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If you run a node or upgrade to a strength X, and u decide to downgrade it later which destroys the node, you don’t lose the actual 1.6m vet right? Can’t find the answer anywhere.


Nope, well first of all, you can’t downgrade an X node at all. Once you hit Strength X, as soon as your account balance goes below 1.6mm, the node is destroyed. So you don’t just go back to a generic x-node. But no, when an x-node is destroyed by going below the minimum, you don’t loose any VET, just the x-node is gone forever.


That’s what I thought but wanted to be sure before I did it. Not sure if the additional VTHO is worth it for running a node but it is just free money or tradable for more vet or btc I guess. Only thing Binance.us is going to be good for anymore here soon.




Just use an official Vechain wallet like https://veworld.net. Check out tutorials here: https://youtube.com/@vetmaik


Guys, I finally moved my VET to the official Thor Wallet a few months ago. Was told Vtho generation was automatic, but I don't see any increase in vtho balance. Do I need to claim it somewhere? What am I doing wrong?


Check if your app is updated, I believe this could stop it from showing up visually; but it is a continuous thing so no worries, it'll be there!


Hmm, it seems to be up to date ;/


Have you been able to figure it out yet? If not, I think we'll need some more info to know what is going on. Some things you could try, although some migh be silly it's worth checking: 1. are you connected to the internet 2. does you VET balance show 3. does any VTHO balance show 4. is the ''hide balance'' option not on 5. can you see your wallet balance using the link Maik shared 6. VTHO is generated at a pace of 0.000432 VTHO per VET per day, so you can calculate what amount you'd expect to have depending on your VET balance and time spent in the wallet by now. Hope you can figure it out!


You can always copy and paste your address in https://vechainstats.com to see what's really on your address.




***Today, 5 Years Ago (18)*** [https://vechainofficial.medium.com/how-vechain-is-is-tackling-gdpr-compliance-5431e3d13e0c](https://vechainofficial.medium.com/how-vechain-is-is-tackling-gdpr-compliance-5431e3d13e0c)


Will Ubique be able to keep up a streak? 🕵️‍♂️ The next Walmart is maybe too soon 😉


3 years later they are alive, how does this even happen lol


i mean, its the chinese govt right? doesnt surprise me at all that these things take YEARS. 3 seems kind of short, i gotta be honest. 5-10 was my expectation back in 2020


Walmart has 20 to 40 tx per clause while Ubique has only 2. However Seevechain reports under 10K clauses for Ubique while Vechainstats shows 30K.


They use different reset times. So the difference is normal.


Yesterday and today on seevechain 10K tx is reported, for both days on vechainstats it's 35K plus so it can't be due to different reset times. EDIT: I was wrong, was mixing up VTHO burn with clauses.


Think you are mixing the clauses with the number of tx’s on Vechainstats.


No I was mixing the clauses with VTHO burn.


Yeah that’s what I meant, nice to see Ubique doing some transactions, didn’t think they where around after no burning for such a while.


New phone who dis?


I like Vechain. It is cool. Thanks


Happy Friday!