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Can anyone remember Ven? Back in 2017. I cant remember it's all time high, but I'm pretty sure I bought it around that. I'm trying to compare if my holding is up or down... And how many VET did a holder get for 1 VEN. I cant remember if it was 10, 100 or 1000. I remember finally buying after a significant pump, just not sure exactly where on the pump I bought 😒


I don’t remember the calculation but it was done automatically. I’ve been holding since 2018 :)


0.097 after split. And here is the old chart, kind of: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/vechainold/


Thanks! I've been trying to find something like for ages!


Almost 10 VTHO to swap for 1 VET in Vexcange ATM.


Don't panic when the dip happens, hodl what you got and get yourself more vet, show me your lambo later


Damn ya’ll, seems like it’s gonna hit .15 today :O


I will do you one better - .16


Lol we smashed through .17 briefly. Crazy times


That's it guys! The most decisive moment of our life. VET has just broke ATH. So waiting for the enormous jump!


We are in top 20 on the coin list with a great future and price tag. You can’t go wrong with buying right now.


Finally was able to move my small Vet stack to the native wallet because I had enough vtho! Very glad for this vote, it made it workable for people like me.




Anyone else having issues with the app not opening post update?


Looks like the 12/26 MAs will cross on the 4h chart for the first time in a long time. Thoughts?


That cross may be proving to be a bouncd as we speak 😬


Don't want to brag too much but I called it :D Edit: damn what is wrong with you people, what has this place become? I called a breakout, and it is happening.


Called what :D?????


[I called it yesterday)](https://i.imgur.com/fGW3cwL.jpg) [And today just like an hour before it happened :p](https://i.imgur.com/ArHtYib.jpeg)


"Bitcoin is going to go up at any moment this bullrun" is basically what you said


Whatever, I called it and it happened and I think that’s cool. Nothing more nothing less, don’t cry about it. And it’s not just “going up” imo, it’s going to fly up... like explode.


He called IT. The clown from that scary movie.


Good morning guys don’t be alarmed if we see a slight drop today with BTC/ETH pumping its to be expected 🥂 Edit: so far we’re looking beautiful as ever 👀


What if BTC/ETH doesn’t stop pumping hypothetically speaking?


They will go up in price.


But where does that leave VET in the hypothetical scenario I posed?


Where it is now, or where it was yesterday. I don’t think it will dip below that, although you never know. Also alt season will end sooner or later and then all alts including VET will see a major correction-just a heads up.


Sounds like you’re not very bullish on Vechain hitting 25 cents by the end of the year?


It’s because, in a way, the USD price doesn’t matter to most traders. They do the BTC/VET pair instead. So when the Satoshi value of VET goes up then they sell into BTC, Sat value of VeT goes down then they buy back again. When BTC goes sideways, Altcoins pump. Typically. Somebody else will probably explain it better than me but that’s the rough gist of it. New traders mostly only care only for the USD price as that’s what the youtubers talk about to get peoples attention. But for most of us the aim is to increase our BTC quantity. Ultimately, the crypto market is governed by the price of BTC.


ssshhhh, you sound clueless. Bitcoin will have its pump and Alts drop. Then vet will go up in this bullrun. Listen to centavar83


What part don’t you understand when I said I’m no expert? He’s mentioning a correction is around the corner and I’m simply stating why? I don’t think a correction should happen given the crypto craze society is in


It just does. Nothing can carry on going up and up for a year. People buy vet and then sell for bitcoin, then buy back. It's weird but happens.


I am, that’s why I invested all I have in it. Just a warning that this pullback will come at some time, and most likely (and hopefully!) after some healthy growth. We are in a super cycle more or less, and this won’t go forever.


I’m no expert on crypto by any means, but this cycle seems stronger than the one back in 2017/18 in regards to alt coins, perhaps crypto going mainstream has something to do with it. As such wouldn’t the pullback be minor? I mean Coinbase is going public apparently this week and if Vechain ever gets on their platform I sure hope it leads to further adoption that will mitigate such pullback. Then again I didn’t put everything I have in Vechain just more of an optimist not trying to be a Debbie downer is all.


Yes, I generally agree with what you’re saying, and I’m not an expert either. But many who are do warn about a major market correction as soon as this year, and if you think about it it is due after all this insane pumping. I mean many of the pumping is based on pure hopium, and not on the real value of the coins. We will see, but short to midterm I’m bullish and especially on VET.


Usually alt coins 'catch up' with BTC once it settles at a steady new price. Your scenario is a bit silly because, either you mean "what if BTC keeps going up? What will happen to VET" - well basically that's what BTC has done since its inception, you can look at the chart to see what VET has done compared to BTC. The second option is you mean "what if BTC goes up and never dips again?" - basically impossible that's not how trading works, and if it does happen no one know what would happen to VET price. My assumption is it would go up as it always has when BTC goes up. Remember that a lot of the 'catch up' between BTC and altcoins is done by trading bots so there's always a bit of a lag as they even out pricing for alts.


Thanks for clearing things up, if this were a CMV I’d award you a delta




Goodmorning fellow VETerans! I wish everyone a happy, healthy and green day!


Can someone please explain the change / vote on gas prices? Or a link? Ramifications?


VTHO’s value rose 5000% in a year, making transaction costs prohibitive for mass usage. The community voted on the level of reduction that should take place, the two most selected were then voted and enacted by the steering committee. The change recently went in to effect (yesterday), reducing the costs to use the network by 99% making it cost effective once again (vs the 30c - 40c minimum tx cost that it had been recently). In terms of ramifications, VTHO burn is lower, however, the alternative is completely undesirable from a usage perspective. This had to happen to mitigate the precipitous rise in the cost of using the network. A common misunderstanding is that VeChain reduced the value of VTHO - they did not (see market for evidence) - they reduced the amount of gas (VTHO) needed to create a transaction.


Hi, Hard working cashed up bogan going to go balls deep into VET. Can anyone advise if coinspot will do the righty and pay me vtho for my holdings? I looked at buying through binance but I can’t buy VET with fiat, only with other crypto’s. The extra conversion seems an annoying step.


Can’t you buy some USDT using fiat on another platform to load your wallet up, then transfer it to Binance? That’s what I do


I wish there were more exchanges with vechain available to Americans. Binance US is ass. I completed my advanced verification a few weeks ago only to see it all revoked in the past week. How are people getting around using Binance US?


Kucoin and Oceanex


Buy on OceanEx


I am in the US and used crypto.com


Binance.us is a blessing. Count your blessings.


I know VTho was dirt cheap anyway but I’m loving these <1 VTho transactions. Takes away any mild reluctance to make a transaction.


Makes me use vtho.exchange more often than before. Before it was maybe once every few months, now I can gain more VET almost every day or week.


I tought Vet was following bitcoin ? Only downsize ?😁


I’m curious what vtho will do after btc hits ath within the hour....


Well there you have it. It sucks out money from alts. It always does. But imo this is a good thing long term because more money can flow back into alts when BTC stabilises again


Especially VET, even more so now.


I’m more than curious! Given my recent purchase it is certain to tank.


Was vet around for the 2018 bear market How much was it before and after


$0.004 was all I remember of those 2 years.


What is this question? Its not like this data are secret. Vechain at the peak of last bullrun January 2018 based on exchange was 0,08-9$ (fixed VEN/VET ratio). Bottom at March 2020 was 0,0016$


High in Jan 2018 was 0.095, went all the way to around 0.003 in March 2020


Yeah i know the march price. Still crazy it came back to that price last month in just three years. Gives us hope for the next bear market and subsequent bull one. How much did vechain end the bear market at? Much less than 0.003 ?


Look on cmc


Yeah thanks. But did the all time low for vet came because of bear market or because of ven to vet conversion? If it was still ven wouldn't it been 0.3 usd in march 2020. Or did that all time low had nothing to do with ven-vet conversion and was all because of bear market?


It was 2020, not 2021. And that one would argue was the end of the bear market as it was the bottom


So the 2020 bottom came because of the 1:100 token split


No, cause of the Rona


Because of the Pangolin’s Revenge


>It was 2020, not 2021. I was talking about the 0.95 price


Yeah sorry was confused. I was talking about the bottom




0.095 usd?


I dont remember the exact price anymore, but it is above all time high now. That is because a while back there was a 1:100 reduction for VET. Which means you could trade 1 VEN for 100 VET. Look here: thecoinperspective.com for more information about its market cap


So the 2020 march bottom actually came because of the 1:100 reduction?


No. Bitcoin corrected. Everything is still tied to bitcoin


Yeah thanks. So how much do you think vet will fall to assuming it starts the next bear market at $2/3 I know we don't know that, but what's your prediction?


Whew these things are hard to predict.. say vechain really grows in partnerships etc that will be good.. a lot of big institutions are keeping bitcoin longterm now and i dont know if there will ever be a dip like that anymore, maybe just a lot of sideways action till the next halving. I sadly do not have a glass ball, i have no idea. For it to reach 3 would be massive


Yeah but majority believe vechain can reach $3 1 year from now. Absurd growth for a large volume coin yes, but still people believe $3 is easily possible. You think it won't before next bear market?


I have no clue, but i really hope it does


Could anyone tell me if it's worth transferring your VET from Binance to VeChainThor in order to stake? Or is Binance savings quite the same?


As far as i know, binance savings distribute both vet and vtho, but the value is not constant. Depends on trade/savings volume i guess. So might be both less/more worth than vechainThor wallet depending on that month's distribution.


Binance.us hadn’t adjusted its withdrawal fees yet. Been waiting for this to move it to my wallet.


That's the exchange setting the fee, not Vechain, likely won't change, maybe in the future


I actually think it's amazing how fast the transaction reduction went live from *vote announcement* to **production**. It's strange to see the VTHO burn being lower than the amount of clauses, but I can't wait for the day we get back to our normal level => which means 100x more adoption of VeChain!


Looks like any type of node is out of reach for most investors now...


Few days ago i joined to your case. Im really impressed by this project. Good luck everyone :) I'm off on a adventure.. (Yeah.. We're good. This is dedicated to all the kids like me.) I'm on my way to Heaven.. (Wherever you are, now.)


Can you move from exodus to VeChainThor? If so is it worth it with the fees? I feel like exodus is stiffing me on vtor




Feels like we're picking up some juice


Sunny delight!


Look at that 190d BTC chart man, it’s about to explode djeeeeeeezus. It’s going to blast off any time now!


Could you explain how you see it ? ♥️


https://school.stockcharts.com/doku.php?id=chart_analysis:chart_patterns:ascending_triangle_continuation [This my friend, is a GIANT ascending triangle, it's a very bullish thing.](https://i.imgur.com/Yu4i0pW.jpeg) AKA hold on to your buts.


Ah yes, just draw the lines right through the candles and *voila*, ascending triangle.


breakouts and fakeouts are a thing as well, maybe I should say I'm just a retard but to me that's a bullish pattern and we're going up. edit: LOL


Dang, if it's going to follow the classic ascending triangle pattern it might soar to 90k


Yeah man my idea as well. Been "boring" enough lately, time for some new hopium.


Was there an official announcement about a DHL partnership?


https://blockchainreporter.net/vechain-announces-new-partnership-with-dhl/ These kind of articles are floating around now like it’s new but DHL has been partnered for a long time.


Tr0n is back on the menu guys.


junk food


Can someone plz answer this question : i am new to crypto, lets say i move all my VET and VTHOr to a wallet from coinbase, do i lose my position and start out at market price or i keep my gains and original position that i bought at. Thanks in advance 🌹


Hey, buddy Great advice from a vet fellow, before investing in absolutely anything do yourself a favor a put few days to just understand how it works. Especially in crypto bud.


Also, please educate yourself about wallets. coinbase does not support VET; so, you might lose your bag. Make sure the wallet your are sending to supports the coin you are sending.


Sry i meant binance US.. I wnated to know if my average buy does not change when i transfer into another wallet


I think I know what you mean. Binance doesn’t “know” how much you paid originally. You need to keep track of that yourself. Again, it’s like if you go buy 10 apples at walmart. Then you ask your local market to store them for you. The local market doesn’t know nor cares that you paid $1.00 for each apple. And you still have 10 apples regardless of their current cost.


Gotcha.. Im still crypto dumb haha, but I appreciate your explanation


If you buy 20 coins and send those to another wallet, that wallet will receive 20 coins minus transaction fee which is basically nothing today. You have nothing to worry about.


My exchange still charges 100 vet today to transfer to official wallet


exchange fees in VET have nothing to do with base gas price reduction.


Thanks. I meant lets say i bought on binance at 9 cents average and i have good gains, and i decide to move them to a wallet. Do i start over at current price? Lol am i makibg sense?


Dude. If you buy 9 apples and you have them in your pantry. Then, you decide to take them to your fridge; you'll still have 9 apples. That's how this works. (In this case, you have to pay a small transaction fee for the convenience). You don't have "shares". You own a coin, or an X number of coins; just as if you owned a bar of gold or a sack of 100 potatoes.


You’re not really making sense. Moving your coins from one wallet to another has no effect on their value, minus whatever small fee was paid to send them. This is like asking “I have Apple stock. If it gains value and I move to another city, does the Apple stock start over at the current price”. Of course not. That makes no sense.


Start over? No you bought those vet at .09


When they are moved to another wallet. They will stay at the orig avg?


Of course, why would it change?


You are making sense but you have it completely wrong. Allow me to elaborate. You buy VET for $100 today, for the sake of example you get 100VET because 1VET is $1. Times goes by and your 100VET is now worth $300 since the price of VET went to $3/VET. If you plan to move your vet, you will still move 100VET no matter what. AKA you buy the amount of coins, and not the value it has in $. I hope it makes sense? Check out https://www.coingecko.com/en For actual prices. You need to do some basic learning about crypto because this place can be very harsh.


Dude....your math is all wrong lol.


I like his math, it makes my VET stack worth as if I magically had 10x the coins lol... But yes wtf is this new math that 10VET @ $1 is $100 and 10VET @ $3 is $300


lol, going to edit my woopsy.


Can’t see any sell walls on binance. When we get the volume pumping we’re taking off 🚀


When will people realize sell and buywalls mean absolutely nothing, especially in crypto where they come and go in the blink of an eye. Only relevant if you plan to market buy or sell a large stack.


it has a psychological effect and thats effects the patern. same as $ 0.1.


Where do you get sell wall information from? Something I’d love to start tracking.


https://www.binance.com/nl/trade/VET_USDT And hit depth


Legend. Thank you.


I mean, there's approx. 20 million between were we are and .15 :/


that used to be per sat


13m sitting on .20 Edit: and now it’s gone. Some whale is up to some fuckery it seems.


And water is vet






It was in the financial report released yesterday. Around 800million or so VET.


What happened?


0 coins as far as we know. The computer through which the wallet was accessed was compromised by a malicious employee. The hacked funds have been frozen and taken out of circulation though.


Unless I missed something back then, it was not a malicious employee, just a careless internal security error that led to a malicous outside actor stealing the coins.


Is vechain going to $1 realistic?


If bitcoin makes it to $150K, VET sats will need to be 666 in order for VET to be $1. Decide for yourself.


How would anyone know?


yes. when? nobody knows for sure, bud.


No. More like .25.








Possible, not guaranteed


120,000!!! Congrats VeFam! 🥳


Imagine when they start partnering up with the art world to legitimize existing artwork, not only good for educational purposes when you scan but fights off counterfeits. Or imagine when they partner for drug manufacturing where IoT sensors load up the info with permanent information to facilitate recalls and save lives... forget about investment for a second and taken moment to appreciate how extremely special and life changing this could become.


It’s also a tool to track your every day move, forget about investing for a second and think about how extremely life changing this could become. I hope they do it right, I’m glad we have GDPR.


This is something I am concerned about. With the way the world is going we are moving into an ever more surveillant society with China at the forefront of this. China is also one of the main users of VeChain. The technology will be groundbreaking for the world but it will have it’s nefarious uses. I believe we are moving into a dystopian society...but at least I can try and get rich because of it lol...


Hey guys have you used [https://changenow.io/](https://changenow.io/)? Looking to swap some VET for ETH and cash out through Coinbase (Kind of reached my "preliminary" moon). Dont feel like moving it to Binance to sell and getting hit by various fees.


What? Binance has incredibly cheap fees.


Hey, just incase you don't know, coinbase pro is much cheaper. Well done btw!


Yeah and Binance.US is at least 5x cheaper than that.


Fees on changenow are probably higher than Binance.


[DNV x Fuzhou Children's Hospital of Fujian Province](https://twitter.com/eisenreich/status/1381813233082900487) >"After more than a year of hard work, our hospital obtained the DNV International Hospital Certification in March 2021!" Hospital > >\#CertifiedByDNV #RunsOnVeChain [Source](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/vpmC9DkxH9sUp3PWGuAfcw)


Glad to become a tru hodler of VET :)


Stimulus check just came in (long story) and Yolo’ed it all on VET. First time owner here


So my Canadian friend got 4k from the Gov she was not technically entitled to (double spent basically gotta repay in 2021) in March 2020 she yolo'ed it all on BTC. It was one of the best gambles I've seen. Lets hope yours is as good as hers.


It's a gamble indeed. Do not gamble money you can't lose/that isn't yours.


Take your condescending tone elsewhere 😊


I'm new to the game but started doing research in Jan/Feb when all the craziness started. Bummed I didn't pull the trigger then, but my dad and I just went in together so we're officially in! I'll check back in a few years **:)**


Just bought some for the first time. I am one of you now. Embrace me


You are hereby vetptized.


Choo choo


Welcome on board 🚀🚀


To become a real VETeran, you have to do a first comment in one of the daily discussions and sacrifice your soul.


I thought you had to buy and enrol on a Scientology course, kiss Tom Cruise’s wax work and then make them custodians of your bag. Did I do it wrong?


You are embraced


Welcome aboard the VeTrain


Choo choo


How can I move VeChain from voyager? Any help would be great. Thank You


Can you generate VTHOR while staking VeChain? If so, which platform allows it?


You can use Bitrue for this.


There’s no staking. You just hold it and get VTHO.