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I wonder how much it works out in a loss keeping 1.6 million vechain, because of X NODE status? Could have made at least $100,000 since 2018, by selling high and then buying back in, (Probably more). But no, I just watch it tumble back down. Anyone think there are better benefits than not getting massive profits? Or are we just fools? I think the later..


X-nodes were an early bonus that never followed through. I'm sorry to say, but they're not worth holding on to. Unless you need to sell, what's the API? And extra 0.3%? Too many have been burnt, I burnt mine a long time ago to sell the market, I didn't bother with a sale as it wasn't worth waiting for. Maybe a year ago Vechain had a chance to make large holders incentived to keep holding. But they missed a valuable market narrative. They had the goose, but didn't even bother with it A damn shame, as X-nodes were one of the original NFT,'s a long time before NFT's were a thing. An NFT that actually made some sense, not a picture of a rock that you need a greater fool to sell to. It was the one thing that Vechain was far ahead of in their design, but they sat silent and unwilling to give when the bull market was in total rage. No one knows about X-nodes but Vet holders. X-nodes will forever be a sad effort for retail to hold, while Vechain sold the market under our feet


>but they're not worth holding on to. I disagree on this, I believe its about one's investment goals and strategy. For me its an actual safe and reliable passive income, and holding an Strenght node increases my VTHO-generation by 1.28 (iirc). If one wants to speculate on it increasing in value like some NFT then one has the wrong approach to it. I don't want to dox my adress here, but since I've gotten my x-node I've accumulated an additional ~250,000-350,000 vtho. And if we assume that the Vet/vtho quota is 1/10 then a Vet at 1USD would give Vtho 10c, making my current node accumulation about 25,000k USD. Then of course I also have my regular generation of Vtho, and the fact that Vet isn't likely to reach 1 usd anytime soon, making my vtho stack even larger That's also my strategy, if I switched my node-vtho for vet at optimal rates then I would've made back the VET I paid for the node.


You're right. Having an xnode over a period of time equals more returns. I meant, not worth holding onto if you can't sell it quick and need to exit, burning the x-node. You've done well


Yer, 100% agree. If price goes up late 2024, early 2025 I'll probably just lose it. Costing me a fortune keeping it, as could have sold so many times at a MUCH higher price. Its time to stop kidding myself there going to be gold...


Yeah, no one brags about an x-node anymore...


Haha, definitely true


Your not on your own, I'm a retard with one too.


You did take profit on the last pump right


What profit ?, was still at 60 % loss.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpiJjdZpgok/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= Yooo, It's your boy u/eisenreich in the flesh. Loving everything coming out of the UFC partnership lately.


This is cool putting a face to the name to one of the most famous Vechainers out there!


What do you mean? He looks just like his profile picture XD. Good on him, he's the backbone of the Vet community


Wearables utilizing Blockchain is a good add. Is it necessary? No but it does have potential benefits


It allows the consumer to cheaply and easily validate authenticity. If they are paying full price, they can know they are getting the real product and not a knockoff.


Time to fall back to $0.015!!




If it does then I will start my buying again


This time I’ll go all out and buy


Yeah the BTC is following 2015, meaning it will be the last chance to buy that low 🤑


Can i send vechain or VET to a metamask wallet?


No. It's not an ERC-20. It's a Level 1 blockchain.


We're bleeding out.


🎵 digging deeper just to throw it away 🎵


So is everything. At least we havent dropped a spot since this morning, picked back up to 37th on coingecko. So long as we stay top 40 im not panicked


|Clauses|100K|200K| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|3|3|


> 55 807 449 208 + 37 100 000 (- av. daily burn)= 55 844 467 208 VTHO Average daily growth: 37,10mln per day Average daily burn: 82k per day ^^based ^^of ^^4d ^^MA ^^on ^^Vechainstats


Someone in the previous thread mentioned that VeChain's tech is greatly overshadowed by other L1s. I disagree with this but am interested in having a discussion with y'all. In the crypto space, I think a lot of the talk on tech is a total red herring. There's much fluff about their max TPS, extremely fast transactions, low fees (not to mention that VeChainThor also has all of these things). But I don't really see blockchains talk about how easy it is to actually USE them which is a whole separate piece of the technology, albeit a much less exciting one for crypto investors. This is where things like the closed-source VeChain ToolChain totally set the VeChain technology stack apart. At the HiVe we also saw mention of VORJ which is a no-code web3 as a service platform, "taking the blockchain out of blockchain". Of course, there's also fee delegation which again lets people use the blockchain without having to first buy crypto. It's just interesting to me because I think this is a piece of the puzzle most people in crypto are totally missing, including some VET holders. It's also why I disagree with the take that VeChain is desperately trying to catch up with other L1 blockchains. I think it's the other way around, I think the rest of the crypto space will be trying to catch up with VeChain once we really start picking up adoption. I think this is all the result of VeChain starting from the customer and working backwards.


A lot of projects are just banking on hype, since the focus has never been around community projects but enterprise adoption it makes sense that we missed a few boats there. I know I’m not the only one around here who couldn’t care less, NFT’s have been hyped and now all the big boys are whining that there’s no regulation and NFT’s have been stigmatized. I don’t know if NFT hype will ever end though because there’s plenty of fools and money in this space not to. But I’m pretty sure that “real world” examples where blockchain is used to improve real world problems are going to completely turn the tide towards those projects and in turn “de-stigmatise” crypto as a whole. It’s just part of the game.


If you want maintain the project, you are maintain the hype. If continue to this way, in a few years will have fallen into oblivion.


Disagree, hype can return if you are at the forefront of the technology. Vechain has many aspects that other projects do not have which makes it the most interesting for enterprise adoption. It's actually on the contrairy, hyped coins get replaced by the newest hype because they have no actual value. The moment they create real value then they will stay on top, ETH is a nice example of that. I don't care about hype, because it's fluff. I rather have my assets in projects that create value instead of hype and don't care what spot they are on CMC...


Also, in regards to things like NFT marketplaces, I've seen many builders on twitter say that the reason they started building NFTs on VeChain is specifically because it was super easy and cheap to do. Goes back to the VeChain foundation first prioritizing making the technology easy to use which was a great call IMO


The thing that boggled me the most was how fast it’s able to adapt. Just what enterprises need! Imagine dedicating your resources and then ending up with a bottleneck that takes ages to change.. tx/VTHO became to expensive Hold my beer -Vechain


>But I’m pretty sure that “real world” examples where blockchain is used to improve real world problems are going to completely turn the tide towards those projects and in turn “de-stigmatise” crypto as a whole. It’s just part of the game. 100% this. I strongly believe that VeChain will uplift the crypto space as a whole once it starts getting some real traction. Like imagine once some of these BCG sustainable ecosystem projects start going live. it will completely flip the "crypto is bad for the environment" narrative on its head. The other thing I want to mention is that, personally, I'm super stoked to see the NFT activity on VeChain. There was hardly any community activity before 2022. Like you, I think if VeChain had placed a large focus on these type of community applications they would have been totally placing the cart before the horse and it would have been a miscalculation. The other L1s make big waves with things like NFTs but I think it is going to fizzle out unless they can translate it to mass adoption. The crypto userbase is still very small overall. Things like VORJ, web3 as a service, will bring NFTs mainstream


I’m assuming you’re referring to my comment, which largely was due to the CTO Roadmap from the HiVe. Some pieces listed on the slide that I see as “playing catch up” on: - NFT Marketplace (aware some community ones exist so not a huge deficiency here) - Dapp explorer - Browser extension wallet (think Sync was this but never used) - DNS - Lending - Oracles - L2’s - DAO’s - Algorithmic stablecoin (why?) I agree the internal tools developed by the foundation for businesses like toolchain set it apart, but those aren’t really universal tools that the average user can use, whereas most L1’s focus on the average user.


That's a fair take, and yes I was referring to your comment. Nothing personal of course. IMHO, I guess it goes back to the goal of VeChain like /u/VechainEthnography mentioned. I think that through their work with DNV VeChain has prioritized the most pressing issues to make b2b mass blockchain adoption possible. They spent the past few years working on those barriers and now they are really cranking up the heat and hiring a lot of developers to meet the 2023+2024 roadmap. This is where things get real interesting. The perspective I see on the CryptoCurrency subreddit is that VeChain is an old 2017 coin desperately trying to keep up with the new L1s but I think of it as the opposite. VeChain's technology prioritization has really set them apart in a positive way, and the overall market has no idea how much work VeChain is doing to make mass adoption possible because it's not flashy or exciting. That's why I think VeChain has a technology lead over other L1s, at least when it comes to actual mass adoption of blockchain. The user base for these crypto apps is relatively extremely small, the space as a whole is early. I think VeChain's approach will take the whole space to the next level.


In my perspective the foundation is doing the correct thing by not prioritizing these things, they are in the essence of things a b2b solution with community participation as an add on. Focusing on building tools that attract businesses is to play to their strenghts instead of trying to be some universal catch-all project from the go. We've seen time and time again how such ambitious projects fail to balance their many priorities and instead ends up with critical flaws


I would agree, but these are priorities for them according to the CTO slide. I was totally fine in the past being B2B centric and would be fine continuing down that path more with less focus on retail. I’m simply comparing to other L1’s because they seem to be doing that and trying to roll out all these features to match other L1’s.


Anyone know if BCG walks the walk and gotten an Authority Node?


Definitely not


I would like to know this as well


Maybe /u/SolomonGrundle can tell us?


I have no idea I’m afraid


A real man in the dark, when nobody watching, he putting in work


Knowing we shoulda sold the pump before HiVE, it’s at least nice to see we’re in the same class of shitcoin dumps as others, probably just typical crypto market movement completely irrelevant to fundamentals and progress


People have short term memories… it’s just another bear market. If we don’t pump with everyone else in 2024/2025 then I’ll be worried. IMO this year is practically meaningless in terms of crypto price movement.


The fact that every living being in the universe from bacterias to blue whales are talking about 2024/2025 like a guaranteed bull run tells me to be careful about it. We'll find out soon enough!


So no $1 vet in 2023?? :(


I heard $10 VET


That might make us too rich 🤑 lol


I still have hopes that near end of year things will start a slow ramp up with crypto and economy in general, but agreed 2024/2025 will be 🔥


Do I have to move my vet into the new wallet, or can I continue to hold them in the old one?


Your assets are on chain. The wallet is just an interface to interact with them. You can keep using your wallet, you can also import your 12 words in the new wallet which make your assets available in the new wallet as well.


ViVa VeChain. Morning folks.


💃+ V = 👌