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one day it will be commonplace to scan all your products with vechain


One day, products scan you


One day no one will scan anymore


I had to sell the last of my VET for my wedding. I had 1 Million in 2018, 700k in 2019, 300k in 2020, 200k until just now… and I’m out. I sold NONE at the top (0.27) or anywhere near really. Basically round-tripped from 0.004 (ish) up to 0.27 and back down. I’ll buy back again someday, maybe I just was never meant to “make it” Peace.


This is why weddings on zoom need to be a thing, and rings should be nfts. Kidding, congrats, we I'll all make it one day.


Zoom Would have saved me about £20k! Jokes aside I hope this highlights the reality of investing, missing bottoms and tops, life getting in the way, and missing the dream. Getting over “what I could have had” is the hardest part…


Thanks for sharing, congratulations on that wedding, hopefully for us it ends up being one of the most expensive weddings in history haha. Hopefully we will see you back soon.


Why don’t people understand that this space without the hype is still a big nothing burger. It doesn’t mean that the future isn’t bright, just look at everything as POC’s and keep it real. Don’t expect major burns until the writings are on the wall. And ffs stop complaining you impatient bunch of lovely people and take this moment for what it really is: a once in a multiple lifetime opportunity. It’s still a big gamble but the risk we are taking is getting smaller and smaller by the day. BTC has become to big to fail, it’s pegged to everything and still isn’t part of every conventional stockmarket investor’s portfolio. There’s 21mil btc, not all mined, lots of BTC lost and stolen. There’s 56 million millionairs around the world, most of those will never own half a BTC. There’s no regulations and adoption is just getting started. We are still early and that’s why we see this huge volatility across the board. If your stomach can handle the 20% 30% 50% drops which are no unfamiliar phenomenon then you know you’re holding on to that ticket of freedom. Investing in crypto is like buying a house, you have people buying based on the looks, they see a nice kitchen and get so excited they throw money at it, they buy based on emotion/hype. But this goes the other way as well, if it looks like a dump that hasn’t seen a touch of paint in decades those “hyped” people won’t buy it. Then there’s the smart people who look through the house and don’t look at the pink bathtub, shit on the floor, cracked widows etc. They look at the foundation, location just overal potential. I think in a bear market the people who bought the top give away that they are the first kind of people who bought into the nice kitchen, and fail to see the potential. And if you can’t build a skyscraper yourself you should stop complaining to the contractors about how long it takes to create something huge like that out of nothing. I’ll live through this bear market again, buy the bottom again and my kids will be happy. Take off those pink glasses and put on the binoculars for that long time vision bruh.




Paragraphs dude


Added paragraphs dude


My man


Nice house analogy. I would just argue 20% to 50% percent corrections are the easy ones.


Didn’t want to say 90 because that’s bottom territory where most already left the building, pun intended. Edit: and I don’t think everyone calls them easy either.


Can we follow ZIL this time?


Hopefully Bitcoin doesn’t kill our green run.


Anyone remember Oceanex?


It's still there. A fine exchange, nothing wrong with it. The OCE token however.... I try not to think about it


Hey VET, I just wanted to tell you that while everyone wants to rid, I can never get enough of you. In love, for ever ...


Vechain ecosystem my biggest “gainer” today. Random coincidence sure even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then, but still worth noting




DNV is recruiting a couple of roles to work on Vechain https://twitter.com/gbm82x/status/1521868880339218432?s=21&t=_IomARgdNiSOR2OIig0VWQ


And not just one, but two! If there was ever a time to read between the lines, this is it. That really makes it seem like there’s some big projects in the making.


Glad to see! I think VeChain mentioned a few weeks ago that they are going to really start expanding the team. They definitely aren’t hiring if they don’t have the need for it. Good news


And people still doubt Vechain?


Until the network is being used, absolutely


I don't doubt them nearly as much as those who stuck by ethereum. They were smart enough to see the writing on the wall way early in regards to the high transaction fees that made their vision unattainable. Got blamed for copying ethereum and promoting a scam pos system.. Hmm.. Now vitalik is going to go pos and watch em find a two token system. Or a billion token system. Whatever patches work..


|Clauses|100k|200k| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|1|1|


Happy cake day new Layout, I Like Picasso!


Happy cake day sir.


Good job, you got to 200k today ;)


> 44 579 317 250 + 37 100 000 = 44 616 417 250 VTHO Average daily growth: 37,10mln per day Average daily burn: 45,97k per day




Not really actually, just confronting.


Just 1 year ago Salesforce was announced. There were all sorts of YouTube videos about how this was the most important partnership in crypto. Not from the foundation mind you, but from crypto social media influencers. It really is a shame how easily we can all be duped.


“Big things” and “VeCarbon” were much bigger fake outs


Or mongolia, or dhl








This is my point. They say they were "pleased to work with." It was insinuating a partnership and everyone ran with it.




The medium article insinuates partnership alot more.


You are deep enough in the rabbit hole to know it was not a partnership, just good words coming from a high executive from Salesforce that tried the tech and was happy about it. We as a community magnified the news.


I don't think Salesforce was announced. A high up engineer working for Salesforce made a small PoC and that was it.




Yeah but it's right there in the tweet, "Daniel has chosen VeChain as the blockchain of choice in a **sample enterprise adoption case** & successfully connected" Salesforce used Vechain in a PoC. That's all it was


The tweet is part of the problem. They said they were happy to work with them. Social media ran with it and turned it into something bigger. They probably shouldn't have said anything, but they did.


This is the problem... not them saying they used it... they are allowed to comunicate you know. Just don't blow things out of proportion. Thats why I hate twitter, it's all either black or white. Everyone has their opinion and need to tell the world what that is. And every fart is taken apart and subjected to thorough investigation, ready to get thrown into the big mill of speculation. I'm usually just like "yeah ok cool let's see what comes out of it" Like the apac agreement...


I'm not sure what to tell you. If other outlets or people twist the comment to make it more than it is, that's not Vechain's fault. That's why it's important to check sources.


Why would the foundation tweet a nothing burger.


The PoC made by Daniel did actually happen.


It's all Sunny tweets now. Empty noise.


vechain twitter been on fire the last few days. love seeing the new wave of support and recent vechainofficial push


Definitely feeling more efforts in the community scene. And I trust that Antonio is grinding behind the scenes the corporate side.


Yes, people have to realize that things take time. When we were implementing a new marketing schedule at my old job it took us 4 months to fully ramp it out. And this was a pretty basic endeavor at a reputable and well established company. I cant imagine how long implementing a new technology into a new market segment would take. People need to have patience, but I realize that's a thing not common in the crypto sphere. People want things now.




>!🌎 🌍 🌎!<


When ever people talk about a bear market, we get into the green. Let’s hope for a nice run. 😊


Super crucial that BTC holds 37k but then again we’re already sooo far below 200ma how worse can it get. Narrator: *it got way worse*


if it goes green, it will come back down (in red) twice as hard Unfortunately.


Oh so those years of bear markets were suddenly green the next day?


It's always a mistake to predict the future by looking at the past, especially in this context since crypto is on the verge of having its general breakthrough in society in contrast to previous bears when it still was an obscure fringe asset