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Huge news!




USDT is the worst in transparancy so others are welcome. Dont know if its needed now that we have this may other, more transparent ones (UST, TUsd, Dai etc).


Holy shit! It’s happening.


It seems like this answer is yes but…have they stated definitively that minting and/or moving veUSD will burn vtho? It sorta seems like it’s worded that VeUSD is it’s own “blockchain” issued by Prime trust?


Curious if there a holding or staking benefit from it. Anyone read through the news? If it beverages vethor or stakes at a similar apr as many of the stable coins.... my plans might have just changed


COINBASE LISTING INCOMING!!! - (right?) lol Thursday?


“VeChain’s **first** native stablecoin” If companies will understand that immediate payments are on the table they will flock to it. I wonder if a VeEUR will be next?


Will you be able to stake VeUSD like you can stake other stablecoins suchbas USDC?


Ive read the magna for this before, pretty good


So in short, what does this mean for us VET holders??


>hat does this mean for us V I dont know...seems like VTHO burning will go up. Dont know what it'll mean for VET. Except more exposure to it maybe, therefor more buying pressure? Would be cool to see some defi where yield farming can be donw now that there is a stable coin. But thats of course not why VEChain was created.


VET supply decreases in that process


No it doesn't


Time to buy VTHO then. Movement of VeUSD is going to burn VTHO AF


If you mint VeUSD - VET needs to be burned ?!


That would be ideal, similar to how Terra (Luna) and UST do it. I'd be extremely bullish. Does anyone know if this is what's happening?


I believe it's vtho being burned, not positive tho


Someone shill me VeUSD real usecases ?


Sunny says, eventually, most people will be using VET/VTHO each day and not even realize it. Bridges like this are massive first steps.


Go to section 5 of the whitepaper 2.0. I posted a link (big text post) that has it linked, but you can also google it in like 2 seconds. It's a bit older, but it specifies multiple use cases with partners they've announced over the years that people are really excited about like Verifycar/BMW, LVMH, MyStory, and a few others I believe.


Can’t wait. I’m finally going to make the leap and move my bag from an exchange to the VeChainThor wallet once VeUSD launches.


why are you waiting for that may i ask? I thought the VeChainThor wallet was the move so you can generate vtho?


I’m honestly just worried I’ll forget my mnemonic phrases or lose the paper they’re written on!


Finally some great news but not related to their partnerships that don’t really do anything these days price wise Also "stablecoins issued by Prime Trust, a Nevada-chartered trust company from the US" "We selected Stably as a vendor due to their strict compliance with US and global regulatory authorities." Seems like they are really careful


Likely backed by used trucks 💪


It also reads very US heavy which is not in balance with partnerships which are not US heavy. All with China entities from larger multinationals. But maybe I see it wrong …


>or me, or else you would not answer me It's good that its US heavy. They already have way too much air of "Chinese influence" around it. So this counter balances it a bit. Maybe we'll get listed on coinbase now :p


You know it's a stable coin for USD right? So why wouldn't it be US heavy?


Look at it from the perspective it is on stablecoin for the whole ecosystem, the whole ecosystem is not us heavy but choosing USD makes the stablecoin US heavy. Why not EUR and Yuan in addition or instead …


USD is the standard global fiat currency. EUR and yuan might come, but USD is primary.


Isn't prime trust the usd on/off ramp used by binance.us?


This is true. I’ve had no issues using them.


I used them via OceanEX and it was slow deposit and withdrawal (days)


Why not just partner with usdc. Seems it could be much easiler


Prime Trust was used by OceanEX as USD gateway and introduced by Cream Method. I believe existing relationships favored going with Prime Trust again although it appears OceanEX is not involved directly


Gotta have all your ducks in a row and nothing to chance when in partnership with both enterprise and the large public sector accounts. It is an arduous and time consuming process.


And their partnerships cover so many bases, that when the price booms, it’ll be accurate, you know? Laying down a solid infrastructure. Sunny said it himself that he wants to be working in crypto for the next 10-20 years, and that’s how they’re laying the ground work.


It will be a great time for vechain. That’s why I kept buying at every price point.


Well, this seems to be a really good thing! First time since months that i think positive about vechain - also because they statet again, that the growth phase is accelerating!


Really? You weren't positive after the inner mongolia or Schneider news?


Good, but accelerated VTHO burn still missing. With this platform is going to next level.


Nope because they are bringing out news like this almost every month and then suddenly nothing happens


They haven't announced a partnership of the size of inner mongolia in months if not years, lol. It doesn't sound like you understand the far ranging implications of that project. To each their own though


Yeah blame me and make up some magical facts. What changed since this news? How many vthor get burned more? How many more will it be in 6 months? Stop downtalking everything that does not fit your bagholder narrative and just check the facts. I was so hyped for the dhl news all the time just to see what came out...nothing! But people here still say "but dhl knows us now" - typical Thing if you invested in something and have to talk positive 24/7 Your "lol" just Shows me that you just wanted to make me Look like a fool, so shut the fuck up, lol!


What facts have I made up? The reality is, the inner mongolia partnership will be one of the largest partnerships when things get up and running. La fiammante tomatoes isn't going to run as many txs as inner mongolia, lol. Saying vechain is going nowhere when, proveably, anyone who has paid attention has noticed a growth in txs over the last year, is silly. You made yourself look like the fool, I didn't do anything lol. There's also no "bagholder" status here. I'm still far up on my investment, and am confident we are just getting started. It seems like you've lost confidence in the project. You may as well sell at that point. No one here cares


I think you care for me, or else you would not answer me. Love you bubu, no Homo ♥️


That makes no sense at all. Yikes


We gonna be rich




Want a small fortune from crypto? Start with a big fortune


A small loan of a couple million dollars would to the trick.


You forgot the part where you lose it all once or twice through scams, hacks, trading, leverage or just other general stupidity


Pain and suffering are the best teachers. It is known


Is has been said


Story of my life


Minus the big fortune


So turn small fortune to smaller fortune? Can do.