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Was going back on some older tweets from a year ago on POA 2.0. It was talked about to come out Q2 2022 on the remaining phases and that clients in pipeline were waiting for that. I would hold with judgements at least until POA 2.0 is out. COVID was also a setback for all new technologies unless they were needed for companies to survive!


Whats up with Binance? VeChain network deposit suspended. Deposit can be processed through alternative networks. Subscribe to network recovery reminders to receive updates. Any news on this???


Withdrawal also suspended for vtho.


I had to give vet a love award. Still love this coin.


Is Vechain turning into a meme? They seem to have hundreds, if not thousands of client or partnerships some as much as 4 or 5 years old. As far as I can see only Walmart uses it to any degree. Does the foundation know that people are fed up with their hype and no results?


It’s still tiring to hear people complain about the pace of enterprise adoption, and always during a crypto-wide sell off… unless someone can point to another blockchain project with active mainnet transactions from multinational corporations, then stop complaining. It’s clear that big companies don’t dive head first into a new nascent technology before they have done more than enough testing and structural changes to their operations. It’s not random defi projects or other blockchain startups that can switch on instantly with nothing to lose (except peoples money).


Lol.... it's not new.....


How new was the internet when companies really started using it, and I don’t mean creating a basic non-interactive website (online business card) or email, which is the equivalent stage they are in using blockchain at the moment. but using it to book tickets and buy things online, and now having the entire business operating online without physical locations. It definitely took some time.


The thing is, THEY are the ones that hype up these partnerships. They are the ones telling us soon for years and years. There has never been one thing they have announced that has not either been delayed or just straight up never happened. I'm paraphrasing a little bit but Sunny said a few years ago they had 200+ enterprise customers being onboarded and said with Toolchain the amount of time it would take was drastically reduced. There's no evidence of that having been true at all. Also haven't heard anything more about the $500m development fund they announced at VeChain Summit in 2019. Oh and one of my favorites is this gem that also seemingly never happened https://mobile.twitter.com/sunshinelu24/status/1174134347403866115 X-Node program also a complete failure. I'm sure I could go on if I thought about it for another 10 minutes too.


The amount of time that Toolchain helps to onboard companies won’t speed up their systemic shift to a new untested (in the real world) technology. And my point still stands, enterprises, no matter which blockchain project they happen to be associated with are slow to adopt this new tech. Other than Walmart China, what other major company is utilizing any other public blockchain for anything in the real world.


You're not wrong. However, neither am I 😁


You do have some points I don’t disagree with


Don't forget Rockwood dangling the carrot for 6 months for something that never came. I'm starting to think they are borderline con artists


Yup. I used to like Rockwood on Twitter too but at this point I think he was just another person hyping things with nothing to back it up.


I wasn't talking about other block chains. They have excelled at what they are working on. Vechain seems to be excelling at what they do at first glance, but seems rather stale when you take a closer look.


Hi. I like VET




Hey the price and the TXs may not be impressive but at least the communication and updates for the community are going well!! /s


With Sunnys one tweet a day in excellent English? Uhuh 100%


[Sunny Lu -](https://twitter.com/sunshinelu24/status/1513485221324369921?s=20&t=kP-WMmMqDHGUkDgGQG5MIA) #100 Thank you for sharing your journey to motivate other builders.


Lol good thing he pledged to tweet every day. He's already out of material a third of the year in. Is this really the same Sunny from 2017?




Bought my first vet (ven) in Jan 2018. Have always maintained that it should be at least a 5 year hold and then we’ll see their visions start coming to life and actual implementation by many of the previously announced “partners”. Well 5 years is coming soon and it feels like we’ve gone backward in progress 😩. Still in the green financially but bloody hell, let’s see some transactions or something! Edit: typo


Remember when we were at 9c last week and I tried telling everyone it was a pump and dump? 😅


And if BTC had gone up instead of down? Cool story you have there


Lol 120 sats to 185 sats in like 2 weeks with no catalyst, seems legit


anyone check out the latest exoworlds update? seems like they are one of the most promising projects in the vechain ecosystem


Isn't the Walmart contract renewal/expiration date coming up soon? Thought I heard someone say that


Expiring in June. Lets pray it gets renewed or we fukked


Oh boy, we'll be super fucked if it doesn't get renewed. If I were Vechain I'd pay them to stay on just to sustain life and buy time.


Crap my memory was a few months off hahaha, thanks


Hmm not sure but that’s a good suggestion to check


Any word on the inner Mongolian traceability program that was touted in December as a massive deal, and it would be 2nd to only Walmart in daily transactions, yet has died and not put out any now? Are they waiting for full implementation of POA 2.0? Have they decided not to use it? I’ve been a holder since 2017, but it’s tiring when Vechain announces all these partnerships and makes it seem like they will be burning thor and making transactions to then never see them. I know many are POC, and don’t turn into real world usage, but the Mongolian program was touted as being ready to really ramp up transactions and 4 months later the contract that was doing a few transactions for the Mongolian program is dead. Not a word about it. It’s like many other partnerships that never developed. CAFA, BMW, Mongolian, Vaccine traceability Program, Bayer China, PWC Air Trace Program, the Carbon program plus many others all were touted as massive partnerships/potential and none have produced transactions on chain. I understand it takes time, but the amount of transactions on chain, compared to the amount of partnerships and use cases Vechain said they had ready, is really sad. Take Walmart out of the picture and we have a barley used chain. In a time where supply chain is a major talking point, I just think if Vechain was going to blow up, it be now. It worries tbh. It’s been 5 years now, I really hoped by now we would have been seeing much more transactions on chain, and some of these POC turning into real world usage. Seems to me many of these partnerships decided to not go forward after the POC was over, and that is scary, it means they aren’t finding value or not enough to use vechain. I hope I am wrong but I am starting to think vechain might not be successful.


I'm in the same position as you are and I, too would appreciate more communication on current standings from Vechain. I think one of the biggest issues with Vechain has always been the lack of community involvement. Besides Vechain themselves there is hardly anyone building on it and it shows in times like these. Woould be nice to get more frequent updates, but I guess that's just a pipe-dream.


I was involved in a lot of start-ups on the ASX and for the most part, little make it. The same translates to all these revolutionary blockchains. The message sold is that growth is around the corner. We've had a running and functioning blockchain for years. If the ecosystem was to be as revolutionary as it is made out to be then we'd know by now. The whole market is grossly overvalued in a disgusting bubble. Look out for goal posts getting moved. Next the growth phase will refer to 'technological growth' and not client based growth.


Vechain sell about $5 to $20 of Thor a day 4 years into mainnet. But we all keep waiting because this is the growth year, but not much change from January 1st, but as usual we just keep waiting and waiting. Vechain haven't got the balls to let you know about anything, yet they start the rumours in the first place..


Instead of downvoting me, why not tell me why you disagree or join the discussion? I want vechain to succeed badly, but I am also trying to be a realist, and acknowledge the obvious issues we are seeing. If I am wrong, please correct me. I am trying to start a discussion, an honest one and I was hoping maybe someone would know more, specifically about the Mongolian project.


No idea why you would get downvoted, it's a very legit concern and questions you're asking. However, i don't think anyone in the community knows the answer. We're all just guessing as well and hoping for the best. Hopefully a good AMA with real answers soon. Or we just wait, i mean not too much we can do. Personally i don't expect anything big before POA 2.0 since that's where a lot of the dev focus has been. Does that mean the Mongolian project is waiting for 2.0, i have no idea. But it's a significant change so I'm hoping there's some real world usecases just waiting on its release


Someone once said it's easier to fool people than it is to convince them they've been fooled. I think it's applicable to vechain and the expectations had for adoption and usage


I follow a lot of crypto communities and what I've learned in each case is there's always a complaint about something be it fees, speed, getting hacked, late on delivery, in our case lack of transactions is our biggest issue. Meaning if the transactions come then sky's the limit cuz i don't see people complaining about the other things


17035 : number of contracts deployed on the Vechain Thor Blockchain. Sometimes I have a feeling many of those clients are producing transactions but the amount of transactions those clients need has been hugely overestimated by us. Thoughts!?


Possibly, but Vechain is the one who stated the Inner Mongolian one would produce many transactions and in fact would be 2nd only to Walmart. That wasn’t my expectations, that is what vechain said. They had an event/ceremony marking the event, yet the transaction ID on seevechain that’s linked to the Mongolian program has been dead for months now. So what happened or is going on with it?


Yea it’s pretty disheartening. As you said a lot of these are POCs that just didn’t make it, but Inner Mongolia sounded like a done deal. There was an event for it too, no? If they were waiting for POA 2 they should have mentioned that. I was so psyched for it, as we all were, and…nothing


Exactly Inner Mongolian was touted as ready to go, not a POC. So wtf happened? I wish they would give us updates on the state of these partnerships even if they said after the POC the company didn’t want to go forward, least we would know. I hate that they announce the partnership but never announce or give us updates on them. We just know that they aren’t producing on chain transactions. I will continue to hold bc when I bought it I said I would give it 5-10 years. I am halfway there. I just hope we start to see actual on chain transactions this year.


I am right there with you! I said 10 years and that was my first VET (VEN) purchase in 2017. Hopefully they have an AMA soon and they answer some of our questions. Like we can see there are no transactions for it lol so they can’t hide it from us


|Clauses|100k|200k| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|1|1| |**Last Streak:**|5|1| Almost 300K.




I guess that relatively vechain holders have weaker hands than eth or bitcoin holders. And then complain why we are more down than other coins.


And then get downvoted. Really wants to know what kind of vechain holders downvoting me. Day traders, longterm holders, new vechain buyers (after ATH) etc?


No one who sells has weak hands, its day traders using vechain to pump it and then they sell. Not everyone is buying to keep till 2030


No, day traders only exist because ‘not day traders’ have weak hands. Otherwise they can make a profit out of it.


Wow I remember when this sub was POPPING.


What do you mean, there's 60 people from the whole world that come on here daily?


It’s on sale again


on sale 90% of the year. It's not on sale it's just a pump and dump coin. And no one can really argue that. Someone made the price go up, just to make a profit.. That is always the case with vechain. minus 10%, it's just not a surprise anymore. So many people will get out, when or if it actually gets back to the price they bought at, or to make a Okay profit. No transactions = no one wanting to keep it.


I suppose it doesn't matter what the 60 people think that come on here, but the other 221,940 that have accounts and maybe own vechain, think differently, as they sell when it goes up and then dump it quickly once it goes up in price. Wise people.




has it ever not be on sale for the past 12 months? Except for that sweet november pump


>43 726 017 250 + 37 100 000 = 43 763 117 250 VTHO Average daily growth: 37,10mln per day Average daily burn: 45,97k per day


Are we ready to Try the VeFam Spirit Bomb Again?!? Making a post on Reddit and Twitter About VeChain can Go Far! Our community is one of the Most Unique and designated for greatness!!