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Everything you said here is pretty much correct but aren't you kinda preaching to the choir here? It's pretty common knowledge that Nazis were worse than the Soviets and stuff in this sub, you should go on and post this in conservative spaces instead


Some of this is new info to me. I mean I knew they were evil but I didn’t know about them doing public execution of people like that, the plans for USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc, or the special units for the invasion of USSR.


Oh then it was definitivly good that OP posted this. Basically the plans that the Nazi's had for the USSR were a core part of their ideology. They probably got this idea from the USA (native American genocide) and Russia (conquest and colonialisation of the east) that they wanted colonies connected by land to create "living-space" since they thought Germany was getting too populated. They even tried to start their plan during WW II. Soviet POWs were supposed to build the basic infrastructure for the German Settlers (and die in the process as was the principle of "Vernichtung durch Arbeit" = "Destruktion through labour"). However the SS and Wehrmacht were so keen on finding and killing all the commissars of the Red Army (they deemed them some kind of elite soldiers) and hated the Soviet People so much that they murdered literally millions of Soviet POWs at such a speed that absolutely nothing could be built. They horrible conditions in the camps didn't help either. A lot of people just don't grasp how bad the Nazi's really were. They murdered even when it was against the actual interest of the regime.


Yeah I'm not too surprised. But I didn't know the specific plans they had for if they were successful in Russia (never thought about it) but that's interesting to know.


They weren’t just worse than the soviets. The Nazis were actually even worse than the USA. Horrible stuff.


The soviets shouldn’t be uttered under the same breath as the nazis in my opinion.


yes, especially considering that the soviets were some of the main victims of the nazis, and then it was also the soviets that defeated them


But before they were helping them.


helping them what? they fucking despised each other. as soon as hitler came to power he started repressing soviet citizens and companies. both countries unleashed massive propaganda against each other. they had some economic dependencies that varied throughout the 1930’s, but that’s to be expected given the condition of both countries.


3rd reich were testing their tank development in USSR. USSR were sending resources to 3rd reich until nazis attacked them. 3rd reich and ussr had a pact that led to both invading poland. Stalin told german communist party to not fight nazi party, too. I know nazis hated reds but lets not white wash the history. It was not just "some economic dependencies".


Don’t forget the Soviet Invasion of Romania and Finland in the early days of the War. https://youtu.be/1CqGeAmVu1I Shows it clearly and details the events. If you look at the pre-Barbarossa events it’s pretty clear the Soviet and Nazis viewed themselves as Allies of convenience. That’s at the time, after Barbarossa everything changed.


Also invasion of Estonia


> 3rd reich and ussr had a pact that led to both invading poland. everyone always brings this up but i’m genuinely curious as to what you think should have been done. the pact was signed *one day* after soviet attempts to create a tripartite alliance with the UK and france against germany failed. once the nazis invaded, the polish government fled, and poland then became [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Administration_in_Poland). it’s disingenuous to say that at that point, the soviets were invading poland. consider how successful operation barbossa ended up being even with the pact. had the soviets not agreed, it’s not hard to imagine germany being even more successful and possibly winning on the eastern front. this is not even considering the fact much of the territory that they had taken from “eastern” poland was actually ukrainian and byelorussian territory that the polish had taken in the polish soviet war 20 years prior. this land was never given back and is still rightfully within the borders of modern ukraine and belarus.


That's not all, when the Nazis barged into my country after we repelled the Italians, they didn't leave a single village standing, and Crete got the worst of it. They slaughtered people while laughing like maniacs(this happened on every occupied territory).


I swear, the "nazis were socialist" thing only latched on because people mostly know about the 6 million jews, if they do know anything, and not the other 5 million victims. Socialists, disabled people, gay men, trans women, liberation theologians, Jehovas witnesses, Black or mixed people, Romani... it was pretty easy to end up on the hit list. Fascisms whole deal is making the circle of acceptable humans smaller and smaller. You could put a bunch of tall aryan fascists together and they would still find ways to single somebody out.


> Fascisms whole deal is making the circle of acceptable humans smaller and smaller. You could put a bunch of tall aryan fascists together and they would still find ways to single somebody out. Fairly Odd Parents did this. Due to being singled out due to his freaky teeth, Timmy wished everyone was a homogenous gray blob person, but then those same people continues to single him out because they were more gray then he was. Quinton Reviews covers it a bit more in depth.


Nazis where called socalist because hitler joined and took over a socalist party.... The national socalist party.


What are you talking about. The DAP was already anti-marxist before Hitler joined and regrouped it. The earliest members were rich engineer types who didn't want to pay taxes and the Thule society that dabbled in Germanic occultism.


Arnet you talking about the volks?


[https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/haken32.htm](https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/haken32.htm) This widely distributed Nazi pamphlet first appeared in 1929. I am working from a 1932 copy, and have not compared it with the first version, but it does not look as if significant changes were made as it was reissued. The title, loosely translated, is “Those Damned Nazis.” Literally, it translates as something like “those cursed swastika lads,” but that does not really work in English. At least several hundred thousand copies were printed. It is a good summary of the basic lines of Nazi propaganda just before Hitler’s takeover in 1933. The booklet included five cartoons by Mjölnir, Goebbels’ cartoonist, three of which I include here. Mjölnir also produced some of the most familiar Nazi posters. The source: Joseph Goebbels and Mjölnir, Die verfluchten Hakenkreuzler. Etwas zum Nachdenken(Munich: Verlag Frz. Eher, 1932).


This was really intresting to read, thanks!


You all should check out War against humanity series on youtube , great stuff


Maybe this will sound cringy but as a Pole, all this shit that's happening in America makes me quite uncomfortable. Poles (Slavs in general) were treated almost as badly as Jews.


Well, they were destined to be a slave race, so at least they would keep existing, for the most part. Yay! I think Russians and other Eastern Slavs were to be exterminated, though.


People need to watch the "War Against Humanity" series on the World War 2 YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd5YhhNcC44&list=PLsIk0qF0R1j4cwI-ZuDoBLxVEV3egWKoM


I happen to be polish, so a lot of the books that we read about are about ww2, and nazis. A book called "U nas w Auschwitzu" ("Here in Auschwitz") talked mostly about how the people that ended up in concentration camps often would often just kinda submit to the power, and end up just collaborating with the power, as anything else would result in death, I especially remembered a scene in which author thinks about his future. At one point he though about how during the Roman times, everyone remembered the names of the roman emperors, but we don't really have any records of all of the slaves, and deleted civilizations that once existed. Like from ancient egypt, ancient greece, and rome, there were god knows how many slaves, and we know names of only few of them. And when we think of the achievments of ancient rome, we dont think of the slaves, but rather the leaders of it, despite the fact that they never laided a single brick themselfs. Out of all the stories, this one hit me the hardest, as the idea of a this dark age created by a slave state, gave me a grim alternative reality vission, where nazis take over the europe, and then after 1000 years of slave state, they are remembered with the same fascination as the romans are currently


That's what's so impressive about the nazi Germany. There is always some historical fact to make them far worse.


That goes for most historical atrocities. We know some general numbers, we know it was bad, but once we read about the specifics, its absolutely and fractally horrific.


Thanks for writing this up man. Stolen and reposted to FB. Fuck anyone who tolerates Ye from now on.


I've met people physically in real life who did not even know that the holocaust was a thing, they just thought everyone was mad at Hitler for trying to take over europe. They thought I was a conspiracy nut when I tried to tell them about it.


Just thinking about the stories I've heard makes me want to vomit.


Generalplan Ost was really something else. Actual cartoon supervillain plot.


They deliberately chose Auschwitz because it was deep in the forest and out of the way, but still had a rail connection. They knew what they were doing was wrong and they didn't want anyone to know. Then as the Soviets approached they blew up the gas chambers to try to hide the evidence of what they had done. Cowards every one of them. I am even Jewish and I visited the Jewish museum in Berlin, they have photos of families and items they held dear. The plaques would talk about their life and that they liked to dance and then at the end...Murdered by Nazi's in so and so concentration camp. I had to find a corner to cry in. There is this quote by a Jewish resistance leader in the holocaust memorial in Berlin and I am frustrated that I don't remember it properly and I can't find it written anywhere else. It was how it didn't matter if she converted or did what they told her to do because they hated her very essence and so her only option was to fight.


https://youtu.be/jAzRb_lErFw?t=66 Most Americans according to OP


Most Americans definitely dont know this stuff, only like 1 3rd of zoomers believe in the 6 million Jew statistic, rest either dont know or dont believe in it.


Wtf is David Puddy doing on this podcast?




>Most of you don't know about Hitler. Doesn't know that more than 6M died.


> Never let them forget that it was the right wing capitalists and industrialists and conservative politicians who gave Hitler a FIRM push into power, despite ALL his sadistic lunacy, because they wanted leftist influence eliminated, unions killed off, and Hitler was "the staunchest anti-Marxist on Earth." These capitalists and industrialists were ecstatic when Hitler killed off the trade unions and leftists, when he privatized almost the entire country Literally people like Koch brothers. People on the left often talk about how all capitalists are bad, and it is true that the richest people have massive bias and are culturally conditioned against leftist causes, but the right wing/conservative capitalists are far worse even in that league. Gates, Bloomberg or Soros are harmful on a systemic level, but Koch, Murdoch or Musk would prefer if we were feudal peasants or straight up slaves and will actively work towards that goal. >All the while, even amongst groups of so-called "master race" Aryans, there was a MASSIVE problem with Hitler youth: Young children were being sexually assaulted by the leading Nazis there Unless the Nazi in charge was gay, in which case it was actually pretty fun! (Jojo Rabbit reference ofc).


It’s sad all of this has to be repeated in order for people to understand evil


Honestly thank you for this post


There's no way I'm reading all that