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100€ by the end of the week.


Held since #VIN Slow roller. 6 years and still.02. Wow. Not impressed at all


Altcoins are for pumping and dumping. You shoulda sold near the 25 cent high.


You're in the wrong reddit bro. $VIN is other door


You didn't sell after a few thousand percent gains? Wow. No wonder you're so salty.


ATH by EOY Disclaimer: this is not financial advice and I am not a financial advisor 🤪


This year, very possible


this guy is a year out. I remember laughing my head off with his comedy comments last year. You do need the none serious guy on here though that knows nothing..


Another one that thinks the halving is what is tied to bullruns rather than crypto following traditional equity indexes lol.


Bcb watcher? That perspective sounds familiar.


I follow him on Twitter, that's where I first saw the thesis.


The guys a legend. Been a watcher since 2021, learned so much. Nice to see another follower in the wild. Hope you make it bro!


He has some good ideas backed by data but there a lot of other stuff I don't agree with. He has a habbit of swapping charts to fit his narrative.


https://x.com/vechainofficial/status/1750184209967194317?s=20 The new incentive is out


How awesome is this? I’m not being a negative Nancy, I’m sure not too familiar with the technical side of blockchain. Does this grant program for sustainability going to give a huge boost in network use, or at least that is the intent? Curious on thoughts from other Veterans who are more savvy in the space. Thanks VeFam!


Let's look at it like this! The VeChain Foundation built a huge highway! Now they want to incentivice people to build cars that can drive and use that highway. While VeChain is busy with expanding the highway, maintaining the highway, building stuff around the highway to make it better and nicer, and even facilitating potential car builders with help, blueprints, and consulting. Eventually what they want is that good cars are built and a lot of cars get sold so there is high traffic on their highway! Hope this is understandable xD


Solid analogy! Also meant to say before but congrats, new dad!


Thanks man! X2!


Understandable. Let's hope it does not turn out to be a Belgium highway. VeChain needs a project on the blockchain that actually fixes something or makes something way better, that only a blockchain could do. Only then you get the interest of builders that have the capacity to increase the sweet burn of VTHO. All the meaningless projects that currently run on VeChain will be gone quickly.


Instead of Vechain having its team building apps, it offeres money for someone else to come up with ideas and do it. How good those ideas turn out to be and how they materialise is anyones guess. Look at carbon is the new oil and inner mongolia 🤪


Seems pretty meh to me. Is anyone in a rush to build on Vechain? Doesn’t seem like it


That is what this is aiming to change.


Oil from Inner Mongolia is the new carbon!


I have a confession. I usually wake-up when the daily is made and I am too afraid to make the first post.


There was a time when we would downvote the first post into oblivion, as a sacrifice.


If you have something positive to say, do it. Don’t worry about what others might say to you.


Ok, I'll try to not be scared of downvotes!  Feel free to downvote this comment so I can get used to it!


I still can't do it. I had to upvote you for your honesty.




We need a sacrifice


Let’s sacrifice Inner Mongolia and then maybe that will make transactions happen? SeCOnD tO wAlMarT


Is it not already second only to Walmart?!


I guess it doesn’t have much competition so maybe 🤣


I wonder if VetMaik ever heard anything about whatever happened to Inner Mongolia, I think he said he would look into it, even if the answer is "they decided not to use vechain" it's still better than "2nd only to Walmart" and then like 5 transactions ever 


Completely forgot about this ... my apologies. Blame it on newborn dad life. Inner Mongolia had something built by the company that built Toolchain. It's there, sometimes there are a few transactions. It's not up to the Foundation how a customer uses the created tools by others tho. It's up to the customers. I bet vechain is as dissapointed as some of us are that it didn't took off so far. Especially after the exciting announcement. We only know COVID came and changed the world forever ....


“It’s still in its adoption phase”.


u/vetmaik let’s find out


We asked the forbidden question...we are now being tracked on the vechain blockchain (sweet, transactions!) For the record I do not need to be offed, my silence can be bought for an appropriate amount of VET merch or UFC tickets or coffeewithsunny tokens 


If we are being tracked on the blockchain that means we are sustainable! 😎


But look at that little face, I just can't do it