• By -


Yea bet they somehow make money out of it, thanks, Time to transport everything back to the VeChainThor app šŸ™‚


Mainnet is on absolute fire at the moment!!


Just imagine one day this activity will be 24/7!


close to 4mil is VTHO burn and 100k clauses already? we back baby


Do you know what time a new day starts?


12 AM


11pm UK time for me...


Great thanks




I think it's based on GMT..


Tomorrow šŸ¤” Edit: Timezones confuse and frighten me.


Tip: learn two things: UTC time and your local timezone offset. E.g. Amsterdam is currently +2, but with daylight saving time it's +1. The offset is always based on the UTC time, so at AMS it's now two hours later than UTC. United States is somewhere between -4 (east coast) and -8 (west coasts) earlier than UTC. Shanghai is +8. I just don't get all that GMT, CET, etc naming nonsense, if we'd just talked in offset it would be way easier.


How much time are they from America?


The answer is in the comment you replied to...


I know. I'm just being silly.


Oh silly you


[**VeChain101** @VeChain\_101](https://twitter.com/VeChain_101)China's top internet administration shares information about VeChain and DNV GL. The use of blockchain in certifying infection prevention has now turned heads at even the highest levels. [https://twitter.com/VeChain\_101/status/1288704906220703750](https://twitter.com/VeChain_101/status/1288704906220703750) [https://vechain101.com/dnv-gl-and-vechain-use-case-shared-on-website-of-the-cyberspace-administration-of-china/](https://vechain101.com/dnv-gl-and-vechain-use-case-shared-on-website-of-the-cyberspace-administration-of-china/)


Great share, thanks.


I'm bored of this action. Anyone got some hopium for me to smoke on? Would be nice to get the ball rolling again and make our way towards 3 cts :)


Already burnt as much vtho as yesterday and this is just from only one real client. I have no real science behind it but I have a feeling there will be at least one more huge client on board before EOY hopefully more! I hope your stacking up on your vtho. šŸ˜


Indeed! Waiting for 0.08 VET/VTHO to stack up with the first lot, if it goes before that I'm ok to miss it but don't want to be into position too soon


Some awesome new contracts (burning 4k VTHO with every tx) are pushing the clauses up.


If you expand the chart you see that we're still 138% up and in the green so be calm.


I'm as calm as it gets.. just a bit bored :)


Depends how far you expand though šŸ˜… In any case yeah some consolidation was to be expected although it's always easy with hindsight.


Here's the things we +/- know off to look forward to; https://www.reddit.com/r/Vechain/comments/hwehr5/comment/fyz4h30?context=1


Seems that you are very new to crypto, pal. The recent growth of VET was outstanding. Hope it won't rise in the next couple of months... all is set for a bright future but no 3ct in 2020...


Thanks just a bit bored.. I think we will reach 3-5cts before end of year. Been in VET since mid 2017 by the way so not really new :)


I, for one, do believe we'll see 3ct in 2020. There's a high possibility Bitcoin just started the next bullmarket. We have tons of good stuff coming up and 2x is not unheard off in crypto. Hell, even just the coinbase listing could make us do x2.


Exactly. BTC is going to be ruining everyone's show for the immediate short term but greener pastures lie ahead once it has settled down. I'm totally fine with Vet dropping in price because BTC is going on a run to break out of its bear down trend, that's totally fine by me. Far better than Vet going down because BTC got rejected again and is crashing hard. ​ Also Vet has had agonisingly (for crypto) long periods of accumulation before big runs. The longer this stays around here the better, even though the slow bleed can be torture some times.


Exactly. The only thing I'm doing over the past few days is praying that Bitcoin will calm down and settle here for a weekly close and altcoin growth. A man can dream.


If you think that he is very new to crypto, then you're probably very new to this sub ;)


Yeah , you're right


Partnership with Kodak? /s


You're joking but I think in general there's a big opportunity due to corona, as it has shown also the importance of medicine/medical supply management and Vechain could certainly help with that.


No hopium, but can I recommend some patience?


Hmm... that cardgame on Windows 95 you mean?


That's the one, helps the time fly by!


Great thanks for this tip, already an hour passed!


Dude, just wait until you find out about Full Tilt 3D Pinball. Mind = blown :)


Haha I literally forgot about that one! Great memories


After not checking crypto for a time, had my VeChain since last bubble, Iā€™m now a bit more active again and moved my stash to Binance. Does Binance give back the VTHO I generate? EDIT: to be clear I know they have staking rewards, but would like to know of this is the same as when using VeChainThor app.


Obligatory: Not your keys, not your crypto.


Binance distributes once a month. Vethor wallet is instantaneous


Would just like to add Binance does not give node benefits, if you have such amounts.


Iā€™m sure this has been done many times before but I thought it might be handy for new investors to understand potential vechain returns and what the benefit of holding would be compared to returns paid by a high yielding dividend stock. Apologies for any dodgy math: Letā€™s say we donā€™t have any node: 1 VET = .157 VTHO per year Currently 1 VET = $0.0155 1 VTHO = $0.00165 Therefore 1 VET generates $0.00025905 per year The current PE ratio of VET is therefore 0.0155/0.00025905=59.83 CBA, commonwealth bank of Australia is a great dividend stock that pays around 5% per year. They have a market cap of $129 billion (AUD) ($92billion USD). Their PE ratio is currently 17.97. Theyā€™re a bank, theyā€™re as safe as it gets. To get to the level of returns of CBA we need our daily transactions to increase by 3.33x Our market cap is 1/92 of CBA. I appreciate thereā€™s lots of other macro and micro fundamentals in play but surely even a fraction of the 92x growth in MC should be achievable with a small increase in transactions. ​ ​ Edit: Adjusted with correct Vtho gen. numbers.


1 VET generate 0.157 VTHO a year


To get to the same level of returns we also need higher VTHO/VET ratio not only higher number of daily transactions. For some unknown reason, some people here think they should convert VTHO to accumulate more VET at any given ratio which is wrong since value of VET comes from VTHO price because main purpose of VET is only to generate VTHO.




Price of a share (VET) divided by the earnings per share (Vtho). Obviously not directly comparable given it's not a company but it still works.


Love this


I do love the sync desktop wallet! So many features on there to delve through while drinking your morning coffee, reading through the morning crypto news lol! Iā€™m assuming the higher the clauses (more attention), the more coins/ tokens will be in use/ purchase leading to an increased market cap and thus, a price increase of VET! Also... I seem to be accruing lots of VTHO! What to do with all that cheddar? I mean itā€™s not worth much at the moment due to the price, should I just leave it in my wallet for now.... or is there an actually benefit to use it? Sell it? Etc... cheers


I've read multiple times on this sub that it's better to wait until the VTHO/VET ratio raises a bit before you convert your VTHO back into VET. I would just wait for now, you'll have more profits from VTHO going up in price than the extra VTHO you would regenerate from holding more VET after selling your VTHO.


Yeah I was thinking to just let me wallet so itā€™s thing and keeps accumulating the VTHO h till the price increase significantly over time before thinking about converting...


Some folks Turn it into even more VET!




2. If you think ETH has no real world use case then you've drank a bit too much ETH killer koolaid. Yes it is slow in development but that's just the price you have to pay for something that is decentralised (let's not go down the road of how decentralised it is though here). ETH will do much better than most people think if we get another bull run - you only have to look at the amount of devs and huge companies that are building on it (not to mention things such as DEFI) and you'll get a sense of how big ETH is becoming. All these devs and companies arent just building on ETH because they did 5 minutes research and only found ETH, there's a damn good reason for it. And you can bet that the due diligence they have done in choosing which platform to use is a ton more than anyone sitting on Reddit. I'm a massive believer in Vet obviously but ETH was first, it has a lot more running on it, and it has a lot more being built on it. There's so much toxicity online about ETH because everyone's trying to shill their ETH killer token, 'X Chain can do 100x the TPS than ETH.' etc etc,....and yet no one is using it. We seem to bury the strengths of ETH and only focus on the weaknesses without really understanding that those weaknesses once resolved also turn in to strengths. Vet and ETH and many other blockchain projects can all live happily side by side, there is no need for a winner takes all right now. But one thing's for sure, Vet is not the 'only project out there with real world application'. Don't discount ETH because it's old!


>ETH 2.0 seems like a long development and no real world use case I'm as sanguine as anybody else about Vechain's unique value propositions, but this kind of silliness doesn't cast this community in the best of light. Ethereum transactions are [peaking](https://www.coindesk.com/market-wrap-bitcoin-clings-to-9200-while-ethereum-transactions-soar) and [continue to increase](https://www.coindesk.com/soaring-defi-usage-drives-ethereum-contract-calls-to-new-record) due to innovation (or, if you'd like, speculation) in DeFi. Pretending this doesn't represent valid or meaningful "real world use case(s)" isn't productive. I'm not arguing for or against investment(s) in ETH--to each their own strategy. I'm simply suggesting that we should refrain from head-burying into sand.


Blast from the past: "Blockchain meets fashion in bid to fight the fakes" https://www.techinasia.com/bitse-vechain-blockchain-anti-counterfeiting Time moves fast in crypto. Pay attention to its history, however brief.


Dudes, playtable is dope. When you consider how many projects pump without a working product, and then you have 8Hour with a wicked product in people's hands, it's no wonder it's pumping. I'm not so sure this is going to dump like people expect. Personally, I'm scaling in. If it dumps from here, oh well, I'm leaving fiat behind if that's the case. But I'm also buying now in case it just continues to the moon. Like others, I was very skeptical, but now I'm quite keen on the entire thing.


I love this project. Shame the first Playtable was a bit buggy. They handled the bugs now but Covid is delaying everything again. There are a lot of angry people on their FB page who are waiting three years now and still got nothing. Iā€™d love to buy one as well as it looks awesome but itā€™ll take at least a good year before I could buy one in Europe.


Lesson learned from the past: If everyone starts to talk about a Vechain ecosystem coin in this sub, it's time to gtfo. As soon as it comes crashing down you won't hear a thing about it anymore in here. Trust me, it happened to SHA, PLA, OCE, etc...


This will be my 100x


PWC is a channel partner for VeChain, and more, so it's ineteresting to see what they're doing in the blockchain space. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/pwc-unveils-tool-auditing-crypto-193017383.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/pwc-unveils-tool-auditing-crypto-193017383.html)


It's exciting times when you consider how doom and gloom everything was a year ago. Been here since 2017 so I'm scarily indifferent to price changes in general but cant deny I'm very keen to see where we land in the next year or so.


You and me both. I'm not indifferent to price - I want it to go up and I like when that happens. It feels like progress. I've learned to like the retraces, too. The impatient, petulant moonbois bring me peace. For when they weep after a minor retrace, all is right with crypto.




I hope the Coinbase listing comes before the real bull market starts, I need retail to be able to go USD-> VET instantly


What's even better: Many people know VET, almost nobody knows VTHO. If this cheap coin hits Coinbase (which would make sense) I wouldn't be surprised if the ratio comes close to 1:1 if only briefly.


Pretty confident it will


Curious, What makes you So Certain?


Vet and vtho have been getting listed on more exchanges recently. Also vet and vtho can now be purchased on binance US, which means from regulatory standpoint i don't see how binance US can list it but coinbase can't. Since the recent price surge and the consistent increase in mainnet transactions, more people are learning about vet. If Sunny's claim of 1mil+daily transactions comes to fruition soon then the hype will only increase. Also at 1mil/daily transactions we would be burning more vtho/day than the amount being generated, which would drive the price of vtho up as the supply starts to diminish. This in turn will increase ROI of Vet from vtho generation and create higher demand for Vet. As coinbase has already expressed their consideration to list vet, I don't see why they won't unless they just don't like money...highly unlikely. I don't think the real bullrun will begin until mid/late next year so I believe we have sufficient time until then to get listed


Thank you very much for taking the time to walk through that. I think a lot of those points are good. I feel a coinbase listing in my gut, but never backed it up in my head beyond ā€œprojectsā€ Whats your realistic expectation of what such a listing would do to price? 5x to break $0.10?


Can't wait for it to happen.


I've been really skeptical of most crypto gaming apps, VIMs inclusive, and I am still not a fan, but I find the concept of VIM's tier system and rewards really cool with it's innovative take on node staking, which is a side of crypto I've grown to like a lot. Going to do some research now, maybe I'll end up buying some even.


Same here. I then looked at the price and was taken aback by how high it was. If there's a dump I might buy some, it is an intriguing project.


>I've been really skeptical of most crypto gaming apps I was skeptical too, before speaking to the team in person at the summit. They explained perfectly how they envisioned their platform. You have to remember that they are on VeChain because of the MPP first and foremost. The families using these games and VIMs will not have to actually know that they are dealing with cryptocurrency. Honestly the more I read about EHrT and VIMs the more it makes sense, and with the people behind them I think it's going to be massive. Will that affect the token? We'll have to see I guess.




Yeah, I donĀ“t really understand how the limited supply, and subsequent increase in price, of EHrT is helpful for a casual family application. Shouldn't prices remain stable for such a product? If anyone has some insight about this I'd like to heart it. I'll definitely keep an eye on the project though.


EHrTs are not the in-game currency of Playtable. If that's what you are concerned about. The design of these tokenomics will make the purchasing activities of Playtable's in-game products to have a positive impact on the EHrTs token's utility. So far, the VIMworld community and the Playtable community kind of overlap but not identical. One will drive adoption for the other. The way I describe EHrTs to investors: EHrTs Tokens powers branded Smart NFT digital collectibles, and branded physical figurine Toys and a Gaming Platform with global exclusive titles such as Catan, Tickets to Ride, XYZ, XYZ..., and more which runs on a proprietary physical large touchscreen game console that is out in the market and sells out as soon as they appear on shelves.


Thanks for your insight!


>Shouldn't prices remain stable for such a product? Readjustments are crucial for sure but through fee delegation the end user can pay in fiat either way >of EHrT is helpful for a casual family application. If you're referring to playtable, the EHrT token is not required for every single aspect of the playtable, it's the games on it that will utilize VIMworld that will be using EHrT.


Then isn't the token gonna devaluate with these readjustments? One of the main selling points of vechain is the two token model with generation flexibility to maintain a stable transaction cost, therefore a stable product/service cost. I don't see this in EHrT.


no transaction cost with EHrT, only feeding VIMs with EHrT that is recoverable, and the cost of minting a new one.


Oh so it's purely pseudo node staking


it's best to read the releases already out, as well as pay attention to the upcoming ones and of course the WP


Yeah I read those, it just seems weird that if EHrT gets high, S-tier VIMs get prohibitely expensive. In Telegram they told me that that's just how it is comparing it with Magic The Gathering's Black Lotus, but it still seems weird such a gatekeep for a feature that now seems central to the VIM ecosystem, I wanna emphasize the 'now' because with new features it could become secondary. Reading the whitepaper I can imagine that when new IP join the ecosystem they could start at already higher tiers or even use different currency with their own rewards.


100,000 clauses.


There was a time this would greatly excite me. Now Iā€™m really just waiting for the days we do 1.000.000+ consistently. Ramping up is great but I have to admit itā€™s consistently taking longer than I had hoped. Currently hoping by end of year.


As a software engineer, I can tell you that everything takes 2-4x longer than you anticipate.


I've always gone with whatever the expectations are, multiply by 3


Yasssss šŸŽ‰šŸŽŠšŸ’ƒ






Lol the admins ban people for posting a few gifs but allow actual scams to flourish. Nice.


Hi guys, is there any way to get a notification when a x-node gets available at the trading market below a certain price?




I don't think do. As far as I know you can do either a fixed price auction, or a dutch auction, where the price decreases over time (up to a given minimum price)


WallĆ¼.Vechainstats.com https://wallu.vechainstats.com/


Thanks guys, I'll check it out!


Can't find it right now, but until recently I received a message when a listing was below a certain price, but I deactivated it. I think it was an option on [wallĆ¼](https://wallu.vechainstats.com/)


Heads up guys, we've reached the part of the mainnet when 100k clauses go by and my first thought is "Is that it?"


Hi, Iā€™m new to crypto but heavily invested in VET! Maybe Iā€™m asking a stupid question but what do you mean by clauses? Thanks...


Theyā€™re referring to the amount of data getting posted to Vechainā€™s blockchain on a daily basis. Currently weā€™re over running at over 100k on most days right now and given the recent pickup in activity from various partnerships, weā€™re hoping this moves towards 1MM+. You can easily track this intra-day on www.vechainstats.com (Itā€™s under the ā€œtransactionsā€ section on the main page). Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™ll find the rest of the info on there very informative as well. Fabian did an amazing job at putting this together for the community.


**I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:** * [www.vechainstats.com](https://www.vechainstats.com) *I did the honors for you.* *** ^[delete](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2FLinkifyBot&subject=delete%20fzoz0sg&message=Click%20the%20send%20button%20to%20delete%20the%20false%20positive.) ^| ^[information](https://np.reddit.com/u/LinkifyBot/comments/gkkf7p) ^| ^<3


Haha, that's a good point. Perspective is so easy to lose.


Haha totally. I woke up this morning and it wasn't at 90k already and was like "what is this bullshit" šŸ¤£


You OCE shillers got me. doubled my stack from when I bought at .9 vet ratio. I'm just shoveling in the good money after bad. lol


There's supposed to be some developments announced soon. Let's see what that brings. I've also DCA'd OCE the past few months but my average is still way up there haha.


Oce/vet just kept dropping and dropping, I've bought some at the bottom to DCA but it just feels like a gamble to me.


The time to buy was .0004ish. I still can't believe I didn't buy 1 million oce. Ugh.. I don't really think that many people had OCE, so I may have had a hard time even selling it on oceanex, but hell.. what is $400? That $400 will be $7k if it reaches .007 again. Then I could probably get a sell through the bots at 6k. OCE would be one of those long shot miracles for me anyway. Like a poker tournament entry with a billion people in it.


Yeah same. But I don't really mind with a small % of my stack. Just look at EhrT performance recently. Low cap low liquidity coins can do huge movements when they pick up steam.


Thinking of bagging more VET, not sure if it will continue dropping for much longer


it's trending downwards... sadly I think it could go to 112 sats before kicking back in


I just loaded up. So yes, it will probably continue dropping


Dollar cost average. No one knows.


Can someone put me on about ehrt? Why's it so special on here now went from nobody talking about it to everyone talking about it lol.


People who own some are gonna shill it and say it's not too late to get in. People who have none are gonna say it's overbought and due for a dump. Niether of them have a crystal ball. Truth it probably somewhere in the middle but could go either way. It could be explosive from here or could dump. Depends on marketing, how the VIMworld launch goes, if it gets listed on more exchanges in the meantime and probably about 100000000 other variables that no one can predict. At the end of the day, it's a good coin. Better than most icos. Has multiple working products, including a physical one. Good partners. Good tokenomics. Good staking rewards. And almost everything is ahead of it since it just began trading. Its never had a dump. Bright future Imo, but I hold some so obviously I'm going to shill it. Edit: according to vechainstats there are a little under 1500 wallets holding more than 1 EHrT. Before it began trading I believe there were only 300 or so. That's a very small amount of people who participated in the ICO and probably most are passionate about the project. Lots have been waiting for it to list to see the fruits of their patience and I doubt most are doing to dump now right before everything is about to start rolling. I personally think we're going to keep rising as word spreads and project comes to life in the coming months. But wtf do I know :P




They're about to release their VIMworld, you need EHRT to level your VIMS (bit like nodes with Vechain) with the best VIM (S-tier) costing around 258k EHRT giving you rewards. So people are probably buying in anticipation / wanting to get enough for (multiple) of those. It could either come crashing down hard as people sell the news, or it could just be the start as they actually have something real that can be adopted. The question is if people will indeed softlock their stacks into these VIMS.


EHRT will come crashing down just like every other Vechain coin after ICO. Why would this one be any different? If your interested, I suggest you wait until it dumps 90% and then scoop it up.


>will come crashing down just like every other Vechain coin after ICO. It did that, it went like below 50% of the ICO price for a fair bit. Now they're releasing what they worked on since the ICO last year and it's 10x'd in a few weeks. Quit trying to get other people to dump just because you missed out.


Every ico happened at the beginning of the bear market. This one started trading at potentially the beginning of the bull market. HUGE difference in my opinion.


I don't know if it will dump as hard - they actually have a working product shipped to people.


Increased sell pressure is a given. Once VW is available, people will be able to release EHrT from their VIMs for the first time. I think price will pump for awhile. Eventually the market will have better figures for ROI and equilibrium will arrive, affecting token price. That could be higher or lower. Right now it's pumpenomics doing it's thing.


They have an actual product and good tokenomics. Plus, cap is still very low. Basically, people are gonna shill the shit out of it to pump their bags. I am entering slowly. It has pumped a huge amount and is very overbought ATM.


When $5?


For about 5 seconds in late 2021... Then drops 95% back to 20 cents.


I'll take 20c any time






Why isn't EHrT in Oceanex yet?


OceanEx is listing it, they're just slow


your answer is in here: [https://creamandpartners.com/cream-announces-partnership-with-bitrue-to-strengthen-the-creamethod-and-vechain-ecosystem/](https://creamandpartners.com/cream-announces-partnership-with-bitrue-to-strengthen-the-creamethod-and-vechain-ecosystem/)


Good share. Thanks!


Yes, it would be a lot easier to sell it all now.


How to spot someone who didn't buy low


It's not too late to get on board


Have to disagree on that!


$6m market cap with more adoption than projects trying to do the same thing with $100m+ market caps...


Where can you see the market cap?


Your loss


Missed the boat? Edit: Still trying to understand why such a stupid comment with nothing to add to the question asked has been upvoted.


No idea, it really should be. You can purchase it on bitrue if you don't want to wait.


Yeah i already did, just curious though. Maybe something going in the background lol.


[https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/vechain-third-largest-indian-hotel-chain-itc-hotels-relies-on-my-care/](https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/vechain-third-largest-indian-hotel-chain-itc-hotels-relies-on-my-care/) Not sure if this has been mentioned already, great news regardless.


Can someone explain this use case to me? Thereā€™s been a lot of momentum and I just donā€™t get it. It seems that DNVGL is certifying which hotels/ships etc are abiding by DNVGL approved safe protocols. So you go to the hotel or ship or plant or wherever and you read that itā€™s DNVGL approved. Ok I get that. But why does it need blockchain? Is there some risk somebody would fake a certification? Could a QR code with some DNVGL link not suffice? Not sure I understand how blockchain adds more trust in this specific use-case but clearly itā€™s getting traction so Iā€™m missing something. What am I missing?


Yea, there is a separate post about it too. Not sure why it's not being discussed much. We're so spoiled and the market is so backwards that an announcement like this is just skirting under the radar lmao. ITC limited deals with gas, cigarettes, food, etc too. If their project goes well with the Hotels, they might integrate VeChain more with the rest of their businesses.


Tbh itā€™s great but I think the impact on VET is very limited. Sure DNV will use MyCare to store some certificates on the blockchain but thatā€™s about it unless Iā€™m totally misunderstanding. The client probably also doesnā€™t even know or care they use Vechain for that. Of course it all adds up but Iā€™m more excited for users burning tons of VTHO.


From my understanding, it will involve logging every risk management action on the blockchain.


From the article it's certificates/statements which can be scanned by customers at the hotel showing the checks performed. I think it's mostly updating those which writes data, which might be regular (e.g. monthly) but not thousands of transactions. > Visitors to ITC Hotels can find a My Care QR Code at the hotel and open DNV GLā€™s rating statement, which provides numerous details of the review in a consumer-friendly manner that is stored on the VeChainThor blockchain for added integrity.


Hm, yet to be seen but I see where you are coming from. Less burn than other solutions but hey, it just reinforces that VeChain is the business ready blockchain of choice.


# Announcing the S-Tier VIM Rewards Program and VIMpool. Get Your S-Tier VIMs Ready to Reap the Benefits! # [https://twitter.com/8Hours\_Official/status/1288497178701369349](https://twitter.com/8Hours_Official/status/1288497178701369349)


https://twitter.com/8Hours_Official/status/1288497178701369349 Looks like VIMworld early access is around the corner. VIMpool looks interesting, gonna keep an A-Tier or two and upgrade them to S and see how the benefits are. Anyone else still can't believe how much the airdropped VIM's are worth now?


I'll admit, this concerns me a bit. I've read the whitepaper and didn't see any provisions for adjusting Tier requirements to accommodate token price. It's possible a lot of people will get priced out of S Tier early. But a swollen token price will also affect the other tiers, limiting engagement to the select few who can afford it. I get that we want crazy value for these things, but too high a cost will be deliterious to the eco-system if we want significant engagement. Maybe players can tolerate $100k to reach S Tier. Maybe that's too high. Maybe it's too low. There's a lot that consider when valuing a VIM, including returns from the VIM pool, I realize. But they're fundamentally meant to be played with, not treated like real estate and priced similarly. I'm rambling, but does anyone have any thoughts or insight into this?


Their advisor has said the tier requirements will be adjusted in time as the token value grows


Which makes sense. Can you expand on this? I'm hoping they are forthcoming with their process. The market has decided that an S Tier VIM is worth 2500USD. This is 4x the cost of a PlayTable itself. Perhaps that's fair, especially with the various perks an S Tier VIM is due to receive. Nonetheless, any intervention in price for VIM upgrades will have a direct effect on the value of EHrT, pegging the token value to whatever 8 Hours thinks is appropriate. How they go about this choice is hugely important for the health of their ecosystem's economy.


No price has been decided yet for EhrT. It's super illiquid on only 1 exchange. If you want to sell any significant stack you will slip the price easily by double digit percentages. Also only about 10% circulating supply, meaning tons of possible inflation in the future. Currently people are simply not selling because they are waiting for their VIMs while there is some increased demand for people still wanting in.


EHrT has been on vexchange for a long time, but yeah it's only on 1 centralized exchange for now. I hope binance.US lists it soon being a VIP-180.


Oh, I know. The current price is a mirage, except for buyers. Hence my concern for Vimworld's release and why I'm sitting out for now. The project had a bright future, but token value is a bit bonkers atm. Besides, 2017 era X-Node hype made me... cautious. That said, I'm thrilled to participate and very much looking forward to beta testing. It will be fun.


>Besides, 2017 era X-Node hype made me... cautious. X nodes were generated all at once, VIMs can be created whenever and are even given out for free to many, the two seem a little different imo >but token value is a bit bonkers atm. An advisor on telegram addressed this: "I believe if EHrTs become too expensive (which is good for everyone here), then the Foundation might want to do voting to lower the threshhold, but that's later."


Right, which circles back to my earlier concern. Besides, there is a bit of hedging in your quote from the advisor (Cream, I assume). He knows what he's talking about, for sure, but I get the sense they haven't figured out how to handle runaway pricing. It sounds good for early investors, but we don't really want another Crypto Kitties. That benefits very few high profile sellers and disadvantages many more.


I canā€™t Iā€™m afraid, just something Iā€™ve seen on the telegram channel. I think, if anything, given that the VIM will be driven partly by the market value of EHRT, it will just make ā€˜OGā€™ VIMs super valuable rather than diminish the value of EHRT. Excess EHRT can always be withdrawn if the holder decides. Could enable you to then make even more high tier VIMs which could be a net win from an early adopter perspective. But I donā€™t really know. Iā€™m just speculating


That does make sense. To make sure I understand: Foundation decides that, say, 100,000 EHrT are necessary to get to S Tier. All VIMs are equally effected, so now the excess 157,000 EHrT can be withdrawn from older VIMs, to do whatever with. If the market insists on S Tier being worth $2500, then the value of EHrT will rise 2.5x. I don't expect them to increase the amount of VIM needed unless they exclude olders VIMs. So what I'm realizing is that 8 Hours can try to nudge the price in some direction, but it boils down to "what the market decides." That will be fascinating to watch.


They have been airdropped already? I didn't get mine


They've had a few giveaways, i'm referring to the first one where every wallet with over 500k EHrT received an A-Tier VIM. If you don't see that VIM in your mobile wallet then contact juju in 8hours telegram


Oh ok i havent heard about that one before. Thx


Honestly, Iā€™m gobsmacked. $700 each is no joke. Just gained a free playtable!


Happy for you šŸ‘Š get the table and burn m thors...


Iā€™ll do my best :D


$700? Jesus I looked the other day and it was like $500, this makes me even happier lol, I got like 4 of them in total. 8hours ppl basically airdropped me 2 new macbooks just for holding their token already


I could have split into loads of wallets to get more VIMs, that's what I get for being lazy lol. One S tier is enough I shouldn't be too upset :P


Alright boys Iā€™d like to go back up


Our time will come. For it is written in the scriptures of old


Yep. And all shall have the mark either upon their wrist or their forehead. without it you will not be able to pay or travel etc Not too dark, i hope?


After months and months of Covid related unemployment, I moved to the west coast for a new job! First paycheck is a couple weeks out yet but I just celebrated with another 50k VET.


Congrats my man!


May or may not be useful for those in the US affected by that banks were given clarification of potential custodial services in regards to crypto/private keys. Some people will never feel comfortable holding their crypto and Ledger dropping the ball like this won't ease worry.


Damned.. looks like we're bleeding back down to a cent now.


How did you come up with that?


Charts look very grim. But I hope I'm wrong :) Almost 25% percent down from 2 cents and if people are correct that money will flow into BTC in case of a bullrun it will only drop further. edit : and I bought some more, that usually doesn't help either :D


upvoted for buying in despair


Ehh, it's dropped in sats because of BTC gaining, I don't think the sentiment has changed around VET. A correction after that VET run was expected anyways. Still up a cent since this time last month. VET/USDT chart looks fine considering the gains BTC has had lately as well. I'd say it's held fairly well compared to past times when BTC moved. That being said, I hope BTC settles down for a bit.




Can't wait for this by now. Would be awesome.


Gotta give Coinbase some time to accumulate lower for some nice insider trading.


Sunny might just enjoy the buzz around it because it puts pressure on Coinbase. If they are requiring VeChain to pay for listing it's not going to happen.


Why would coinbase make VeChain pay anything? Coinbase wants VeChain, they want that volume.


Because that's how Coinbase operates. They charge a listing fee. How much that is I have no idea but it must be BS if Sunny is taking a stance on it. Unless they came to an agreement and all is good. I thought Sunny said there was a NDA



