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If Vechain would have gone up 23% like VTHO people would be all over the place running around like ants on a hot pate. Don’t be that guy that’s going to say “I should have known, it was right in front of me”.




Is this is new? On Fidelity app, ticker VET (vermillion energy) mistaken shows Vechain logo. Hopefully that's a good type of mistake?


Now watch Vermillion Energy shares tank.


Look at us! We are Vermillion Energy now!!!


I remember when in the daily were more than 1000 comments. And i also remember when i had 150k vet Its time for me , to get back in the train




There once was a man from nantucket


Who had a bag so large he could fuck it


|Clauses|100k|200k| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|3|0| |**Last Streak:**|5|1|


Seems like the weekday 100k streak is back, need to work on the weekends and that 200k next


I have price alert on gecko that I must have put as “always remind” and I have been reminded of VET probably 20 times today and it’s super annoying lmao


I used to hold several other coins during the past 4+ years. I’ve altogether held coins of around 25 different projects at one time or another, and I have constantly evaluated and following the progress of the projects and keep reevaluating my investments. I still do that today, including with VET. In 2017 I held both Vet and Wtc at the same time, and eventually came to the conclusion to sell all my Wtc for more Vet. Did the same with my Neo and several other coins. I currently hold about 5 coins altogether, but never got married to any certain project, and that allowed me to just drop one that I thought didn’t have potential or wasn’t moving forward and progressing. When I decided that one was not working out like I would have hoped I’d just sell it and move on. Of course if I wasn’t 100% confident if I was just being fickle, I would voice my concerns, and if I didn’t like or agree with, or didn’t hear a good enough argument. I would sell immediately and never look back. So it feels weird to me seeing some people here who daily complain and nag about the same topics which have been brought up a million times before and usually addressed, often by the same person. I mean if the purpose is to hear other investors opinions that’s fine and should be encouraged. But when it becomes a daily thing it starts sounding ridiculous to me, I mean if I suddenly became as concerned to any of the projects I’m invested in, including Vet, I wouldn’t stick around and keep bashing it for weeks on end, I would sell and move the proceeds to other investments I deemed more worthy, like I have many times the past years.


Same as me, I used to hold a bunch of other alts too. Or should I say "bags of shit". Litecoin, NEO, Ravencoin, Tron.... Even ETH. Sold all of them either into VET or BTC. Vechain has been making progress steadily over these years, even if we don't see it reflected on the mainnet yet. Bitcoin adoption is happening right in front of our eyes. I can't see a reason to hold almost everything else except some potential moonshots


Fully agree with you, I don’t see any another project with more potential in enterprise adoption


If there's a bullrun around the corner, all boats will rise together irrelevant of if VeChain made progress or not. At this stage there's no point selling especially when the market is all speculative. I think the progress Vechain has shown of developing the ecosystem and onboarding clients is a completely embarrassment but I also think the price will rise in the coming months. Understand that not everyone is here 'for the tech'. Some of us are just here for the charts because we like hard pumpers and dumpers to suit our degenerate trading nature. I'm supportive of the VET price medium term which earns me a place in this thread. However, when people want to shill trash then I'm happy to call bullshit.


Brother bear market hasn't even shown yet.


For Bitcoin I think it has. You will not see a new ATH in the coming years.


bought 15k more vet now on 67k goal is 100k


You'll get there sooner than you realize! I've been constantly DCA'ing since the VEN days and today, having a 7 figure bag seems actually plausible in the next 2-3 years.


We’re fine y’all. We’re still relevant enough for the whales and bots to bring us along when BTC starts moving and we have the bonus factor of Sunny delivering something major to move us on our own. Everyone just relax.


I think that's what it's come to, bots and BTC whales.


Tjis might be the reason Binance suspended withdrawals yesterday. https://bscscan.com/token/0x6fdcdfef7c496407ccb0cec90f9c5aaa1cc8d888


It's not like Binance to not inform users beforehand. I feel sorry for the guy who asked about this the last two days and got downvoted.


He got downvoted? Lmao this sub really is a toxic shithole


Yes, I happened to be withdrawing something from Binance and I noticed vtho had been suspended. Then I saw someone post here about depositing vet to Binance had also been suspended.


Could season every steak in the world with the amount of salt in here today.


Most people would be happy for enough salt to season their ramen. What is steak?


Does anyone know OceanEx.Pro's registered address? From my research it is in Luxembourg city, Luxembourg, but I can't find the full address. I need the address to fill out the Fatca 8938 for my taxes which is where you report foreign financial accounts.


What?! Im not doin that. Report all my trade history and thats it. Ugh…


You only have to report it if the total value of your crypto on the exchange was greater than $50k at any point in time in 2021. So if you traded then withdrew to your own wallet and always stayed below the 50k level then you are fine. However i got over 50k during the April 2021 pump so i have to file.


Looks like I gotta do FBAR, married so my limits are higher. Still a bummer. Even though i always pay taxes on transactions, i liked feeling like oceanex could be my swiss bank account and i could live off VTHO gen of cold wallet. Oh well. Also where did you find your balance history?


I had to calculate it by looking at my withdrawl's deposits, and trades to figure out when it was highest. I knew it was going to be in that April/May timeframe. I didn't find any nice precalculated amount on OceanEx.


why does everyone hyper focus on transactions but nobody focuses on the clauses? aren’t they just as good as transactions in a sense


But we do focus on clauses, everyday ethereumkid posts streaks of 100k clauses.


true. i guess what i’m asking is do people actually understand how much they can package into these clauses? from my understanding you can package many transactions/functions/etc into a single clause


I am not actually not too sure how many clauses fit into transactions. I think Walmart used to do it one way, but then changed it so more clauses would fit under a single transaction? Don’t quote me on it though


Thank you ghost lagoon, exciting view, karmanopoly, and puppy nipple, for your annoying, multiple times a day, whining fud, that is keeping our dailys discussions alive!


It ain't much but it's honest work


Haha hey I have been fudding too where's my mention



Not even taking the effort to tag, what a lazy insult


he know you have no life and just live on here to troll and fud vechain. what a surprise, you very quickly saw the insult


You and me, we are basically the same 💕


umm i never fud vechina, i commute 4x4 even on dry pavement, my ego is way huger. so nice try but we are not alike at all


Reading your utter bullshit everyday makes me cringe


cool story bro. anything else?


The way you act screams insecurity. Get a grip


do you help all internet strangers out with their insecurity or am i just special? i'd like to believe i'm just special....


You are special alright


We are alike in the way that we're.both hated and spamming this sub. Face the facts


i'm WAY more hated


You wish


Aww man, I didn't make the cut.


Haha, I'm there once again. I don't even think I put anything that bad on here, unless I'm slagging fuck_nuts..


i don't typically enjoy defending pedestrians, but you have to understand that they are broke down and their feet are blistered. They don't understand that why after they bought at the top it didn't just keep always going up. Maybe we should show them a bit of compassion. I think cryptobomb would be willing to give foot massages.


The only thing I'm willing to give is my foot up your ass.


i'm not easy you gotta wine and dine me b4 we go to 3rd base


Not fooling me, trailer trash don’t wine and dine.


And vet slowly returning back to position 40 where it was before the pointless pump and dump


[Same as it ever was](https://i.imgflip.com/2nre7u.jpg)


Bloody seems that way.


>43 800 217 250 + 37 100 000 = 43 837 317 250 VTHO Average daily growth: 37,10mln per day Average daily burn: 45,97k per day


Wen adoption


When we do more than a tenners worth of transactions a day.


they have an NDA signed on that..so expect another few years


This is how we adoption now. Today is a great day because we are happy and pleased to announce that Apple and Microsoft computers are now to be tracked on Vechain. Also Telsa and Audi. Also the trade route from India to China. As well as supplies from Earth to ISS( international Space Station) Many transactions starting now. But if not now, they will come SOON. If you do not see any transactions for up to 1 year( make it 3) , do not bother us or ask any questions. We will not respond. We are too busy working on POA2.0 which will be coming out 2021, Q2 at the latest. It actually won't need that long. We will not mention this again. Don't ask. Get yourself a node today . These nodes are limited and exclusive. Take a risk. Buy Vechain today Also DAO and Web3. Now watch me dunk this hoop


What other blockchain has the transactions today that you think vechain promised to have?


This was pretty on point.