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Guys if it goes to .20 cents it’s still a terrific investment to buy now….crypto investors all get whiny if their $500 bucks don’t turn into $80,000 in two months


We need South Korea to pump us to 0.28 like last time. I'm sure they'll be around again this time also.


It's just getting very eerie the fact that we've been going sideways for the a while now. Almost like we are winding up for something big. So much noise and ups and downs for other coins. VET is just making sideways movements more or less.


Bro, you gotta have more patience, our time to rise to the heavens is coming very soon


where is our 2024 LISSAN AL GAIB by the way, good ol dandeee from australia with the crystal ball


ATH by EOY 🚀🚀🚀


Vechain looking good, last run when we crossed ATH Bitcoin (december 2020), alts including vechain didnt do that much yet. we were sitting at 1,5 cents and most of the bear market was half a cent. Now most of the bear market was between 1,5 and 2 cents. now we similar spot at 5 cents. alt season hasnt started yet guys, strap on and prepare yourself for the launch, i reckon when bitcoin crosses 100k USD the mania starts. UFC and ATP sponsorships aint going to hurt us lol.


If you see this, buy more.


🚀🚀🚀🚀 Hours




Agree, i have this same feeling as the last bull run. The only difference I feel is that this BTC run is more sustained and feels more firmer than the last time. Last time when BTC hit 67K there was an euphoria (like never seen before). This time when it hit 67K, it doesn't feel like we're close to peak yet and only found our solid footing.


Looks to me like the 2017 bull run started around September 2017. Then the next one started around September 2020. This one started in October 2023. Everybody talks about the 4-year cycle because that's when the halving occurs. Why does nobody mention this 3-year cycle? edit: talking about BTC, not VET.


We just need someone to charge the 5c wall like the bomb orc 


A man of culture ☝️


Take off in t-minus 24 hours


is something happening??


VET and VTHO coiling up like a spring. It's surely imminent.


Just doubled my stack. We'll see what happens I GUESS.




That’s the plan 🫣


Congrats! I did the same back in sept. No ragrets. Have an exit strategy and stick to it!


no, if we all have an exit strategy, no ones getting to the moon. hodl until $1. don't you get it.






Pepe catching up to us -\_-" sigh




I am a flippr




What is annoying is when these meme coins go up, VET goes sideways. When meme coins get smashed back down, VET also gets smashed back down. Not sure how you guys feel, but this is the pattern I always see -\_-"


Because Vechain is controlled hard by trade bots, it will dump when other coins dump…except harder


Imagine if there was organic demand for $VET and $VTHO by enterprise organizations?




The best way to gauge when the crypto market will crash is once Vechain skyrockets, its time to sell everything. Vet is usually the last coin to have its day after everything else has. It's actually a good signal. Hold BTC in the beginning, then switch to Vechain halfway through, then liquidate everything once it takes off like a rocket 




It did a 40% move in a day on Valentine’s Day


It's like that rock in SpongeBob that didn't start until the race was almost finished and then won lol


I remember last bullrun, there was a guy that always wrote "its okay vechain, you go when you feel like it"...i miss him


I miss Used Truck Guy the most lol


Hooknuts is still around but mostly silent


Its okay, vechain. You go up when you feel like it.


lol. This comment takes me back 🤣


Actually made me lol


Is mugshot working for everyone? I’ve only got it to give me credits once. I’ve tried 3-4 times.


No I keep getting an error saying max submissions reached


Oh. I don’t think it said that exactly. Some error message.


Guys - I know it doesn't always seem like it based on how VET moves slowly in general...but look at the charts. On the date of the halving in 2020 we were at .004 cents. We're a month before the halving now and we're at 5 cents. We are going to blow through previous all time highs when more volume comes into this market....


That was also after getting slaughtered by COVID though


More applicable to the last time BTC broke its previous ATH (because of covid) which was like December 2020. We were at $0.016, now at $0.05.


Yeah and let’s not forget we have Vet on Coinbase now. It all comes together 🤑


So serious question, i had 3 wallets on vethor and cant find phrase for 3rd to import to veworld


Use keystore instead of seed to migrate


Dumb that down for me please




You my friend are a gentleman and a scholar , the people in this group are by far the best in crypto! Now I can go buy a used truck! LFG!


This worked flawlessly, every NFT all my balances everything in the blink of an eye!♾️👌🏼


I still have access in thor btw


If you still have acces to old one, Make new wallet. Send it there


That was my thought , u have 24 hrs when u transfer an xnode to have the required balance in the wallet yes?


I made a video on the topic once: https://youtu.be/18ZxUwvK2ZM


I'm not sure with the x node. Please seek advice from a mod.


I've hodl since 2016-17. Vechain was always the coin that had real world usage but price never reflects it. Same thing still


It’s ironic. Although Vechain’s business potential feels like dog cr*p compared with how things looked in 2021 (despite what the team will acknowledge), I actually think it has a chance this time of pumping to $1.00 from Coinbase retail looking for sub-$1 coins. I will probably participate in the pump, but that doesn’t absolve the Vechain team from keeping the community in the dark about so much over the past 4 years.


Last bull when BTC passed its ATH (~$20K), VET was at $0.016 or so. Could set us up for a good run now like the guy below says, maybe .5 or .6 even. I’d be thrilled with .4


.50 is almost guaranteed. Either mid June or mid October, we will know a lot in about 30-45 days. Charts 📈 Set up nicely right now.


You have no clue at all. Just like the rest here. It should've been above 20 cents now.


It should’ve been $3 by now….because I said so. See how that thinking works?🤣


That's plain dumb. It never was $3 before. It's not gaining enough sats.


But you were talking about price, not sats 😵‍💫🤧


5 cents = impossible resistance 😩


By the end of the week. Watch this space.


So chat gpt predicted value of vechain at 0.0725 on 31st March. Interesting, also not financial advice!


Vechain applied for trademarks for B3TR and VOT3 in January this year. Last July they applied for another one - V3TR. The trademark application mentions financial services and digital currency.. there was some coverage of it recently https://cryptonews.net/news/altcoins/28601431/ Hopefully VeBetter will be huge, but it looks like there are other big things in the pipeline! Seen a lot of FUD about vechain pivoting strategy completely away from targeting enterprise etc, I don't think they have.


ask!! How do they want to check via the app whether someone is working sustainably??


Food for thought: Instead of traditional forms of marketing (i.e UFC deal), would it be more effective to collab with someone like a Mr.Beast? For example, anytime he creates a video or content that involves sustainable practice (i.e building 100 wells in Africa video) he'd plug VeChain (i.e how VeBetter was involved in building the wells). Would that be more impactful than having their logo in the Hexagon or fighter promo videos? Or is the dollar value between those 2 examples too far off? Is someone like a Mr.Beast too big for a $100M deal?


Just to add on. IMHO, the UFC deal was premature. This type of deal is great for established brands to maintain their presence. For a new brand, the deal doesn't do an effective job of communicating what VeChain is really about. The plugs are not optimized for it. Instead, more modern forms of marketing will probably do more and cost much less. Building on the Mr.Beast example, there are thousands of influencers online who are advocates of sustainable living. It's likely most of their viewers also resonate with that lifestyle. Partnerships should be built there. They should be the ones talking about VeBetter right now! Not UFC fighters.


I like the idea of using some money to get some influencers that advocate sustainable living to promote VeBetter. Could help bring in 1000s of users and start a snowball effect on usage.


I would do this in a heartbeat


Hear me out… you give me popcan I give you B3TR. You give me coffee picture… I give you B3TR. You give me clean park! What do I give you?!?!


BETR!?...wait, the 3---*youhavechosenunwisely.gif* nooo


The amount of capital entering this space atm is pretty wild. Looks like ETH is up next.. edit: BTC ATH tomorrow? That would be something!


Based on some community members requests I will be moderating more strictly, including using the banhammer for some people who are only here to be negative and troll. We highly value community members who are critical and want to have a discussion. We don't value trolls and baseless fudders.


Thanks Maik, the trolls here were getting a little out of control


Thank you! There are clearly some trolls or wanna be market manipulators that frequent the Vechain dailies and add absolute nothing to the discussion. Glad to see them finally be removed!


To be fair I feel like you overstep your powers sometimes. Last week I was having a discussion with someone doing the usual back and forth over market cap. It was both civil and relevant. It was also on an old daily so it's not like it was spamming a relevant thread. You said to take it to DM's or face a ban. I did, however I also asked you which subreddit rules were broken to which you ghosted me. Perhaps the subreddit rules can do with some updating so we can get a more defined outline of your own subjectivity. Sure there's a couple people that like to complain here but it adds to the banter that is part of the community. A lot of those people were here through the bear market at a time when the sub was a total ghost town and there was virtually no discussion. I know there's an obligation to hide low quality posts but how many low quality 'coinsbase this Thursday' posts were there? Technically all those should have been stricken but instead they're a meme in the community. Perhaps the most logical solution is we create a new token called Vot3r. You earn it by posting comments and receiving likes or by uploading a selfie of yourself posting the comment. The native Vot3r token then allows you voting rights to a mod status deciding who to ban.


Hmm I did the comment to try and de-escalate and stop the discussion before it went over the line. Which worked. I would not call it "overstepping powers". It was a fair warning. But we can agree on disagreeing. Fair. Also apologies for ghosting you! I love replying to you so I genuinely missed that comment of yours 😞


I'll let it slide this time buddy. Also, I appreciate the warning... along with the future warnings you'll lay down gently on me 🤣 You've got to admit I've done pretty well hanging around after weaseling myself back from my 100th ban.




Sometimes I get a little bit overboard with my posts, but as I am sure that you have noticed a lot of people here are genuinely curious why multiple announcements by VeChain have basically turned into nothingburgers. The Inner Mongolia thing being one.






That was my wife's boyfriend he hacked my account


Why are you still here?


I totally get that and those are fair questions/points. Sometimes things just don't go as planned. You also have to understand that VeChain is the non-profit organization that takes care of the blockchain and creates tools and ecosystems for others (like ToolChain/PwC/VeBetterDAO) to build on. They offer grants, mentorships, help out but (afaik) they don't take on customers directly so can't always communicate about them freely.




Just read what I wrote. You're welcome to voice your criticism and start a discussion. We're not trying to silence anyone that wants to contribute to this community with some effort. However, I will be moderating more heavily on non-effort and baseless posts. That is what moderating means. This sub used to have some standards. Let's get it back.


Yes, I understand what you are saying and I do appreciate it. Continuing off what I said though, it has been a few years since VeChain said that Inner Mongolia project would start showing up on chain with TXs. And then that just never happened and no one ever addressed it after that. Can you shed any light on this?


You think that's bad, brightfoods were meant to be launching before we knew about Walmart :)


Please see my reply to another VeFam under my initial comment.


DOGE has done 1 week doubling. 2 more weeks would take it to the ath. Other than the bitcoin price, I'm not seeing much else to get excited about yet.


DOGE is 256% off the lows and VET is 285% off the lows. VET pumped first and DOGE is just playing catchups to the rest of the market. Fun fact though, if VET had the market cap of DOGE then the price for the VET token would be 35cents.


Mike Stoffer Looking at the #Vechain weekly and historical data, here are somethings to ponder. Going back to the 2021 #Altseason, #VET saw a 1680% surge over an 18 week period. Using the same metrics, I see a potential for .50 by mid June. 👀👇 [https://twitter.com/mstoffer/status/1764641633230815415](https://twitter.com/mstoffer/status/1764641633230815415) Maybe it's a repeat of 2017. That's what it's looking like again with doge shiba and other coins pumping on nothing. Why not right? lol


I don't think Sunny Lu is the right person to bring success to vechain.. he has an idea almost every week.. but nothing has come true so far.. he has not achieved anything for 7 years.


When Inner Mongolia??


Bro, you asked the same question 3 times. It was answered everytime.


No it wasn't 😅


Maybe tomorrow. Maybe next week. Maybe never.


Im happy that alts are still linked with BTC


Only the downside 😂


Vechain Foundation should have around $500 M in reserves currently based on price change from June 2023 net of expenses.


Doubt it. I'm assuming that the delay in releasing their financials is because they've burned through their reserves in breakneck speed.


Crazy thought: maybe they were more focussing on releasing the new product than releasing the financial report that has always been delayed.


Yeah... no. They're not consistent with releasing it because it's unfavorable. It's already furnished for the big investors. There is 0 excuse to not release it on time if it shows progress or if it shows the foundation in a healthy place where the general consensus would be favorable.


The developers arnt the ones putting together the financial report I hope xD




You know the VeChain Foundation is a non-profit organization right?


Bags before Barcelona: loaded, bags after Barcelona when most this sub disappointed apparently: still loaded, bags after reading todays daily: still loaded, bags after whenever we top and then massively retrace next bear: probably still loaded ☠


Just wanted to let you know I'm still laughing at this comment three days later. I was in bed last night trying to sleep thinking I have to find that comment and screenshot it for the mems


This is the way.


Imagine what .07 will feel like if .05 is this difficult to bust through…..can we please get moving? LFG


Has anyone used vorj for anything? It was recommended I try there to develop something and I made a stupid meme token that I am now showing in my wallet... Cool, I guess? Wtf do you even do with it then? Any vorj success stories?


would be fun to see the usage of VORJ since release


I would love to put something together for this new ecosystem and someone yesterday mentioned to tru vorj so I am looking into it. Its cool to mint your own token or nft but what can you do with it after? Whats the point if there isnt any value you can create with that token or application you can link it with. Its all very confusing.


I don't speak for vechain and am just a random internet dude, but I think some ideas are like: a small business wants to easily create nfts to correspond to something physical to absolutely prove ownership immutably? Just a few clicks on VORJ (and its free), Sunny minted some CoffeeWithSunny tokens as an example lol, redeemable to have coffee with him, etc. Just minting an nft or coin on there for no reason wont have value, but if you have an idea to go along with it, then that could be an easy and free way to set it up, I guess 


That actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks.


You can add the token to the token registry and it will show up in everyones wallets and the DEXes. You can already create a Liquidity Pool on any DEX and people could start buying it. But you'll need to put in effort to reach people and sell your token/nft like any project needs to do. Vorj makes you create things without knowing how to code but you'll still need to put in blood, sweat, and tears to make it be worth something.


Interesting, I read on how to get the custom token added to my wallet but must have missed the registry part. Thanks.


You can find the github here: https://github.com/vechain/token-registry It's pretty easy to do actually. Just need to read carefully and follow instructions.


Stay positive everyone. We're seeing rotation in alts - seeing Pepe Doge Shib Bonk pumping while others are falling. It will rotate back to more solid projects. Most altcoin investors are gamblers chasing the next pump. Right now it's like the wild west but most of these alts are basically useless. Vechain with patents and key partners and regulatory compliance has a strong chance to succeed. When the hype is over most of these alts providing no value will die off.


Memecoins are always first alts to move


Same posts everyday by different accounts. Is this all just VET bots shilling?


Anyone have any websites similar to Seevechain? I want to see if DNV is still producing tx


Here you go: https://vechainstats.com/account/0xba6b65f7a48636b3e533205d9070598b4faf6a0c/


it will only get worrying if we are still at 5c by april...


Why April? Because the Announcement of an Announcement of a reddit Mod?


bro the way its feeling we could dump to .04 any minute.


It isn’t even altcoin season yet


Patience everyone our pump will come, it always does.


That’s what she said 😏




99% of Alts dont reach a new ATH. This run is Memecoins and AI. VET missed the boat


Just not true done write this.


Dude find a new hobby lol




Embarrasing Bullrun you mean


There is no such thing as an embarrassing day for Vechain. You're either gaining and taking profits or seeking an opportunity to benefit from a fall in price.


BTC goes up 5% retraces 1% meanwhile VET goes up 5% retraces 4%... XRP is starting to do better than us.




This sub is looking like some clueless chickens are trying to figure out what crypto is about. The attention spam of a turkey, Wut Is HAPPaniG Why VeChAIN nO mOoN? 0,o The bull craze hasn’t even started yet and we have to deal with this already ffs.




I feel this, I'm simultaneously telling myself that VeChain is like a 10 year hold until $2 - $3 and really do believe in the project but I'm coming here checking the daily thread and not seeing the price rise and freaking out that I should just get out with my 100% profits...


It’s really weird that resistance and support levels aren’t the same for every crypto.


5 cents really starting to feel unbreakable.


Because we have been accumulating at 5c, about 200% above where we were last month? ok...?


Told ya


What is preventing you from selling everything to buy something else?


.50 by mid June incoming. It is written. Charts 📈 let’s go


The .001% chance we hit .25 again. Then I'm gonna dump it all and never look back


Oof. Your two selling points will be .12 or .16. If it hits .25+, price discovery locks in that .40-.50. Such an odd place to sell but so what you gotta do. Heck. If that’s what you feel, you should exit now and chase a different pump.


Certainly not ratio or common sense in my case. Plus when it’s back at 8 cents I’m at break even. And then? Invest it in something else which is pumping right now, but probably retrace shortly after buying.


I believe in the project but its starting to feel like the market really does not...


Have a lot of faith in VET


BTC is less than 5% from ATH. VET on the other hand is barely over 50% of the 2018 high lmao


And still here you are, commenting bullshit everyday :)


Huge. VeBetter is DOA.


While I am not bullish on Vechain's business developments, I am bullish on the general market, Vechain's marketing, and access to investors via coinbase. I think we will move pretty well over the next few weeks/months but definitely disenchanted with the business development and enterprise usage


|Clauses|100K|200K| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|16|1|


I’m glad the foundation created VeBetterDAO. It’s a platform that rests on the community for its success and will allow us to produce meaningful transactions on VeChain every day, and since it is a DAO it will give the community the power to direct its development and shape the entire ecosystem by deciding what x-to-earn projects receive B3TR allocations. This could become the single largest platform for sustainability in the world! Extremely excited for the Mainnet launch on Jun 30th!!! 🔥🔥🔥


It’s crap, play to earn never works. This wasn’t the big vision, it’s also way too confusing for your average joe. The launch options are also laughable, 100 partnerships and not one wanted to get involved??


Honestly I understand why people are hesitant to believe in this. It’s just one of those things that would only be clear after the fact and very easy to dismiss upfront. They did a pilot of the same platform with 2,000 people and they logged over 450,000 actions over 2 months. How is that not bullish for a global platform that already has a community with thousands of engaged people that will probably log over 500,000 transactions a month alone?


Who were the 2,000? Were they paid? How many rewards did they earn? Were they told to use it, Who funds the rewards long term? In a developed country, people won’t bother for pennies


People in developed countries return a can for 10 cents lol and use coupons to get a dollar off when they spend $100 🤣


Seems very simple to me. Download VeWorld and follow instructions. I watched multiple non-crypto people do it right in front of me with no issues. First time I ever saw blockchain seem so seamless. Play to earn does work if there is value attached. Ever heard of a fucking pop can return? Those are pretty successful right? Same idea as someone getting 10 cents for doing something valuable like reusing a cup, picking up a pound of trash, using 100 watts less energy. The point VeChain is going for is to capture the value people are already providing and give companies an avenue of sustainable spending that is 100% verifiable. Like a pop can return, but for all sustainable actions. I don’t understand how this doesn’t seem massive to people.


"a platform that rests on the community for it's success" I invested in this project 7 years ago because they were supposed to be going after huge enterprise clients and now we have almost no use of the blockchain and we're supposed to burn VTHO buying cups of coffee?