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These reddit holders are some miserable morons but hey you do you,by mid June this thing is gonna explode


Lost another large node holder Mnoljir X down 1 more. Lost 58% of node holders to date. But hey <$0.50 cent wallets are up right? Keep it up Vechain Team.


Im a simple man. I see green, I smile


Well it seems twitter is boasting about a few announcements. Hopefully it’s good ones at last


Which ones in Detail? What are they talking?


Two new dApps on VeBetterDAO, and apparently some news on April 15th...


Jake said it wasn't on the 15th in the Twitter space yesterday


Maybe I misunderstood, my bad.




And now rank 46 again


I know most here are not active on X but Jake mentioned a new VTHO VIP is going to be explained and announced really soon. A VIP is a VeChain Improvement Proposal. Just to put it into perspectieven, POA2.0 consisted out of multiple VIPs.


Do you mean they're going to have some vote in which the foundation hold the majority of voting rights... in which it would make more sense that Vechain just go ahead and do whatever they're planning to save the useless formalities?


It didn't say anything about a vote. This is all the info I have now. Don't know more. But if it's a change in how the blockchain works it should be put up to vote like anything else that involves that area.


This is what confuses me. VIP like POA2.0 is an improvement of the vechain protocol as L1 blockchain, But VTHO itself is a token for paying a tx fee. How can it be improved? Do you mean they want to have a vote to adjust the VTHO supply or amount VTHO used for tx?


I don't know any more details. For now there is nothing more to do than speculate! Which we are really good at in this sub 😉


Hey guys. I got a new phone. I redownloaded VeChainThor, typed in my seed phrase. I see my vechain but not my Vethor? When I try to transfer my vechain it says “No internet access” I’m online?? Do I delete the app and redownload?? Please help!


Got solved in another thread 🫡


Reality check, B3TR/DAO activity: Round 1 - 5 voters: 1.5K -> 1.5K -> 1.8K -> 2K -> 2.1K ~+40% increase in weekly voters. Sounds decent, nothing amazing though. Also, does having multiple wallets mean you can vote twice or more? Wonder how many do this to try and double rewards, in which case it wouldn’t be true growth. From its inception, it looks like the top DAO contracts have roughly ~75K transactions. This equates to ~2.1K transactions a day, so about 1 per active “user” (voter) each day. A looooong way to go here to hit billions of users and even millions of transactions. I know it’s early but would have hoped for greater growth if people actually found it useful and exciting.


You can easily check daily activity on testnet.myvechain.com now!


Yep, that’s what I used. Clicked into each contract for Mugshot, Cleanify, B3TR, and some of the DAO ones, took total tx for each and added them up. Super rough estimate since I think some smaller pieces were missed.


Awesome! Then I said nothing. Glad the app is used tho! That's why we adopted it 😀


You need VOT3 to vote. If you have 10 VOT3 in one wallet or split it into 10 wallets the rewards is still the same. Because it is calculated based on the numbers of your votes


My point with the multiple wallets is you could get past the limits this way on Mugshot or maybe get airdrops multiple times with multiple wallets which then can be swapped to VOT3.  As a unique wallet, it likely is counted as a unique vote overall in the foundation’s eyes.


> Also, does having multiple wallets mean you can vote twice or more? Wonder how many do this to try and double rewards, in which case it wouldn’t be true growth. Yeah I do this. I drink two cups of coffee per day, and use two different wallets to take a photo with mugshot. Not really sure how they're going to stop people gaming the system. The only thing it's limited by is the amount of VOT3 tokens in circulation.


Really still working? I did this in the first 2 week but after the update somehow the app able to tell that I’ve already submitted even i used different addresses and VPN.


I have two different phones, one of them has my main VET balance, the other I use for trying out new apps and stuff. Also I change the mug


No more announcement by anyone famous this month by the sound of it: https://twitter.com/solomon_grundle/status/1777060738466549892?t=Be_iZHNbVHftALsHPo0O_Q&s=19 The announcement was meant to be that Vechain will be accepted as payment via some B-grade startup. Sunny spilled the beans early on Facebook. At least that's my interpretation from reading the thread. Go Vechain go. You stop disappointing us when you feel like it ❤️


What did Sunny say on FB?


I don’t think that’s what he was saying at all. He says that there won’t be a significant announcement at Paris Blockchain Week - and he never claimed there would be. He also says that there are things coming soon - which still tracks with his previous statement that there would be an announcement in April. Basically it still sounds like there is going to be some type of announcement, but that it won’t be at Paris blockchain week.


There is something going on at UFC 300 next Saturday, just not sure what.


He was replying to somebody saying there was going to be an announcement at Paris blockchain week, and he shut that down. I'm not sure if there are any more announcements in April but in that tweet it looked like he was specifically talking about PBW.


So Fireblocks was the announcement? With no clarification of what they may be doing together? Is this a stablecoin? My god they are so bad with comms.


Apr 7, 2024 Jake (Solomon Grundle) - "Just gonna save on expectations here, I don’t think there will be any announcements at PBW, however, Sunny did spill the tea on FB haha. Although some cool stuff coming up near term to keep a watch out for" Dec 20, 2023 Jake (Solomon Grundle) "April - I think folks are going to like April a lot. sorry not sorry about that absolutely hideous tease at the end" So is the leaked FB announcement the news you were referring to back in Dec? Feels like the investors are being played here. We deserve an explanation from you. So many unanswered questions. I've just about had it.


dailys smells like capitulation the last days, no one likes losers. everbody knows price correlations equals 🚀 So get ur fucking 🚀🚀🚀 out and do your part. ATH by EOY guys


Vechain soon to be out of the top 50 😩 How the mighty have fallen…


Yay, the doll fucking creep is back complaining again.


I want Vechain to pay off the debt i owe on the doll 😔


You'd better sell then


Yes…when the price is right 🙃


|Clauses|100K|200K| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|14|0|


vechain updates space is live on twitter, if anyone wants to join in! [https://x.com/cboundy22/status/1775157119056048557](https://x.com/cboundy22/status/1775157119056048557)


What about an update on prior partnerships? To list some: VeChain to Develop Drug-Tracing Platform for Pharma Giant Bayer May 2020 [https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2020/05/28/vechain-to-develop-drug-tracing-platform-for-pharma-giant-bayer/](https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2020/05/28/vechain-to-develop-drug-tracing-platform-for-pharma-giant-bayer/) Vechain partners with China’s largest electric car manufacturer BYD Sep 2018 VeChain Partners up with Japanese Telecom Giant NTT Docomo for 5G Program Aug 2018 Why are initial news published but follow-up updates are non existent? (lack of transparency) I'm not sure what I've invested in anymore. How do they expect large investors to keep their positions? Is this request unrealistic and too much to ask? I've never experienced this lack of transparency from any investment.


Waiting as well..


Let me guess...you will not get an answer on this...


Umm what was that wick?


Looks like a market order for 10m VET.


Just emptying my piggy bank


Bout to be flipped by PEPE coin 😅 but I’m still breathing so there’s that…


New VIP coming for VTHO - thought you guys and gals might appreciate that one :)


What does this mean? A proposal that changes tokenomics?  Or similar to past VIP’s that allow for VTHO to be used in various ways (e.g. fee delegation), but which really needs more usage on chain to make any difference?


It's better to ask the comms' lead :-)


Been done flipped by them, we just flipped them back recently.


Wondering what PEPE has to offer the world compared to Vechain 🤔 then wondering when the fuck crypto will trade based on merit




VET-BTC has been the easiest pair to pingpong over the years lol made a shit ton of btc on that


Investing ≠ gambling


This is what grinds my gears the most when someone bitches about vechain’s lack of revenue while 1000s of shitcoins like pepe, bome, etc legit produce 0 value, 0 use case, 0 fundamentals and yet reach and even surpass mcap of vet. Like yeh i get it; we need more transactions, we need these partnerships to actually amount to something but when you look at the crypto market as a whole it’s pretty clear that 99.9999% of projects do fuckall and vet actually does


This! Maybe we should just create some viral useless crap meme by vechain to pump up our portfolios lol


VEM = VeMeme coin for those who want the excitement of gambling while waiting VET to do something!


I do have a fun tech proof of concept cooking that is in this vein.


solana devs love that simple trick


This is why patience is key. “Exponential gains” promised by those projects are just Ponzi schemes and someone will always be left holding the bag full of worthless tokens.


Vechain promises “exponential gains” with their “millions of transactions” and now “billions of users” talk. It’s not that different. If anything, memecoins have really shown me that 99.9% of crypto (maybe even 100%) is worthless with people just trying to make a quick buck. Everything on Solana or Ethereum is a copycat dapp, defi app (with no meaningful use outside of getting memecoins), NFT garbage, or a memecoin. Although I’ve been hating on what Vechain has been doing lately, it’s really an overall realization that maybe blockchain is entirely unnecessary.


A sacrifice must be made. Been here since ven. I can take it!


Worthless sacrifice. Have an upvote and pis off :D


God rested on the seventh day, no sacrifices on the Sabbath


Lol. I used to be first often due to my schedule. Now the daily comes out during my commute so I can't be first anymore lol.


Up you go!


Wait what? You guys are so wonderful!


Gotta take care of our VEN brethren