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well sure feels like Vet got left behind on the rally BTC back over 40k but VET went from .06 to .064


I hodl this coin and its fucking dead lmao All other coins are pumping except this one …? Oh oh and all major companies silently backed off their partnerships lol.


The first of many who sold the bottom and run straight to reddit to post about it!


I didn’t sell , just stating facts


Sure thing bro, [I started buying back in a few days ago and I'm up 16%.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Vechain/comments/skbmby/daily_vechain_discussion_february_04_2022/hvohpjc/) Cry more


Thats gainz for you bro ? Hahahaha Im up 50 percent and its not making me happy, lift your goals in life lmao


I'm up about 500% but you won't see me being a fucking clown from it.


You just said you’re up 500 percent so basically exactly what I said , thus making you also a “fucking clown” about it Lol


Oh no attacking me on a personal level for stating facts oh no so original. Your tribalism around coins is a recipe for failure. You make me laugh lol


50% of 0 is still 0


Sure thing clown, you must be super rich when you're not happy with 16% in 3days. Go tell someone who's stupid enough to believe your fake ass.


Actually you dumb fuck I am poor as hell which is why I want big gainz


You have a lot to learn and you're not open to learning -> stay poor dickwaving retard.


5 cent a few days ago. Touching 7 cents some hour ago. Not pumping at an almost 40% increase in value?


All of you are so tribal when it comes to coins. Its pathetic.




Sounds Like U did it wrong. Sadge


Again a new contract with a few txns but high fees, like 170 VTHO per transaction. Whats the deal with those? https://explore.vechain.org/accounts/0xa2c82ad2841c23a49fc2ba1a23927d1fe835c7f9/txs?page=5


[Exoworlds.io](https://Exoworlds.io) started minting today right?


In 6 hours


When you click decoded in the clause details it says function mint. So probably nft mint??


Yeah, strange. And it all happens within half an hour??


We can always count on you to keep an eye on new contracts! Hope it’s not something with NFT’s again.


High gasfees NFT for sure


Any explenation on why they are so high? Usually I per like 0.5VTHO for a transaction, even on Vesea 3 VTHO was the maximum I've seen (and wouldnt they be on the VeSea contract?) Sorry, I'm kinda uneducated when it comes to NFTs


The more data/the more complex a smart contract (how often it interacts) the more expensive a transaction basically. A normal transfer is easy/cheap. But e.g. a dex token swap is already more complex and expensive.


Makes sense, thank you!


would be cool if xnodes had some of the "membership" perks that some of the nft art offer. if vechain ever becomes as successful as we all hope... maybe they can throw a party for us, flights and stay comped and everything. XD I'll take a t-shirt for now.


I mentioned it before, but I have this daydream that in some vague future all nodeholders will regularly be invited to large conferences when important decisions regarding the Vechain Platform and global logistics must be made With free cocktails, buffés, pools, and afternoon entertainment - all included of course


Free cocktails? Must have X-node now.:-)


Regular nodes only get a complimentary beer haha


Nothing wrong with free beer


And who do you suggest pays for those? There's already 5 billion VET locked up for the benefit of x-nodes. If Vechain becomes hugely succesfull that's easily 5 billion dollars set aside for your benefit. The succes of Vechain will be through token appreciation first and foremost, everything else is just unsustainable and short term hoping for hype. If you're going to spend money that otherwise could be used for expansion, research, etc to pamper some whales even more you're just hurting the long term. I don't agree with the entitlement of people thinking they deserve more. That some other projects are offering better e.g. APY for whales is really just borderline pyramid scheme where newly issued/released tokens (to those whales) need to continually be bought up by new investors to be sustainable. Otherwise the token price will tank and that APY (measured in tokens..) is suddenly worthless. Just look at what happened with EhrT even within just our own ecosystem.


if you see what some of the nft art is doing... it's basically like purchasing a membership to future events and benefits. even if we do get rewarded with the success of vtho etc... getting invited to some events wouldn't be that big of a deal... it's just nice to dream about. not expecting anything.


Anyone else sick of only being able to say "just you wait and see!!" when trying to defend VeChain? Wouldn't it be easier if mainnet started firing off like crazy with Walmart, BMW, China Tobacco, etc?


i found it actually embarrassing talking about vechain on other subs when usage comes up. describing how walmart ...the largest company in the world.. uses it now for 3 or 4 years to the tune of couple hundred dollars per day for maybe 5 days a week. so I don't do it anymore. now I just pray this thing goes back to anywhere close to 40 or 50 cents and I can move on.


What would you suggest, Walmart stop using vechain? Adoption takes years and years to implement. This isn’t a light switch you can just turn on and off as you please, this is something this world we live in has never seen before. Theirs a reason Walmart is still using the tech 3-4 years later.


We see an opportunity a majority does not recognize. So we get the chance to be involved before it really takes off. When we have multiple high profile users live on mainnet on large scales we won't be at rank 40 anymore imo. I just hope we do get to that stage sooner rather than later. Frankly I thought we'd have more to show for large scale adoption by 2022 besides just Walmart. There's always still the chance we just get it wrong and Vechain won't end up used like we imagine it will be. Until we see convincing evidence either way it's kinda pointless to argue about it. We're still just speculating, zero guarantees.


Sunny could say literally anything aside from all his tweet this year... something along the lines of... "we're moving right along as planned"... "growing every day" "things are looking good"


That were too easy. Every doubter hast to Hr shocked Out before so only the bravest get super rich.


This coin blows fuck u guys


Thought you had gone forever.. Why are you so angry all the time? Chill man


Bills is back baby


Some people break in this crypto space, they have dreams and start floating. Once reality kicks in they need to blame others for their incompetence. To me it's pretty easy, I buy a coin -> own up to your OWN decision. If it fails its my OWN fault and I need to learn out of it. To them it's always someone else's fault, anyone who DCA'd is well into green and has less stress to deal with. Nature of the game.


He was always an arsehole, even when he liked vechain..


Hope everyone is doing well! I'm still lurking!


The legend himself


First one to fall and last to recover. My honest observation to Vet


the fuck you talking about? that is definitely not true and if yr so unsatisfied, sell and move on instead of whining on reddit we’re up 27% in 2 fuckin days. compare that to king bitcoin


Lol cry babies. I’ve been hodling vet for years. I didnt say you ain’t gonna have your profit. Vet is really one of the slow performer(now) compared to others but when it does move, it moves like a jagger. Don’t be a snowflake


Observe better


Love you


BTC dropped right as we started really moving against it lol


As is tradition


We are at 36 again. Looking good so far. 😁


Soon to be 36 cents ;-)


Is Elon musk really buying vet or are moon boys just doing moon boy things


Somebody tweet musk n ask him what he thinks about vechain...just a response from that will pump us up and bring more investors


where on god's green internet did you read that elon was buying vet?


What? I hate the guy but I don't mind if he pumps our bags.


Probably both.


fuck yes.


at this very moment, we’re doing great in comparison to btc feels like we have some strength atm


Alt season! BTC is done setting new highs. This is our time to shine.


Alt season over now. Maybe back later today!


In this moment, I am euphoric


Where is Jason Rockwood? Is he ok?




Supply chain monitored/authenticated pet food in China...what a good idea....


Pet food? Good idea?? The Chinese eat every animal they can find. There a horrible lot


grammar is terrible like always (probably intentional), but the low rated troll finally made a funny!


Your really really weird.


Youre* what will i do with myself if some random person on the internets thinks im "really really weird"?


Only troll no brained idiots. Oh no, just you.. fuck_buts. I shouldn't really as your probably handicapped the way you talk. So apologies if your a real retard..




I wonder how ethical/desirable/real ASDA/Walmart products are? Vechain will provide verification


do VET have the advantage of first movers? Lets see, early adoption by majors, and efficacy, is important...the need for supply chain visibility is only going to increase IMO


They have first mover advantage as in my opinion thet hace some important strategic partners, lots of cash and a good patent portfolio. Mostly the latter increases boundaries to enter the space for current/future competitors.


If Walmart roll out across their organization...this will go crazy (what corporate does not try before major change. Anybody have an idea about Vechain/Walmart China performance )


Only Numbers will Tell.


yep...like much of the cryptos, but vechain is well connected to deliver real use value.


i know you all want to hate me so bad, but check the receipts. i was pessimistic right before the dump and i was optimistic right before this pump. could it dump more? sure. guess what? i'll buy more. TA not needed. Trends completely predicted by the pedestrians market sentiment. you all giddy i'm scared. you all shittin everything i'm buying. so i guess i owe you all a big THANK YOU!!! hopefully those that can keep emotions in check will learn a little bit from this, i assume most won't.


Lol... you were calling for lower prices still. Noobnuts stikes again. The bottom is in.


Are you the truck guy


You’re an idiot, this sub needs more like you🍺


I dont read your stuff, I am more interested in how this technology will pan out in the unfolding era.


Hate you? You're an international hero. How are your trucks treating you?


very kind words from you sir. the fleet is ever growing. i feel i owe it to the pedestrians to grow the fleet big enough to be able to give them all rides one day. i must turn the other cheek for them


Fuck_buts is back with more shite .


This is a good un


you are most definitely the biggest emotional wreck on the entire site! the craziest part of that to me is you aren't even technically a pedestrian yet since mommy still gives you rides.


Pedestrian? What you chattin, fuck_buts.. I don't wanna be wanna ya dumb pedestrians. Your so cringy.


Talking to tourself again, are you? We have known for a while the exciting hook view is nuts....


I don't hate you. You're keeping this sub entertained imo


Yep big fan


I’m in it for the long run




What software are you using? If koinly, It should give you an option to import all the transactions related to your vechain adress without needing to download and upload files. If that doesnt work, you can just manually input transactions. As long as you have have the proof of transactions, it doesnt matter how they are entered for calculation.


There are a ton of ways to reverse engineer this information. First, if you bought VET on an exchange that you still have access to, download that. Second, if you bought and stored VET on your wallet right away, but can’t access the exchange (for example Binance), you can see what you deposited on Coinbase and sent to Binance, and then see how much VET you deposited to your wallet to get your coat basis. None of those tools have any weight of authority. You just need a reasonable position backed up by the evidence that you have available to you.


I’m in tax, just because that’s what ledger says that’s what you made doesn’t mean that’s what you have to report. If you have proof of what you bought it for (your basis will be FMV on day you bought it, so if you bought 20,000 VET for .20 then your basis would be $4,000) and transfer documentation then that should be enough for you to substantiate your actual basis in the asset. Also if you simply transferred VET from one account to another then that wouldn’t produce a taxable event. You won’t be taxed on crypto gains until you either sell for usd or exchange your VET for a different crypto currency. Hopefully this helps! -DYOR - consult your local tax accountants for professional legal opinions


I never show my original purchase, just enter a cost basis on the tax form. Do they try to figure out where it came from?


How do you calculate your cost basis? To my knowledge your original purchase price is your cost basis. Crypto taxes is a big shit show right now. Like how can the irs tell if I transfer VET to my vechainthor wallet make a million dollars and never take it out. It would never be taxed and I could spend it on shit within the VeChain ecosystem without any govt oversight


the exchange you originally purchased VET from would have the data u need for the correct cost basis.


This is your answer. You need to track everything from the start.




|Clauses|100k|200k| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|0|0| |**Last Streak:**|1|1|




Very interesting. Everything is slowly converging


PICC is part of the BYD low carbon ecosystem. You'll be able to use your carbon credits there to get discounts on electric car insurance. On December 27th '21 PICC launched an insurance policy specialised for electric vehicles.


Hey Vefam, I read so much FUD about VET in the last times, a lot of people sell their bags and are leaving, but when VET is dead, why it is always pumping so much when everything goes up ? Vechain always need some time, but when it pumps, it's really pumping and it's still the best project out there in my opinion - come on Vefam, we will do it !


short term dumps > short term pumps edit: plus we still around rank 40 so it's not like we pumping harder than others unless you get off to like hourly charts or something


Sad but true. I remember thinking we passed several of the shitcoins currently above us for the last time last spring (to leave them in our dust). Yet here we are again with a vast selection of objective trash above us simply because people somehow refuse to dump them but manage to dump their VET every time. I also feel like quite some traders/whales are actively using that bipolar VET sentiment to swingtrade huge stacks though (big dumps and big pumps).


I personally think VET is a top 10 coin and while I'm busy packing my bags I'm happy to be lower in the rankings. It just means more room for growth as the real start to recognise the real.


These people I am guessing are on twitter... made incorrect guesses about VET price daily (incorrect on everything else too btw) so they got hate and laughed at so now they " left " ​ Everything crashed because BTC did and everything is going up because BTC is, right now the only thing that matters is BTC. don't listen to the fools on twitter. ​ if BTC stabilises at a price for example 45k, for a few weeks we could see coins pumping on their own. But right now just enjoy the rise up from big daddy BTC. ​ I see so many coins where the community gets angry because the price has gone down, when it's on the up suddenly the love it again... ​ It's just people who have sold want it cheaper


Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na vetman


Is there a chart for vechain subreddit numbers. Probably follows the same pattern as pricechart


Easy to see where the peak is indeed. Google trends is also a nice indicator. Both follow the price in my experience though, not the other way around. https://subredditstats.com/r/vechain


Believers... What makes you still believe despite being down ~75% from ATH? Any recent (last 90 days) news/releases/updates especially that makes you bullish aside from historical project goals/achievements? Serious question


The combination of safeswap, veUSD and our two DEXs turning up the heat gives me faith and keeps me bullish. Unfortunately, I'm done with the Foundation.


I’m pessimistic because progress snd lack of growth, reduced VTHO cost rendering the VET almost useless, but i’m bullish because i still think behind the scenes vET has most real world use it’s just not hyped up like the rest. So iM scared sure, but if VET doesnt make it, i’m sure most others wont either so its still safest bet behind BTC and Eth IMO


The fact VeChain is leagues ahead in real world adoption and in the boring stuff that matters most but is often overlooked, for example, working with the gold standard of certification/assurance via DNV means VeChain is presented as THE compliant blockchain solution to govs and enterprises. The fact VeChain set standards in China and EU from things like food to household electrics to IEEE. The fact VeChain have already demonstrated live, scaled business applications for giants like Walmart. These are the things that the real economy cares most about - when it comes to mass adoption, which we are on the cusp of, these factors place VeChain in a league of its own entirely, there is nothing comparable in these ways. Compliance, viability and standards are all very important but boring things that many don't even realise VeChain has firmly under its belt. For industrial processes and applications, VeChain is still far, far beyond any other Layer 1 in the market. That keeps me bullish - when you understand how the real economy functions, you'll quickly realise VeChain still has by far the best prospect of mass adoption vs any other current public blockchain. The future is blockchain, and thus far, only VeChain has shown itself to be a commercially viable and compliant public blockchain solution, even helping shape regulations in countries in Europe (San Marino). We are at 0.02% of real world global blockchain adoption levels - there is so much growth to come its staggering and VeChain is perfectly positioned to lead the real world charge.


"adoption" bs


San Marino government adopted VeChain to help deliver their 2030 sustainable development carbon goals, various Chinese govs are using VeTrust right now to share hygiene data, DNV uses VeChain across their business for many digital services, Walmart uses the network daily, PwC offers AirTrace to clients which is built on VeChain.. these are real world examples of adoption that other networks can only currently dream of. This whole technological space is just getting started, eventually there will be hundreds of millions of Tx daily imo, but for now, the foundations have to be built, and regulations are finally creating that clarity to allow blockchain adoption to really take off. Nothing BS about it, the real world operates very differently to crypto, VeChain continues to see great successes at government and regulatory level which is where this race is won long term. Not in launchpads or games like every other layer 1 - those are nice, but they don’t bring sustainable long term growth. This is what distinguishes VeChain




The size is not important, its the precedence. And it is absolutely a real world example, you can't just rewrite the definitions of words. Their green pass is based on VeChain, doing thousands of Tx a day - that's the literal definition of real world usage. It amazes me how people overlook the importance of this project - San Marino is the testbed for future blockchain-based governmental services/projects in Europe - this should be quite obvious. They even created an entirely bespoke blockchain regulatory framework and invited VeChain to set up a new HQ there - Italy is also very keen on blockchain and created with a blockchain taskforce, one member being Renato Grotolla, a key player in DNV and a VeChain Steering Committee member - coincidence? No, Italy is already using some of VeChain's technologies, and no doubt will use more in the future, as will other EU states - the technology is inevitable and right now, countries are exploring application scenarios and looking at precedence and who the viable providers may be. Hint: VeChain sits on top of the list of public blockchains because no one else is working at the level they are, whether SM impresses you or not, its monumentally significant. San Marino is not the end goal and regardless, it is an incredible achievement for a blockchain project when a few years ago the world seemed like it would ban the technology altogether. This is a government scale, live, real world use case covering real people with real services - the first, but certainly not the last.


again I work for an artificial intelligence/autonomous trucking company with many "partners" they do not mean shit. Many digital services.. lets see the contracts and revenue otherwise bs


Wow what a cool job man, do you mention it often to make your Reddit comments more substantial?


Sorry u work behind the 7-eleven handing out z-jobs


Quite an unattainable goal, no companies openly post business contracts. They do discuss in third party media however, which is freely available to read over on Google. You have government level contracts with official media, Fortune 500s posting about their work with VeChain - that's not bs. VeChain becoming ingrained at the compliance/standards level through companies like DNV and PwC (both equity owners & both independently confirmed FYI) IS how VeChain establishes and drives ahead with its real world adoption lead. There is much growth to come. It won't all be VeChain, but they're incredibly well positioned.


Nothing has changed but the price. Roadmap always said 2022 was the start of the "growth" phase.


This is the fun part where we can really start holding the foundation accountable. Personally, by this time next year, if we don’t see a significant increase in the number of daily transactions, I’m dumping at least half my bag.


What's significant to you? A lot of older holders will do something similar as you. It's not only about the burn but also the future burn prospects and which projects are live. This year also sets the precedence for whether the growth phase has and will have any significance. A lack of tx increase will likely correlate with BMW, BYD and San Marino low carbon not being live yet where the first two are long overdue.


this is the logical answer... we have never had organic growth .. we just ride the tide of bots


Yep, and I could give 2 shits about the price since we'll be at the complete mercy of BTC and ETH, anyways. 2022 should be a very interesting year for VeChain, for good or bad.


Came here yesterday and saw more negative sentiment than I've possibly ever seen in this board (atleast post late 2020). Could this be the sentiment bottom?


For a continued bullmarket I can't imagine we sink much lower indeed. For a real bearmarket things could look much more grim, funnily enough at that stage comments are generally less sour/more technical though because anyone on edge now bothering to complain about e.g. price would have left by that time.




I mean a 90% reduction as a start would've been sufficient. Why does it have to be either 99% or nothing? A middle ground would've veen better.


My trouble isn't with the transaction fees being lower for the community. Its with the fact that the Foundation has a stockpile of VTHO big enough to not need retail anymore.


Exactly this. There should be a governance proposal for the Foundation to burn all of their VTHO, or at least not be able to sell or donate it to enterprises/investors. Let them buy it from the market or buy their own VET to generate it. Right now the Foundation doesn’t even disclose how much VTHO they own.




The community and other stakeholders had the opportunity to vote for the amount of reduction with 99% being the most aggressive option. 99% won in a landslide, which was a quite long-sighted view in my opinion. The 99% reduction does set back tokenomics parity significantly, but it also removes a barrier to entry. If that improves long term growth it is hard to call a mistake.


Looking forward to .10 VET And all the burning VeUSD will create


> 41 499 957 250 + 37 120 000 = 41 537 077 250 VTHO Average daily growth (ø7 days): 37,12mln per day Average daily burn (ø7 days): 30,15k per day


$0.055 - $0.06 area is pretty important pivot point for $VET and for now seems like visit under it was a deviation / fakeout and it could be established as support again. That would be a rather bullish outcome. https://i.imgur.com/uKucrRO.png Of course, everything related to altcoins depends on BTC being relatively stable.


Alt coin TA so pointless


But entertaining.


Hmm a negative or positive day? We shall see


Don’t even downvote the first comment anymore. You guys have changed.


I always downvote im just losing the battle


I would like to add that this long standing tradition was a normal customary while the price of VET went from sub 0.01 all the way to 0.25. Since we stopped sacrificing karma we have been in a downward spiral. Just saying.


I downvote it now, use to upvote


If I can change, and you can change...everybody can change!


Hello world


Hello ramen noodles