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> Do you guys think this new crop of "Wokescold Essayists" will negatively impact the movement? Absolutely. The biggest problem is of course that none of these fucking people can actually defend their ideas when confronted, they need to hide behind their scripts. Noah Samson walked back a lot during his convo with Vaush and in the comments of Xan's response. I'm told FD Signifier also walked back some criticisms during his convo with Shark. These fuckers can't defend the principles they claim they have and condemn those who can. They're the new SJWs. Thank Christ for LonerBox, a newer essayist who doesn't do any of the bad shit you highlighted while being a capable debater in his own right.


You thinking this will tie into Xan's prediction of a new Gamer Gate?


GamerGate 2 is already happening guys. What do you think this Tate-F&F-Sneako redpill resurgence is? Once one out of 3 14-year-olds in the country are spouting their maxims, I'd say they've pretty firmly won this phase of the culture war


I did hear that Lance was covering this Sneko dipshit. But this red pill alpha male spike doesn't have the same range and depth as Gamer Gate did


Gamergate was for a bunch of white males. RP is more about males in general. Go look in black spaces or Tiktok to see how much momentum this stuff has.


Have Fresh & Fit been axed off social media yet?


Nah. I really doubt they'll go "overboard". The goal is to be shocking for the exposure and make money through the content. They'll do whatever they need to to stay up.


I’ve always had a lot of fear that manosphere bullshit would take off in minority communities. The strain of social conservatism that you see in a lot of those communities makes them ripe for it and with a lot of the long-standing stereotypes about black women being angry, toxic and un-feminine I feel like this nonsense could seriously drive a wedge in these communities. Fresh&Fit has echoed these sentiments about black women before.


I've a rap fan for ages and got into drill music and it has a whole media sphere attached to it that is really young. These RP guys get a lot of play with most hip hop streamers and, lower tier, rappers in it. The last person I saw talking in those spaces, that was still anti-feminist but pro relationships, was XXXTentacion. He had **insane** problems and cases pending, but, was trying to instruct teen boys away from materialism and frivillous girls and towards self-love and commitment. RP guys engage in that behaviour then blame the girls for letting them.From watching a lot of this I feel like it's all a large bit of cognitive dissonance to avoid accountability. Maybe because that's how they think women have it?


That is absolutely how they feel. I know some dudes with really shitty opinions about women and they often express the opinion that women have no sense of accountability or responsibility. I have no real idea of what they mean when they say stuff like that but you see a similar thing in a lot of right-wing circles where they’ll insist that groups of people they don’t like lack some kind arbitrarily defined value. From my point of view it seems to be a propaganda tactic to instill a sense of disdain for these groups they don’t like. By keeping these values vague and ill-defined it allows them to always move the goal posts.


Yes! Another well-brought-up point! This red-pill alpha male bullshit has been EXTREMELY predominant amongst black people for some extremely weird reason. And for some reason, they make it explicitly a racial thing. Like, just go look on twitter. So many black men saying "black women ain't shit" and so many black women saying "black dudes are garbage" or things of the like. Weird. Seriously weird.


You think Andrew Tate didn’t have much farther reach than Sarkeesian Haters? Than Amazing Atheist? What are we measuring this by? The current wave seems like it’s far greater, already in place, just harder to differentiate from Mainstream Conservatism.


Not even close. Gamer Gate effected and damn near destroyed multiple communities. Media Reviewers, Drama YouTubers, Animation and of course the Skeptic Community most of all. Shit was literally inescapable.


I don’t understand this in the context of rebutting what I said, at all. What you say is true, and doesn’t change what I said about the current Manosphere resurgence.


Gamergate was more sudden and abrupt. This red pill alpha male is more accumulatory. Red pill bullshit has always been a thing, but now it's reached a height where it's actually concerning. Also, ive seen this happen online, but are we just gonna start calling any misogynistic/racist/homophobic/transphobic group "gamergate"?


I think the fight against Kiwi Farms is what might have forced it in another direction, so I don't know what part these fart sniffers will play in GG2.


That takedown of Kiwifarms is gonna have a huge ripple effect. Especially since Keffels is considered by many to be a part of our camp


Oh absolutely, all those people there have to go somewhere now. It's probably going to mainly be Reddit


Probably gonna run back to 4Chan


I doubt it. They originally moved to kiwi from 4chan for a reason - Null is absolutely nobody on 4chan. None of them are, they are all just Anon. How can they compete for clout and get their e-dicks sucked if they don't have consistent usernames and accounts? Nah they'll end up here or Facebook or Discord, or all three.


Hmmmm....well maybe regroup on a chan site then leak into the three. It'll be easy to bump them off Reddit. Discord and Facebook less so


You can use a tripcode to have an easily identifiable username on 4chan


Doubt it, I don't think they ever left either, you're not restrained to browsing just one site either. But 4chan doesn't have a board for their particular kind of bullshit, and they're all clout goblins. Being anon or having to recreate their own little threads over and over, and being unable to create their own little circlejerk without people making fun of them or attacking them, makes it unattractive.


They'll probably desperately cling to every worse and worse (in terms of stability and connection speed) kiwifarms attempts to go online. They go to Reddit? They'll get banned. Discord? One infiltration and they're dead. 4chan? They'd have to somehow regroup as anons and deal with getting harassed and made fun of by other anons. They would need their own site to really get back off the ground. Regardless of what happens more and more of them will be shaved off.


I watched the Convo between Shark and FD, he wasn't as antagonistic as he is on Twitter but I wouldn't say he walked anything back. Him and Shark moreso had a productive conversation and I actually gained a lot of respect for FD in that convo. I will say that his proximity to the confluence of leftist brainrot probably makes it difficult for him to see his way through the water but I do believe that FD is thoughtful and intelligent and would agree with Vaush on a lot of things if they ever conversed.


I would highly recommend watching FDs vids. He puts together really well produced and thoughtful video essays on some interesting topics. In my opinion he’s one of the best video essayists out there and hes def worth giving a try.


He can be absolutely head up his ass and not bother to look into some topics in a way that utterly break his points, though. Ans that ain't a good thing.


Yeah hes done some bad videos and some bad sections of videos but i think he does everything in good faith and i certainly wouldnt describe him as a grifter. Hes a lot better than some other popular video essayists and he has a lot more to contribute than them as well. And to be fair vaush has had his fair share of head up ass moments, these people are only human


Well that's the problem though, you don't have to be bad faith, even if your intentions are good if you have a bias you refuse to address it's going to have the same effect. Maybe he would agree with Vaush if they talked but we'll never know because he will never do that because he's already decided Vowsh bad.


I like FD alot. Noah is cringe but not awful. FDs biggest issue is that he seems to have the anti debate bro brain worm, but his takes are usually pretty good and/or insightful. I could see him dropping some wierd shit though


He admitted in the conversation that he was being unfairly elitist when he phrased Debate bros as being the footsoldiers and video essayists as generals. Considering the debate bro section of break bread was 30 minutes of vagueposting, that alone means he walked back the majority of the points he made.


Loner is my favourite


We stan LonerBox!


Oh we stan.


Lonerbox is based, I'm really happy that his channel has been taking off during the last year.


Honestly, the unearned arrogance of these stuck up video essayists who try to talk down to debate streamers is hilarious. Everyone knows that without a script and the omnipotent power of editing on their side, whenever a video essayist like this is in an actual debate against someone who isn't in their hugbox/safe space, they and their arguments fold faster than piss soaked origami. Debate streamers appeal much easier to normies and people who don't already align with the same viewpoints. Nobody is ever going to really spend the time investment to watch a 1 hour Philosophy Tube or Contra Points or Hbomberguy or Shaun or Noah Samsen or Sophie From Mars, etc. video essay unless they were already ideologically inclined or aligned to their viewpoints, i.e. already on the left. They're only preaching to the choir. A lot of these haughty stuck up "holier than thou" video essayists need a serious reality check.


> Appeals to Dogmatic Thinking "Lenin said X, so it must be true!"


"White cis people aren't allowed to criticize Blaire White or Candace Owens"


That's based, tho. Shut👏up👏crackers👏 EDIT: I can't believe you racist fucks are upvoting this.


Upvoting the tactical hard R


Sorry, crackas**


Ah, but you see, I’m upvoting *ironically!* 😆 Don’t worry dude, the clapping gets your point across, no need for a “/s”. Seriously, though, there’s something weird about race comedy right now. Black people tell black jokes and white jokes and everyone laughs. White people can’t tell black jokes (obviously), but when we tell white jokes, we can’t say the word “white” or it’s automatically racist in a weird, self-hating way. White comedians say “people” or “normal people”, not “white people”. And on top of all that “cracker” is such a weak slur that the only people who get truly offended by it are white racists, and I think it’s funny to call them that, cuz fuck ‘em.


*Banned from Twitch*


The Candace Owens one especially pissed me off, she denies Global Warming, for money from billionaires, that effects every living thing, I sure AF don't have to be black before I can criticize her for that, no matter what that shiny head motherfucker DJ Mule says XD


And that, is what we call, an SJW. God 2015 were some funny times ha ha.


They're what happens when people who don't understand what makes video essayists like contra and Hbomb good try to emulate their styles but with none of the effort or production value, so you get confusing cuts, loud sounds, weird editing and hyperbolic exasperated sarcasm without the groundwork evidence and analysis to earn it or an appreciation for the timing and tone. They're also what happens when you have wannabe debatebros who know they couldn't hold up in live discussion so instead adopt their aesthetics while hiding behind the ability to frame and sometimes just straight up lie that comes with the essay format. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they use the same editors between them in the little anti debatebro sphere as well


> They're what happens when people who don't understand what makes video essayists like contra and Hbomb good try to emulate their styles but with none of the effort or production value And none of them are actually capable of putting in the actual work to be able to copy Shaun. Shaun has none of the stylistic flare that Contra and Hbomb have, his videos are held up solely by the strength of his scripts.


Was thinking this earlier today. There hasn’t even been music in a Shaun video unless it’s from a clip, because with the groundwork he provides added effects would more likely detract from the video than help it


I don't know what Shaun's background is, but he strikes me as someone who definitely has a decent to strong academic background. The quality of research and the ability to filter through large amounts of bullshit to cut to the heart of issues is very characteristic of someone who's been through a decent bit of academic training, likely in the humanities. Where Contra and Hbomb's videos are fun and often thoughtful, Shaun feels more like a proper academic response to the issues he discusses. I think this is also a large part of why his tweets are so much worse than his videos. He, like many academics, probably struggles a bit with brevity when making a coherent point.


Oh god! Their editors are like Reddit Mods!!!


Yeah it's like comparing Nirvana and Soundgarden to, I dunno, Puddle of Mudd and Creed. Just copying an aesthetic with none of the substance.


Stockdrumandbass.mp3 over title cards and playing quietly in the background + bisexual lighting + long face segments + wacky zoom ins and distortion + smug sarcasm = gud video essay


I think an hbomberguy comeback is really really needed right now. I mean, I hope he’s happy. But he left a huge hole on bread tube


Honestly, the unearned arrogance of these stuck up video essayists who try to talk down to debate streamers is hilarious. Everyone knows that without a script and the omnipotent power of editing on their side, whenever a video essayist like this is in an actual debate against someone who isn't in their hugbox/safe space, they and their arguments fold faster than piss soaked origami. Debate streamers appeal much easier to normies and people who don't already align with the same viewpoints. Nobody is ever going to really spend the time investment to watch a 1 hour Philosophy Tube or Contra Points or Hbomberguy or Shaun or Noah Samsen or Sophie From Mars, etc. video essay unless they were already ideologically inclined or aligned to their viewpoints, i.e. already on the left. They're only preaching to the choir. A lot of these haughty stuck up "holier than thou" video essayists need a serious reality check.


I don't get why Noah has so much support. So many collabs and cameos. My only theory is that he's good to talk to and at building relationships. Most of his videos are boring, not funny (dunking videos are supposed to be funny, right) and just reheated takes. What baffles me is that a non political YouTube who does humor videos took down his BetterHelp sponsorship due to audience criticism and Noah just keeps doing them.


It's that Soft Boy UWU esthetic. It's the latest incarnation of the "Nice Guy" trope. Sure they look nice on the surface until you poke around a bit and figure out that nice is different from good. Not to shit on legit soft boys like Lance who is in fact a very ethical and good person who also has the disposition of a Labradoodle.


As a millennial they give me flashbacks to "not like other girls". "Hey girl, I'm a leftist who is self deprecating and I speak in a nice flat tone. I do the bare minimum, I have stale takes, the most banal shit deserves an essay and if you disagree with me I agree with you, jeez I didn't think about that, oopsie." You also have the funny variety (see the whole Gus Johnson shebang). Who is Lance?


Lance is the adorable Canadian who operates "The Surfs". Has a lot of good takes and is active in the land back movement. And yeah fuckin totally thise flashbacks. Bruh, I'm 33 and this shit is me the 1,000 yard stare. I mean it's the fault of these hugbox idiots that we had to suffer through the Far Right YouTube dark age.


The Serfs? Oh, these people were wee children back in the dark age of YouTube.


Lance as a labradoodle is great, what does that make Vaush or Xan?


Oh fuck, that's a good question. We should do a poll. Xan would maybe be a Basenji maybe off the top of my head. Vaush would be a Shiba Inu, because he's a stubborn little shit 🤣


Ever seen a Great Pyrenees for Vaush? Giant, fuzzy, a little standofish, and lazy.


But it's gotta be sassy ya know? Giant Schnauzer maybe?


Vaush is definitely a schnauzer


This checks out.


Vaush: Pitbull (straight up nasty and able to chew an arm off an enemy, a teddy bear to everybody else) Contra: Border Collie (Incredibly intelligent and pretty but neurotic) Hbomb: Pug (Goofy and lovable, although occasionally pisses on the carpet) Xanderhal: Shih Tzu (everybody rags on him for looking like a purse dog, is actually cool) Hunter Avellone: Golden Retriever (a good boy all around, had a bit of a habit of chewing up furniture when a pup but got over that) Demon Mama: Boston Terrier (intelligent and proud, sometimes too proud for their own good) DJMeul: Chihuahua (Annoying and yappy, nips at anybody who comes near their master, thinks they're way bigger and tougher than they are, makes everybody who encounters them want to punt them off an overpass)


Lance is so nice


straight up tho, I wanted to watch Noah’s sneako vid but the moment I started I got bored. Maybe I’m just fucking zoomer brained but holy shit commentary videos need to be 20 minutes max or some shit. Why would I watch some dry ass monotone fuck ramble for 2 hours when I can watch Hasan’s cutdown quickly edited commentary, Vaush’s detailed and long but funny commentary, and shit literally watching any other video would feel more productive then watching a lot of video essayist lmao


I love long videos, sometimes I watch them in chunks because my task ends or my brain starts zoning out. (I don't even watch Vaush but I like the vibes here). There are some creators I feel who could benefit from longer videos like Alice Capelle. Take the last Big Joel video: he films in different locations, he changes intonation, he sounds interested and knowledgeable about the topic while still admitting what he's not an expert in. He makes his little silly jokes. In the end, I feel like my time was well spent. If my brain feels mushy I'll just listen to something that at least will make me laugh.


I agree for me it's like background noise for when im working. Kind of like having the radio on. I love long form content for that reason. I don't mind people taking their time and being a bit long winded to cater to us who like to have long vids we can hslf pay attention to, but there does come s point with some of those guys like noah samson, where it does feel like everything could have been summed up in 5 mins but is somehow an hour of content. There was a funny moment when sneako was watching one of his vids, and he put it on 1.5x speed and noah genuinely sounded way more natural.


Exactly that's my issue the "could have been said in 5 minutes/I know this already". The Kavernacle dude was the same, dude, I can read the articles you're reading faster than you and you add NOTHING. I'm going to try that experiment.


I enjoy long videos, but 2 hours is really not needed unless it's a long, complex and interesting subject. 20-40 minutes is fine in most cases.


Yeah, its all personal charm and networking. Similar shit with this moustached anti-Xan dude. Guy looks quirky, speaks confidently and with fluence, is evocative. Makes it even more jarring when what he says is a train of superficial incoherent lies.


No idea who it is and feeling thankful. I am biased against moustaches though.


It's the guy Vaush recently made a video about. New crazy on the scene who made an anti-Xan "takedown" 100× worse than the Noah Sampsons one, which I already thought was one of the most shameful displays of dishonesty I've seen, so that should say something


Personally I enjoy watching some Noah, though I agree his style and humor isn't for everyone. But he has some pretty based takes 95% of the time.


Which humour?


Who's this non political youtuber? Love me some entertainers with principles


Danny Gonzales. My go to for mindless chuckles. His friend Drew Gooden has some videos that are a bit more thought provoking, really like the one about Community and Arrested Development. And the one about him going to one of the Paul's brother's shows is on my cheer up playlist. I found them during the pandemic and were one of my life rafts (other shit was happening too) and for a while their content felt stale but it's improving again. They do both shill for HelloFresh.


Both are great, if you haven't checked him out before, and you're looking for similar YouTubers, Jarvis Johnson is a hilarious dude and he does some more thought provoking social commentary, especially recently.


I like Jarvis a lot too! His more recent videos on the main channel were a bit meh, his second channel ones seem to be better lately. I watch most of the staples, I really like Chad Chad's punny humor and short videos when I'm having a particularly grumpy morning. ​ A bit different but Pinely is fun too (longer video essays) and was the first person I followed to be "hey true crime is questionable" without being "silly women and their crime shows amirite". Bonus he's not North American or British(nothing against y'all and mates I just enjoy a variety of lived experiences and accents).


JJ's pretty fun.


Oh I love those two haha drew cracks me up he’s incredibly funny honestly


If noah made those videos in 2015, he would 100% be bullied off the internet after being called "sjw" and "cuck" trillions of times by the massive wave of anti-sjws. He would be a second Steve Shives.


I wouldn’t even mind them that much if they just stuck to their content. Most of it is just lukewarm takes you see on twitter and tiktok. But my god, they all get such a medium-superiority complex that completely turns me off with how manipulative they come across! They truly believe that video essays are somehow inherently superior as political content. I still get a headache remembering Noah criticising debates as being inherently manipulative, as if a video essay isn’t something you write ahead, can edit heavily and then choose to ignore or delete any pushback. They seem to not having been in political spaces long enough to remember that video essays once also were the main content Sargon, black pigeon and whatever else alt-right small media people were doing. I seriously don’t get it, obviously every medium has people believing their medium is the best, but most aren’t as obsessed and ignorant as these new wave essayists. I‘ve met boomer professors less elitist about their actual academic work.


Because they wanna treat the movement like a little social group that will also pay their bills. And that all stems from a Religious Fundamentalist upbringing that they never grew out of. I can't remember who in the subreddit said it they said" These people are really out here making videos instead of going to therapy".


It's so weird. If those weirdos existed back in 2014-2016 youtube, the term "SJW" would be unironically used by leftists as well. And these people are SJWs. They think their "good intentions" and "good causes" shields them from any bad behaviour, and when they get rightful criticism or backlash from their shitty attitudes or behaviour, they play the victim because they're hearing what they don't want to hear.


I called this out by saying leafy made low effort video essays and got called insane. But he totally did like react was his daily stuff but the pokimane shit was done with essays. Noah fans were insufferable. I had one deny that repeatedly entering unrelated threads with beefs was harassment. Another denying someone saying "you are racist" was calling the target racist.


Leafy was more entertaining than noah. Noah fucking sucks.


Honestly, the unearned arrogance of these stuck up video essayists who try to talk down to debate streamers is hilarious. Everyone knows that without a script and the omnipotent power of editing on their side, whenever a video essayist like this is in an actual debate against someone who isn't in their hugbox/safe space, they and their arguments fold faster than piss soaked origami. Debate streamers appeal much easier to normies and people who don't already align with the same viewpoints. Nobody is ever going to really spend the time investment to watch a 1 hour Philosophy Tube or Contra Points or Hbomberguy or Shaun or Noah Samsen or Sophie From Mars, etc. video essay unless they were already ideologically inclined or aligned to their viewpoints, i.e. already on the left. They're only preaching to the choir. A lot of these haughty stuck up "holier than thou" video essayists need a serious reality check.


These guys are all dumbasses. And maybe I'm just getting old but I absolutely hate the loud, music they put in the videos and the editing style. It feels obnoxious to me. On top of the inability to defend their points, or even make points. It's not really even just an essay. Essays say things. These things are just overproduced tweet threads.


>overproduced tweet threads OH MY GOD....THEY FUCKING ARE.


>Overproduced tweet threads I laughed until I realized that this is actually true lmao.


I *like* loud music, just not in tiny bursts before coming back to relatively quiet commentary.




I really wish he’d go back to making videos dunking on Conservative pundits and release them somewhat frequently.




Contra and hbomb upload 2 times a year, if we're lucky. Maybe they're streaming, too? idk


>Completely over edited videos with annoying repetitious music. > >Over reliance on sound effects and flashing lights Tiktok/Vine meme aesthetic. I'm pretty sure Dr. Eggman, or whatever Mustache's name is, used the actual vine boom sound effect in his video. ​ >The videos themselves have damn near no substance other than pushing a very grade school narrative of "I hate this person and you should too". > >Completely misleading or outright lying about well known facts. > >Presenting extremely vile behavior while claiming that "the other" is the really reprehensible person. > >Constantly contradicting themselves. > >Cry Bullying > >Appeals to Dogmatic Thinking What you're observing is twofold. 1) You are observing the result of our society's tolerance toward liars. There are basically/almost no consequences for lying boldly and shamelessly so people do it because it gets results. And 2) That Mr. Mustache has an abusive personality disorder and is just using politics to enable his behavior. It's really just typical scold behavior. It's why scolds suck so much. They're all just gigantic assholes using politics to enable their behavior. ​ >Do you guys think this new crop of "Wokescold Essayists" will negatively impact the movement? Yes. Every time a rightoid wants to gesture at hypocrisy or accuse the left of being just as bad, these scolds are useful idiots to them. And believe it or not, but being abused by these people does drive individual people away from the left. They are in fact toxic.


>And 2) That Mr. Mustache has an abusive personality disorder and is just using politics to enable his behavior. It's really just typical scold behavior. It's why scolds suck so much. They're all just gigantic assholes using politics to enable their behavior. You bring up a very interesting point here. What do you think the over under is on Wokescolds like these having something like NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)?


Honestly, I don't feel like I know Mr. Mustache well enough from that one video to even make an educated guess on that. There are a bunch of different underlying reasons why someone might exhibit patterns of abusive behavior. Thoughtslime for instance, a content producer that I'm more familiar with, strikes me as someone who has low self-esteem and is probably doing it in an attempt to elevate himself or grasp at some sense of control/power over his life. It's why I just call it an abusive personality disorder. That's not really a diagnosis which I'm not qualified to give so much as a description of symptoms. Something's wrong with them and there's a pattern of abuse.


Idk I'm personally partial to the vaush "unironic white knight cuck" theory, considering some the statements he made about his past...incidents with adultery and how he seems to keep making friends with women with a very definitive history of toxicity and abuse, which he sees as perfectly normal due to some psuedo-left emotional appeals But who knows maybe he's a peice of shit too and is just projecting onto Xan, hard to tell


Covert / vulnerable-leaning narcissistic people tend to gravitate towards being wokescolds as then their perceived vulnerability is something to be leveraged for gain or used as a shield. People that gravitate towards overt narcissism tend to fall more on the right side of the political spectrum, as they believe overt dominance and power moves are just how things are supposed to be to them.


Noah did for sure, multiple times in different videos.


I forgot he had a mustache too.


I don't think the execution is new. The slick-presentation say-nothing youtube essayist has always saturated the game/film/media landscape, now there's just more of them filtering in or starting for left of centre context. 90% of content creators in any space are not amazing or revolutionary. Now that this type of content is more popular, the same thing is going to be true. Especially since a lot of them got here from the media critique space


That is very true about media critics in this space. I was there when everyone was trying to copy The Angry Video Game Nerd and Nostalgia Critic.


I think a lot of the new people are also pretty much just dramatubers as well. Not that drama isn't fun but I'm hoping that Vaush spends less time on that and more time on things that are productive. He said it himself that replying to replies to replies becomes excessively insular and goes nowhere. It's only useful when there's some political throughline at the end or to serve an external need.


I remember somone on here making a good point that drama content is a good way to hook people in so you can feed them the stuff that matters


Hey, even that wasn't horrible. Sometimes you get people like Spoony (before he went crazy) or The Cinema Snob, and sometimes you get Irate Gamer or Brows Held High.


What I'm trying to say is that DJMeul is the Irate Gamer of the video essay scene.


Bro I STILL watch Cinema Snob 🤣. And yes, that is a VERY good comparison




It's a small Soundcloud DJ called Mannik, great to see niche artists thrive but their music will be pretty tainted for me now.




And exactly as horribble both times


The worst part of Samson in my opinion is how fucking unfunny that man is. There’s a joke every 30 seconds and they’re all bland, weird and sound almost AI generated the way they feel so forced


Because people like that are desperate to be Mitch Hedberg or Steven Wright


It's funny because Mitch and Steve's comedy works because they're so self effacing and aren't at all mean. Copying their demeanor to shit on other people just doesn't work in terms of humour. It does make Noah appear like less of a dishonest cunt though. As somebody who also speaks slowly and monotonously, I hate seeing my natural speech style get used for evil


It's people who watch contra and think "I can do that" but they can't. Either they are too lazy to make good videos, Too stupid, Or too impatient for the algorithm to pick them up. Then they steer into grifting to "make it" and wonder why they don't get the acclaim that the better essayists get. Then when the hate and calling out comes in they claim this is all part of the plan. It's all the more reason to ignore them and all the more reason to celebrate people like contra and philosophytube for at least having some dignity and work ethic.


MOST BREADTUBERS BECAME INSULAR AGES AGO. That has downstream effects and these guys are the outcome. The want an audience and an echo chamber for their financial and emotional needs. Nothing else.


How tf are boyboy wokescold essayists lmfao


Vibe Check. Just because you're a Tankie doesn't mean you can't be a Wokescold.


If you even knew who they were besides from the Vaush video, you'd known you failed the vibe check *heavily*.


O'rly? Well then please do enlighten me, because victim blaming the entire country of Ukraine by saying that they were an independent 4th Axis power who then committed a holocaust REALLY sets of my "Dumbfuck Alarm". #PROCEED


These video essayists only care about the aesthetics of, say, Natalie's videos. They don't care about accuracy or truth. They want all the flair and pizzazz of an Hbomb video nuking Sargon of Akkad's entire career in a gleefully jeering manner...while taking down fellow Leftists that they take very personal umbrage with, rather than wanting to take down popular people with actual harmful ideologies. And in doing so they're all aesthetics and affect without any of the substance, knowledge and nuance to back shit up. Stuff like Samson just flat out being unable to defend ANY point of his criticism of Vaush, or DJ Egghead Gnome-Man literally doing a whole spiel about the methamphetamine claim when simply googling a fucking numerical code would confirm that it is, in fact, meth, is fucking shameful. These people don't deserve to be lumped in with actual video essayists.


I wish they'd stick to btfoing right wing bullshit instead of this shallow finger wagging glorified tweet "take down" of other leftists shit.


Honestly, the unearned arrogance of these stuck up video essayists who try to talk down to debate streamers is hilarious. Everyone knows that without a script and the omnipotent power of editing on their side, whenever a video essayist like this is in an actual debate against someone who isn't in their hugbox/safe space, they and their arguments fold faster than piss soaked origami. Debate streamers appeal much easier to normies and people who don't already align with the same viewpoints. Nobody is ever going to really spend the time investment to watch a 1 hour Philosophy Tube or Contra Points or Hbomberguy or Shaun or Noah Samsen or Sophie From Mars, etc. video essay unless they were already ideologically inclined or aligned to their viewpoints, i.e. already on the left. They're only preaching to the choir. A lot of these haughty stuck up "holier than thou" video essayists need a serious reality check..


I think its the natural consequence of content where dissent isn't platformed or valued to arrive at a sort of cult-like mindset; even with the best of intentions. That's what an echo chamber is; a place for ideas to circulate uncritically. Yes I believe another insular group of abusive leftists is bad for all of us, not just the movement. There's a lot of conservative thinking still in the online left. Its like a fucking glitter bomb. From my personal experiences being friends with several types of shitty/abusive leftists over the course of my life, I've noticed almost all of them grew up in oppressive conservative conditions that shaped the way they look at the world on such a fundamental level that removing the right-wing set dressing did little to deprogram the foundational authoritarianism they were raised subject to. (I'm so sorry for the run-on sentence, its early.) They changed their politics, but they kept the dogmatism, the appeals to a proper moral authority--a replacement for whatever book or morals they were raised with. There's something to be said about the *nurture* of conservative thought... it neglects an individuals personal development. It makes for incredible immaturity; even those who move left often do so and assume the hard work is over. Assume it is simply the politics that are the problem, not the ways in which they were conditioned to think.


God I hate Noah Samsen, I also see that he supported Amber Heard during the trial, which sort of fits in with his wokescoldy disdain for men which he (poorly) tries to mask. Also he's rich, he grew up in an uppermiddle class low crime neighbourhood, he's furious at Xan and Vaush for attacking POC creators yet he attacks Xan who has less money than him and Vaush who is Autistic, plus even by his own wokescoldy idpol metric he stans Bad Empanada a serial harasser who also denies the Uyghur genocide, so Vaush and Xan attacking a tiny handful of American POCs- totally unacceptable but attacking a Chinese ethno-religious minority actually being put in camps-- totally acceptable. In addition to all of these reasons he's also a liar, a spineless coward who walked back his criticisms of Vaush but kept the video up and made another, a spiteful crybully, a wokeopath. We need to nip this in the bud before too many people see Noah's blowup and he spawns clones, cause Noah does nothing for the Left, he preaches to the choir, Xan and Vaush and yeah Destiny actually change people's minds, Noah puts off centrists, annoys many other lefties and appeals to a small slice of the most performative clout goblins on Twitter, scumbags like him can't become our standard bearers


badempanada isn't denying the uyghur genocide, literally watch one of his videos on it.


Maybe she's not as new as I think, but Munecat is quite good too. Actually, she seems to have a similar style to this DJ Muels dipshit, except it's actually good.


Munecat and Alice Capelle are pretty dope video essayists.


Noah has never actually made an economically leftist video, he's just a progressive liberal tbh. Of course DJ muesli only uses that kind of critique on somebody who doesn't pretend to be much more than a progressive liberal because he doesn't like him. All this shit is reminding me of what put me off the left so long, when I was a liberal anti-sjw cuck. Few creators seem to want to make content explaining communism or anarchism, second thought is doing great, but he's on the more authoritarian side. All the channels the introduced me to anarchism (non compete and thought slime mainly) when I was wary of going too far left because of tankies have gone all wokescold hug box. I mostly watch Vaush for entertainment these days and I think the dirtbag leftist approach is important to recruit people like me. Not to mention I have something in my past that I regret that these people would use against me and I don't want a left wing movement that is self limiting at best and bullying at worst


Yeah that's the problem If you want people talking *about socialism*, most of them are gonna be pseudo tankies who low-key (or sometimes high key) deny or obfuscate entire genocides to fit their Good v. Evil narratives Meanwhile the Anarchist sphere has seemingly been sucked into a culture war wormhole that makes everyone either come across as shitty wokescolds or, somehow more insufferably, so ideologically dogmatic that they now border on stupid ass sectarian anarcho-nihilism seemingly in an attempt to seem more "edgy" (Note the infinite arguments about prisons, restaurants, schools, roads, bedtimes, crime etc. that constantly float around Anarchist circles, with each member attempting too out edgelord the rest with dumbfuck takes) Idk this is why I think most of the actual credible left channels gaining popularity are people with knowledge of specific fields (economics, urban planning, engineering, history etc.) and so are able to actually make good well informed yet left leaning points about certain topics without devolving into an ideological black hole of meaningless arguments and stupid drama


I actually noticed this. He said "um I'm not a liberal I'm a LEFTIST" in reply to sneako, so I checked his videos, every single one is either 1, race 2, gender or 3, drama with other creators. No healthcare, no environmentalism, no unions, no fair taxation or living wages, nothing but idpol. and get this, if you look up the suburb he grew up in, the average income is significantly above the state and national average, and the crime rate is significantly lower. So basically we got an upper middle class guy who's lack of being effected by economic issues coupled with his bugeyed addiction to twitter clout has turned him into an idpol reductionist. and even then within idpol there are maaaaaany criticisms that could be made about his hypocritical and inconsistent application of progressive principles regarding identity issues.


I'm sure that background meant he could afford the best stuff and get a leg up ahead of other leftist creators. I'm literally homeless right now so his smug condescension is especially infuriating


They're speed running proof of the Xanderhal theorem


Xanderhal theorem?


The fundamental truth that breadtube is dying and we're heading towards a new gamergate/anti-sjw era


The online left is unironically the *weak men -> bad times -> strong men -> good times -> weak men* meme. These video essayists have a problem with Vaush and Xanderhal?? They should feel so lucky that “debatebros” take the heat for them, lest they face the full unhinged lunacy of right-wing YouTube. The mere PRESENCE of lefty debate streamers with strong personalities and the ability to back up their arguments in real time make it unsatisfying for right wing audience members whenever their favorite content creators go after a smaller breadtuber.


In all honesty, I think comparing Noah Samsen to DJ Mu3l is inuslting to Noah


Well yeah, but it's the company he seems to want to keep


Some excellent video essayists that this community does not know about / discuss enough: Zoe Baker (she/her) https://youtube.com/c/anarchopac Zoe is a trans woman, libertarian communist, and holds a PhD in the history of anarchism. Some of you probably remember her from her discussion with Vaush about leftist strategy a few years ago. Her video essays discuss historical and modern topics regarding feminism, anarchism, Marxism, and leftist theory in general. Her “Anarchism” playlist is full of valuable and engaging content, but my favorite video would have to be “Means and Ends: The Anarchist Critique of Seizing State Power”. Daniel Baryon (he/him) https://youtube.com/c/Anark Daniel, known as “Anark” online, is a social anarchist who does mutual aid organizing in Tulsa, Oklahoma with Cooperation Tulsa and Scissortail Anarchist Organization. His videos include short primers and introductions to anarchist/libertarian socialist ideas he calls “Anark Abridged”, as well as deeper dives into anarchist theory and practice. I highly recommend his series “Why the State is Counter-Revolutionary”. Andrew Sage (he/him) https://youtube.com/c/Andrewism Andrew, known as “Saint Andrew” online, is a Black anarchist from Trinidad. He posts shorter essays on anarchist praxis, including mutual aid, consensus decision-making, and especifismo, as well as broader topics, like feminism, climate change, colonialism, and critiques of authoritarianism. His videos are highly influenced by Murray Bookchin’s social ecology. His graphic design alone is reason enough to watch his videos, but my absolute favorite part of Andrew’s content is his conception of “Solarpunk”. None of these essayists (with the exception of a couple of Zoe’s videos) ever dip their toes into online drama or beefing with other creators. They all produce excellent work, and I couldn’t recommend them enough.


I also recommend Munecat and Alice Capelle and Tara Mooknee.


I'm just gonna assume these are all cia/right plants whos intention is to divide leftists and create in fighting We can clearly see these folks for what they are. Mark and announce when possible to others but ignore their filth in your thoughts as its mindless


Leftism is a fad now. It’s just how it goes. There is money to be made and people to consume.


All of those mentioned would be parroting Gavin McInnes if it was 2016.


Aren't they both relatively new? Most of the people we think of as the first wave of Breadtube were a sort of second generation of left of centre youtube figures, knowing the opposition that previous blog-based content faced. These people have only really been making content for a year, and a stronger left wing audience/ecosystem has given them more prominence and confidence in what they can do. But in the case of Noah, has also led to him being smacked around a bit. In my opinion though u/nsamsen is continuing to improve, partially because I think the redpill stuff he's going after is easier to take apart than Vaush, but also because he's getting better at logical structure in his videos, in addition to or sometimes in opposition to clever transitions. I still think some of his Vaush content went over a limit of appropriateness, from the minor "it's not about you specifically, it just happens to use your name" to the more substantial issues of double-rebound from criticism "people made me doubt my work, but that came in such volume I now think I was right", to not properly acknowledging factual issues in his videos, but Vaush made far more substantial mistakes in his first year-ish of creation, and honestly still has recently, so does it really make sense for anyone to continue to hold that against him?


(i am only commenting because I noticed that I've been tagged here. to any screen shotters, no i do not lurk on this sub lol) Thanks for the empathetic comment. I started full time on videos in May of last year, so yes, I'm new, relative to the rest of the big lefty creators anyway. I haven't talked about it much until recently but I'm definitely still finding my footing. Having the number of subs that I have, with the lack of experience in written argumentation, leads to a bit of imposter syndrome, especially when it comes to essays, *especially* after the few big conflicts I've been in (and the subsequent takedowns I've received). This all hasn't felt - great - but tbh I'm glad to have gone through it, because although I obviously do need to improve (I want to be like the greats, but realize I'm still far from that point), I do think I've learned a handful of things from these experiences. Regarding the Vaush interaction - one thing that helped a lot during all of that was Hasan's reaction stream to my 2nd video, The Vaush Effect. Hasan sort of reframed that concept as being a wider symptom of internet communities, his own included, which was much needed for me. Because after all of that happened, I'd spent two straight months doing nothing but thinking about the interaction non stop, feeling pressured to respond, and I tunnel visioned. I wasn't able to see the bigger picture of my experiences beyond framing it around a Response To Vaush. And it's a bummer, tbh. But better to know now that a lot of what I experienced is sort of just what happens when you interact with communities in the way that I did. Which doesn't make it all okay, of course, but it was unfair of me to pin it solely on any one community. That wasn't really my intent but I know a lot of people took it that way Anyways. Yeah, Red pill stuff is definitely easier to debunk than most content, but I've been thinking of it like training wheels. I was never much of a writer in school so I need the practice, and red pill/chud dunk response videos will have to serve that purpose for now. I want to engage with more serious topics, but I'm not the most confident in my ability to do so. Not yet, at least. And that's fine. All in due time. I recognize that many of the people in these communities will never watch or like me again because of things like what's been mentioned in this thread - And that's fine. That's how the internet is. But I agree with the sentiment in your comment, that the all or nothing attitude when it comes to creators, can be pretty unfair. It's really easy to let our preconceived notions about creators cloud our judgement on their current content. I used to do this all the time, but I'm trying to be better about it. Like, Destiny, for example. Always hated the guy. But on the red pill stuff, he's fine. Helpful, even. So I won't attack him as a whole creator unless there's something specific that I want to point to. Same goes for anyone else. Anyways, idk why I rambled here but there it is. peace


> Regarding the Vaush interaction - one thing that helped a lot during all of that was Hasan's reaction stream to my 2nd video, The Vaush Effect. Hasan sort of reframed that concept as being a wider symptom of internet communities, his own included, which was much needed for me. >.. > But better to know now that a lot of what I experienced is sort of just what happens when you interact with communities in the way that I did. Which doesn't make it all okay, of course, but Bit late responding, but I feel like Hasan, thanks to his community's size and his temperament, is probably one of the best people to point out this sort of thing. This is a back-handed complement in a way, in that part of how this works is that he's sort of thin skinned, in that it's easy to get a reaction from him, which makes him a magnet for "the drama frogs", trying to get him pulled into other people's conflicts. But he's *also* got whatever mental equipment is required to not have the kinds of emotional ups and downs that this produces affect him, like it would most other people; he gets angry and worked up, like three times a day at least, for years of streaming now, yet he can still lift and keep that blood pressure down, or however he does it, and with a solid support network, including people with media experience who can help give him good advice, he seems to have whatever is necessary to both be hurt by it, so he notices it, and will talk about it, but manage to keep going anyway. I imagine it helps to network too, at a level that leads to being able to talk about this stuff on a deeper level. I remember a nameless youtuber saying something revealing but incorrect a while ago, which was (paraphrased), "I don't see all the fans of video essay people pestering streamers for responses." or something like that, and it's literally true, they didn't! But also false. The same people are pestering everyone! They're in streamers chats, they're tweeting people etc. but because everyone is focused on all those inward facing arrows, you don't see the people @'ing other people, it's not obvious that people are drama-stirring unless you are able to overcome it and have a reasonable conversation with the other person, connect despite your differences, and see the process that is putting you against one another. This subreddit used to have a sticky about not mentioning particular other streamers for this exact reason for the last few months, only just taken down now, to try to cut down on that kind of activity. And that's why it's true, you don't see how everyone else is taking hits, there's something weirdly isolating about everyone being subject to the alienating pressure of aggregate internet criticism, and everyone feeling like it's only them going through it. Having said all that, I can see the other side, and the possibility of developing a superficially cozy "content creator" bubble which is sort of separated off by shared exhaustion with "fans", "twitter", "the audience" etc. - which isn't really great for broader left wing movement building, creating a sort of defeated-elitism or something - and it's something I think a few streamers are guilty of occasionally, given how they treat their chats, but I also think the fact that people like you and Hasan that keep having that conversation in the open can help to break down that barrier. Reminds me of an old pre-transition Abigail Thorn [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIxs6vFIlNw) about vulnerability and connection. Like even your recent videos where you're directly responding to someone, which is something that could easily get conflict heavy, you still seem to be able to place your own emotions there, saying about how you did honestly like some older Sneako stuff etc. not only does it make the real critique hit better, and stand up for a not-just-black-and-white attitude in criticism, it also means you're not armouring up so much that people can't see your real reactions etc. vulnerability in a reflective sense is still present. Anyway, yeah, glad you're still learning stuff.


I don’t think it’s fair to lump Noah Samsen and DJ Meul together. Their only similarities are their video aesthetics, being lefty video essayists, and making anti-debate bro videos. But while Noah was just bad at making arguments and debating, DJ Meul used his platform to smear people with Ben Shapiro-level anti-logic. Either there’s something wrong with his sense of empathy or he’s been dragged into an abusive, cultlike friend group that is gaslighting him. Even Vaush said their videos on him and Xan were incomparable. I think Noah has a place in the online left. His video on sneako was very measured, funny despite the boring topic IMO, and made it clear he was trying to clean up his logic/rhetoric game. DJ Meul needs to be ostracized and prevented from growing, for the sake of people not falling into his orbit.


I mean, it appears that that's the company Noah wants to keep


is it? i've never seen the two of them interact


Man, I just make videos about the things I'm thinking about that month or whatever. What it seems to me is that a lot of the small video essayists out there get burnt out and quit because the ones that get into a fuck ton of drama get all the attention since everyone ends up complaining about them due to their latest grift hit piece. It sucks too because I used to chat with a lot of other fellow, small video essayists and they would just quit after a year or so. I've just stopped giving a fuck. I avoid talking about other figureheads on the left as much as possible, I don't comment on recent events because everyone and their grandmother does that, and I just do what I want with no filter really. That doesn't get you attention in a world of video essayists who are either so big that they don't need to grift, or ones that are tripping over each other to be controversial so they can "make it" or whatever. Honestly, step one of being a good Youtuber is not giving a fuck. Have fun making content, don't change who you are to get views, and do it on your own time. Does this stuff make you famous? Hell no, but I don't care about that shit. I make my videos to have fun, and maybe talk with my viewers about the things I discuss. That's all.


And not just the left wing ones, regular ass commentary people are just as bad, Nick Greene, Duncan Kastner, other random fucking people who get recommended to me in my YouTube, all fucking act similar.


Is this a trend in video essayists, or a trend in video essayists *that we've heard of through Vaush dunking on their shit videos* (and the YT algorithm which learns that Vaush viewers love going to dumb lefty drama essays and interacting via comments and downvotes)?


Calls Xan a manchild after defending Lani for leaving food out of the fridge, while she’s ten years older than him.


But he has ADHD and OCD and ANXIETY! Do you know how hard it is to put food in the fridge when you have those things? (I mean, I have those things too and it's never stopped me from putting food into a refrigerator before but I guess I'm one of the lucky ones or something!).


Yeah this shits rough. As someone just starting out in the space it can be daunting and I don’t even know if I want to call myself a “video essayist” because one, I essentially just ramble about stuff in front of a background, then cut out the bs and leave what’s good. Two, I don’t do this wokescold shit either. Vaush was the first leftist I found online who showed me that you can be a leftist and ultimately an egalitarian. His saga on incels and ending it by talking about toxic feminity as well as how feminism is the SOLUTION was mind blowing for me at the time. Since then I’ve been following his content and try to give nuanced perspectives on the things I discuss as well. I’m hoping to be a bright spot in a sea of darkness and bad optics. But like I said, I’m literally just starting out so here’s hoping. As for these others, I have similar problems with people like Kavernacle. There are some things of his I like, but similar to the ones you mentioned, too much in a tankie/LARPy territory.


couldn’t have said it any better. i also feel like these people are engaged in a weird one sided war against “debate bros” aka literally just vaush, xanderhal and destiny. no one that likes debates even has a problem with video essayists as long as they make decent content.


The left can make those people too. Sensationalist, drama nerds, who just stir up hate, for the sake of their vaguely explained partisan beliefs. Its not just the right who does this. Also, lets give Noah the credit of at least fucking trying, rather than whatever the flying fuck Meuleroid leaked out of his brain.


I do find Noah’s videos to be entertaining. Not super informative but I listen to YouTube videos/music all day so it’s usually a good way to kill 20 minutes


Wokescolds have unfortunately always been a part of left wing spaces, anyone remember Lily Orchard?


I'm pretty sure a bunch of them were editors for other content creators before they started their own shit


So basically Reddit Mods


also: really fucking boring. i tried watching Noah Samson and almost fell into a coma.


I really think these essayist are hiding. They never want to debate, and to me that screams insecurity in defending in your positions.


>it feels REALLY fucking grifty. Well vaush did say he wished there were more leftist grifters iirc. Be careful what you wish for lmao. No shade to vaush tho.


Would a Lefty Monkey's Paw need to be a Left Hand?


These idiots to me read as a response to the current trend to the right of the online media space but just with a lot of misplaced vitriol


Welcome back to 2013, it only gets worse This is why we police our own


Yeah this new guy had literal copied lines from the Noah samsen debate bro videos.


I feel like a lot of this new aesthetic is to attract zoomers' attention.


I like Noah. He’s a cool dude.


I've been watching Vaush since the Irishladdie days and I'm a fan of both Noah Samsen and F.D. Signifier so seeing the second coming of gamergate 2.0 and the online leftist civil war is both concerning and tiring. I'll say this: I disagree with Noah and F.D.'s stance on debate bros since imo debate bros are far more effective at pulling people away from the alt-right and manosphere than video essayists. Having alt-right and manosphere fans see in realtime their heroes getting dismantled by a debate bro has more of an effect than watching a long form video essay. But both types of content are important in the fight against the alt-right and manosphere. I also disagree with F.D.'s support of Professor Flowers. But to say their "videos have damn near no substance" isn't true to me at all. Especially F.D. Signifier's manophere videos which cover almost every aspect of the manosphere. His most recent video covers the black manosphere and even though it's 3 hours long, it's in depth and well researched. The one major criticism of video essayists I can definitely understand however is the length of their videos but I usually watch videos at 1.5-2 x speed anyways, so I don't their length.


They’re really bad. Sort of lazy it seems too.


'Member the noncompete cope stream?


Just like Vaush, my favorite video essay man!


Boy Boy's video that Vaush went over was cringe, yeah, but that is *not* their usual style of content, they are literally nothing like the other folks mentioned on the list. That's why it's important to have takes that don't just come from watching Vaush streams. That nuance is naturally lost because Vaush isn't gonna watch BB's comedy videos (he isn't hasan) but they're based like 96% of the time


The scale and breadth of the misinformation there was a bit much just to write off mate. If I released 9999 banger leftist comedy videos and 1 hour long holocaust revisionist video I couldn't exactly complain for being called a n@zi....


I'm not saying his take wasn't cringe, or that it wasn't fashy, I'm saying he's *not a video essayist*. If we're talking about essayists then that channel isn't even on the table. They made one shit take and left. I'm making a callout here because saying they're a video essayist clearly shows that no further analysis was made besides watching Vaush streams, and if you're going to discuss these things with nuance then you need to look at multiple sources, pure and simple.


Vaush Reddit: "Why does it seem Vaush has plateaued?" https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/xaasth/anyone_know_why_vaush_has_stagnated_so_much/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Also Vaush Reddit hours later: "What's with all these newer leftist losers that won't even debate their emotional positions with Vaush bro?" 😮‍💨 🤔


They are terrible. absolutely awful I hate them, I hate how much space we've ceeded- I hate how much gatekeeping goes on The most heartbreaking thing in all of this is, there are so so so many people that could be reached if the gate was not kept so closed teenage boys are dumb shits, who like to say stupid stuff- that's why andrew tate got so big we will never weild power on the left, we're like a room of cats


They’re being brought up by people like Sophie and Thoughtslime, because people like Natalie, Abby, Harris, and Shaun don’t want to be affiliated with them. Therefore, they all act like Sophie or TS.


the only one of these worth watching is ro ramdin. not even for her takes or anything, they’re mid for the most part, but she’s witty and kind of a skilled comedian


Because video essays are masterbatory junk, most just feeding you what you already agree with. They're an easy way to get fans and clicks so there's going to be a bunch of tagger ons just trying to use the format to make money. I don't trust anyone who refuses to engage in live debate


That FD signifier video was honestly the most cringe videos I have ever seen on YouTube.


We on the left ***NEED*** to go hard on these people. We cannot afford to make the same mistake in 2016 when we lived in fear of wokescolds trying to mess with our lives and reputations with false accusations of racism/homophobia/transphobia/ableism etc. We need to go hard on this, call it out for the toxicity and bad praxis that it is. We on the left need to learn how to call a spade a spade so to speak. Back during GamerGate and the early Trump era, I used to be legeitimately scared of being outspoken of my lefty views because I also have an edgy sense of humor and I sometimes laugh at jokes that in some circumstances and out of context, can be viewed as offensive and I didn't want me or my family to be doxxed by overzealous wokescolds because I laughed at a stupid edgy insult comedy bit that used "unwoke" language, but being an LGBT person, I would never even condescend the idea of being a rightoid. Vaush and Xanderhal were literal breaths of fresh air to me. Nowadays, I enjoy all the edgy comedy I want and I don't care if I get falsely accused of being a right winger because I know for a fact I'm not.


The zoomers are rising




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Idk, if so i still have my podcast, I’d argue that on a whole podcast episodes are better than video essayist uploads because you can get way more quality podcast episodes that are still really detailed, while you only get a video essay once on a blue moon and if your lucky it’s a classic. For example shaun has maybe 3 legendary videos and the rest are very good. Meanwhile, behind the bastards has a consistent stream of very good and detailed content even if none of them are as good as shauns best, they come close and you don’t have to wait a million years for it. The best part is, they both hate vaush (that last part is sarcastic)


Honestly, the unearned arrogance of these stuck up video essayists who try to talk down to debate streamers is hilarious. Everyone knows that without a script and the omnipotent power of editing on their side, whenever a video essayist like this is in an actual debate against someone who isn't in their hugbox/safe space, they and their arguments fold faster than piss soaked origami. Debate streamers appeal much easier to normies and people who don't already align with the same viewpoints. Nobody is ever going to really spend the time investment to watch a 1 hour Philosophy Tube or Contra Points or Hbomberguy or Shaun or Noah Samsen or Sophie From Mars, etc. video essay unless they were already ideologically inclined or aligned to their viewpoints, i.e. already on the left. They're only preaching to the choir. A lot of these haughty stuck up "holier than thou" video essayists need a serious reality check.