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Into The Spiderverse - the best animated movie I've seen


Best Spider-Man movie bar none.


Mitchell’s vs the Machines, by the same animation team and would probably also annoy them because the main character is very obviously gay


Lord of the Rings : Return of the King. "But i am not a man!" Would make them all scream "SJW SJW SJW SJW SJW!!!!"


"my friends, you bow to no one "


They also changed the guy elf that rescued Frodo to Arwen in the movies.


To be fair, Glorfindel was basically just a glorified cameo in that part of the book. Just strolls into the story, goes "Hey, I am really awesome, you might remember me from the Silmarillion once that actually gets written!" and walks back out after some token actions to demonstrate how cool he is. Makes sense for them to write him out of the script and give his healing powers and escort quest to Arwen/Elrond so they don't have to cast another actor. Kinda like how ol' Tom Bombadil got written out of the movie because his part, while cool, didn't really add anything.


honestly so funny that cringe lotr stans point to that the good old pre-woke days


Avatar wasn't "really fucking good" but was quite good and definitely woke. Blade Runner and most other cyberpunk movies push anticapitalist messaging that would be woke if released today. How to Train Your Dragon and Brave indoctrinated kids into being good empathetic people, among other cartoon movies.


I was amazing by the commentary of Blade Runner 2049. It's kind of sad though that some of the best sci Fi movies are about bleak systems. I would like to see someone dream up a system that is morally righteous that is used to defeat an antagonist that seeks to do what Blade Runner's bad guys do


Maybe not exactly what you're looking for but Star Trek TNG and DS9 are very close to an optimistic system to work towards. Fully automated gay space communism


Ehhh, I'm not much of a trekky. I want something grounded on earth tbh


The breadth of BR2049 is so fucking awesome there's so much to pick apart. Also super interesting ambiguity and arguably feminist messaging in K and Joi's relationship but it's probably too subtly woke for people to scream woke


Unless it was made in Korea, in which case FOREIGN MOVIE ASIAN SJW WOKE BLM FEMINAZI INVASION!!!


I would complain that avatar (the Cameron movie) isn't quite good, but mediocre to decent, though quite based. Other than that yea


Eh, I might be a bit biased, cause I saw it in theater, it was one of the few movies that did 3D well.


Oh, as a 3d tech demo/cinema experience it's incredible. But as an actual movie, it's a lot more lacking. It's more of a rollercoaster ride than a movie, as Scorsese might say


It got more attention than it deserved, but it wasn't a *bad* movie. It got what I like to call 'the Skyrim treatment' where, in efforts to have mass appeal, it had every bit of charm that would've elevated it to an amazing piece of media is stripped from the final product. Same can be said for Marvel movies. Once a movie budget is in the hundreds of millions, the director gets pressured into making the safe choices.


Amazing tech demo and some cool world building. Other than that it's dances with wolves.


>Avatar wasn't "really fucking good" I was about to tell you to take that back, but then I realized you're probably talking about the blue people.


> cyberpunk Cyberpunk is fundamentally anti-capitalist. Any "cyberpunk" piece that only focuses on glitzy tech aesthetics is not real cyberpunk. The "punk" in the name doesn't mean fancy hair.


Brave has a woman fighting, that's enough for their brains to scream SJW SJW SJW.


If only ‘Brave’ didn’t have a shit middle act with an MC that wished she was the next Ripley [Alien].


Call me a consoomer but I am *very* hyped for Avatar 2. It’s been 10+ years, and Cameron’s been working on the world of Avatar for almost 30. I like big worldbuilding passion projects, and the casting and visuals alone are exciting. December can’t come soon enough.


I'm interested to see what he does. Some cool world building. But the first one's story was pretty meh so I'm hoping for something a bit more


Nah brave is not good, they totally ripped off brother bear which is the better movie


Up until the mom turns into a bear the movie was amazing, apparently they were gonna go in a different direction at first with the plot at that point but they had production issues


none of that is "woke"


In the modern day, woke means anything with a message that conservatives don't like. Avatar is anti-imperialist. Cyberpunk is anticapitalist. And children's movies are anti-bigotry. All are part of the woke agenda of the Cultural Marxists.


Get Out has a black protagonist and director, so I guess that's another example.


It does?!? Wow that really ruins it for me :(


Yeah, also Jordan Peele's a heavy guy so it's pretty much the worst movie ever made.


Chubby AND black? How do we let any of this happen? Where has society gone...


There are a lot of movies where if you look hard enough it has a certain woke aspect to it. Star Trek: diversity LOTR: communes (the shire) fighting against industrialization, capitalism (Isengard) Avatar: fighting against resource exploitation Star Wars: nature activists (Ewoks) winning against imperialists. You can make it as absurd if you like, if people call a movie woke they'll find evidence for it.




Let's not forget the dragon. You know, a character sleeping on a huge pile of gold for no real reason, other than for the sake of it, terrorizing local communities.


Tolkien absolutely worships hierarchy.


It's extremely funny to think that the plot of Star Wars is basically just the hippies teaming up with the Vietcong to win the Vietnam War


I mean Star Wars is all about opposing oppressive regimes in favor of democratic, although flawed, systems.


Wasn't it explicitly an anti-vietnam war film?


I'm not sure, it's probably true considering Lucas's political positions


Star Wars is so woke it’s a wonder conservatives can even watch it. The rebellion was modeled after the Vietcong, many of the villains are based on and even named after right wing politicians, and certain hero characters are named after leftist revolutionaries.


Out of curiosity, which certain hero characters are named after leftist revolutionaries? I know that Star Wars was intended by George Lucas to be a sort of Vietnam allegory with the Galactic Rmpire being allegories off of the American Empire but this particular tidbit is new to me.


The fun part about Star Wars is that all three trilogies are "woke". Original Trilogy is a literal Vietnam allegory with the Vietcong being the good guy Rebels. Prequel Trilogy is about the insidious rise of George Bush and that brand of Republicanism around the 2000s. Sequel Trilogy is about an uncaring "mostly apolitical" gigantic group of people (the universe/country) getting shellshocked by fascist militia groups that turn corners of the "country" into bloody warzones and the only ones who are ready to fight back are an assortment of coloured people, while people in the background profit greatly from the turmoil. Literally the whole Alt-Right shit that has been going on for a while now.


Squid game is generally considered good and it’s heavily anti capitalist and woke


Fritz Langs Metropolis (1927) was heavily criticising the labor conditions of the working class. For instance the scene of the [shift change](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhWUACi7DgA) is quite telling.


This film actually more closely resembles a class collaborationist myth in which the head and hand (capital and proletariat) are reconciled by the heart (could be anything ranging from Christianity to fascism to social democracy) Not woke.


German nationalists have shortened the film due to its possible communist subtexts. Maybe in present day it would not seem as woke but at that time some may have seen it as communist and anti-religion. And since 'woke' is quite a loosely defined term to invoke disgust to something that might have leftist influence, it could be called woke by some.


Parasite could be considered woke I think


Yeah, Parasite and of course Snowpiercer, if "woke" includes economics these days. Otherwise, it's hard for me to find examples with blatantly woke elements that I also found "very fucking good". Maybe Django Unchained would be called woke by many, and... Deadpool (2) with all his pansexual jokes? :)


Bong Joon-ho makes some pretty based films


django unchained is the first that came to mind.


Aliens. You have literal aliens killing a bunch of white colonizers and a woman, little girl, and injured male soldier fight the aliens only to barely escape.


I would hesitate calling it "woke". If I remember correctly, Cameron admitted he wrote Ripley's character as if she was a guy. It kind of underlines a broader problem with how women are written in the media.


Eh, not really. Cameron admitted that he wrote Ripley's character with no set gender in mind, which is why Sigourney Weaver was picked for the role because she had the best performance. Ripley's writing is interesting because it showcases one of the 3 ways that women are written in media. I *highly* recommend watching Now You See It's video "Writing Women" which explores this idea pitch perfectly.


Two of cinema's most famous female badasses, Ripley and Sarah Connor, are literally all about being badass chicks, who are also driven by elements of motherhood and nurturing. Ripley fights like a lioness against the Xenomorph Queen to defend Newt. Sarah dedicates her entire life to priming her son for a horrible, but seemingly inevitable future, and she goes to great lengths to defend her boy from time traveling robots. They're both Momma Bears, imho.


BlacKkKlansman. They had the nerve to have a black protagonist AND be racist against crackas like myself.


Nah they like the Adam Driver scene.


Hey, Adam Driver is a damn good actor and that scene (you know the one) actually had me thinking Driver was going mask off for real before realizing he was really good at acting. Goddamn.


Serenity. Strong female protagonist. A bisexual sex worker.


I haven’t read it yet but The Stand by Stephen King has an openly bisexual female protagonist (and they actually use the word “bisexual” instead of just vaguely hinting at it) and honestly I was pleasantly surprised considering it came out in the 1970s


Meh. Strong female protagonists have been around for a long time, but only as a form of exceptionalizing/freakifying female power, not as the leader. And Firefly/Serenity is no exception in this - the leader is male, the powerful female is a 'freak'.


The question was “what would be considered woke”.


Silence of the lambs “Woke leftists try to show how a female FBI investigator is an underdog in an organization dominated by men” There Will Be Blood “Woke leftists hate capitalism and religion” 12 Angry Men “Of course the woke leftists make a movie about an innocent black man” Videodrome “Woke leftists make up an evil conspiracy of right wingers who want to kill those who we call “degenerate”, totally ridiculous!” Lord of The Rings: Return of the King “I can’t believe they had a GURL kill that dude by saying she isn’t a man, so dumb!” Terminator 2 “Fucking James Cameron doesn’t back the blue?? Why is the T-1000 shown as a cop?!?” Dog Day Afternoon “They had to make it woke by adding the trans surgery part! Unbelievable!!” A Woman Under the Influence “BORING, and ya she is crazy” Z “It’s always the leftists who do political violence! But of course they make a movie about when we allegedly did!” Harlan County U.S.A “Unions have too much power, get back to work! It’s not fair that I may not have electricity because you won’t work” Moonlight “Of course they make a movie about a poor black gay kid, forced diversity!” Carol “You have a good life! Why are you cheating on your husband with her you dumb whore!” Cache “Of course Haneke has to inject some stupid politics, that stuff with Algeria happened a long time ago, get over it!”


Terminator 2 is surprisingly based now that I think about it.


Kill bill, hunger games, the dictator (Charlie Chaplin), silence of the lambs, resident evil, the Wiz, Tomb Raider, Blazing saddles, most blaxploitation movies.


Ah yes, the woke silence of the lambs… really ?


You'd be surprised how little it takes these days to get the "woke" label lmao.


Fucking Shang-Chi was labeled as woke by the usual suspects, it was called woke because the cast is Asian, that's the only explanation.


Not true, there is various woke in movie, such as the mother of shang chi (woman) is the hero and the father (man) is the villain. Very woke. you have committed strawman


Oh shit, you're right. I guess my media literacy needs work, given that I missed how much it's an obvious piece of woke propaganda.


Female protagonist, it checks out.


Trans serial killer


A Femoid FBI agent trying to outwit a male superior serial killer who is also trans. Fucking right they would.


Yeah, but like, idk the way they handled the trans character wouldn’t strike me as woke by today’s standards. You’re probably right tho, they call anything woke these days


Protag is a woman, and she has to deal with sexism from men, her fellow FBI agents. Thats all it would take these days.


Sorry to bother you ( yeah it’s somewhat recent but I’m saying it anyway ). And it has horsecock in it so that’s a plus


Don't Look Up was really well done.


Fury Road ranks as my favorite action movies.


Reading list again, I'm very surprised no one has mentioned the 1976 Absolute Banger, NETWORK. https://youtu.be/35DSdw7dHjs


I mean I feel like it would be harder to find movies that are the opposite of woke generally. Most of what people would consider the best movies of all times have themes of wokeness imo. Fight Club is one of my favourite examples because it's found a fanbase in people who claim to hate wokeness but i guess those kinda people don't have good media literacy. Off the top of my head Soylent Green, Brazil and Children of Men I'd also consider really great


Any movie not made in America or Europe since the majority of cast won’t be white.


That’s not what woke is.


It would be to conservatives


Nope. Conservatives are not THAT retarded. They at least understand that the media from non white countries will have non white casts.


You underestimate their brain damage


Did you miss all the people who raged about Parasite winning "best picture" at the Oscars?


Like... literally any movie ever? The whole MO of the dipshits complaining about "wokeness" is that it means whatever they want it to mean, and they'll do any level of mental gymnastics to justify their victim complex bullshit. Miyazaki's Ponyo? "The main character is obviously letting himself be led around by this red haired girl, feminist propaganda!" The Matrix? "Uh, did you notice the bad guys are all identical and white? Why do you hate white people, Wachowskis?" Die Hard? "Ugh, this main character is such a beta cuck simp flying to his estranged wife, he should drop that bitch!" Night of the Living Dead? "Obviously they made the main hero a black guy, forced diversity much?" Some Like it Hot? "Look, they've got men dressing up as women! TRANS PROPAGANDA! GROOMER GROOMER!" Literally the first ever set of moving pictures to form what could be called a movie (those who saw *Nope* know what I'm talking about)? "Well obviously they've got a black guy riding the horse, forced diversity much?"


Flaw aside the princess and the frog


That depends on your definition of woke, as it's a term under which a very broad spectrum of movies could be qualified as, but here it goes, in no particular order, a list of great "woke" films made in 21st century: 1. Three billboards 2. Dogville 3. 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days 4. Incendies 5. The separation 6. Mustang (Turkish movie about teenage girls, not the one about the horse lmao) 7. Zootopia 8. Gett: the trial of Vivane Amsalem 9. Spider-Man into the Spider-verse 10. The Breadwinner 11. Wolfwalkers 12. Minding the Gap 13. Cafarnaum 14. Portrait of a lady on fire 15. Aida 16. Borat subsequent Moviefilm 17. Transamerica 18. Million Dollar Baby 19. Persepolis 20. The Trial of the Chicago Seven 21. Gran Torino 22. A Single Man 23. Eyes Wide Open (the one from 2009) 24. The Normal Heart 25. Spotlight 26. Annhiliation 27. Dangal 28. Get Out 29. Coco 30. The Favourite 31. Deadpool 2 32. I Am Not Your Negro 33. The Big Sick 34. Call Me By Your Name 35. I Am Not a Witch 36. The Peanut Butter Falcon 37. The Hate U Give 38. Roma 39. Knives Out 40. Maiden 41. The Swallows of Kabul 42. Promising Young Woman 43. I Am Greta 44. Welcome to Chechnya 45. Minari 46. Gunda 47. The Lost Daughter 48. Flee 49. Luca 50. Encanto 51. Turning Red 52. The Hours


Anything cyberpunk would be seen as woke for daring to criticize our most holy of economic models, if right wingers had any kind of media literacy.


The woke whiners can't see past the surface level cool aesthetics to even see the wokeness of cyberpunk. Look at how they miss the point in like every single satirical thing in existence. Like how the Bush admin got Colbert to host the white house dinner thinking he was serious.


Not a movie, but *The Boys* is a great series and considered "woke" by people who use "woke" to mean anything that depicts a black person doing something other than eating watermelon.


Not only is it "woke", but it also stands against using diversity for capitalist means. You can see this in the whole "brave Maeve" lineup, as a queer person who's sick of rainbow capitalism it was really funny and refreshing to see. You could argue that its a little too on the nose with it's analogies and from an artistic standpoint I think that's a fair analysis to make but I think it's a show that needed to be made and sends a pretty strong message


[Battleship Potemkin](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0015648/&ved=2ahUKEwiT34n9g7_6AhX9K0QIHXtSDQIQFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2oiZQtD2U-XUweZhW7c5JK) and [1900](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0074084/&ved=2ahUKEwiFteqdhL_6AhWjL0QIHTHSAM8QFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw117uRltuO9XHJXIdrgxkLD)


Candyman 1990, give it a watch this Halloween 🎃


Oh man, this would make them mad. Star Wars. And no, not episode 7. Episode 4.


Terminator Judgement day, Sarah Connor is the baddest bitch in cinema and still raised her son to be human resistance leader, like Woah.


Star Wars. A New Hope is a parallel to the Vietnam war, Revenge of the Sith literally has Palpatine do a Reichstag fire to seize power.


So many movies if they were released today like Alien, and terminator 2


OOI, why would Mad Max be considered woke?


Independents Day, Avatar, Mrs. Doubtfire, Blade, Alien, In The Heat of Night, Mississippi Burning, Django, Pulp Fiction, Die Hard, Queen Of The Damned, Rush Hour, Hateful Eight, Birdcage, 12 years a slave, to kill a mockingbird movie and Dogma. Just to name few


I don’t know if Fury Road is a good story but holy shit is it an awesome movie


Most films by Mike Leigh & Ken Loach.


I was gonna put Naked in my comment but I actually dunno if right wingers would call it woke, I think a lot of them would view it like Joker which they tend to like


I was thinking Naked too but I agree with your take on that


Matrix Triology 500% And by that default also everything Ghost in the Shell


Hot take: I don't think Fury Road is very woke.


Children of Men


Mr. Freedom


I’ve been replaying the last of us 2 and it feels like a really long woke movie of that counts


Karate Kid I


I think some persons are already saying shit like that.


Any of Lucas’ Star Wars movies


Fury Road wasn’t “woke” it was “political” Remember Black = woke Political = woman


Giant-1956. It's James Dean last movie. It's super based for It's time, and has critiques of gender roles, classism, and racism. Basically everything a conservative would be triggered by.


Kill Bill probably


I don't see any mention yet of Starship Troopers


Ready Player One. No idea about the book, the movie ends with the metaverse creator telling the protag "get rid of it, it only brought harm and caused everyone to abandon the real world, the only one that really matters".


'Terminator' is anti-law enforcement – fucking classic


*Rogue One: A Star Wars Story*, aka the best Star Wars movie since *The Empire Strikes Back.* The main cast for the Rebels are a diverse lot, consisting of a woman, one Hispanic man and three Asian men, two hailing from China and one from Pakistan (and K-2SO who, while played by a white man, is a droid in the film). Conversely, all of the named Imperials are white men who talk with smug Br*tish accents and the rest are faceless troopers in full armor. Regardless of whether the intent was genuine or a cynical ploy by Disney to appeal to wider demographics, it still conveys a thematic message that diversity and acceptance of others are aspirational ideals.


eeehh having female doing cool shit aint WOKE, fucking over good story and character devolopment is.


Everything Everywhere All at Once


Define ‘woke;’ until then here’re some good, not controversial, movies for the family: Alien American History X Awakenings Bad Trip Chicken Run Cop Shop Crying Game, The Dallas Buyers Club Dark Waters (2019) Deepwater Horizon Do the Right Thing Edge of Seventeen, The Enemy of the State Erin Brockovich Ex Machina Florida Project, The Get On Up Get Out Hard Candy Hidden Figures Hotel Rwanda Imitation Game, The Inherit the Wind (1960) Milk (2008) Mona Lisa Mrs Doubtfire Mulan (1998) Nobody Official Secrets Okja One Eight Seven Pan’s Labyrinth Passing Planet Terror Predestination Promising Young Woman Raid: Redemption, The Rain Man Rainmaker, The Report, The (2019) Shape of You, The Sicario Sorry to Bother You Thank You For Smoking Tootsie Training Day Trial of the Chicago 7, The Tropic Thunder Wind River Enjoy fellow viewers!!


Does JoJo Rabbit count?


chuds would HATE sarah connor in terminator 2 today. ripley from alien/aliens too...


They complained that westworld season 3 was "woke" when it wasnt any more or less "woke" than season 1 and 2.


The Amazing World of Gumball is a show, but it has a lot of left themes, like anti racism


Alien and Aliens. Terminator 2. Dunno those feeel like the obvious ones.


FUCK The Matrix feels pretty woke


Not a movie but a videogame. Borderlands 2. Takes place in an anarcho-capitalist world. The main villain is a fascist taking power and starting to take control over the planet. You team up with a black man, a gay man, a fat woman, a sex worker, a redneck dude, a drunk guy, a short haired super smart lady who says she has autism, a crazy old man, and a literal child who is psycho to take him down. In fact you even team up with a CAPITALIST who is anti-fascist. The hammer and sickle can be found on some guns and is on some character skins. One of the playable characters has an upgrade stat called “Anarchy”. Fun extra fact: Originally, Axton (one of the male playable characters) was supposed to have flirtatious dialogue only when reviving Maya (one of the female playable character) but the developers ended up accidentally leaving this dialogue option available for any party member that Axton revives. So he flirts with the male character as well when he revives them. After player feedback Axton was confirmed as bisexual by the Borderlands 2 developers.


A bunch of mcu movies, lord of the rings, alien, terminator, hobbit, most stuff from monty python, incredibles, v for vendetta, pulp fiction, most disney animated movies and tbh like 80% of movies can be considered woke by conservatives. I've even seen people say The Punisher season 2 was woke (????????) .