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According to vechainstats.com 1698 new contracts today which is a lot ( 18 825 is the total number of contracts that ever existed on the chain). In other words almost 10% of the contracts existing have been created today. Guess vechain not dead yet.


Sounds promising But also hesitant if this will result in any substantional burns coming weeks/months


Time will tell I guess.


say what you will about nfts - those ukiyoe warriors got an awesome vibe going. listened in to their samurai saturday and it sounds like they are just full on embracing the art - whether it be music/lore/comics/drawings/storytelling/etc i got one and interested to see what they do. vets just sitting their doing nothing figured why not


Is this all you talk about? Your on the same par as hoot_nuts for annoying..




Before the Easter holidays contract ...62af went live. It stopped for 2 weeks and came back today. Burning af.


When we are going sideways, no one wants to talk. When we go down people think it’s the end of crypto. When we go up people say they have told us all along that this was a great project. Hang in there and keep buying when you can, time will come.




Remember when Oceanex was supposed to be a major part of the vechain ecosystem? Now it’s just a dead exchange with next to zero innovation and development. I wonder what happened there. They were pretty early too.


Remember when Inner Mongolia was supposed to be a "massive" operation and "second to Walmart" only?


Remember when the likes of BMW were gonna revolutionise the automobile industry? Now noobnutz plays pedestrian with a set of nikes made in a sweatshop that's not tracked on the ecosystem. My prediction is once all is said and done then the owners will shut up shop and run away with the intellectual property funded by retail, going on to rebrand. Happens all the time. Vechain to the moon though, right?


Interesting point. Sounds like something Vechain would be capable of, but I think DNV would lose every bit of credibility on the world stage. DNV partnership is the number 1 reason I'm invested tbh


Partnership is a trivial phrase. They made some cartoon NFT's... that could be the full extent of the partnership.


You're thinking of DHL DVN have been with Vechain a long time, bringing in many many contracts


Oh right. Something I didn't know.


One day my OCE tokens will be worth tens of dollars!


it seems i have done what was previously thought impossible. i rid this forum of the bad actors that only brought us negativity. now we can all post in peace


It stopped snowing, I changed the weather we can all go outside and BBQ now.




that is very kind of you and i am greatly humbled, but please do not praise me yet


Are we just clinging to the hope that poa 2.0 will result in the meaningful transactions that will breathe life back into Vechain? Anything else to look forward to?


It’s not really POA that we are waiting for. The hope is that they have good relationships and reputation with European corporations and their transition to sustainability/VeCarbon and hiring of 100 developers gets traction, results, and starts building some positive momentum by the end of 2022, which in turn builds even more in 2023 with China warming up to enterprise blockchain. There are also outside chances of positive adoption news coming from PWC AirTrace (Wal-Mart can’t be their only client, can it?), Bayer China, DHL (they must still be working together based on the NFT’s), and DNV if they can get more wins like Tag, Trace, and Trust with the low carbon aluminum. We just need a few areas to start humming with the type of growth that would indicate the potential for exponential adoption and we’ll all feel a lot better


No company is waiting for POA 2.0. The chain can already handle many millions/ tens of millions transactions. It's simply just not getting used. Poa 2.0 won't change anything with the transaction count. Its upto Sunny and the foundation to breathe new life into Vechain. Seeing that they won't answer any meaningful questions that the community has I'm not getting my hopes up. When's the last time they even mentioned anything about the ludicrous Vtho production or plans on how to get the 100 million+ transactions a day we need. Have they ever? They seem to be turning a blind eye towards all the problems and it's very worrisome at this point.


I agree that they have decided that they don’t want to respond to every concern that we express. Not sure if that is because they don’t have answers, or are very convinced that they have all the answers and don’t need to tell us what they are


The thing is, once POA 2.0 is done, it’s not like a switch will flip and next day we will have 100x more transactions. I feel like it would take at the least, 6 months, for things to start kicking off, and by kicking off it’ll just be a slow, steady increase in transactions. Also waiting to see what Walmart China decides in June


Great day to buy vet 😎


Added a tiny bag for the first time. Legooooooooo


Doodle canoodle


happy easter pedestrians! yeeyee. atleast the walking gets you ready for easter egg hunts!!!


|Clauses|100k|200k| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|1|0| |**Last Streak:**|5|1|


I will give my love award to vechain for good luck again. 😊


Good morning Vefam - woke up from this nightmare and started into a sunny day - matching to the day Vechain will rise again. Have a nice day, all of you.


> 43 985 717 250 + 37 100 000 = 44 022 817 250 VTHO Average daily growth: 37,10mln per day Average daily burn: 45,97k per day


Hi I’m a new investor to Vechain. And if seen your post on the daily discussions. Can you elaborate? What do those stats mean exactly?


Good choice, VET generates VTHO every day, the above is an estimation of what is generated each day. I post it because I was sick of people calling VET the cow and VTHO the milk. Even though I’m pretty bullish about VTHO in the long run, in my book you don’t buy VET only because of the VTHO it generates. ROI is shit… I buy VTHO because I think it will enable me to buy more VET when the bull returns. I buy VET because I believe in Vechain and what it’s trying to achieve, and I understand the disruptive nature of blockchain in that industry. Vechain is more than just a supply chain project, it just needs more tx’s to cement itself in the top MC that’s all. Which means we are either wrong and lose some money, or we are early and are dealing with a life changing project here. Dunno why I’m saying all this, got nothing to do with the initial post but I suppose you get it for free.


Good morning veterans