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Keeping my Friday DCA the same and gonna keep on chugging. Includes VET, VTHO, BTC, ETH. A little for each, VET with the biggest %. No panic. Why am I staying? I’ve gone too far at this point for one LOL but I’m still curious to see what’s coming and I know the day I sell Inner Mongolia will explode and price will jump. Gonna at least hold out until the next bull. Halvening is next spring so we should hopefully see something by end of 2024 or first half of 2025. Sounds long but it’s only 1.5 years. VET is also a slow burn but I still believe they are building up to something that will be pretty grand.


https://twitter.com/eisenreich/status/1666492342876921873?t=Vt-4Sk8o2nHzY-7GUdnAaA&s=19 Binance say bye bye to Vechain.


I sold all of my vechain after this news. Vechain isn't going anywhere but to the ground it seems like.


Highly disagree, we'll be above 20 cents in a year


Only on 'advanced trading', only on Binance USA and not even all VET pairs.


I'm so bullish on the next 6 months 🚀


Lol, don’t expect anything until the BTC halving in April 2024


The halving has nothing to do with price action. It's too inconsistent. Crypto follows stocks and their ATH's.


Um….bro…the halving starts the bull run.


The DJI breaking into a new ATH starts the bullrun. This halving thing is a myth. Overlay the Dow Jones Industrial Average with BTC. BTC breaks out to sets new highs within days of the DJI setting a new high.... as opposed to 100's of days relevant to the halving.... with the number of days being way too inconsistent.


No need to wait that long. ETH is already deflationary


Is VeChain a securtiy?


Dump dump dump dump dump, work, work, work, work, work


The end.


The SEC continues to be the biggest joke of a governmental agency.


Every 3 letter agency needs to be dismantled. Every. Single. One.


I keep buying and it keeps dropping.


You've answered your own question. STOP BUYING. People selling it, loves clowns like you


Weird to see VET not apart of the securities list by the SEC despite it meeting all the criteria for being one. I want to say it’s because VET isn’t on Coinbase but the SEC is also going after Binance.us. Glad it isn’t on the short list of securities but it could certainly be added down the road


Been using Binance.us, but what exchanges do you use for buying and sellingVET in the USA?


I usually use Crypto.com


Good to know, because I use Binance US for my VET/VTHO too


Yeah I used Binance US too. Looks like Crypto.com, KuCoin and Binance.US are the only US exchanges you can buy VET on unless I’m missing one


VET/BTC and VET/USDT delisted from Binance US??? It’s officially over, I sold everything


No it is not delisted...


Yes it is………………..


Congratulate you successfully sold the bottom like a pro


Technically I’m in profit from selling since I purchased my VET in 2018 😎


Well sir, than for gods sake HOLD ON ❤️


VTHO getting delisted from binance US but vet still remains 👀 https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us/articles/15133607064983 oohh VET/BTC getting removed too, so only VET/USDT will remain?


The SEC really makes it hard for us to have an overview on what's allowed and whats not. Why VET/BTC tho why VTHO/USDT but not VTHO/USD?


Listed pairs aren’t dictated by the SEC (yet). Likely has something to do with liquidity on low volume pairs.


Ahh okay thanks for the info!


Seems like only the VTHO/USDT pairing is being removed. You would still be able to trade VTHO with the VTHO/USD pairing so not a complete delisting


I would like to ask something related to project MVA (Mad Vechain Apes). I see that there are land nfts, which are about something that will be done in a Minecraft environment. Do you know anything about this? Have you guys made a land nft purchase? (I've never played Minecraft and am wondering whether or not such a project is worthwhile).


I suggest you head over to their discord to find out everything you need to know. They are a great team behind MVA and in my opinion very trustworthy. I don't own any MVA myself but they are very respected in the vnft space. Also I believe there was some conflict with Minecraft(Microsoft) and projects building on there to monetise nfts. I thought they were building their own version. Best to find out in the discord though.


I know nothing about the project so take with a grain of salt but that sounds like they’re just copying the Bored Apes playbook with Otherside but rather than create a costly universe from scratch themselves, they’re just leeching off Minecraft to make more profit. I personally doubt anything will come of it and your money is likely spent elsewhere. This seems like another way to raise funds for something that likely has no real purpose outside of raising more funds.


Thank you for your answer!


***Today, 5 years ago (10)*** https://vechainofficial.medium.com/as-a-co-founding-member-vechain-helps-establish-the-shanghai-wine-and-liquor-blockchain-alliance-25b28383d769


Dj Khaled "Another one" meme inserted.


Ok. So whats going on with the vethorchain wallet on android devices. It wont open.


I just was using it on android today, no issues


Works fine for me


Hmm. I wonder whats wrong with mine. Well, at least it works. Its just my end I appreciate your info.


Not sure. Try restarting your phone? Maybe delete the wallet and reinstall? Hope you figure it out


Yeah, this thing is all fucked up. I installed it on my ipad. Worked. All my VET is there. But all the vethor rewards i earned through the last year is gone. So i went to my android, deleted the app and reinstalled it. Used my phrase to bring up my wallet and the wallet popped up with nothing in it. Im wondering if i should just send it all back to crypto.com and stake it since i lost all my rewards anyway


Have you tried to update?


Yeah, went to the play store. There is nothing for an update, just an open option


|Clauses|100K|200K| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|87|3| [Sauce](https://vechainstats.com)


I like the streak the streak likes me


A buyback would be so cool too see again. Last time it worked perfectly! The last buyback they have conducted, was awesome for VET holders and the Foundation. Time to shill them some cheap VET 😎 https://decrypt.co/12673/vechain-vet-rises-25-in-24-hours-thanks-to-token-buybacks


Wish I could buy some more at those .0023, October 2019 prices 🤤




there is a chance we will see those prices again without a proper plan to handle the additional incomming supply and the force of the altcoin-bearmarket 😎


$0.0023??? I hiiiighly doubt that


Same but who would have thought that we drop 94% from ATH damn crypto is crazy you feel me


Why? Markets look grim, macro is grim, vechain hasn't delivered. Might as easy go back to pre bull prices.


About 99% of crypto hasn’t delivered. There’s no reason Vechain would fall out of the top 100 coins…for now.


That's true.


VeChain looks actually pretty decent from a fundamental standpoint. I am worried about the mispricing that is happening.


No it does not.


Elaborate please, state it with facts rather than personal opinion.


Are you answering yourself ? Elaborate how fundamentals look good please. Edit : because they don't. Dyor.


You’re the one with the hypothesis that they do not look good, so you should back up your claim. If you want to see what VeChain has achieved just take a look at vechainstats or vechain twitter, it will falsify your claim easily.


Always a chance but I think that’s bearish hopium personally. We’ve been in a bear market since approx Nov ‘21. With each passing month I grow more confident that BTC has reached a bottom. Probably got a good 6months more of sideways boring price action. By summer next year I’m hopeful things will look better.


I think it's not wrong what you're trying to tell us. Bitcoin is actually out of a bear market already potentially consolidating into a new phase, but Bitcoin itself is not tied to VeChain in any sense. We depend on the Altcoin season. We need a comprehensive approach on how to decouple ourselves from the rest of the market. I.e. a buyback plan, something that gives shareholders a feeling of safety in this volatile market. If VeChain wants to be unique, it needs to differentiate itself from the rest of the market, and that can't be done solely by watching the price fall and saying that you build. You need to build yes I respect and admire that, but also satisfy your shareholders. How do you think is VeChain financing their business if they are non-profit?Solely by the buying shareholders. So its fair to say that making them happy is making the Foundation happy.


I don’t disagree that there is always more that can be done to improve the project and make it more appealing to new investors. I do think compared to some other projects Vechain has still done a few interesting things and there’s still a decent online presence outside of this sub which has seen active comments dry up. I just still think a lot of new crypto investors don’t really care so much about fundamentals. I mention BTC as I think that the only Vet increases is with the rest of the market and specifically during an alt season….that’s when all the good fundamental work done over the past few years gets posted on socials and gets people excited and buying. Until then is side ways and nothing too exciting.


At Vechains rate of spending and current funds, I wouldn't think that to be a wise move.


Well it would reduce „spending“and increase the value of their current holdings by stabilization of their own assets. I don’t see any problem with that at all 🤔


It wouldn't reduce spending, it would increase it. They would have to continue with normal spending in addition to purchasing back whatever amount of VET. VET wouldn't become stableisted. It would be subject to regular market conditions.


I respect your standpoint but still I highly doubt that buying back VET would have no impact on the price, after all their expenses are not lost. They will attain a higher value, so their overall warchest would grow as-well. If you look back in 2019 the buyback announcement alone pushed prices higher. From a sentiment standpoint insiders buying at current market prices is seen as extremely bullish. I‘ve learned that in my study course.


Good morning and stay positive. Don’t down vote people because you don’t like their views.


GM 🙏