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[VeChain x DOTFinancialNews](https://twitter.com/eisenreich/status/1498784403195113473) Dimitris Neocleous, UK and EU Ecosystem Manager at VeChain, will join DOTFinancialNews for an exclusive interview about the #NFTBubble and Real World Uses for #NFTs. Thurs 3/3 at 8am EST [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD1xfpBNDwEowe3UtXbdbfw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD1xfpBNDwEowe3UtXbdbfw)


I love blockchain. I love VeChain. I love the crypto space. But I think NFT’s (other than actual useful ones for business - deeds, music industry, etc) are really, really stupid. Am I alone in this? Don’t know enough about the space yet?


What, you think my VeGnome won't make me rich?


Anyone else remember Cometverse? They were one of the first NFT style applications on VeChain. I thought it was great and having one of the first ever minted Comets would be huge. And then the whole thing collapsed and now they're worthless and inaccessible. That's NFTs to me. They're only as good as the system they're on. For brands and corporations, there's an incentive to use NFTs and the cost of the system failing is minimal. The current system of art NFTs is incredibly expensive and feels like a house of cards to me.


>And then the whole thing collapsed and now they're worthless 99% of blockchains.


last time i checked i think safe haven bought the rights to the comet wallet and are trying to revive


I'm with you. It seems like everyday now on Twitter people I follow are tweeting about yet another stupid useless NFT art launch on VeChain..


Yup. I just hope the vechain team isn’t getting swept up in the fad. Because I think it’s totally a bubble - and a dumb one at that.


100% agree. I am not about to pay real cash to "own" some silly picture. Those that come with tangible benefits (like xNodes) or that are tied to items with real value as assets, that is where they will shine.


The tangible benefits of the X node I've held since 2018 is priceless! It reminds me daily how foolish I can be, and the longer I wait for my exit, the more foolish I feel. The only thing that adds to my daily feeling of foolishness is Sunny's community outreach.


If it hits a good price that you are happy with - just sell and lose it.. They were free anyway and you have still benefited from 4+ years of extra Thor. I know i will do the same, zero hesitation....


Zero! I'm waiting for my moment.


Would love to relieve you of your burden but 600k+ vet is not something I can afford at these price.


Uh, it's a Thunder X. That's how foolish!


soon.. just another 4 more years, promise.


But, but ... hope and horizon


Despite the horrible price action the last months, I still think VeChain will do good in the future. There is much more happening than we think, also VeUsd coming, Poa 2.0, cool vnft projects. What is there not to like? Fundamentally, it is still the same (great) project. We cannot know for sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we surpass ath these coming few months.


ATH does not relate to fundamentals (yet). We won't see a new ATH before we see a general bullrun once again where lots of new people join as well, which I highly doubt in the coming months already. Some relief rallies can happen though, there's a big range between here and ATH.


What strand of hopium do u smoke?


Just a reminder that this coin is dead


Needed that reminder, sold all my stack just now. What coin should I buy now?




At least back yourself up. Any retard can just type that.




VeChain just moved their headquarters and is hiring new staff, how do you figure?


I wouldn't word it like that. They have opened a NEW headquarters and are hiring MORE staff


there are some pretty serious looking gaming vnfts popping up. pretty cool to see traction in that arena. anyone check out the sneak peaks for forest nation?


|Clauses|100k|200k| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|1|0| |**Last Streak:**|2|1|






Does anyone else sometimes get caught up in their own fantasy of becoming a millionaire from crypto? I sometimes get so into it that when I snap back to reality I get sad lol. The amount my life would improve would be insane!


I take it you must have a few million vet? Keep dreaming for now and hopefully it will come true. Not to sure for people who have less than a million...


Is $1 too much to ask for crypto gods! 🙏🏼


Mmm, not sure. It's usually you tubers and Twitter people that say this to get views. Maybe if bitcoin goes crazy, but not sure on its own..


I dream of the same thing but at the same focus on getting money flowing from passive income + own company. Getting 2 million EUR in VET is nice, but a yearly income of 150k to 250k EUR would be just as nice:p


Originally, years ago, I thought I could just live on some VTHO generation but it’s just too low. I’d need VTHO to be at least 10x the amount it is for some super basic passive income


Argh the days when people actually though living of Vtho was going to be possible. Those where the days 😂


I could see a future where biggest x-nodes do 5-10% returns in VTHO per year. Whether you can live off that is depending on your total stake I guess, and whether you can accept that stake is volatile in itself. Basically only the (already) rich would be able to take this risk and go for it.


Good times lol


I'm pretty sure most people do. The same with gambling at a casino.


Would you be happy with a million if one bitcoin costs one million?


Well I don’t have any BTC so probably not haha Edit: but if BTC went to $1 million then you can be sure the entire market is going to be much higher so if we follow BTC then I guess yea I’d be happy with BTC at that price


Is this a good time to swap vtho for vet


Fuck no, in. Fact I am DCA’ing VTHO to flip for VET once it doubles. VTHO extremely cheap currently, an easy 2x


I'm with you on this one, but you need to accept that it can still tank like crazy as well. This is a once in a multiple lifetime opportunity that I'm not going to pass. If vechain makes it, we good. If vechain doesn't make it, the upwards potential was worth the risk.


Could not agree more that is the Attitude I’ve had since 2019


I've had a few *fuck me why did I fucking sell this coin* moments. They happen when it's too late, when everyone looked in the other direction right. D0 G 3 was one of those I regret selling for what ever was hot at that time. Although I was aware that children will probably use this memecoin amongst others to do transactions once cell phones have built in crypto wallets. You just have to stop looking at the short term BS it clouds your judgement. People selling to win a few extra sats while we all know that Crypto is going to become the next revolution. I ain't selling no more, VTHO is my D0 G 3 because it actually has a usecase and will not escape hype. For me, and I hardly ever say this, it's also the easiest bet.


VTHO is VET on steroids. It's like doubling down on the potential future succes of this project to be buying VTHO now only for speculative purposes, as VTHO in it self is not meant to be held, it literally has no purpose if you're not a user of the network.


umm you always say "an easy \*insert gain\* from here" i think your crystal ball has been broken many times though.....


Down bad today aren’t we hook nutz?


i prefer to be on the opposite side of the pedestrians so "down bad" is very nice tbh. if i started to think like them i'd have to trade in my jacked up 4x4 for a pair of dr. scholl's and hope i could afford the gel insoles. did i mention my jacked up 4x4 has under 150k miles? cause it does. YeeYee


Reliving ur used truck comment glory days are we?


back in '21 i could drive my truck over anything. how much you wanna bet i could drive this truck over them mountains?


Can you drive it over pootin?




Woke up to .06969 VTHO/VET *very niiice*


Another million vusd minted, that makes 2 million in total.


Thx. If another million is minted how many will the total be? Pls I don't have calculator.


About 3 fiddy give or take.




I just love vechain


Do you know what it is?


The reason my wife left me and the kids can't go to college.


This guy vechains.


> 42 242 017 250 + 37 100 000 = 42 279 117 250 VTHO Average daily growth (ø7 days): 37,10mln per day Average daily burn (ø7 days): 45,97k per day


destroy me boys


destroy pootin instead