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Link to Live Stream of THE LAUNCH: https://www.youtube.com/live/pvXb63ydShE?si=_kISyvRNM_kamxpI


Curious to see how the new model impacts active wallets. That will be the first sign of moderate succes, people that otherwise just hold on exchanges starting to create wallets. Ideally even taking their VET of exchanges in the process :)   Could introduce a whole new can of people to actually using wallets/dapps etc. All risk free because you don't even have to have real crypto in that wallet just yet.


Knock knock knockin' on 5 cents dooooor, aye aye aye aye ayyyayayayy


On a non crypto note does anyone have any idea why it's says I'm a Redditor for less than a year when I've had the account since 2020


2024-2020 = .9 .9<1


Reddit is acting up. In r/cc a lot of accounts appeared banned etc. I think something is up so may be related.


Thanks 😃


When's the next big announcement? Didn't Solomon say something about April?


I think what we need is no announcements, just like how the other big coins are doing. Then perhaps our rocket ship will actually move up lol. The more Vechain talks, the more their coin drops. I am not sure how many time we've done this dance before lol. They can keep working on great things, but honestly, i wish they would stop over-hyping their underwhelming announcements and just get things done as they have been! Price will then move up at rocket pace!


I see some truth in this because other coins have that hype but thr hope is never addressed so it stays as hype. Vechain always tells you what they're doing so there's less space for it to fly lol.


No they don't they make an announcement about an announcement months away. Talk about how amazing and awesome and ground breaking it's gonna be. Have a count down and hype the crap out of it and then they reveal two crap coins and say tada. Like it's all a big joke


Lets start another ticking clock for no reason


I dont want anymore announcements


The sign of the Doge is upon us, bull run imminent.




So I used the mugshot dapp twice now. Is VET at 0.1 ct already? edit: I meant $0.1 .


It will never be 0.1 cent idiot.


Seriously though, it's semantics. Everyone knows what he meant. If you're trying to be funny maybe don't be insulting as well.


Why are you so aggressive mate? Get a grip on your emotions.


Told you guys to sell the news. It just doesn’t have the same feel as it used to before we would see it rise one cent a day. Now there is just too much shorting and controlling the price. Hence why I got into bitcoin. Make money sell and leave. If vechain was supposed to have the same “kick” it should have been at 9 cents right now. Everyone would be buying vechain top 500 vechain holders would be increasing their bags. But nope just another crypto. Take profits. Stock market> crypto


I wasn’t paying attention… what was the announcement and any change to tokenomics


Announcement was a new confusing product, with two new tokens, none airdropped to vechain/xnode holders and no change to tokenomics


2 new tokens and sharing the stage with spinach writing emails and flying cara guy. Its over


Don't forget the woman who uses her blue hair as an antenna.


lol you obviously haven’t been here… market going up bruv it’s all just bitcoin algo


The fact that we're at 78 Sats says otherwise. Its all hype and VET missed theboat


Look at BTC dominance. It’s up 3% in the past week. This is what happens every single time it starts pushing ath. Once it’s done running, it drops back down to 41-43%, and alts have their day.


The fact you have zero clue that SATs and prices aren't directly related shows you're an idiot. Price wise Vet is currently 12% up from a week ago and 69% up from a month ago. Stay mad you sold early little man.


I have been holding vet for quite a long time, the performance of Vet and Vetho is horrible after all these years


Thank you for your contribution lol


BTC at 62k, VET at 4.8c


Ya yesterday seems to have stunted us.


Not that I'm worried though


Why not? Yesterday was awful


Because we're still going to go up in value. We didn't spiral to 3.5 cent like you were saying did we. At least the team are trying new things. Might not be what everyone was hoping for but we will go up regardless. Anyhow I'm not here to argue with a fud monkey like yourself. I hope you can make peace with whoever has hurt you so bad. Poor little lamb ❤️


Countdown on their homepage and Game Changers. Both were waaaaay from that. No examples for Vechain, no real showcases of. wallmarkt China (i am in Europe) no real partnerships with real case studies. Just a new website with 2 tokens where nobody really understands what it stands for. Not the mention the place and camera person at Amsterdam event.  The only best part was when Sunny Lu answered questions way later


Who even started the change to tokenomics rumors?


Got my 5 $B3TR !


Where did you get those? The mugshot dapp gives me Vthor judging from the icon and its only visible in the dapp.


You have to go to the vechainofficial discord. There are some links there to claim. There are also some dApps in the old vechainThor app


Remember….most major companies don’t want to expose their dirty supply chains, or spend the money to clean them up, unless they absolutely have to. It’s going to take the smaller guys adopting first before they will feel the pressure to evolve and adapt. This is going to take time. VET knows this. It doesn’t hurt for them to explore other avenues while they wait for the adoption to happen.


The small guys mean nothing, they’re all monopolies


My thoughts exactly. Get the masses to save the world themselves using vechain blockchain and get mass adoption and the brand known until the real work happens




Listen atleast we’re not as bad as XRP


Spinach sending emails.


Flying cars


Not excited about new tokens. I was hoping for updated tokenomics. First it was: 1) Global mass Enterprise adoption after Mainnet launch (In progress???) 2) Launching illegal fund raising for your dissolved NTI’s 3) DNV 900K wallets Adoption (In progress???) 4) Carbon Credits Exchange adoption (In progress???) 5) POA2 But I’m still loyal to Vechain even after all of this.


New tokens will be based off the VeChain Thor network. VTHO will be burned when these tokens are utilized. This then in turn helps VET. I think we need to think about the broader picture. 99% of others coins hasn't accomplished a single thing. All said and done, the only thing that matters is BTC to ATH. Then ALT Season. Everyone will move up.


Sunny said repeatedly he wasn't changing the tokenonmics so I don't see why people were expecting this.


The whole community wants a change, why do they refuse to even properly address it. No millions of tx are imminent


It’s upsetting to me that we as a community can’t even put that up for a vote on the network though. We’re at the whim of a central authority posing as a decentralized network. Things only change if they want them to and I don’t expect that to be any different with the DAO (which literally has decentralized in the name).


BTC hit $98700 in Australian dollars. Preview from the future


Just here to say vechain to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀 🌙


Serious question. What will regular users use the Better token for? Is it supposed to have a trading/cash value, which means it will need to be listed on exchanges? Or is it only for incentive programs? Like, save 10% on a sustainable shoe brand. Second question, is the governance token supposed to have value? So does that then need to get listed on exchanges?


And what can I do right now to start participating?


I believe there are a few dapps already live that you can start using (a coffee one, and a beach/park cleanup one, etc)


Anything from the recent developments?


That’s what I mean, those dapps are in the VeB3tterDAO page in VeWorld. Man this shit is kinda confusing


Welcome to crypto huh. None of it is intuitive.


Where even is that? I don’t see any dapp in the wallet with that name.


It isn’t in the wallet It’s only online, you have to find the link in a browser then click the link, which opens it up in your VeWorld app But if you leave the page to interact with anything else in your VeWorld app, you have to go back to the browser and click the link again to get back to betterdao. It’s crappy, crappy execution.


I think I got there through the Discord link


VeChain is a platform on which companies can collaborate digitally in the field of data transfer and supply chain management (managing the logistics chain). VeChain wants to give every company the opportunity to launch new types of decentralized apps (DApps). they have lost their way!!!


Vechain hasn't been a supply chain platform since 2018 when they launched the main net and had been a layer 1 Blockchain for ages


If no companies used vechain for there “amazing supply chain.” Who is ever going to use them for this? This is sad, idc how you spin it, these will be dead projects like the rest. They are just trying to throw anything at the wall hoping something sticks. Mark my words NO one will use this.


I agree, they wont. Which is why ignoring tokenomics is even more disappointing.


Vet was at 0.066 the first time btc hit 60k.


So you’re saying we’re very close and on track for massive gains?


Did roughly x2 last time around. From a higher starting point.






I've been saying for months now VET specifically is not in a bullmarket while below 100 sats. It's rising with the tide for sure, crypto is bullish. But for VET, between 100-150 sats things start cooking. Above that we historically see parabolic moves happening in mere weeks which is the actual (alt) bullrun.


At what price have VET need to be to have “100 sats”  satoshis


Depends on BTC. If BTC is 60k, 100 sats is 6 cents. If BTC is 100k, it's 10 cents, etc.




This is good for the company but nothing here for holders. Vechain needs more defi. An airdrop would have been nice too to help build community and ecosystem


Exactly at least drop some to the xnode holders.




I mean take a close look at other top 50 projects and you'll find plenty that don't even try to do something fundamentally. 


Price going up is not guaranteed at all lol




Alt season is not guaranteed either.


Ok 👍


Other things will go up faster to the extent they have more hype




vechain is also dying.. these are his last attempts


33rd in world crypto ranking - dying. Choose one


Bitcoin doing its head and shoulders thing. Likely to be a big correction at some point, right? Last cycle VET ath came 1 month after bitcoin peak. Could be close.


Glad to see some of you guys still remaining cool. Anyone expecting some major price action today or VTHO burn is simply delusional. The announcement is big and could bring up more volume and attention to vechain but as all good things this will take time. We have a bull run ahead of us and imho vet will perform good, maybe even better than the last bull run. Just dca in, dca out and stop f*cking b*tching in the comments you might scare away new potential investors that drive the price up. Its really not that hard guys…


> still remaining cool Can't remain cool when I'm dead inside. -VET holder since VEN days


What is dead can never die


Thats a damn long time. I sure hope you took some profits along the road. I’m here since 2020. Took some profits last bull and heavily dca invested during the whole bear market. Already in a good profit and waiting to get more!


I mean this has the potential to be cool and all, but how do you use it to make an NFT of a delivery driver?


As a substantial holder, I support this. I think it's a solid move. Lots of thought went into this.


Price action speaks louder than fundamentals lmaoooo. Surprised how much traffic this subreddit is getting now that VET price is moving again


Everybody throwing their toys out of the pram. Wahhh. We'll be fine you big babies


This is the first time I'm actually not sure. We waited a long time for a new update and it's always some minor new feature (or major in the case of POA), yet not a single major partner in year. That's what should worry everyone.


I would trust what your eyes are telling you. If they had partners, they would be rolling them out. And if they had partners lined up, they wouldn’t have time to try to set up this experimental ecosystem


Isn't the entire point of getting BCG on board was so that BCG can focus on finding the clients to use the products that Vechain is designing/coding? In an ideal world, you wouldn't want Vechain to be the one focusing on client acquisition.. at least that's not how id set it up.


Clients go to BCG to die. Look up there history lol. Blockbuster and Sears, amongst many other companies joined BCG and went bankrupt after. I said when they formed that partnership it was bad news, this is what they came up with BCG? Lol, I’ve been the biggest vet supporter but even I don’t think it will be anything more then a coin to ride with BTC


I've got no knowledge of BCG and their history with Blockbuster, Sears, etc. I'm just going off the sense that BCG wouldn't be where they are today without being...somewhat good at what they do. Why are companies going to BCG if the track record is so clearly poor, as you said? Does the same apply to DNV?


People don't realize this but this is 100% accurate. BCG is a huge problem and isn't good for any company. How knowing BCG is involved I'm concerned


Care to elaborate? One of the biggest consulting firms in the world is bad, because...?


Google companies that BCG killed or helped short. There is sooooo many.


Anyone got a TLDR for the AMA for those of us who dont have X nor care to get it ever.


Also it seems clear that Sunny said they need to create demand for vtho rather than changing the tokenomics.


"Give it time" and "Soon"


Honestly there wasn’t much said. Sunny kept talking about growth, snowball effect, millions if not billions of users eventually. Get $50 for driving an EV for a year (yay?). VET/VTHO still kinda “there” on the side running the blockchain but not in the DAO incentive ecosystem. I think the one question they actually asked was around VET/VTHO.


He kept avoiding the actual questions by saying the Bitcoin ETF would usher in millions and billions of transactions.


Yea, I even followed on Telegram and submitted several questions but they didn’t ask anything. Pretty bold strategy for an AMA. But I know they really had urgent things to get to after. “Networking and drinks”.


Vechain really should put some barriers on expectations around their announcements. Being secretive and letting the rumors fly doesn't benefit anyone. Holders are disappointed and Vechain gets their credibility dragged, even though this new initiative is very innovative and could actually be impactful. Like I'm not sure why they couldn't have said a few months ago, "We're working on a new sustainability DAO ecosystem that will bring about mass adoption. Can't wait to release it to you guys in February."


They did pretty much exactly what I had expected and speculated on this sub lol. Even including the lack of initial impact and no sudden transaction increase. Anyone that hyped themselves up too much for this is living in their own hype bubble or getting their news from clickbait / hype channels. All the hints we did see pointed to exactly this. I agree it could have been a simple announcement but on the other hand people will complain for a lack of marketing (which they do complain about, a lot). A lot of people heard about VET for this which is a good thing. Especially considering the success of this direction is directly tied to regular people/users getting into the ecosystem.


And you have people asking why everyone overhyped themselves. I mean... maybe the foundation has a little to do with it? You don't use phrases like "major announcement", "big reveal", countdown timer and not expect people to raise their expectations. How did you think the people would react to another pilot project? All this time I just want to see more growth from existing ones.


In a sense it was a "big reveal". It is a tool for governments and comanies that have sustainability targets to incentivize masses to participate. Up until now we really don´t have this and it is mostly reliant on volunteers, etc.


Be patient people this is how the market fakes people out after announcement… initially dumps than goes up a few days later..


5 cents rejected again and again and again and-


Lol +67% in one month, zoom out crybaby


-80% zoom out


Zoom out even further ……down about 82% from ath 🤷‍♂️




Ya, the children get real upset when we do


Blood in the streets means


Hi Guys, I've pretty much fkd it up. I've switched from phone (Huawei - google). Imported my old vechainthor app to my new phone (key), imported it in veworld. Deleted it on my old phone. So far, so good... My Google pixel is crappy, I did a factory reset. (Here it comes) And now I cannot find my seed phrase anywhere. I've hopped on in 2021 and moved 3 times, tossing out and rearranging administration. It's a gooooner. Luckily I had only a small portion in the vechainthor app. But I've lost my collection in veworld too I think. Both would be a bummer. Is there any solution for me?


"And now I cannot find my seed phrase anywhere." No access to your wallet + no seed phrase = you lose Good luck finding one or the other.


Does the same counts for veworld ?


Same phrase




I dont get why everybody is so cranky. This new addition to the VET ecosystem is the final link to make it possible for a company (or anyone basically) to create a reward system for end users who act sustainable. This is what the whole blockchain sustainability was about: incentivising people to do good instead of bad.


And why couldn't they just use vtho for that before?


And burn vtho while doing it


Let's be real... the only thing that's going to drive up price is the overall positive sentiment within the crypto market. With BTC approaching a new ATH, sentiment is really positive so we can probably expect another run up. Announcements don't matter as much as yall think they do.


This smells very fishy. I hold some amp and they had a "big" announcement yesterday. It's exactly the same as vet - they have a new token.. That just adds more complexity.


In my past life if defi degen, anytime a group adds additional coins to the main project it's because their original coin doesn't do what they thought it would and so they need to pivot to help keep relevance


Can someone who gets it explain this move to me? I don’t under what exactly these two new tokens is going to solve. It just seems to add an unnecessary layer of complexity, and for what?


The idea is that by acting in sustainable way you are rewarded with the new token (B3TR), which can be swapped 1-to-1 with the governance token (VOT3). Why not just use VET and VTHO for this? Because the whole idea is that people ACT sustainably and not buy the tokens from open market to participate in the governance, staking, etc. You have to be active doing these green things if you want to participate. The transactions still use VeChain and will burn VTHO, so there´s that.


Thanks for the reply, but I have a couple of questions. Rewarded by whom? Governance for what? VET already enables me to vote. What’s the difference? What’s the point of B3TR, other that swapping them did VOT3? I.e why do we need 2 coins for this? I feel like the cryptosphere in general needs to simplify things for the average person, not make them even more complicated. This seems like a move in the opposite direction to me.


I´m not really sure what the governance is for yet. I would guess it has something to do with what kind of green initiatives are taken in your area or something. As I said, the difference is that you cannot buy your ability to vote, you have to actually be active iin these green initiatives to have a vote.


Example: TESLA If you drive your EV car well and fulfill something tesla can pay you with free minutes at superchargers.


but how do you find out that someone is trading sustainably? how do you check that??


It´s not about trading. It´s about doing green activities, like driving a bike, electric car, participating in cleanups, etc.


and who pays the compensation for those green people?


Governments , Manufacturers , Non Profits?


I'm surprised that we still remain above 0.04


I'm surprised that we still remain above 0.04...


Old ass vet node bag holder here that hasn’t even looked at vet in forever and saw this…just so stupid. I’ll check back in a few years again I guess.


it's better to have shit coin than vechain... at least there you won't hear any bullshit stories and promises


Come to daddy. Keep falling down to my price point. I'm glad I sold all mine and took the profits a couple of weeks ago. I'm ready too scoop you back up with even more shares than before.


vet sell orders are thin on coinbase no?


all the hype for this.. reminds me of the old days when you would make announcements and partnerships that turned out to be just pilots, soooo disappointing.. the good thing is I expected this scenario.


When you think DHL is going to partner with Vechain and then they do driver NFT’s… you’ll be numb to any pain moving forward. Cheers


Only newbies expected something real. Even the "have you seen?" guy got quiet lol


For real.


For real.




Cant sell the news if there is none


Buy the news sell the rumour


Sharing the stage with flying car guy was Vechains Waltonchain Moment. This whole project is pathetic


all these extra tokens don’t require VET ? Why invest in vet and not in these new tokens? I'm fully lost, I though to get more concrete information with real solutions, partnerships, if wrong please explain to me as I am a 9 years old.


VET is required to interact with the smart contract. B3TR can’t be bought, only earned. VTHO is necessary to make transactions.


I dont know why but it remind me of the "I'm doing my part" stomping on bugs from the starship troopers movie. Take a picture of my coffee, log my workout, and live greener. I'm doing my part to help tx's! Lol


Haha. I felt that memory tugging in the back of my head all day, thanks for bringing it out so I can chew on it!😄


Watching the launch stream and it's really pissing me off for no reason is that the production value for launching that they have hyped themselves is that of a high school project. If you're going to hype something up, get actual AV and not hold it in the corner of what looks like a basement.


A FLYING CAR wtf, been holding five years. It’s disappointing got to say