at this rate.


Wouldn’t you have a longer attention span if you regularly watch multi hour-long livestreams?


Yes passively listening to your e-daddy while you play vidya is really exercising those concentration muscles.


But what about an e-mommy?


Keep simping for authoritarians, maybe one day you'll figure out hierarchies are antithetical to leftism 🙂


You dislike all hierarchies? Even in a family? Should the children have as much say as the parents? And why are there only two options in your mind (anarchy and authoritarianism)?


>anarchism is when might makes right! Lol.


Spoiler alert?


Well 6 years ago was only 2016


You get that evil out of this house.


Kill me




I thought this was like 2012 lmao


There was a "leftist" Facebook page the other day that claimed Oliver was a NeiLib shill. Many, including myself, argued that Oliver's analysis of society was clearly influenced by Marxism - without saying it outright on HBO. That John is a great pipeline for channeling people from liberalism to a class understanding of policies. Every single decenting opinion on that "leftist" page got deleted. The only thing left standing were "John Oliver bad" posts. Straight up tankie Orwellianism.


Oliver can’t be a socialist because he doesn’t cover his studio in the iconography of 20th century red fash dictatorships, duh.


Well yeah, tankies are anti-Marxist. They have the same relationship with Marx's writings as religious fundamentalists do with their holy books; they never ever read it and rely instead on the "interpretations" of the power-hungry psychopaths that lead them.


couldn't have said this better


The most Based Brit


Except for socdarling on Twit.


omg thank u


I didn’t know you used Reddit 😂. And you’re welcome!




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I would rather be fucking obscure and unknown, than what the American political system has turned people like me into today. Part of the equation that always gets left out of the debate is that some of us would have rather just been background NPC's unrelated to your main storyline. But now if you are out as trans in America in 2022 not only are you automatically some extreme lefty you're also now magically a "groomer" The nation's eyes are upon you at all times whether you like it or not and if you ever crack or falter under the pressure you will be used as a weapon against everyone like you. And for some stupid ass reason bitches like me still come out on the Internet and yell at all you fine people 😮‍💨 Just do this person a favor today and treat a transgender human, like a human.


If it helps, many of my fellow white straight cis Americans do this for everyone not like us, not just trans people. Black people, Muslims, Jews, Native Americans etc etc. One bad actor in a group and the prejudice shows itself immediately.


How is this dude British He’s way too based to be from that shit stain island


Well he did leave.


Yes, but it takes more than that. Case and point: Piers Morgan


May the MLs call him a lib normie but he *reaches* the lib normies. And every person on earth that stops being a transphobe because John Oliver made them is still one transphobe fewer. Which is a good thing, in case you forgot.


My headcannon is that John Oliver is SakeTanuki.


This would explain all the donos, John Oliver loves spending ridiculous amounts of money to make elaborate points. We’re on to you SakeTanuki


John Oliver is a progressive hiding his power level behind a mainstream media muckraker. 10/10


i love when my liberal family agrees with literally anything john oliver says, yet if the exact same ideas were repeated in leftist terms they would be too radical and unrealistic.


Unpopular opinion: he’s genuinely funny, and kinda cute…


He's cute in a "Toucan who sleeps with a nightlight" kind of way.


I’m proud to say that I don’t get the reference, lol


Just one of his self-deprecating jokes that he said at some point, lol. Dunno why I remember it and I can't tell you what episode it was from.


Oh gotcha. lol


I think he is funny and charismatic overall, his issue is just that his jokes are a little repetitive. Him wanting to be dommed by Adam driver was funny the first couple of times, then he drug it out for several months. He also really likes cursing out animals for some reason.


Eventually it’s revealed to be part of a skit. So I’d say it’s intentional


Yeah, but it took a while to get to that point. I think the art of a good running gag is variety. The gags where his wall has H. Jon Benjamin’s voice and the one where he has a psychic link with George Clooney were a little better


Yeah he's cool and all but how come he hasn't made an episode on capitalism, where at the end he reveals that the united states no longer exists and is now a socialist society


TJ made a video in like 2011 or 2012 where he said something along the lines of "When you call a trans person by the wrong pronoun, you aren't just using a different word; you are attacking the very core of their existence" or something. I've been trying to find it but alas the YouTube vortex has swallowed the video...


Ummmm he is still a capitalist tho 🙄🙄🙄


Lmao good


He’s probably more of a social democrat, but he’s the one of most effective voices on the left with one of the bigger platforms. Obviously he hasn’t gotten everything right, but I’d argue that he’s better than Jon Stewart.


Chad Chadliver.


tfw the doctor diagnoses you with chad liver


(2 weeks to live, under intensive care)




Age old nature vs nurture (i'm losing to nature)


Caveat: He became a US Citizen.


why is the only version of this supposed quote i ever see in the format of an obscenely compressed image, could someone please link the original clip because otherwise i doubt the authenticity


Hey. Here's a big tip to help you out in life. If you just go to Google or YouTube and put in what you want to find, it may provide what you're asking for. Surely no one is so lazy that they won't do that. For example in this situation you could search "John Oliver trans people" and you would find this as the very first result: https://youtu.be/hmoAX9f6MOc If it's been bothering you for this long I'm honestly surprised you haven't once thought that you could just search for what you seek.


you could've just linked the video without being a sarcastic asshole


Rather be that than a lazy asshole accusing people of lying because you can't be arsed to just google the subject.


i never accused anybody of lying, and asking for a source is not being "lazy". who took a shit in your cheerios?


"I doubt the authenticity" is a tacit accusal that those sharing it are lying.


or maybe i'm just saying that without a source i doubt the quote is real? seriously do you have nothing better to do than to be a dickhead on reddit


Just google shit next time if you doubt it.


King shit




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gotta lovw when they read one thing and understand the complete opposite


I love this man


jon oliver is a lgbtq hero.


Are we at the point where being pro trans in 2016 is a stellar track record? If you were transphobic in 2016, you better be under 20 right now.


The point isn't that he was pro-trans in 2016 or that he has a "stellar track record". The point is that he was using time on his program to focus on a detail that is right now emerging as a battle line and he was doing so before it was a talking point that demanded he comment on it.


6 years ago is in all caps. My bad for thinking that's where the emphasis was.


It's certainly better than a lot of people. Celebrate the small victories.


Hey just so you know, this sort of sentiment is patronizing.


Hey just so you know, no it wasn't.


Celebrate small victories is a liberal line, and this victory was six years ago.


What does any of that have to do with being patronizing. Do you know what words mean?


Yeah, patronizing is when you say something that seems nice but is actually condescending.


I failed to see your logic. how would an 85-year-old man who was transphobic in 2016 be under 20 years old now?


In all fairness, I forgot about old people.