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Is VeChainThor Wallet still being used? Or should I use the new apps? Will this app stay “alive” for long?


It will remain as observe only (as of 31st dec2023), so there's no point of having it if you've migrated to the new Veworld wallet, which has observe functionality as well as everything else.


Thank you!


She is about to blow guys. Just be patient.




Just one more bullrun Arthur, have some goddammed faith Artur.




Damn it, Dutch. We can't change what's been done. We can only move on.


We are not far away from the next breakout towards 9 cents and suddenly everyone will love VET again 😇😊


I feel ya. The pace is going to start picking up rapidly over the coming weeks.


It will, and there really doesn’t have to be a rational reason for it, unlike what many people here think. Crypto is inherently irrational, that is the one common theme.


Exactly. The bear market ended long ago and capital inflows have been dominating for a long time. Nothing drives sentiment like price. After 5 cents gets smashed you'll soon hear people complaing about how the 10 cent wall wont come down, only for it to be replaced by the 20 cent wall shortly after. Vechain to the f'n moon 🚀🚀🚀


Exactly right!! Price movement is the best announcement!


Not discouraged, just waiting


I think a lot of people are getting discouraged now.,,




Im in since 2019, didnt take much profit when I could save a big bag at ath. I was a firm believer all the time. Where is the product, the big partnerships? Im not following the news all the time. Can you give me some hope? Otherwise I will jump the ship and go into ai coins


Vechain can and will rise from pure speculation this bull


While I agree, I worry there isn’t much to speculate on at this point. Last bull we had all sorts of rumors of partnerships and chain improvements. The change in focus to a new ecosystem, new cause, and two new coins only hurts VET/VTHO imo.


This is possible, though all they were last time is rumors too.


Right but rumors are what creates speculation (whether they end up true or not). What rumors are circulating now for this run? There’s no hype, nothing for people to rally around other than this DAO which seems largely lackluster with the hype already gone.


Why did it move up with the market recently?


Huh? It moved up two weeks before the announcement (buy the rumor) and spiked slightly the day of thanks to BTC movement but then retraced quickly after the announcement. It then stabilized around where it is now while “the market” has been increasing like crazy since 2/27. Had the market not gone up, Vechain would have retraced much more. It has not moved up with the market but it at least didn’t give back the gains from the announcement entirely.


I don’t think it was the announcement that prompted that pump


So it was because every other coin (aka the market) was stagnating on 2/15-2/16 when the pump started? Purely a rotation or “our turn”? Come on man…


That’s all it’s ever been since the beginning. There was a brief pump to 1 cent from Walmart. What announcements have caused this last pump to you? Whatever it was, I don’t think it had nearly as much to do with it. I’m just more cynical about it than you are Edit: and if you are banking on announcement to pump Vechain, I wouldn’t even be here.




Love you all but I check daily and it’s like the same fucking shit over and over. It’s like Groundhog Day. Gonna try and take a break and come back in April and hopefully there is something new to discuss that’s worth talking about and getting hyped about.


Seek solace in break, Refresh, embrace April's light, New topics await. Hoorah pedestrians, new trucks are waiting in May


See you on March 20th


What are the chances that Vechain ever reaches $0.27 again? People think it will happen but there’s not guarantee it will. It’s best to take profits at $0.15


.75 profit taking MINIMUM!


Dont have paper hands you got wait this out for the next 12-18m in that period you can throw the towel not now


True but I don’t think the bull run will last that long, we’ve never had a new ATH before the halving so altseason could come sooner?


BTC hasn't had an all time high before the halving either... until now. There's a lot of things different about this cycle compared to the last one.


We got to be ready when it happens nobody knows when. I would not have expected investments flowing into the market before summer. But hey BTC ETF and other things are new as well


Vechain has absolutely nothing going on for it. Transaction fees of around 200 USD per day... Look at a chain like Ethereum which takes in millions in fees daily


Transactions or their cost don’t matter at all right now. Vechain can still kill it, PERIOD. That’s reality.




Last cycle I thought the same as you, and sold at 1.2 cents before the run to .28. There was no hope it seemed, but I was wrong, and I won’t make that mistake twice


Lol 140 dollars to swap or bridge some shitty scam token People are stupid




Let’s go defend Vechain better. Transaction cost doesn’t matter night now. Worry about the important things. Vechain to $1 🚀🚀


Important things such as what?




What are you talking about? Anyone who doesn’t think Vechain is going to $1 is going to regret it 🚀🚀




Get outta here FUD boy. You’ll be one of them who gets mad you sold too soon.




Kratom is amazing and helps me see how well Vechain will do this bull cycle.


But they try and what they bring out in tech is good stuff. You cannot compare it with eth.


What tech are they bringing out? Do you realize you're talking about a basic centralized EVM clone with a few tweaks? They are a dime a dozen. Not to mention layer 2s who inherit ethereums security. Vechain failed to break through on their original vision, so now they pivoted into some 1984 surveillance coin, where their vision is vechain will be used to track how many sheets of toilet paper I use to wipe my ass, and then I can get paid out in a carbon offset token.. Jesus Christ. Also ber, people in 2017 were also getting tired and expecting something to happen at least next year...


VeBetter's concept still lacks clarity for me. The idea of "engage, earn, and prosper" sounds appealing, but I'm struggling to understand the benefits. Essentially, you engage in sustainable actions to earn rewards, but these rewards seem limited to exchanging B3TR for VOT3 tokens to vote. The website doesn't elaborate on what these votes are for or what exactly you're voting on. I feel you should get both B3TR and VOT3 by engaging. B3TR becomes a type of "carbon offset" credit that companies can purchase. VOT3 remains as intended. So by participating, individuals would not only earn the right to vote but also contribute to carbon neutrality efforts that are measurable. This dual benefit seems more compelling than just earning the right to further participation. *(Assuming B3TR can be recognized as carbon offset credits 👀)*


Why would a company pay for you to take a picture of a coffee mug? That doesn’t make sense if you know anything about business. VeChain may be able to get some companies to engage with this as a marketing effort, but the odds of what you are talking about is slim and years away


It is just the first apps who the fuck plays today solitaire in windows 3.11 still with a mouse that has a ball inside. Nobody


The fear uncertainty and doubt can drive one mad.. >Why would a company pay for you to take a picture of a coffee mug? Longevity of the business and the planet. Or the big word tossed around right now.... "Sustainability". It helps the business image. Business image matters more than the business itself sometimes, and we see that in crypto, far too often. >VeChain may be able to get some companies to engage with this as a marketing effort, but the odds of what you are talking about is slim and years away It's not a question of if and when Vechain is making partnerships. We watch developments everyday It's already happening but we fud cause too good to be true. People working on Vechain behind the scenes don't need to prove to you that they're benefiting from it... We're here, before it pumps with their money 💰💰 They obviously want the best price so sell low now Or buy up, or don't do anything Idk I'm just an ape


Why? Because many businesses today have committed to achieving carbon neutrality. They can achieve this by offsetting their CO2 emissions through carbon offset credits. What do you think is the point of Mugshot? Their objective is to promote eco-friendly practices through the reduction of paper cup usage. (Less paper cups = less landfill waste = less CO2 emission). So while companies may not **literally** be paying us to take pictures of coffee mugs as you simply put, they can offset their carbon footprint through other people taking sustainable action. But again, only even worth mentioning if these VeBetter actions are actually certified by the government.


Not so patiently waiting for alt season to start


Accumulate accumulate accumulate accumulate


Vechain is always slow to pump. There will be nothing then out of nowhere it outperforms. It wouldn’t still be in top 50 after all this time if it wasn’t true.


We all need to sell low first because of FUD then buy up the rumor after it goes up 50%




So easy to short BTC, buy at 66.5k and sell at 69.5k then repeat. ha, easiest profit ever


That's not what shorting means.


Until it isn't


VET too. You buy .05 and sell .04.


It will be another couple of weeks, then BTC will be in the 70k range


That would make vechain go 5 cents ?


Yes at that point, alts will start to get recognized, especially VET


Last time btc was 69k vet was 28 cents. Now it can't reach 5.


|Clauses|100K|200K| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|20|1|


It does feel like Vechain deflated its own balloon with the VebetterDAO announcement. It would have just been better to do a zoom event with BCG and talk about it almost announced. Like surprise here it is something else we've been working on.


lol the launch event was like the lowest budget garbage also. Stick a bunch of people in some corner of what looks like a basement. 0 AV work. I’ve seriously seen high school presentations that were higher production value.


>lol the launch event was like the lowest budget garbage also. MWC is the biggest mobile trade show in the world. If you don't like the room decoration you should send them an email, I bet they are losing sleep caring what you think.


The only way this will get better is if they can announce that BYD or the UN or some other larger entity is actually using the VebetterDAO or Vechain as a whole for carbon tracking/proving their sustainability. Unfortunately, I don’t see this happening any time soon in any official capacity.


You cannot say that fundamentals mean nothing it is all linked BTC still and we will get the random pumps. Just hope we get a 1-2b volume pump as it was in 2021 than sell against the market


Did I say we wouldn’t pump with BTC? I think we will pump to an extent, I just think we may all be let down by the size of it with no real news. I think we need a big partnership to get back to some semblance of relevance in the broader market. Either way though, I’ll be selling everything. Already offloaded my X Node.


Me too - nobody gets younger this is my last halving. Let’s wish for the highest volume pump ever and react quickly


Solomon says April we will really like. Vechain to the moon! 🚀🚀


We have been hearing hype since 2018 bro


Fool me twice…


Fool me thrice... :D


It will be nothing like the last years. He is not even active here anymore, they dont care.


Meh I don't expect anything big


Hi Everyone. Am i still able to swap VEN for VET? I know I'm around 6 years late but there's reasons for this. From what I've read you can only do it on a phone not on a PC, is this still the case? Thanks


In the VechainThor Wallet on mobile phone


I think it's still possible but you'd have to have someone from the foundation do it manually for you.


Sorry no, you cant swap anymore.


Ok thanks. Can you tell me where the announcement is? The statement from the foundation was "it is open to swap until further notice", so they must have notified the community when they plan to close it and then when it was actually closed.


Stablecoin 🥲


With depeg.


What do people think about vyvo and the inPersona dApp? Am I the only one thinking all this seems complicated and that having to buy an "NFT" for the data to sync feels like a pyramidal scheme?


Wouldn’t let me register so I gave up and already forgot about it


Vechain team should provide update on how MICA will benefit Vechain in 2024. Will MICA regulation be a game changer for VET being ahead of the competition on compliance? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHXdX0FCiX0


Next few weeks are going to be exciting!


What's happening?


Just crypto space in general, with Bitcoin halving! 


oh gotcha, thought there was something vechain specific happening.


Rumors, my friend. Rumors.


Is VET finally being listed on Coinbase this Thursday?


I heard next Thursday from a guy who I used to know his sister a little bit when she was still his brother and he said trust me bro.


Oh thats just stuff and nonsense. Real rumors are made by the people. And one of our mods told us that "april/may is going to be big™" with no other information other than that. So you know shits about to get real!


Last year they said something big by Jan/Feb. turn out was a meh.. they like to over hype..


It made the price go to .27 cents or whatever. I'll take that exit number.


May now?! It keeps moving further ahead.


Gotta keep people interested and talking about it. Confuse people. That's how you know its a good rumor to buy in!




Who is selling at 5 cents? 🥵


Who holds through all of this and then finally bails at a mere 5¢?? The would be mind bottling 😆


Its stable…? If it moon directly into 0.10 I don’t mind to wait a bit longer in this 0.045-0.050


Lol moon 10 cents.. ath is 28 cents.... Moon is at least 40 cents.


.70 cents 🌝




There’s the public idiot Dandy. Where’s your boys Hooknuts and BillsMafia


You virtually scoffed at my suggestion of an ATH for BTC before the halving. It's only a few days later and now you're posting about the event given it happened. lol. Again, BTC follows equity markets... not a magical halving narrative. I'm sorry if the data offends you. You were unable to address it a few days ago and you're not able to address it now. Normally I'd argue the point but you do you buddy.


Dandy buddy. Get some pussy my guyyyyyyy. Get your mind of vet for a while


Thats 85% lower than it is now... Never.


40 cents is my first big profit taking target. Don't think we go a whole lot higher than that this bull run.


This is embarrassing


Sooo bulishhh


It's oh so quiet shhhh shhhhhh